Avatar of Lady Absinthia


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Happy International Women's Day to all the fabulous female Gm's and Rpers out there
4 yrs ago
Bond, James Bond, 007. You can never be replaced and will be deeply missed sir. RIP Connery 😭
4 yrs ago
Major Congrats to all my peeps in The Walking Dead - We have reached the 5 year strong milestone!!! HOLY SHIT!
5 yrs ago
If things get real bad and you have to resort to cannibalism remember: Vegans first, they are the closest thing to grass fed.
5 yrs ago
March didn't come in like a lion... It came in like a T-Rex with PMS, and hemorrhoids, wearing barbed wire undies....


✾ 𝙻𝚊𝚍𝚢 𝙰𝚋𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚊
Keep moving forward ۩
⚘ A Brief History
I've been at this a long time and when I say a long time I mean a long long damn time. I started out with table top, ADnD, back in the 80's, then dived into others: Nightlife, Mage the Ascension, Shadow Run, HoL, etc. Moved onto Online in the 90's. I've been running various incarnations of a single RP group for twenty years now. Worked helping setting up, building, and/or admining/modding various RP forums over the years: Adventure Quest, Priston Tales, War Gods, etc. It's been a long road filled with ups and downs. I'm an evil GM, you've been warned.

Outside of RP, I am a mom. Yup, I've reproduced and there are little Lady A's running around plotting their own take over of the world. I am a published author and once upon a time an award winning poet. I've done a lot in my life. I haven't done as much as I would like. I've grown a lot. I have a lot more growing to do. I love to cook, baker by trade currently. I went to university and majored in Mathematics. I've programmed websites, worked as a model, worked as a 3d modeler. Shit, I even used to dance. And have been known to sing a bit. Jack of all trades. Master of like 3, lol.

⚘ Looking Inside
This is where I go into my personality. In the past I would normally make some self deprecating remark about how I am a bitch of a GM, pushing my rpers as hard as I push myself and so forth. Not anymore. People change, or perhaps they just come into their own. This can happen at any age. More than that it can happen several times over the course of your life as you discover and rediscover yourself. Everything happens for a reason, usually that reason is ones owns actions. Or inaction's. Right now, I am in a better place than I can remember being in the longest time. I am happy and at peace. I have no regrets. Maybe I should but I don't. I plan on keeping this peace I have found, I went far too long without it.

Currently I am enjoying several things. Some are things I have enjoyed most of my life: Coffee, chocolate, bacon, M*A*S*H. One isn't something I have enjoyed since I was seventeen: being clean and free of poisons in my system. It is beyond description and I love it: One-hundred and twenty days and counting. Music taste is shifting to more mood oriented than anything, strange I am finding a lot of newer Country I am enjoying and I have NEVER liked country. Watching things like Lark Rise to Candleford and being hooked to the point of reading the trilogy. Recently added yoga to my workouts and all I can say is, "Fuckmaste: the fucked up in me accepts the fucked up in you."


The first step is scary.
Take it anyway.

Current Roleplays
Resources and Tutorials
My Main RP Peeps
Everything Else

Most Recent Posts

Year 5: Part 3

Date: July 22nd, 2012
Map in Original OOC post - NPC's In CS Tab

Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Temperature: 76F
Humidity: High (Around 81%) - No Rain
Wind Speed: 14 MPH
Cloud Coverage: Clearing

Note: The Sun has set and the temperature is dropping, we are officially in the 70's.

Drinks are as follows:
  • Heavy: Moonshine (Clear)
  • Moderate: Whiskey (Brown)
  • Light: Beer (Pale Ales)
  • Sweet Tea (Brown)
  • Water (Clear)
Seriously, if you want to get drinks mixed up, go for it LOL

The music continues, the band seems to be sticking to classics at this point: Simple Man, Sweet Home Alabama & Free Bird by Skynyrd are the next three songs they go through. While people are out on the dance floor, the music at this point seems to be more for background to the rest of the party. People are making the rounds, getting drinks, plates of food. Some are sitting by the fire pits, others are going down to the waters edge, sitting on logs that are set out like benches, just standing about. Small groups of what looks like old friends.

Adelaide looked over towards Lisa and smirked. "You're just looking for fresh meat, though can't blame ya, been a while since we had new faces," she said before taking a sip of her drink. The woman let her eyes wander over the new arrivals as well as the old standards. She spotted Nikki heading over. "Well seems either she wasn't doing anything we would do, that or he is a quick finish," she said before snort laughing into her beer and having to choke it down.

Riley was very happy just to have the dance with Amelia. Song changing over and she was in no hurry to move along or let go of Amelia. She let her know, giving a squeeze here and there, or a small kiss; as long as Amelia was comfortable being out and about she would be and would follow her from the dance floor to the bar to get food, walk down the beach, whatever worked. It was their first real evening together in some form of real safety since Newnan. Last group thing since Tati and Jack's wedding. (Jack and Tati had made a quick appearance but went back to their place early with little Jamie. Tati wasn't doing well around so many at once.)

Younger kids are running around and rushing over to Tesla who had a back pocket full of old sparklers, a lighter in one hand and a pail of water in the other. Pulling them out waved the kids to follow him. "Alright you know the drill," he said as he lead them further down the beach and started lighting sparklers. Handing them over one at a time and letting the kids run around with them but keeping an eye out like a protective older brother. Away from the main fires, the kids seemed to have fun drawing and writing their names in the air with the sparklers.

Adelaide looked over towards Nikki as she came over and smirked. "Oh my, here I am the bar tender and you asking for a drink. Are you 21 yet? Got a drivers license? Show me your id. Oh wait, aren't you on parole for breaking and entering, theft of two liters of Whiskey?" Adelaide said with a smirk on her lips. Her eyes glanced towards Thalia but she didn't say anything about the ball comment.

Shears nodded. "Everything takes time, we can't all be as awesome and good looking at me. Makes it harder to fit in when your not," he chuckled as he patted his hair. "Shit, nah. I mean thought it was but nah, funny as hell. Should give it a go," he told Alexander. Looking at the kid running around down the beach he grinned. "Oh to have the knees to do that," he pondered as he started walking, heading over to the bar. Adelaide saw him coming and already pulled out a small bottle of brown liquid. Uncapping it she held it out. Shears took it with a grin. "Thank ya Cheers," he said as he kept walking, raising it a bit in cheer before taking a swig and smacking his lips. Seemed the man was going to waddle down to where the kids were playing and see about getting himself a sparkler.

Looking over at Hunter, Adelaide rose a brow. "Hard to know since I ain't ever seen you drink before, but let's start simple," she said popping open a beer and sliding it over. She still hadn't served Nikki anything and smirked as she slipped the beer over to Hunter. After about a half second more she finally opened another beer and slid it over to Nikki. "Should really make you get Maddogs permission, if only to piss you off," she added with a smirk.

Nigel got Adelaide to turn her attention. "Actually, don't have any wine down here. Maybe next time. No one ever asks for it so I didn't even bother to bring down a bottle or two," she admitted. "But hey, you want wine, talk to Padre, maybe he can give you communion."

Thana Martin

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: L11 (Dance Floor)
Skills: N/A

Letting out a short breath, Thana leaned back and looked up at Ash. Her fingers trailing lightly over the back of his neck as she gazed into his eyes. This was nice and while there were plenty of people about, hundreds in fact, but right then it felt to her that it was just them. It was nice. Sure not as private as she would have perhaps liked right then but it was enough. This was needed as much as being alone together was. Thinking back to their first real conversation after they met she remembered telling Ash he needed to put himself out there, build bridges with his people instead of locking himself away. It would have been rather hypocritical of her to steal him away and not be around people herself. Then again, she had earned the right to be a bit selfish when it came to Ash as she figured it.

At this words she smirked. Seemed he didn't want her away anymore than she wanted to be away from him. She did promise but it could wait, maybe after the band took its first semi-break during the evening she could slip up there, get it over with and get back to her man. "How 'bout if I go you just stay close. That or I could drag you on stage with me," she teased halfheartedly. "Maybe make you sing instead of me. Bet you'd do the Army proud," she teased a bit more. Granted she didn't know if Ash could sing or not. Then again, she didn't care. Hearing his Virginian drawl was enough for her.

Thana giggled a bit as she pulled herself closer, a thought crossing her mind. "Last time there was dancing and singing we ran away with food in hand," she said remembering the night of the reception. "Granted we never really ate it that night either." Sighing she rested her brow against his chin and closed her eyes as they danced together. "Hopefully tomorrow's tomorrow will be better than that nights tomorrow..." she whispered as her brow slipped to the side and she rested her head on his shoulder. She really didn't think she could stand another year plus apart from him if history repeated itself, she didn't know if she had the strength to go through it again.

Nikola Warren

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: L11 (Bar)
Skills: N/A

Nikki rolled her eyes and blew an overly large bubble with her gum as Adelaide rattled off her list of demands and then brought up the theft. The bubble burst with a loud pop, it sagging below her lips and caught on her nose. Reaching up she pulled it off and stuck her tongue out at Adelaide. Yeah and if I knew you'd bring it up every time I saw you I would have stole a lot fucking more," she said rather brazenly as she folded her gum over itself and stuck it back into her mouth, chomping it with a grin. She would have as well. If she knew Ada would keep bringing it up she would have drank till she threw up and then stashed some elsewhere for later.

Adelaide might not have said anything but Nikki did. "No, you need a tiara first," she said before looking back at Adelaide again. "Come on Cheers, I've been a good girl." Her jaw went slack as Adelaide served one person after another and still hadn't served her. "Hey, cute girl here, pouty lips, wanting a drink, dying of thirst, come on Cheers..." she said and nearly about started begging when Adelaide finally handed one over. Though her words about asking Maddog got Nikki to narrow her eyes. "You like being a bitch?" she asked as she took the beer and slipped back quickly.

"I'm going over there," she said informing Hunter before skipping off. She stopped just long to stick her tongue out at Adelaide. She headed over to the large kettles and had a seat, figuring she could drink and get something to eat before it was all gone or grew cold.

Year 5: Part 3

Date: July 22nd, 2012
Map in Original OOC post - NPC's In CS Tab

Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Temperature: 81F
Humidity: High (Around 83%) - No Rain
Wind Speed: 12 MPH
Cloud Coverage: Overcast

Note: Weather and drinks are the same: It has gone down a whole 2 degrees! LOL Okay, party is underway, bar is open. Adelaide will serve one of several things if asked -
  • Heavy: Moonshine (It's clear)
  • Moderate: Whiskey (It's brown)
  • Light: Beer (Pale Ales)
  • Tea (Southern Sweet, it's brown, if you put a drink down next to someone else drinking whiskey, you might mix it up lol)
  • Water (Clear, look out for switching glasses with mooonshine.)
Seriously, if you want to get drinks mixed up, go for it LOL

Sun is starting to set, it is starting to get darker outside, food is starting to be ready. Tables are set up near the boils, plates are made up and laid out for people.

Adelaide looked over towards Lisa and smirked a bit as she popped open a beer for herself. "You look like you are a cat about to pounce the fuck out of someone and you just haven't decided who yet," she said under her breath before taking a long pull from her drink. A little smile curling up more at the corner of her lips.

Riley looked over to Amelia and nodded. Dancing would be nice. They hadn't had a chance to dance since Tatiana's and Jacks Wedding. (It was kind of hard to dance in the back of the Hordebuster before it broke down.) Taking Amelia's hand, Riley lead her over to the edge of the dance floor, not wanting to make Amelia get in the crowd and around too many people too fast. Slipping her arms around her, she held Amelia close as they danced.

Shears chuckled a bit. "Don't think that girl likes me," he said in passing about Amelia - the two of them hadn't exactly gotten off on the best foot, but she was trying, so he would.

Morales looked over at Thalia and laughed. "Alright girl," he said before waving his hands in the air. "This piece of dirt, if hers!" he yelled. Atlas looked at the man like he was dumb, and it appeared he gave this look a lot. The General just shook his head with a bit of a smile. The group was at least trying to treat the new comers as if they were already a part of the group. Part of that was ragging people.

Looking over at Thalia as she came over Adelaide nodded. "Sure thing. Oh wait, your Joaquins sister aren't ya? Nice to put a face to the name," she said as she popped the top off a beer and slid it over. "I'm Adelaide, or Ada. And this cat is Lisa," she said introducing herself and the woman standing there.

Shears looked at Alexander and chuckled. "Well, unless I think it would be funny as hell I won't," he teased and taunted. "These days, pretty much that. And like being a little bit of psychologist. Not fully but hey, barber chairs like bars, people open up." Shoving his hands in his pockets he shook his head. "Not this big. Band plays here most nights though, even if it is just a jam session or practice. Usually only time they are all off duty. We have other things though. Bike racing, sandcastle competitions, bridge tournaments, quilting circles, etc. Even have an old school Dungeons Dragons group. Things that don't take a lot of resources but keep people occupied. Then, there are the fights."

Erica wasn't saying anything. Mostly looking around. This was a lot to take in. Especially after everything that had happened. Wayne and Hank were plopped down on the sand eating by now. She kind of zoned out before realizing Hadrian had walked off. Snapping out of it, she walked over to him and whispered quietly that she was sorry for zoning out and she was going to turn in for the night. She wanted to catch up on some rest and have a moment alone to herself. Giving a slight smirk she walked off with a wave. She was good, she just wanted a moment.

Adelaide waited for Erica to walk off before pulling out a single beer and handing it over to him. "If you want the second still let me know," she said with a wink before looking back at Lisa. "Where the hell is Checkbook? I mean you don't think she's already hooking up with that new kid do ya?" she pondered out loud.

Sheers looked over to Manny and nodded. "Shit yeah, well gotta get ya what ya need first but that is medical and such, would have to talk to S.B. - Doc might be the doc but she runs the show, and I ain't gain near that. She ain't forgiven me for the April Fools joke yet..."

The song changed over and the band did a cover of Blue Eyes by the Who. It wasn't bad.

Thana Martin

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: L11 (Bar -> Dance Floor)
Skills: N/A

Looking over at Ash, Thana smirked a bit as she downed her drink and set the glass down on the bar. She was hearing what Adelaide had said but she ignored it. She was a bit wrapped up in having Ash around and she wasn't going to apologize for that. They had been apart for so long, not being able to be around each other, each having to do their own thing and more. Now that they were together, well she was going to be on him as much as she saw other love birds being close and sticking together. When time was limited, when life was this way, you had to. If you didn't then you lost perhaps the only chance you would ever get to be close to someone again. You had to. Take out the sentimental points, if you didn't you weren't getting laid - ever, and dying after throwing a chance at orgasm away was just plain dumb.

Slipping her arms over his shoulders, Thana held on as Ash carried her over to the dance floor. There was no need for that. She could walk a few feet but she wasn't going to say anything. Ash was obviously trying and taking every chance he could to keep her close. She wasn't complaining, she was eating it up. "Well maybe I will when they pull me up there. Promised Preacher I would do a song or two," she admitted as she slid down his body as he set her back down. Keeping her arms around his shoulders she swayed lightly and tried to keep most of her weight off her leg that was healing.

"Ash, carry me where'er ya want, I'm good with it," she added as they danced. Slowly pressing against him more and resting her head on his shoulder. It was less and less a formal dance and more and more like something two eight graders would do in middle school. Better this way as Thana saw it. Easier on her leg instead of trying to do spins or waltz and like hell she was going to be line dancing tonight.

As the song changed over Thana didn't let go and just dance snuggled a little closer. "We ain't stoppin', deal with it," she said under her breath before placing a soft kiss to his cheek and settling her head back down on his shoulder. Sure it wasn't a love song and it wasn't fully slow but it didn't mean they had to stop dancing.

Nikola Warren

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: M9 -> L11 (Bar)
Skills: N/A

Nikki shook her head. "Yeah I thought it was weird too but apparently if one dog gets sick and then everything gets put together or some kid touches it because it is left out. It's to keep things from spreading," she explained. Yeah, it seemed a little over done or odd but it seemed that there was a reason for it. It seemed that CMB had a reason for everything. Either they were really good at answers or they had done a lot of trial and error over the years. To keep the peace and keep things running, it was probably a little bit of both. Or a lot a bit of both.

Quirking a brow, Nikki looked over to Hunter. "Sound lonely," she said when he said outside of guns and dogs it was almost perfect, outside a place to settle down. No mention of anyone else. "Less'un you mean settling down in a place like this where you got people," she finally added before shrugging and skipping around. Seemed the girl had an unending supply of energy just to jump around.

"No just parties this sized. We do little things all the time but bigger ones, more like waiting fora good catch or something. They hit crabtopia last night, so party on the beach today. Plus so many new people, easiest way for everyone to get to see each other. The band plays most nights, usually just jamming or practicing. I usually just swim while they do. If I ain't hanging out with Bass," she said as they walked. Nodding as he went to put his pooch up, she waited for him to get back.

Looking over towards the beach she checked her watch before glancing over at Hunter when he came back. "Let's go man, promised to show up," she added as she tugged on his arm to follow her. Seemed her energy was a bit on over flow right then and she started running. "Come on, I could use a drink!" she yelled back over her shoulder and giggled before taking off. She came sliding into the scene and darted over to the bar. "Come on Ada, don't make me beg," she said tapping the bar top and motioning towards the beers.
Kilatha McNolly
"You had me waste ten years of my life to be second? Fuck you."
- To her vocal coach on graduation.

⚘ Looking Inside
An insightful individual, Kilatha is quick-witted and sharp. She has and shows the ability to accurately assess situations and turn this into her advantage. Perceptive about her surroundings, she has a sensitive insight; a deeply accurate and understanding perspective of things that goes unnoticed. She is not one to be intimidated or discouraged by difficulty. Unalarmed and unflinching in the face of danger and resolute in the face of disappointment. A bit gutsy, she is audacious and can be daring even if she tends to be a feisty, even cocky about things. Intense and zealous about things, she is fierce and excitable. Excited about what lays before her and raging about her past. Hot-blooded and sensual, she knows what she wants and when she wants it.

An ego that is laced with a deep insecurity Kilatha has an excessively high opinion of her talents. She has an arrogant superiority about herself and disdain of those she views as unworthy. An elevated belief in her own merit and what is due to her. She is not one to change her attitude or position on something, even when arguments can be made against it. She is difficult to move on a belief or subject being over obstinate and mulish about things. Willful and headstrong she digs in and refuses to let go. Bull-headed and adamant, she is uncompromising and can be uncooperative. Being unyielding in these ways makes her difficult to work with. The woman has strong feelings and shows her annoyance or displeasure openly; even with hostility when she is exasperated or vexed beyond the point of rational thought.

⚘ A Brief History

⚘ Relations


Female 32 Mexican-American
5' 7" 135lbs Ample
Coal Obsidian Bisque





Character Trivia

Master NPC List
Camp Mexico Beach
Florida, U.S.A.

Call Sign: General
Title: C.O.
Name: Aeron Martin
Job: Commanding Officer

Call Sign: Gunny
Title: X.O.
Name: Macsen Martin
Job: Executive Officer

Call Sign: Maddog
Dept.: Operations
Name: Maddoc Martin
Job: Operations Officer

Call Sign: Major
Dept.: Training
Name: Liz Romanova
Job: Firearms

Call Sign: Atlas
Dept.: Supply
Name: John
Job: Alpha Team

Call Sign: Volts
Dept.: Engineering
Name: Dwayne
Job: Engineering Officer

Call Sign: Doc
Dept.: Medical
Name: Michael Willis
Job: Surgeon

Call Sign: Wolverine
Dept.: Safety
Name: Roy Gregory
Job: Security

Call Sign: Rivets
Dept.: Transportation
Name: Rosie
Job: Shop Foreman

Call Sign: Shears
Dept.: Chaplain
Name: Eddie
Job: Barber

Call Sign: Spots
Dept.: Transportation
Name: Delilah
Job: Navigation

Call Sign: Padre
Dept.: Chaplin
Name: Atticus Pearson
Job: Company Chaplin

Call Sign: Cook
Dept.: Mess
Name: Mae
Job: Executive Chef

Call Sign: The Goat
Dept.: Chaplin
Name: Moralez
Job: Morale Officer

Call Sign: The Professor
Dept.: Education
Name: Edna
Job: Principle

Call Sign: Frankenstein
Dept.: Transportation
Name: Aton Mizrahi
Job: Mechanic

Call Sign: Dusty
Dept.: Transportation
Name: Dustin
Job: Pilot

Call Sign: S.B.
Dept.: Medical
Name: Mary
Job: Pharmaceuticals

Call Sign: Auntie
Dept.: Supply
Name: Claire
Job: Supply Officer

Call Sign: Panama
Dept.: Weapons
Name: Eric
Job: Weapons Officer

Call Sign: Chase
Dept.: Safety
Name: Beth
Job: Weather & Tides

Call Sign: Daytona
Dept.: Supply
Name: Margarete
Job: Alpha Team

Call Sign: Shakespeare
Dept.: Supply
Name: Joaquin Gonzales
Job: Beta Team

Call Sign: Bass
Dept.: Supply
Name: Ray Adaway
Job: Beta Team

Call Sign: Cheers
Dept.: Engineering
Name: Adelaide Grimaldi
Job: Distillation

Call Sign: Tesla
Dept.: Fabrication
Name: Douglas
Job: Metals & Wiring

Call Sign: Rolodex
Dept.: Administration
Name: Sandra
Job: Reception

Call Sign: Goliath
Dept.: Supply
Name: Guy Guthrie
Job: Sea Team

Call Sign: DoLittle
Dept.: Medical
Name: Sheryl Dee
Job: Veterinarian

Call Sign: Medic
Dept.: Supply
Name: Jahosafat Moreau
Job: Sea Team

Call Sign: Cage
Dept.: Safety
Name: Elliot Monroe
Job: Warden

Call Sign: Has None Yet
Dept.: Supply
Name: Ted Flounders
Job: Sanitation

Call Sign: Freedman
Dept.: Medical
Name: Dean Morrison
Job: Psychiatrist
Camp Mexico Beach
"Welcome to Camp Mexico Beach"
- Padre to each group that enters
⚘ Background
Along the panhandle of Florida is a town that was once a vacation haven for people. Not a large tourist town like Panama City Beach had once been but a smaller town where people went if they wanted more quiet than elsewhere along the coast line. A place for retirees and families to go without the crowds. Where most days, even if the place was in the middle of a perfect summer, you could walk along the beach and be left alone with plenty of space. That was before the outbreak and the dead started rising once again. That kind of changes shit.

At least for many places. Mexico Beach is very much the same as it was before the outbreak. Still a lot of people in their autumn years, still rather quiet. Anything but a retirement community or vacation spot anymore. It is now what one might think of as a military type outpost. Nearly everyone there is a survivor of the outbreak and has been there since the beginning. Former Military took the lead and got things in order post haste when the world started going to shit. Being filled with generations of people that grew up before the internet, cable, or even color TV had it's advantages and the place has seemed to thrive. Sure there are younger folk as well but here the mantle of experience is in charge.

⚘ The Camp Itself
Laid out below is a basic over look map of the town as it is now. The walls are twenty foot high and seven foot wide with a constant patrol built sand, stone and Roman-like concrete. There are only two gates, one at the east side and one at the west. Each gate is a set of two gates you must pass through to get into the man area itself. Out in the water is a patrol and nets designed to catch food and the walking dead that can wash up on shore. The town is very set in their ways and while open to new comers are not open to change. What they have their they have worked for and built. It works for them, has kept them alive and safe. Military Law rules and The General is in charge.

Click <- For Full-Sized Map


Location: Bay County, Florida, USA
C.O.: The General X.O.: Gunny
The People: Military Style Law
Population: 301 Ages: 2 - 87 yrs.
Under 18: 12% Over 50: 52%
Male: 64% Female: 35%
Map Key


Job Assignments

Sleeping Assignments

Therapy Requirements

Astra Eriksdotter
"Nothing in front of me is stronger than my ancestors behind me."
- On being broken

⚘ Looking Inside
An irrepressible young woman, Astra is tough and adaptable. Able to withstand and recover quickly from difficult situations. Recoiling and springing back after intense and/or tough situations. Intent on her purpose, she is steadfast and single-minded in her drive to push forward through hardship. She is admirably determined and unwavering in her dedication to what she has her mind set on. Persistent in her nature, she is continuously and obstinately mindful to remain on course in spite of difficulty or opposition that may come in her way. Earnest to do what is needed and tenacious she can rather adamant about things. She is thoughtful. Being astute about the present and the past, giving deep thought in a quiet manner over situations as to learn from them and better adapt.

Bold and without shame, Astra is forward and immodest in even the most prudent of situations. A quick tongue makes her pushy and even flagrant in her disregard for manners and modesty. Defiant, she can be insolent and show a total lack of respect to those around her. Change does not come easy to Astra. She is unwilling and hesitant; unwilling and suspicious of even the most timid and unassertive around her. Adverse to trusting. The woman is crafty and astute. Clever, having shown skill in achieving her goals and resourceful in planning and execution. Designing and subtle in the long run as she needed to be she can be rather artful about the complexity of a plan.

⚘ A Brief History

⚘ Relations


Female 19 Norse
5' 8" 117lbs Gaunt
Olive Copper Alabaster





Character Trivia

Kikuya Iwasaki
"Loss is not something you can define. Only experience."
- Thoughts on her village

⚘ Looking Inside
Kikuya is a placid individual who remains quiet, still, and calm despite the situation and allows her to be a well-mannered person that is pleasant to be around and likable. Consoling and showing an emotional understanding she is an ear in which to listen and a shoulder on which to lean. She is loyal and committed, devoting herself fully and dedicating her time and effort to the task. A dependable and determined ways makes her a natural leader, aspiring for more and challenging herself in exacting and challenging ways. Bright and nimble, she is not so much talented as driven.

Underneath the surface resides a resentful and spiteful mind, dwelling on transgressions of the past. Dissatisfied with the cards that fate has dealt makes her disgruntled in her current situation as it breaks with her more traditional beliefs and view of societal honor class. Though not outwardly expressive, Kikuya is defensive and paranoid, untrusting to those around her: even those she is close. She lacks confidence in people and situations, vulnerable in her situation, and ever doubting of even the most apparently true natured. Shielding herself emotionally from criticism, the depth of feelings are great for Kikuya but her outwardly calmness and warm expression act as walls; a damn to hold back the crashing tides.

⚘ A Brief History

⚘ Relations


Female 23 Ainu-Japanese
4' 11" 101lbs Delicate
Sable Raven Light-Ochre





Character Trivia

Sunie Jamison Marks
"I'm going to count down. Don't be here when I reach one."
- Said to Malcolm when he interrupts her

⚘ Looking Inside
Sunie is a private person that keeps to herself. Reserved and quiet, she does not speak about personal matters. Emotions are highly guarded and protected behind walls that are thick, high, and enveloping. A cool exterior and stern persona when confronted emotionally. A creative person with a quick mind, she can be over chatty when talking about technical things before her or when she is working on her latest creation. Sunie is one to leap before she thinks, a quick pop off of the mouth or actions before considering the situation makes her a liability to herself and to others.

Having a short fuse and over zealous tendencies have forced Sunie to be adaptable. As she doesn't think before she acts she must be able to compensate for her lack of foresight with outside of the box thinking and quick mental reflexes. While she has a smart mouth and an attitude that cuts deeply, her caring nature runs as hot as her temper. Passionate about her work she can be intense to deal with. She is loving, to those few she has been close to; the chosen ones. Loyalty runs deep but she will not place most others above herself. Taking damage or being put in harms way are things she will go through for others but if it comes down to someone else and her she will chose herself in the end; this is not something she hides and she is frank about it.

⚘ A Brief History

⚘ Relations


Female 43 Canadian-American
5' 9" 135lbs Athletic
Pecan Honey Amber





Character Trivia

Corisande Olympia Somerset
"I am in her employ, I'm not allowed to have feelings.”
- Corisande's thoughts when asked about Lady Daventry

⚘ Looking Inside
There is a high level of skepticism and doubt that she must deal with in situations and more importantly with people. Corisande wants to trust but finds it hard to do so, tending to think the worst about a situation. With people it is worse, as her lack of trust even after an extended period of time can bring issues to the surface. Closed off, Corisande can become emotionally distant when confronted or even aggressive if the circumstance causes her to feel threatened. Once she is sure of something, no matter how wrong it may be, it is hard for her to let it go: especially informationly. This ill-informed nature leads her to act foolishly or even rashly, only added to future skepticism.

As negative as her mental capacity can be Corisande is very practical and responsible about things, understanding personal views aside she is lacking in many ways and must deal with the situation in front of her instead of focusing on her inner thoughts. She places a lot of thought into her future and how she will get by day to day so her opinions matter little when it comes to the larger picture: which is survival. Frugality is required as well as keeping a level head for these things. She is careful and wary, a woman who keeps her mouth shut. When it comes to situations or people she might draw the wrong conclusions but that doesn't mean she isn't noticing things. Corisande is very observant to things that are going on around her in the world.

⚘ A Brief History

⚘ Relations


Female 26 British
5'4" 108lbs Willowy
Cerulean Walnut Peach





Character Trivia


Year 5: Part 3

Date: July 22nd, 2012
Map in Original OOC post - NPC's In CS Tab

Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Temperature: 81F
Humidity: High (Around 83%) - No Rain
Wind Speed: 12 MPH
Cloud Coverage: Overcast

Note: It has gone down a whole 2 degrees! LOL Okay, party is underway, bar is open. Adelaide will serve one of several things if asked -
  • Heavy: Moonshine (It's clear)
  • Moderate: Whiskey (It's brown)
  • Light: Beer (Pale Ales)
  • Tea (Southern Sweet, it's brown, if you put a drink down next to someone else drinking whiskey, you might mix it up lol)
  • Water (Clear, look out for switching glasses with mooonshine.)
Seriously, if you want to get drinks mixed up, go for it LOL

The band keeps on playing. They flip between a rather wide variety. From country to rock to classic rock, pop, etc. It's a little of everything, covers of popular stuff. Things that would have been easier to get a hold of tapes or records of. Older the music, the more likely it would be covered as this was a retirement town before the outbreak. They're not bad and do a hell of a cover of Wayward Son by Kansas. Maddog seems to not have a half bad singing voice as the group slows things down. "A'right y'all, grab partner and let's slow it down," Bass says before Maddog sings Elvis Presleys Can't Help Falling In Love.

Shears smiles over to Riley and shakes her hand, he's still fangirling a bit. "Really should get you up there. They might not know any of yours but if you know some older stuff maybe you could do a cover. Might get your foot in the door. First set break, wanna go talk to them?" Shears asked with a grin and a bit of a belly laugh as he stood there. "Oh slow one starting up," he added as the Elvis cover started. "Go on you two love birds, get a dance in."

During all this, the karts are moved over to the pots and Cook takes over fully, freeing up the rest while she starts the boils. Mizrahi looked over to Thalia and nodded. "When you ask." Seemed rather flat when he spoke but Mizrahi wasn't exactly being noted as someone of many words. Standing up he helped Cook and Morales and Gunny set karts locks in place. Gunny headed off to go sit with his dad for a few. The two seemed to talk quietly among themselves.

"Well hey there Chica. Think you can do me a favor? Get that brother of yours to talk normal when he shows up?" Morales asked Thalia with a chuckle.

"Oh you leave Joaquin alone. I personally love the way he talks. It's like being in at the theater without having to buy a ticket," Cook said as she smacked the back of Morales hand with a large spoon.

"Ouch!" he started before going into a slew of mumbled Spanish words that were most likely curses.

Shears looked over as the two older guys he would be sharing a place with came over and grinned. Extending a hand. "Well sure I play cards but I tell ya what, I got some Dominos as well if you would have at it. Glad to see you getting around," he said to Alexander before looking at Manny. "Shit, I cut hair and well anything else when it needs it. I'm a pro napper as well," he said fixing his part and grinning.

"More like pro-gassman," Daytona said in passing as he pinched her nose and kept walking.

"I will turns your hair green Daytona," he threatened with a laugh before looking back at the others. "Or may be pink."

Thana Martin

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: L11 (Bar)
Skills: N/A

"Yeah they do, glad they could help out," she said to Alexander. It was good to see him moving around better.

Thana sat there grinning a little bit, her foot tapping along with the music as it continued. It was nice, this was real nice. Just sitting back, listening to music like one would in a bar back before the whole world went to shit. Hell, this was a bar, just an outdoor bar. Been a while since she sang in a bar. Okay, now she made herself sad. Last time she had was with Gavin. That seemed like a life time ago, it was a life time ago. Looking over at Ash she chuckled a bit, trying to move on. Just because that part of her life was over didn't mean she still didn't care about the man she lost, it was just that she couldn't dwell on it. It wouldn't change anything. This, with Ash, and the rest, here, this was a new chapter in life.

"I used to do a cover of Paint it Black back in the day," she said thinking on it after talk about the Stones. Shrugging a bit she glanced over at Riley. "Would like to hear her sing though, she's the pro. Hopefully the guys will take note of her," she said before looking back at Ash. Ash knew Riley a lot better than she did but Thana at least knew of Riley before the radio stations stopped playing music and started playing emergency messages until they died. "Thanks Mugsy, talk to ya later Manny," she said before the two wandered off to talk to the others. It was good seeing people mingling around. She would have been if her thigh didn't hurt so damn much right now.

Picking up the drink, Thana raised it and nodded. "To absent friends. Gone but still loved. In the past but never forgotten," she said before downing the shot and hissing slightly. Okay, that refill had a bit more kick than she had braced for. Thana was going to say wait a bit but when things slowed down she slipped off her seat and braced against Ash. "A'right soldier, sweep a girl off her feet and take me dancin'," she said as she slipped an arm over his shoulder. She'd have to let him lead. "You can dance... right?" It wasn't exactly something that had come up. Well maybe it had, at the reception, but it wasn't something she could recall.

Nikola Warren

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: O9 -> M9
Skills: N/A

Nikki giggled and nodded. "Yeah well we got a lot of odd balls around here. I'm one. Thinkin' your one as well," she teased before sticking her tongue out at him. Then she busted out laughing about the bags. "Actually it's collected and used as fertilizer. The bags are sanitized and reused. All part of that reduce, reuse, recycle shit they tried to get me to do posters for in middle school. You know, all that Earth Day jazz. Places reuses and recycles as much as humanly possible." It was the truth. Sure they had supplies and a good handle on things. Sure they could get places but in the end, eventually all of mankind made items were going to run out or get to a point they couldn't get to them. CMB planned for the long haul, so while they did some things to squander resources to boost morale from time to time, mostly they were pretty tight about things.

"Supply handles it. So might end up being your job. Was mine my firs six months." Nikki cringed a bit thinking back on it. It sucked but it had to be done. She was glad to be off the duty now. Granted it wasn't all bad. Okay the duty was, the payoff wasn't. Having vegetables did rock, even if she hated them growing up. What she wouldn't do for a fucking brussel sprout these days.

"Yeah sucks but we got a few with bad allergies down there and a handful with like major dog phobias. One kid got mauled by some that went feral. Lost an eye and a few fingers. Think she just worked up to being able to handle a picture of a dog," Nikki said, hoping that put things into a little more prospective.

Then he went into his whole thing about the gun. That was out of left field. "From dogs to gun? You really gotta get out more," she finally said before motioning with her finger so they could put Izi up in the apartment. Nikki wanted to get to the party, have some fun, dance a little. Nikki really didn't need an excuse to dance. She was bopping around as she walked anyways, cutting through the grounds between the buildings this time instead of taking the roads. It was faster this way and since she wasn't going into any building she wasn't breaking any rules. At least not for this area. There was nothing major here to stay away from.

"Be my third here. Don't do them often but they are fun. Wasn't expecting one this week but after such a big group came in and it had been a while, General made it so. Though more think it has to do with the supplies Sparrow and Franken brought back than anything," she said as she motioned towards the apartments. "Want me to wait here for ya while you put her up?"
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