Avatar of Lady Absinthia


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Happy International Women's Day to all the fabulous female Gm's and Rpers out there
4 yrs ago
Bond, James Bond, 007. You can never be replaced and will be deeply missed sir. RIP Connery 😭
4 yrs ago
Major Congrats to all my peeps in The Walking Dead - We have reached the 5 year strong milestone!!! HOLY SHIT!
5 yrs ago
If things get real bad and you have to resort to cannibalism remember: Vegans first, they are the closest thing to grass fed.
5 yrs ago
March didn't come in like a lion... It came in like a T-Rex with PMS, and hemorrhoids, wearing barbed wire undies....


✾ 𝙻𝚊𝚍𝚢 𝙰𝚋𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚊
Keep moving forward ۩
⚘ A Brief History
I've been at this a long time and when I say a long time I mean a long long damn time. I started out with table top, ADnD, back in the 80's, then dived into others: Nightlife, Mage the Ascension, Shadow Run, HoL, etc. Moved onto Online in the 90's. I've been running various incarnations of a single RP group for twenty years now. Worked helping setting up, building, and/or admining/modding various RP forums over the years: Adventure Quest, Priston Tales, War Gods, etc. It's been a long road filled with ups and downs. I'm an evil GM, you've been warned.

Outside of RP, I am a mom. Yup, I've reproduced and there are little Lady A's running around plotting their own take over of the world. I am a published author and once upon a time an award winning poet. I've done a lot in my life. I haven't done as much as I would like. I've grown a lot. I have a lot more growing to do. I love to cook, baker by trade currently. I went to university and majored in Mathematics. I've programmed websites, worked as a model, worked as a 3d modeler. Shit, I even used to dance. And have been known to sing a bit. Jack of all trades. Master of like 3, lol.

⚘ Looking Inside
This is where I go into my personality. In the past I would normally make some self deprecating remark about how I am a bitch of a GM, pushing my rpers as hard as I push myself and so forth. Not anymore. People change, or perhaps they just come into their own. This can happen at any age. More than that it can happen several times over the course of your life as you discover and rediscover yourself. Everything happens for a reason, usually that reason is ones owns actions. Or inaction's. Right now, I am in a better place than I can remember being in the longest time. I am happy and at peace. I have no regrets. Maybe I should but I don't. I plan on keeping this peace I have found, I went far too long without it.

Currently I am enjoying several things. Some are things I have enjoyed most of my life: Coffee, chocolate, bacon, M*A*S*H. One isn't something I have enjoyed since I was seventeen: being clean and free of poisons in my system. It is beyond description and I love it: One-hundred and twenty days and counting. Music taste is shifting to more mood oriented than anything, strange I am finding a lot of newer Country I am enjoying and I have NEVER liked country. Watching things like Lark Rise to Candleford and being hooked to the point of reading the trilogy. Recently added yoga to my workouts and all I can say is, "Fuckmaste: the fucked up in me accepts the fucked up in you."


The first step is scary.
Take it anyway.

Current Roleplays
Resources and Tutorials
My Main RP Peeps
Everything Else

Most Recent Posts

@Sigil - You are clear to post for Gil here now.
@Morose - You are clear to post for Andy here now.
@Dragoknighte - You are clear to post for Gio here now.
@Nallore - You are clear to post for Sophia here now.
@Natsu - You are clear to post for Bart here now.

Now, you four are coming in together from P.E.- you are not appearing anywhere near the others currently - list your location as "PE Fade Between" for now. There will be more information provided down the line.

As with the other Rps - you can call for rolls in chat, you can post one at the end of your post as well. Double check the skills listing in the 0th post of the CS tab for skill explanations. If in doubt of what do to - just ask.

Counters - do not reset - they go off that characters last post in their previous RP. If confused, just ask. I will post reminders in chat as per usual.

*Roll requests can be made in chat or can be left at the bottom of your post for results in the next update. You can get a roll during your post and add another in the update at the bottom of your post! Ever in doubt of what to post, just drop me a message and we can talk.

Babylon Fortress, Cairo, Egypt: October 6th, 1924 -> Places Unknown

Special Note: That Haze will remain until further notice, so make sure to keep to it. ^_^

Down the rabbit hole you go, or more accurately through the portal you move. Gio steps through first, leading the way. Sure, it may have been more chivalrous to allow the other to move through, ensuring that each of them were able to move through in case the portal closed directly behind Gio. Then again, maybe it was better for him to step through first for who knew what lay on the other side. One could try to make a specific pin point in place and time for them to come out at but with the world seeming to fade both in and out of itself, who knew where they would land. What lay there? Two warring tribes deep in the Serengeti a thousand years before? On the shores of Normandy during WWII? The battle of Thermopylae? Perhaps a ship bound for South America in search of treasure? A desert town at high noon? Perhaps in the ruins of what was once Earth just below a ship as it was set to take off to a world unknown to them today? They would end up at least somewhere on Earth, right?

Perhaps, or perhaps not. For as Gio came through the shimmer and haze and glow of the portal to the other side he found himself on a worn road of dirt and dust and gravel. It could have been any road in the middle of the world where there no signs of civilization other than the road itself. Hip high grasses swayed in the breeze on either side of the road, lush and jaded green that seemed to shimmer with dew on their blades. Above the skies were covered with billowing thick gray clouds and a flock of dark birds off in the distance. The terrain rolled gently, soft hills. There seemed to be nothing in either direction save a single tree lush with leaves just at the end of vision; one tree at one end, another at the other if one were to look. Both looking the same.

Just where were they? Again, it could have been anywhere rarely touched but the road was worn, well worn, footsteps leading in both directions. Some steps looking as if they chose one direction and then moved in the other, changing the mind. As the last followed through, the portal closed abruptly. It crackling where it was and sending a jolt of static electricity through the air, enough to make the hair on ones arms and the back of their neck stand on end. The air seemed empty and the place seemed peaceful enough. For the Emendators, it looked nothing like they had known before or seen through the years even though it looked like it could truly by anywhere. The Emendators would feel a faint pull though, in a direction. The source of the pull was far away, so far away but it felt as if it was at least level with where they were now and not buried deep below. Was it Eve? Was it Nancy? Someone else like perhaps Siduri? It was too far off to tell but it was at least a direction.

*And that brings us to the end of this portion of Paradox. It is hereby merged with Tartarean Strands. Your next posts will be over in T.S. - Characters cleared for posting will be updated in the T.S. IC. We will resume here once the Rp's unmerge.
@FantasyChic - You are clear to post for Josephine here now.
@Rivaan - You are clear to post for Mosi here now.

Now, you four are coming in together from DttS - you are not appearing anywhere near the others currently - list your location as "DttS Fade Between" for now. There will be more information provided down the line.

As with the other Rps - you can call for rolls in chat, you can post one at the end of your post as well. Double check the skills listing in the 0th post of the CS tab for skill explanations. If in doubt of what do to - just ask.

Counters - do not reset - they go off that characters last post in their previous RP. If confused, just ask. I will post reminders in chat as per usual.

Tartarean Strands: Chapter 1

Date: D-Day of the Collide

What happens when worlds collide? So many have hypothesized over the centuries. Wondering if one world would be able to take over another, would they both find their demise? What would happen if time merged? Others have postulated but still no one exactly knows. Can the world itself handle when all the pages fold together into one? Or does everything shift into a place where time really has no meaning. It is said that time is relative and it seems that is true. Every thing cannot exist at once but perhaps a space, somewhere, beyond, can allow temporary housing for the times? For the time? No matter what one might think, one thing is for certain, something has happened and it if affecting more than just a single place in a single time and it is causing havoc for all. Where did they all go? We don't know. All we can do is follow the ones that are here but how long will they remain? Or will they fade away like so many others? I guess only time will tell.

DttS Fade Between

A shot fired, a city appearing, the world giving away to a time elsewhere, or was it a time before. What questions are there? Oh so many. That means many remain. Where did we leave off? Oh yes, somewhere in Egypt. Sometime, times? There was a boat, a deck, looking out over the Nile, towards a city that wasn't there just moments ago but faded into view. It looked familiar to one or two, at least if one was to compare it to a description they had read about before. They hadn't actually seen it with their own eyes. No one had, not in several millennia. It was nothing more than a legend, wasn't it? Perhaps not, because they had seen it. But now it was gone. Everything was gone. Everyone but them. Just two of them for now. One marked, one nearly marked by death if the bullet hadn't faded away like the man that had pulled the trigger.

Whatever plans they had to seek help, or equipment, or even another breathing person was cut short as the world faded more. The colors of Egypt in the fall, the sands and grass and waters and ship were gone. Everything was shades of gray and black. A haze rising up, not like the haze before that seemed to disrupt their vision. This was more of a fog, like a dank English summer that rolled by and cut through the landscape like pea soup. Thick and sticky. It rose up in pillars from the ground and towards a black sky. Was the sky black? One couldn't tell. That same fog that seemed to roll over the ground rolled across the sky. Everything was still and it seemed so silent. Too silent.

Save for a few crackles. Was that a fire? Perhaps. There was a light. Several of them. Burning from something in the distance. And then the fog rolled in such a way to reveal what it was. It was torches burning within what looked to be iron cages. A jutting of black rock coming from the ground and someone standing there. Wait, where your eyes playing tricks on you? No, the fuzziness you were seeing it gone and you can see the details of the bones with perfect clarity. A skeleton, standing there, in worn robes, unmoving, a scythe in a hand. Like it had been set there as a warning? The robes were worn or were they? Or was that bandages? Like a mummy that had been unwrapped partially? It shouldn't be able to stand like that should it? No, bones should call to the ground when not being held together by flesh and skin. It shouldn't be standing there...

Evelina Lucas

Location: The In-Between: Shores of The River -> Evelina's Cave
Skills: Sword

Grunting, Evelina pulled and drug back on Faith. Repeating for her to wake up and fight. It seemed that the woman was listening. This was good. Evelina let go of Faiths waist as she came to and started to fight for herself. Pointing to the shore as she kept swinging at the dark hands that were coming out of the water for Faith and now Evelina. Where the hands coming from under the water or where they the water itself? It didn't matter. They seemed intent on getting a hold of both women and dragging them below the surface. Slowly, Evelina stepped backwards, swinging her sword down and left, bringing it back up, then swinging it down and right. Cutting through the water. It didn't seem to damage the hands coming for her but it did seem to cause them to retreat, even if only for a moment. A moment was all they needed. this obviously wasn't a fight to the death, just a fight to keep from dying. Better to retreat and fight another day. Or another year.

Traipsing onto the shores of the river and then fully out of the water, Evelina took a few deep breaths and wiped the back of her hand beneath her nose. Her eyes out over the river. The place looked desolate. Nothing but browns and grays and shades of black around them. The land was dry, with jagged rocks and cliffs and plains around them that were barren. The river itself was black and settled down quickly until it looked like a sheet of still black silk. The sky was just gray, like over cast on a dreary winter day but the air was moderate. It didn't seem warm nor cold but felt both at the same time. Coughing slightly, Evelina slipped her sword back through a loop that hung just below her bodice and in an essence sheathed it. It was only once the water had finally settled she risked looked over towards Faith.

Evelina's eyes went over Faith, her brow quirking as she saw what the woman was wearing and more so that she was carrying some soft of carpetbag. "Yeah, well don't expect me to buy whatever the hell it is you are selling in there. I don't need a set of encyclopedias," she said with a slight smirk on her lips. Turning she looked back from where she had initially run from. "Come on, we need to get out from the open. It isn't safe," she said as she started trudging towards one of the cliffs that shot out from the ground. It was hard to tell but as they got closer it was clear that there was a cave there. Inside there was a small fire burning and what looked like where Evelina had been camped out. There were markings on the wall, carved into the stone. Single lines that counted up to four before being crossed out. Hundreds of them lined the walls. Sitting down, Evelina pulled her boots off and dumped out the water in them. "Glad to see you still have fight in you, the souls are unforgiving when it comes to one invading their territory."

Kyra Altham

Location: DtB Fade Between
Skills: Alertness, Tracking

One foot in front of the other. Walking. It was something she did. There was no particular reason why. It wasn't like she had anywhere to go, or anything to do. Yet she did anyways. Roaming. Perhaps it would have been safer to just hunker down somewhere but there was no point. One could go mad just sitting and waiting. And just what were you waiting for? Nothing of consequence. It was the same thing, day after day, year after year, decade after decade. If such things even existed in this place. She had stopped counting so long ago it. It didn't matter. She had become rather apathetic during her stent in the In-Between. There was no one to lead here, no quest to complete, no payment at the end, no family to return to or search for. No, things in that world, in that time, had ended for her. Rather abruptly. It wasn't expected and it wasn't welcome but at least it was over. She had stopped missing the sun on her skin or the way the moon light reflected off the river long ago.

At least she wasn't alone. It wasn't the same, he wasn't the same. Neither was she. They had to learn each other again. Over the years they had bonded. He, unlike others, did not try to rip her flesh from bone with his jaws. It had taken time but now, he was the closest thing she had to a friend and companion in this place. Not that she hadn't run into others, other she could speak with, but she didn't care to. She had him, he had her, they had each others backs, and he seemed to be willing to walk with her anywhere. The walking, it was what they did. Until they stopped. His ears perking, as her head snapped to one side. Looking down at him, her brow quirked. "You feel that?" she asked. Her lips didn't move but the large grey dire wolf standing by her bobbed his head. "Follow it," she added.

Jogging, at a moderate pace. Nothing strenuous but enough to pick up pace. Adjusting her bow that was strung across her chest as she did. Her long white hair flowing behind her. Stopping, looking at the air. It seemed to crackle and haze. Was that smoke? The smell of sulfur in the air? The canine growled slightly and she nodded before they kept moving. That was until something came into view. Or someone. No, not one someone. More than one someone. Several someone's. That made her stop, fully. The wolf stopping next to her. That was odd. She had seen people before but they didn't look like this. These were different. They seemed to fade into existence from nothing. The woman had stopped around twenty feet from the new comers, her head tilting to the side slowly with a blank expression on her features. Her eyes traveled from one to the next, stopping at the Mexican. She looked down at the wolf and nodded before looking back at the weathered angry looking Mexican. "He says you smell like a pugilist."
March 24th, 1823
*Roll requests can be made in chat or can be left at the bottom of your post for results in the next update. You can get a roll during your post and add another in the update at the bottom of your post! Ever in doubt of what to post, just drop me a message and we can talk.

Special Note: That Haze will remain until further notice, so make sure to keep to it. ^_^


Gretna Green (Church): Okay, we got a lot going on with this so let's see if we can cover everything. William tried to attack the beast the last round but had to take a step back to avoid the tendril/arms of the beast. Constantin is able to move in and take a strike at the creature, he manages to catch one of the arms that tries to go for William. It does some damage, or at least what the group is assuming is damage when he darkness of the creature fades some.Yet, he is thrown back some as the creature strikes Constantin. Where it hits Constantin on his forearm burns.

Vlad's Mamushka isn't helping much but he is skilled in the art of throwing knifes. He has to be with his act. And he is able to get a knife thrown into the creature and it embedding through the beast and into the alter below. The creature is beginning to lose its grip on Millicents throat. Virginia remembers that Millicent dropped her sword to attack the creature earlier. She won't be able to attack by the end of the last round but she is able to retrieve the dropped sword and get close once again. She will be able to take an attack this round.

Maeve is moving like the wind and gets up to the creature, able to pin one of it's tendrils/legs down on the edge of the alter and strike it with her shillelagh. She isn't sure if it is helping. The tendril is pinned in the shadow of the alter but the creatures grip is loosening more and it seems Millicent is able to finally take a loud gasp of air into her lungs. Millicent is struggling to get free. Colette has gone from sassy French Lady to Aww hell naw Bitch it seems as she grabs a large candle stick and rushes to the altar. Striking the beast dead center. The beasts grasp finally releases from Millicent.

Millicent manages to land on her feet. Her throat looks like it has been burned or that she was hung. She is gasping for breath but reaching into the folds of her clothing for one of her remaining throwing daggers. She needs something to fight with. Ny moves closer during all the chaos but doesn't try to throw his knife again, afraid if he misses that he might strike one of the others. No, he feels it is best to hold for now until an opening presents itself. During all this a tendril manages to strike Veta and sends her flailing back against the wall. Yet she recovers quickly and begins the prayer again, with far more aggression and fierceness to her voice than before. The artifacts are starting to glow now and she is ushering the white lights from them up. She still needs more time though.

@Sigil - You are clear to post for Caesar here now
@Dragoknighte - You are clear to post for Mali here now
@Nallore - You are clear to post for Riley here now
@ONL - You are clear to post for Robert here now

Now, you four are coming in together from DtB - you are not appearing where Faith and Eve are - or at least you don't know where you are appearing yet - list your location as "DTB Fade Between" for now. There will be more information provided down the line.

As with the other Rps - you can call for rolls in chat, you can post one at the end of your post as well. Double check the skills listing in the 0th post of the CS tab for skill explanations. If in doubt of what do to - just ask.

Counters - do not reset - they go off that characters last post in their previous RP. If confused, just ask. I will post reminders in chat as per usual.

Date: Monday May 23rd, 2017
*You can call for a roll before you post or you can leave a roll request at the end of your post and your results will be placed in the next update. You are allowed to get a roll during your post and place another at the end of your post.

Special Note: That Haze will remain until further notice, so make sure you keep to it. ^_~

Grimm, Indiana (Tinder House): The dice keeps bouncing until the creature seems to fade away. As it fades away, so does the world around both Mali and Robert. There seems to be in a fade in from elsewhere. There is a man pinned under a door (Caesar) and a woman standing there looking panicked and worried (Riley). As they are fading in, so the world fades out. It is looking like a dry and sandy world with a haze in the sky and rock formations jutting up around in the distance. It feels like a barren wasteland. Thankfully it doesn't seem hot or cold, just there. The air is stagnate and odd, tingly as things shift.

Grimm, Indiana (Asylum Outside): Caesar has to be like the Kool-aide man, I swear. Checking his stats, making a roll, and a Nat 20 coming up - Caesar is waking this round and busting out from under that shit like a Mexican Possessed. I guess it shouldn't be surprising since we have seen the man make a door explode while carrying a bottle of tequila and wearing fuzzy bunny slippers.

Riley is left with Caesar and Cecily for now. Thing is, Cecily isn't holding on for much longer. She is starting to fade as well and quickly. She won't be around long. To Cecily it looks like Riley and Caesar are fading away before her eyes. It is all truly confusing. The world around her seems to be going to glass. Riley and Caesar are seeing something far different. They are seeing an older gentleman (Robert) and a rather built woman (Mali) fading in near them as the world starts to fade away. It is looking like a dry and sandy world with a haze in the sky and rock formations jutting up around in the distance. It feels like a barren wasteland. Thankfully it doesn't seem hot or cold, just there. The air is stagnate and odd, tingly as things shift.

*Both Groups: Those moving characters over to T.S. will be posting their next posts over there now. You are officially done with DtB and moved over to T.S. now. I will update the list now in T.S. for approved characters. Morose, just the bow out post for Cecily at this time, she is in the fade now and is fully faded just after the rest vanish. Where'd they go, she doesn't know, they're gone. O.o Cecily's will be the last post for DtB until we resume after the merge is over - somewhere down the line, lol.

Deeper Than The Sands

Date: October 6th, 1924

*Roll requests can be made in chat or can be left at the bottom of your post for results in the next update. You can get a roll during your post and add another in the update at the bottom of your post! Ever in doubt of what to post, just drop me a message and we can talk.

Special Note: That Haze will remain until further notice, so make sure to keep to it. ^_^

Boat (Sun Deck): All other persons on the boat seem to be gone and the scenery is changing quickly. Your full update will come in the next T.S. update. At that point you will be posting over there for Josephine and Mosi. You are done posting here for both characters. ^^ So just hold tight for the next T.S. update in a couple of days.

Athribis (Underground): Gene is trying to figure out just what in the hell is going on and how to keep from fading away. She doesn't know what is going on but looking around, taking into consideration things she has seen in her past and things she has been a part of she is figuring that in truth, everyone is fading away and so is everything. It is just that those fading off to places elsewhere are fading together. It is almost like watching someone step through a portal or stepping through one herself. It looks and feels the same. Maybe this is an old friends work and it is showing oddly because of everything going on. She is still feeling that pull but it is coming from different directions now, as if it shifted. It is still pulling in the same general directions but now seems to be shifting on a third axis now and going down.

For the rest in the Underground, more and more is fading away around them. But it doesn't seem to be being replaced by anything, more like it is being erased, the world itself around them. And once can still hear voices but the voices now are garbled and as fuzzy and hazy as your surroundings. There is no single voice coming through, more like trying to listen to a crowd speaking after having someone yell in your ears. Every time you think you can focus on a single voice it fades into the background and muddles in with the rest of them. As disturbing as the entire situation is though, you aren't in pain. This doesn't hurt. It doesn't even feel odd, physically that is. Mentally this is a lot to to take in and process but everyone seems to be keeping their cool but chances are that isn't because they are handling it well - sometimes so much comes at someone so fast your brain doesn't let you freak out totally.

Year 5: Part 3

Date: July 22nd, 2012
Map in Original OOC post - NPC's In CS Tab

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: H6 (Quarantine: W) -> H6 (In Front of W)

Temperature: 87F
Humidity: High (Around 83%) - No Rain
Wind Speed: 15 MPH
Cloud Coverage: Overcast
Major took a seat, along with the rest of the group, in the back most seat. Her eyes darting over towards Hunter for a moment. "Not used to someone back here," she said in a thick Russian accent. It was probably the most words she had said in a single sitting out in front of the entire group. It seemed that everyone was loaded up now. No, wait, there were two more that needed to load up. Atticus waited, not worried about how long it took. Alexander was still probably getting used to his new leg. The other still not loaded by now, he wasn't sure what would take him so long. Maybe it was just being polite. Either way, the tour and such waited to get started until everyone was loaded up.

Once they were, Daytona turned the engine over fully. Fans above the seats spun slowly. It wasn't air conditioning but at least it kept the air moving, which helped. And combined with the shade the covers provided, it was decent enough. There was a little static crackle as Atticus picked up what looked like a corded mini walkie talkie. "Hey everyone, comfortable?" he asked and it came through speakers in front of each seat. "Nice right? Keeps me from yelling. Alright, Daytona, take us out girl," he said and she changed gears and started driving slowly. Pulling out and going east back towards the gate that they all had originally gone in.

"First things first, going to get your rooms assigned. Where you will be living. But while we are on our way towards the General Housing Neighborhood, gonna point out a few things on your right. Now there, is the Mechanics and Fabrication building, which two of you have already been too. Volts and Tesla work in there. They do a lot of work for the hospital. Older community, we actually have had to replace a lot of hips. And of course, help those who had lost a limb. They also take orders from other divisions for parts we can't find anymore.

Now those four buildings, and the pool there, that is our Education. The Professor looks over it. We have around 30 kids who are under the age of 18 living within the walls. Most of them are orphans but the community looks after them. Education isn't broken down by age but by how quickly a child learns. So the classes are very mixed. Anyone that wants to learn is welcome to sign up and take a class. We have older students in there as well. Checkbook for example is trying to catch up on classes she would have taken in high school, so she attends the senior classes. Most people in the community either take classes or teach from time to time. It's a good way to learn something new, learn new skills, and get to know people.

And here we are," he said, stopping his little talk as Daytona pulled up to a parking lot and pulled in. "Now, this long block is our general housing. We have one larger apartment building that is two floors and then the rest are condos. There are solar panels on all the roofs, so you will have full power in them. We ask you to simply be conservative with your use. Turn off lights when you leave a room, use natural lighting during the day, keep showers and baths short. All the General Housing is set up like a college dorm and you are sharing common areas with others. Kitchens are disabled. We don't allow cooking in the homes. All food goes through the mess hall. We'll get to that later, okay, come on. Let's get you all settled."

Hoping out, Daytona turned off the Tram and waited. Atticus would show the groups around to their housing. Each person would get a key to their general housing unit and a second key for their private room within that housing unit. "If you lose your key, oh boy, you can get another but damn that is going to be a lot of paper work and explaining, and the likes. We've had problems in the past where people try to test us by saying they lose their key only to hide it so they can have more than one copy. Then been transferred to another room, and have the old key. So now, when someone looses a key we fully replace the locks and have to replace the keys for everyone. Don't do that too us. Just keep track of your keys."

"Okay, Riley and Amelia, put you in 14B, you are sharing a unit with Chase. She's pretty quiet, works in Safety dealing with the weather and tides. She's out right now but you'll either run into her later or meet her tonight at the beach party. The Newnans, you are in 3C. You have two room, adjoining, 3D is for the baby. You are sharing as well, with Spots, met her when you came in. She's good with kids. Helps out with the kids daycare when not on runs or in transportation. Thalia, you are down at the end in 17B, Let me know if you want that changed. Your brother put in for you to be in his Condo's spare room. Manny and Alex, you are in Apartment D and C - same apartment, four bedroom though. You are sharing with Sheers and Moralez. First floor apartments, at the front here. They enjoy playing cards at night, they'll be glad for more to hang out with. Nigel, you are in 3C, sharing a three bedroom with Mizrahi and Roy. Roy is kind of sarcastic but he's okay. Mizrahi is quiet but he doesn't speak English well, so who knows maybe you can help him with that. Erica, 2B. Just a smaller two bedroom condo, will be sharing with Rosie. She's head of transportation. She's, an experience. Good luck. Hunter, Condo 32 F. Five bedroom, you are the last in that one. Sharing with Bass, Panama, Volts, and Tesla. Talked to them already. They're cool with you bringing your dog in. They've all taken turns walking her and feeding her during quarantine. I'll let you pick her up once we are done with the tour and let you know where she can go and when. Hank and Wayne, you are sharing Condo 16 with Dusty. And last but not least, Ash," he said flipping through the papers. "Oh yeah, Sparrow, you can show him his quarters later and go through all the protocol for that area."

"Now, let's go, get you all to your housing, check to make sure your keys work and such. Supply will have already delivered your starter stuff. Weeks worth of casual clothing, under garments, work wear, and sleep wear, as well as robes, towels, wash clothes and the like. Should be enough for seven days. Friday is laundry. So what you do is pack up everything dirty into the provided back and drop it off with Auntie in supply. She will give you the next weeks worth. Simple as that."

With that, everyone is too get off the tram and go with Atticus to check into their respective rooms. Keys work, so no worries. There are people from the community milling about. None of your roomies are present, each of them are out working right now. So go on, get settled in. Any questions can wait until everyone is back on the tram. It isn't that Atticus doesn't want to answer questions, he just doesn't want to have to repeat himself, so he will answer questions when the whole group is together. "Commander, while I am getting them settled in, go ahead and take Ash there and deal with that."

*Anyone Shelving Character: You may shelve them now if you like. (This would be your last full post for them.) If you still have other active characters, you may use them as claimed NPC's in your other character posts from here on out. If you are using them regularly though they must stay at full character. Hit me up in chat to let me know if you are shelving. I am shelving Tatiana and Wayne after this post.

  • Ash Holloway: O.B. 2G
  • Riley Ridgeway: Condo 14B
  • Amelia Payne: Condo 14B
  • Jack Newnan: Condo 3C
  • Tatiana Newnan: Condo 3C
  • Alexander Polawski: Apartment 1C
  • Thalia Carmichael: Condo 17 B
  • Emanuel "Manny" Newman: Apartment 1D
  • Erica Monroe: Condo 2B
  • Nigel "Hadrian" Cooper: Apartment 3C
  • Wayne Maldonado: Condo 16B
  • Hank Wright: Condo 16C
  • Hunter Monroe: Condo 32 F

Each persons room will be pretty bare. You will have a bed (Twin if alone, full if a couple), a place to put your clothing. Your personal items will be on the beds. (Minus any weapons and armor - none of that.). Bathrooms are shared between the Condo or Apartment. Kitchens are empty. There is a living area for those in Condos and Apartments. A couch or two,or a row of recliners. There is usually a TV and a VCR or DVD player. Coffee table set up. It isn't anything big but it is enough to get started. The Apartment building is the long one by the X. The condos start by the parking lot, work down and then back up. Condo 1 is the first one - Condo 16 and 17 are at the far end - Condo 32 is the last one working back up right by the Apartment building to give you an idea.

Thana Martin

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: H6 (In Front of W) -> M6 (Parking Lot For X) -> M5 (N)
Skills: N/A

Turning her head slightly, Thana quirked a brow. She hadn't expected Ash to want to dance. The last social event they attended together he was wanting to get out of there as quickly as possible, as was she. Then again, that was the first day they had met. She had only attended because of everything going on in Newnan. That was a bit of a clusterfuck. The next day was worse, the next day was when Newnan fell. Things were different now. So maybe it shouldn't have surprised her that he wanted to dance, still he didn't seem like the dancing type. Sounded nice though, especially if it was just a slow dance. She knew her leg wasn't going to be up for more than that. "No, I just go check the filters for the underwater garden. Should only take a few hours," she said as she leaned against him slightly as they waited for the rest of the people to load up. "A dance sound nice." It did. Hell, anything just relaxing and being near him felt nice. Just sitting there with him felt nice.

"Oh, since yer new here they are assignin' you a bunk but I put in a requisition fer you to bunk with me. Ain't much, small college dorm like room but at least we'd be together," she said before lifting her head and looking over to him. She had totally forgotten to ask him if that was okay, if he even wanted to bunk with her. "Well dog my cats, I fergot to ask ya. I can stop the request if you'd rather not bunk together," she added quickly. She could stop it, just grab the file from Atticus and tear it up. Yet the look on her face made it clear she was hoping he was okay with it. Especially with how they had been around each other since she got back.

Thana sat back and listened. She knew all this but it didn't hurt to hear it again. As Atticus got to Ash's rooming she nodded and reached out. Taking the key that the man had and then handing it over to Ash. "A'right, we're over here," she said pointing to the building across the street. If he didn't want to bunk with her, she would need to get that straightened out but if he did then it was time to show him. Making sure the coast was clear, she limped over to the building across the street. It was locked. Slipping her key in, she unlocked it and stepped inside. It was lock back behind them once Ash got in.

"All officers and their S.O.s live in here, so main building stays locked at all times," she explained before pointing towards the stairs on their right. Taking her time, she made her way up to the second floor and then to 2G. She just used her key to get in. She figured they could check his in a minute. Stepping in, it wasn't large. About the side a decent sized hotel room. She had one bed in there, pushed against the wall. Full sized. There was a wardrobe set up and a desk with a lot of paper work on it. Files and the like as well. Some plants sitting in the window, it looked out over the docks below. There was a couch with a coffee table. Like a one room flat. The only other door in the room lead to a small bathroom. "It ain't much but I'm still new here and got a lot of debt, so well, hope it works. It's just the two of us, so that's a perk, right?" she asked as she looked around. Sure as hell wasn't the house he had back in Newnan but it could have been a lot worse.

Tatiana Newnan

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: H6 (In Front of W) -> M6 (Parking Lot For X -> Condo 3C)
Skills: N/A

Jamie seemed to be enjoying being out and about. Looking around at everything there was to see. Reaching out at things and people as they walked by. Giggling and babbling. Every so often a momma or a dadda would come out in the babbles as he seemed to be trying to get their attention to look. Tatiana was all fine and good with him bouncing and squirming around. When he grabbed her hair, Tatiana picked Jamie up and slipped him over into Jacks lap before getting herself free from her sons vice grip, loosing a few strands of red hair in the process. "Raduysya chto ty milyy," Tatiana grumbled, telling her song he better be glad he was cute. He just giggled at his mother.

Once she had Jamie settled in with his dad and her hair was free she looked at Jack. "Da, did tour of Vegas vhen I moved there. Rode one," she said. Tatiana had hoped to become a world class ballerina, dancing classics on stage. It wasn't to be, so she had moved out to Las Vegas to try to find a career. It had been a good choice. And she remembered seeing all the bright lights, all the people. It wasn't like New York. It was like being in a Theme Park that took up a whole city. The city seemed to breathe. So as soon as she found a place, the first thing she did was grab a tour ride. Wanting to see everything. It was a lot of fun. She wasn't expecting this ride to be as fun as that one. She doubted that they were going to serve free drinks. But it would at least, hopefully, give them a good look at their new home.

It was a lot of information to take in but Tatiana listened, looking around, and taking in everything that she could. Once they stopped she got out and waited for Jack before following Atticus on his little tour of the General Housing Neighborhood. Apartments were taken care of first and then Condos. Atticus let people get settled and instructed them once they were done, to hurry back to the tram where Daytona was waiting. Major came along for the walk. Once they got to hers and Jacks new home, keys were checked and they were let in. It wasn't bad. Seemed Spots had a decent set up. There was a living room area. Where the kitchen was seemed rather barren but she understood not cooking in the place. Fires could break out, food was a limited resource. It was better if everyone worked together.

Walking over to the two rooms assigned to them she was happy to see that someone had taken the time to get Jamies room set up nicely. He had a crib in there and there were instructions left on how to change it to a toddler bed when he was ready. He had his clothing, extra clothing, cloth diapers, teething rings, toys, cardboard books, a rocking chair and it was colorful. Then there was hers and Jacks room. Clothing was there, and a bed. It was pretty bare. Most rooms were pretty bare but hey, it was a bed. There was a bathroom it looked like they all would share. Hey better than a locker room. Jamies room had a separate door to their room. And while she didn't know Spots, the woman seemed alright when they all first met. This could work, this had to work. "Da, is good. This vork, right?" she asked Jack as she looked towards him. It was a new start for them.

Wayne Maldonado

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: H6 (In Front of W) -> M6 (Parking Lot For X -> Condo 16B -> Back to Tram)
Skills: N/A

"And here I thought the first sign that humanity was desperate was people turning others into McDonald's Happy Meals," Wayne laughed. Sure, Hank in a position to pick peoples brains did seem a bit off but if one took a step back and thought on it, it made sense. Hank had once been sane. Then he wasn't. Then he was again. He had been down that dark road and come out on the other side. He knew what it felt like to be locked up and put on meds. He knew how to deal with someone completely off their rocker and help them stay functional. In a way, Hank had already been a psychiatrist. He had been Wayne's personal psychiatrist for five years now. And no, Wayne was no shining example of stable mental health, he was still alive, he was still functioning, and he was learning to deal with his hallucinations. If Hank could do that without any formal training, what could he do if there was someone here to help him learn? Shit, it actually made sense. Now, the fact that it did make sense - did that make Wayne more or less crazy than everyone thought he was?

Wayne looked over towards Erica and laughed. "Hey, just watch me work my magic tonight," he said giving a cheeky grin. He sure as hell would ask the woman out, or at least for a dance, maybe a drink, maybe a walk along the beach. If she slapped him, kinky. If she didn't, great. Either way, Zero Fuck Given Maldonado was going to give a shot. The tram moved and Wayne listened. Looking around slightly but he wasn't exactly caring much right then. Just glad to be outside. He loved the smell coming from the ocean. Made him want to go fishing.

As they got to the Housing, Wayne chuckled. They were sharing a place with Dusty? That guy that talked about food all the time? Shit, he could handle that. And fuck, sharing a place with a man that knew how to fly a helicopter worked for him. Their condo was all the way at the end. That worked for him. He could actually see the pier from outside of the building. Fuck yeah, fishing. Inside he had a bedroom. Clothing, place to put said clothing, and a bed. That was all he needed. The living room though, hot damn. It was a big screen TV and a row of recliners. "Oh fuck yeah, I like this Dusty guy!" he said stroking one of the recliners. "This guy knows what is important!"

*Roll requests can be made in chat or can be left at the bottom of your post for results in the next update. You can get a roll during your post and add another in the update at the bottom of your post! Ever in doubt of what to post, just drop me a message and we can talk.

Babylon Fortress, Cairo, Egypt: October 6th, 1924- Maybe? Maybe Not?

Special Note: That Haze will remain until further notice, so make sure to keep to it. ^_^

Maybe opening a portal that can move people through space and time when the world seems to be vanishing around you isn't the best of ideas. Then again, maybe it is. Opening a portal though isn't an easy endeavor. Like any Emendator skill, it takes practice and focus and stamina. It is a good thing that Gios physical strength and mental sharpness are in no way a direct reflection of his apparent age. Thing is, even being an Emendator, pulling any skills is difficult and it take far longer than normal to get the portal open. Even once it is open, it isn't as large or clear as they might usually be but right now beggars cannot be choosers.

Peter is standing there, in full agreement that they need to get out of there. Like now. Especially considering he is hearing voices of others but he cannot see them. His head starts to tilt to one side and he blinks before rubbing his eyes. "Are you seeing this?" he asked but it wasn't about the world seeming to vanish around them, or change, or merge, or however you wanted to describe it. "Uncle?" he questioned as he took a step forward, not towards the portal, and reached his hand out. It was at that time Peter noticed that his fingers seemed to be vanishing, looking down swiftly, it seemed more and more of him was going. Within moments Peter was gone. A blink of the eye and James slowly started to dissolve as well.

Now was the time to move because it seemed if you lingered too long, you might not be around much longer. Get moving peeps! Through the portal, it may not be around next round. What is on the other side of the portal? You'll find out in the next update. End posts as you step into the portal.
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