Avatar of Lady Absinthia


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4 yrs ago
Current Happy International Women's Day to all the fabulous female Gm's and Rpers out there
4 yrs ago
Bond, James Bond, 007. You can never be replaced and will be deeply missed sir. RIP Connery 😭
4 yrs ago
Major Congrats to all my peeps in The Walking Dead - We have reached the 5 year strong milestone!!! HOLY SHIT!
5 yrs ago
If things get real bad and you have to resort to cannibalism remember: Vegans first, they are the closest thing to grass fed.
5 yrs ago
March didn't come in like a lion... It came in like a T-Rex with PMS, and hemorrhoids, wearing barbed wire undies....


✾ 𝙻𝚊𝚍𝚢 𝙰𝚋𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚊
Keep moving forward ۩
⚘ A Brief History
I've been at this a long time and when I say a long time I mean a long long damn time. I started out with table top, ADnD, back in the 80's, then dived into others: Nightlife, Mage the Ascension, Shadow Run, HoL, etc. Moved onto Online in the 90's. I've been running various incarnations of a single RP group for twenty years now. Worked helping setting up, building, and/or admining/modding various RP forums over the years: Adventure Quest, Priston Tales, War Gods, etc. It's been a long road filled with ups and downs. I'm an evil GM, you've been warned.

Outside of RP, I am a mom. Yup, I've reproduced and there are little Lady A's running around plotting their own take over of the world. I am a published author and once upon a time an award winning poet. I've done a lot in my life. I haven't done as much as I would like. I've grown a lot. I have a lot more growing to do. I love to cook, baker by trade currently. I went to university and majored in Mathematics. I've programmed websites, worked as a model, worked as a 3d modeler. Shit, I even used to dance. And have been known to sing a bit. Jack of all trades. Master of like 3, lol.

⚘ Looking Inside
This is where I go into my personality. In the past I would normally make some self deprecating remark about how I am a bitch of a GM, pushing my rpers as hard as I push myself and so forth. Not anymore. People change, or perhaps they just come into their own. This can happen at any age. More than that it can happen several times over the course of your life as you discover and rediscover yourself. Everything happens for a reason, usually that reason is ones owns actions. Or inaction's. Right now, I am in a better place than I can remember being in the longest time. I am happy and at peace. I have no regrets. Maybe I should but I don't. I plan on keeping this peace I have found, I went far too long without it.

Currently I am enjoying several things. Some are things I have enjoyed most of my life: Coffee, chocolate, bacon, M*A*S*H. One isn't something I have enjoyed since I was seventeen: being clean and free of poisons in my system. It is beyond description and I love it: One-hundred and twenty days and counting. Music taste is shifting to more mood oriented than anything, strange I am finding a lot of newer Country I am enjoying and I have NEVER liked country. Watching things like Lark Rise to Candleford and being hooked to the point of reading the trilogy. Recently added yoga to my workouts and all I can say is, "Fuckmaste: the fucked up in me accepts the fucked up in you."


The first step is scary.
Take it anyway.

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☠ 𝚃𝚆𝙳: 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝟻 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟺


Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Weather Forecast: Dawn at 5:57 A.M. - Dusk at 7:41 P.M. - High: 87F, Low: 72F - Winds SW at 4mph - Gusting to 10mph - No rain - Cloud Cover: 26% - Visibility: 9miles.

Notes: This round we are going to be covering a bit of time. Lunch will start happening next round. Figure that this round will cover now until about 1100 hours.

At some of you will see, in some sections we are starting checks, skill usage, etc.. Read carefully, ask questions if needed. Tables that could be used again are now posted in the Original OOC post. (Tables that are a one time thing are not.)

Date: July 23rd, 2012
Administration (A): Gunny nodded towards Alexander, it seemed the older man didn't have any questions. It wasn't that Gunny was really expecting any. This was simple work. Turning his head he looked at Thalia. It seemed that she did have a question but it was completely unrelated to the task at hand. "Run prep," Gunny said not explaining what run prep was as he turned to leave. His hand landed on the door before glancing over his shoulder back at Thalia. "Joaquin has lunch from 1200 to 1300 hours." With that said the man walked out of the room and back up the stairs.

The two amputee's were left alone in the basement to do their work. Things are going to go smoothly for the first little bit while you are cleaning. For Alexander personally, everything is as right as rain down there. No missteps, no trip ups, no allergies kicking in, everything is perfect. At least for him.

Thalia will run into trouble when she comes up to post. There are a lot of shelves and while Thalia is moving to pull a box down, it turns out to be heavier than expected. Nothing she can't handle, even one handed, thing is, as she is working it down the shelf gives way and everything, including the shelf starts tumbling down. Dex Check!

Medical (B): Before she had left the room Mary gave Lisa a quick nod and a "you're welcome and don't fuck it up." Now in Medical, the building wasn't originally a hospital, it looks like it was a condominium building that was reworked. Walls knocked out and redone to connect what needed larger space. The place is divided into three floors: Main Floor, Second Floor, and Basement. Now the following is some but not everything. The Main Floor is reception, basic exam rooms, the Emergency Treatment Room, the Operating Room. The second floor is recovery rooms, L&D, Ultrasounds, Oral, Physical and Mental Therapy Rooms. The Basement is janitorial, supply, the lab, x-ray, and pharmaceuticals. Pharmaceuticals are under lock and key. Who has the key? S.B.

Doesn't matter today. Daily cleaning is S.B. is the basement floor in General. This is where Lisa has been mostly working. Lab needs general clean up, things need to be sterilized, etc. As the lab is where most drugs are made and tests are run (blood/urine/etc.) this place has to be spotless and to do that means constant upkeep even if it looks clean. Seems today things aren't going to be as cut and dry as Lisa is used to it being. Looks like three new sets of samples were just run, which means there are tubes with left over blood in them and cups with left over urine: all waiting on you two to clean it up. Also looks like someone ended up having to use some plaster since last night and there is now plaster in the sink and on the floor that has hardened. This is NOT going to be a good time or a fast clean up job.

Now, let's compound that. This is taking place in the Basement and Manny has a fear of confined spaces. This isn't exactly horrible confined but it isn't a cakewalk either. No windows, under ground, and a stair case being the only way out, which is behind a closed door. FEAR CHECK!

Mechanics (K): Oh whatever assumptions Hunter had about how long it had been since the room was cleaned was so very wrong for as he and Ash looked around the place they would notice that a clipboard was hanging on the wall. It had signatures on it, they were dated. This room got cleaned twice a week. The last person to clean it was.... Checkbook. So either she didn't do her job or she did and whoever used this room was just gross.

Now, onto the cleaning as you two have been left alone. Gross is an understatement. You see, what you are looking at is mostly dry. Mostly dry means that there isn't a lot of smell. Just means you are looking at things ad going ugh. What happens when stinky things that are dry get moistened with water or cleaning supplies? Yeah, that smell starts coming back. Slowly at first and then more intensely. It starts living again! It's alive! Oh god... It's alive... About an hour into the cleaning the smell hits you and hits you hard. No matter what you are doing, you stop for a moment. It's time for a Fit Check!

Supply (R): You are stepping outside for the first time on the job. Now there is a golf cart parked outside of the supply building. This isn't exactly a sedan but it isn't heavy machinery either. Nikki can drive, technically, but would need to make a check if anything popped out and came running across the street without warning. Thankfully for you this round, nothing does. Driving is smooth sailing as it were. First stop is the Desalination Treatment Facility. Cheers is there checking on things and making notes as she comes out of the building. She catches the two girls before they can get out of the golf cart.

"Here, the filters we need today, everything else can wait," Cheers explains as she hands over the paperwork on their requests. "And here for Distillation," she adds, handing over another list. It's pretty cut and dry there and since Cheers turned over the list, it is time to move on. Other places are similar. A list is handed over, and you move on. Sadly you don't see Riley or Tatiana when you are picking up from the Church. (If asked the Padre will explain they are upstairs cleaning.)

After about an hour you pull up close to where the Pier is. No driving the gold cart on the Pier, will have to walk it to the end to find Chase and get that supply list. No rolls needed this round, unless you try something.

Hydroponic Gardens (T): Once all the sheets are raised and the sun can fully come into the gardens, things actually cool down a bit. Not in a bad way but you don't want to die on the humidity. They can stay up until right after lunch then they will need to be lowered again so get the heat up for overnight. Having the sheets up doesn't leave the place exposed though. There is netting between the garden itself and the outside. Probably a good thing considering gnats are more than plentiful right now and they love to swarm just about anyone or anything caught outside in this heat.

Inside soil needs to be checked, things need to be watered, so forth. Outside the compost pile needs to be turned, among other things. Things for this location are calm this round. Nothing big happens but if you are outside when Nikki and Amelia drive by on their way to the Pier you will catch a glimpse of them. (They are not stopping by this round.) No rolls needed this round, unless you try something.


Thana Martin
Location: Hydroponic Gardens (T)
Skills: N/A

Casting a glance in Nigels direction, Thana raised a brow at the mention he grew up on a farm. She didn't remember a mention of that in his file but then again she had read through all the new comers files less than twenty-four hours after returning from weeks on the road and a night of very little sleep. Plus she hadn't been checking for things like where they were raised but hints at deception or trouble. A thing like being raised on a farm wasn't exactly something that would have sent of a flag to remember. She cracked a small smile. "Good to know, you might turn out to be more handy around here than I first thought," she commented in passing as she moved from one raising to another until it was done on her end.

Getting back to the topic of fresh water, Thana shook her head. "Nah, they have that covered," she said as she dusted off her hands. The water they showered in wasn't salty. "But the pipes that things are moved in will wear out over time, an above ground system might not be a bad idea. Especially after what happened in Newnan," she said before stopping herself and nearly face palming. He was one of a few that hadn't been to Newnan and didn't know about it. Or at least not that she knew of and there was nothing to lead her to believe that he should. "Sorry. It was another settlement, in Georgia. Infrastructure gave in, town collapsed," she explained rather briefly before picking up one of the clip boards.

Going over the list, Thana pursed her lips before blowing out roughly. "If you could, gonna need you to do the heavy lifting today. Here is a list of things I'll need from the shed, if you don't mind," she said as she handed it over. "It's unlocked and there is a wheelbarrow around back." The list was simple enough. Chemicals, fertilizer, bug killer, weed killer, potting soil, blah, blah, blah. The first part of the day was basically going to consist of him moving the heavy stuff into the Greenhouse, her going through things and doing the actual gardening, and then him either moving things back or where she needed them. It wasn't bad work, just hot sweaty work.

Passing the time was easy enough for Thana. This was pretty repetitious. "Back you being raised on a farm, what type was it? If ya don't mind me askin' that is," she asked of Nigel. Figured she might as well get to know the man. They were going to be working together for at least the next week. Who knew how much longer after that.


Nikola Warren
Location: Supply (R) -> Pier (D)
Skills: N/A

There was a bob in the blonde's head and a "Mhmm," from behind her lips as an answer. Chewing her gum, Nikki popped a bubble before sucking the pink rubber like substance back between her lips and answering more directly. "Yeah, we have three teams that all they do is go out and get things. Either from places we scavenge or other places we trade with. They rotate out, so we get stuff in usually twice a week," she said before fully getting outside and into the sun. It was bright and hot and humid: just your typical day in Florida.

Snapping her fingers, Nikki seemed to remember something and pulled out two items from her back pockets. Both items were sunglasses. Placing one on her face she held the other out to Amelia. "Figured you don't have any fuckin' credit yet, so here, got these for ya," she said with a grin as she handed them over before heading towards the gold cart.

"Works for me," Nikki said as she climbed into the drivers seat. Once Amelia had climbed in they were off. Nikki was young, full of energy, and not very schooled behind the wheel. It was a golf cart, so it wasn't like it was rocket science but it was clear she was a a bit heavy on the gas and jerky on the steering wheel. She stayed on the road but if there had been ice, let's just say Nikki and Ash would have had a hell of a bumper cars moments.

Pulling up to the first place she nodded but it was obvious she was biting her tongue. Last thing she needed was Cheers ragging her again about the little theft that took place years ago. She'd never live that down. It was like kissing a corpse. After that it was place after place after place until she pulled up to the end of the road before the pier and turned off the golf cart. "Gotta find Chase and check if she needs anything. She usually doesn't but I gotta check. She's usually at the end of the pier," Nikki said pointing off in the distance before she started skipping in that direction.
Protective mother. You just don't want them to grow up.

Don't want them to grow up? Considering she is grown, I'd say that ship has sailed. I just don't like being reminded of my own age, which is what happens every time one of my trio of miscreants passes one of their own milestones.

Random Factoid: I won't eat marshmallows anymore unless I've made them personally.
God lord, after doing this for more than a quarter of a century there is no way I could pick one or even two. I might be able to pick out a top 10 for each type of RP. Having said that, out of my currently active Rp characters I would have to say that Océane is my favorite. She had the cliched back story of orphaned at a young age, taken in by horrible people, abused, and so forth. Put in a position to run away, try to free herself, then get mixed up in a Mail Order Bride scenario and paired up with what some would call a "Bad Bad Man." What I love about her though is her innocence despite everything. She is a Pollyanna that delights in the most basic of what life has, what many take for granted. She teeters between that and then completely pulling herself in fear striking through her when something happens that startles or she thinks could lead to harm. Cowering as it were. Seeing her develop, ever so slowly, has been a wonder. (It took months for her to ask for paper to cover a hole in her boot) Excited to see where she goes as she is not the typical 'strong assured' woman that I normally gravitate towards rping.
Welcome back to our little slice of insanity. Straitjackets are still on the left, padded rooms though have been moved from the right to the second floor.
@Gunther Don't I know it. Not really worried about them, well no more than a mother does, more of a kick them out of a nest than hold on type. My daughter has a good head on her shoulders: Supports herself/works/college, and I'm not naive enough to think she hasn't been drinking, lol. And with my oldest son, well went through the whole learners permit thing with his sister. It's just one of those milestone years for two of the kids so it brings it to the forefront a bit more than seeing the grays in the mirror every day does, lol.

Random Factoid: First book series I actually recall reading was the Boxcar Children. O.o
Right now dealing with a toss up of which is worse - my daughter being old enough to drink (legally) on her next birthday, or my oldest son getting his learners permit this summer. (Neither are making me feel like a spring chicken lol)
☠ 𝚃𝚆𝙳: 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝟻 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟺


Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Weather Forecast: Dawn at 5:57 A.M. - Dusk at 7:41 P.M. - High: 87F, Low: 72F - Winds SW at 4mph - Gusting to 10mph - No rain - Cloud Cover: 26% - Visibility: 9miles.

Notes: We will be moving through the day much quicker than previous. Keep a close eye on posts for mentioning of time of day and such so you can make sure to get your character from point A to point B as needed. If you are unsure how far ahead to move in each post - ask. If you wish to collab parts - go for it! Hit me up if you need Main NPC responses. You can self respond for generic NPC's for things like directions, where something is, a wave, generic stuff, etc.

Job Assignments and Therapy has been moved to below - will keep it there for now. Please, if you are in therapy (or had recommended therapy) check the notes in the hider.

Date: July 23rd, 2012
Breakfast has completed and the day has fully begun in Camp Mexico Beach. Most people have reported to duty, there are a few you can see out in the streets running as if hell was chasing them down; they don't look afraid so much as just White Rabbit Oh Fuck I'm Late! That is the ones that are outside - most won't see this as you are inside. In the top corner of rooms or outside of main buildings you will see little speakers set up and as the time strikes 0800 hours there is a crackle through them. Most turn their heads in the direction of it, some don't, but everyone stops talking as it sounds.

"Ahh, well yes. Good Morning everyone." The voice of the General is being pumped through the speakers. "I hope you are all feeling quite well on this lovely day. We had a wonderful party last night welcoming our newest members and save one or two incidents it was carried out splendidly. Those of you that didn't get a chance to meet the new folks, do say hello if you see them out and about today. Oh what, oh yes, yes." Seems he is talking to someone else while delivering the morning message. "Before I forget, Beth informs me that the weather will be bloody hot today, 87 degrees will be the high. So make sure to stay hydrated and cool down as you can. Due to high temperatures security rotations are being lowered from four hours to two with building hand offs. See Roy for assignments." There is another pause, some talking but it can't be made out. "Yes, or really? They're back? Tuna? Lovely. We will be having tuna - casserole and sushi. Now that is a treat. Well, that is all, have a good day everyone."

The speaker crackled for a few more sections before it went quiet once again. As it did, people who had stopped went back to their duties, people were hadn't stopped were still doing their work. The biggest difference was the fact that people started talking about. It was like someone had hit pause on the entire town and then unpaused it now that it was good to keep going again. Nothing bit seemed to be part of the morning announcement but hey, it was probably a good way to go about things: everyone pausing. Meant if something big did come through no one was going to miss it.

Administration (A): Gunny looked up from the paper work as Alexander came over and spoke up. He looked as if he was about to say something when the woman that was handing over the paper work to Gunny extended her hand palm down towards Alexander. "Why hello there. My name is Sandra and is a pleasure to finally be able to meet some of you new folks. Not everyday that Macsen here hand picks folks to bring into Adminstration," she said in a thick southern accent as he batted her eyes.

"Rolodex... heel..." Maddog said with a bark as he rushed by with a laugh and moved out the door of Administration before she could hit him, which is exactly what it looked like she was going to do.

Gunny just stood there for a moment before looking at Alexander and then Thalia. He looked as if he was about to speak when the announcement came on. Everyone stopped what they were doing and listened in. Sandra's brow shot up at the mention of tuna and as the announcement ended she huffed. "And where is the paper work on that?" she asked.

"Docks, being filled out," Gunny said before motioning towards Alexander and Thalia. "This way, you two will be working in the basement today," he said as he headed down the hallway and pushed open a door that lead down. "Watch your step and head," he added as he kept walking down, ducking slightly under a pipe that crossed the stairwell. Pulling out a set of keys as he reached the bottom he kept walking, past several doors that lined a narrow hallway. They were marked: Records, Requisition, Holding Cells, Interrogation, Supply. Stopping before the supply door he unlocked it. "Your supplies," he said before moving down an unlocking another door, "for here."

Inside was a large nearly unfinished section of the basement where it looked like plenty had been dumped off and left, like people didn't know what to do with it so this was as good a place as any. It was musty and dusty. Boxes lined on top of tables, tables not setup, chairs stacked and collecting spiders webs. The light was over head from basic bulbs that swung slightly and gave off a old school hum if one was quiet enough to listen. "Clean mostly. Divide what is here by: Plastic/paper/electronic/cloth/trash/other/and Don't Know. Line bins in the hallway for now." Slipping the keys back on to his belt loops he looked back to them. "You both are cleared for Funeral Detail today, you may leave half hour prior to clean up. Head to lunch at your assigned time, not before. Any questions?" he asked but not really expecting one, this was rather cut and dry.

Medical (B): Mary looked over towards Lisa. "We got some changes and prissy pants ain't happy," S.B. said with a slight smirk before taking a sip of her coffee. Roy chuckled a bit as he stood there, taking a step forward as a man in a baseball hat came running in and nearly collided with Lisa and S.B. Roy caught the guy right before he plowed into them.

"Shit sorry! Late!" he said as Roy spun him around to slow his momentum. "Sorry!" he said as he kept walking now that Roy let him go. He wasn't running anymore but still moving fast. Roy shook his head a bit and stepped back into place against the wall.

"Actually," Mary started, looking at Manny before the crackle of the speakers was heard and the hospital lobby went quiet. Everyone stood there, waiting for it to be over, as soon as it was Mary continued. "Your hers now," Mary said before turning back to Lisa. "You're fully out of supply now. Gunny approved the change and General signed off last night. You're a damned journeyman's chemist now working full time in Medical. I'll be teaching you more and you will be attending two new classes in Education. See the Professor after shift today to set up times." Mary handed over some paper work for Lisa. It would be a schedule for new duties and list of things to do and more so not to do when working in the pharmacy. Lisa would already knows these having cleaned the place for so long but everything in triplicate.

"As far as he goes. He's taking your old place. Show him the ropes, what to clean how to clean it, when to clean it. And mostly what not to touch," she added before looking at Manny. "Know you're a doctor outside but in here, you're a janitor. You can leave 15 minutes before Funeral Time if you're going. Lisa, get him up to speed today, check in before lunch," she said before walking off.

Roy watched her walk off before looking at Manny. "We all we're janitors," he said in passing before looking back towards the door.

Mechanics (K): Rosie looked over towards Ash as he came in and introduced himself. "That's me honey," she said before looking back at Volts. "If you see Dog before I do, tell him I need that schedule," she said to the man.

Volts nodded a bit, his brow shooting up at Hunter came in and spoke. "Wait, which two are these again?" he said after Hunter introduced himself. Rosie shrugged.

"Sparrows and Checkbook 2.0," Mizrahi said as he finished wiping his hands off and shoved the dirty rag half hanging out his back pocket.

"Oh right, kid if I were you I wouldn't be calling anyone Private unless you're a higher ranking officer and well, you wouldn't even make minimum weight requirements," Volts said before giving a wave to Rosie. "See ya after lunch Rivets," he said before taking the part and heading back to Fabrication.

Rosie nodded and stopped as the announcement started. She listened as she crossed her arms over her chest. Mizrahi sat down on a stool and waited for it to be over as he picked up a clipboard. As the announcement ended, he handed the clipboard over to Rosie. "Right, okay you two are the new comers. Do what you're told, when you're told, no attitude or back talking or I'll ship you somewhere worse. Like the sewers," she stated flatly. "I got shit to do, you do what Mizrahi tells you to today. Holloway you are clear to leave 45 minutes before Funeral Detail to shower and clean up, you'll need it," she said before walking out of Mechanics through one of the raised garage doors and lighting up a cigarette. Taking a long puff she yelled back into the garage of Mechanics. "Hey, Monroe! You're to report to Gunny at 1400 hours!"

"Here," Mizrahi said as he got off his stool and headed over to a door. Opening it, it was a bathroom that had seen far better days. Cleaning supplies were in there, but didn't look like they were used. "Ladies room.... clean," he said. Though he didn't say much he seemed to give a sympathetic look towards both the guys. "Done, find me," he added before going back to the truck he was working on and laying down on the roller, sliding back under it he went back to work.

Supply (R): Auntie looked over at Nikki and nodded. "Yeah, we needed a spare set of hands with the supply influx the last few days," Auntie said before looking over as Amelia spoke. "Yes, sign in there," she said pointing to the clipboard that Nikki had. "Sign in when you arrive, sign out when you leave." It looked like she was about to say more but the announcement started so she stopped talking.

As the announcement went on, Auntie picked the clipboard out of Nikki's hands and slid it across the counter towards Amelia. It had a pencil tied to it. As the announcement ended, she continued as if she had only blinked. "Have a message you might attend the funeral thing, you can leave five minutes before, will give you plenty of time to get to the assembly location," she said as she pulled her flower and straw hat off.

"Nikki, we got a lot of new stuff in from Sparrow and Frankens return, half of it isn't cataloged yet, the rest isn't cleaned up yet. You two get on that. Show the girl where to go, where not to, and how to take care of things in here." Fluffing her short hair a bit she scowled. "We're the hub of the town. Fuck medical, fuck food, fuck everyone else. We don't keep our shit in order, no one gets what they need and everything stops. So don't fuck up and make sure all my numbers line up," she said before taking an arm full of clothing and heading off to the back.

Hydroponic Gardens (T): The gardens were really something to see. Well they were something to smell that was for sure. And to see, well outside with the starter plants and such it looked to be your typical garden set up for a larger scale greenhouse. Thing was, it wasn't. Now the place is locked up currently and all the fogged plastic is down so people cannot see inside it. When the doors are opened though, it is rather a neat set up.

Plants are not grown in planters or on the ground. They are either suspended from rods in the ceiling and grown upside down, their roots in pipes above, or they are grown in a series of large pvc pipes that have been cut into and used as planters. It is staggered and grown vertically to have levels and levels of produce growing in a small space.

The greenhouse is much hotter than how it is outside and it looks to have water piped in and a mist is constantly being sprayed from above to water the top level, clear tubes feed into others lower to keep them watered. Clipboards are hung up and each vegetable or fruit is labeled where it is, when it was rotated last, harvested from last, and so forth.


Thana Martin
Location: Hydroponic Gardens (T)
Skills: N/A

Pulling the clipboard down, Thana flipped from one page to the next, sighing to herself as she read before lifting her head and looking over towards Nigel as she heard him speak. "That's me, call me Thana is ya prefer," she said as she held out her hand to shake his. As the speaker crackled she stopped and pointed towards it. "Mornin' announcements," she informed Nigel before placing her finger to her lips. It was quiet time. She remembered the first time she heard the crackle, it actually unnerved her a bit. Last time she had heard something like it was when the emergency broadcast system was still working. It left a bad memory in her mind. Took her a few times hearing the speakers crackle to get used to it and even now though she doubt she ever fully would.Once you had such a bad association with something it was hard to move past it.

Listening Thana took in what was said. Incident? She didn't hear about any incident. Then again why would she? She wasn't a high ranking officer in charge around here, well not where most things were concerned. She wasn't even in charge of the gardens, she just worked Mess which was in control of the gardens. They put her here because of her degree but that was after weeks in supply and only because it was one of the few jobs that was open. If she hadn't had her degree in botany she would still be in supply cleaning out toilets. She was glad she was out of there, especially after hearing what the temperature was going to be today. She was used to the smell of compost, it was different even if it was close to a sewer at times.

Once the announcements ended she hung up the clipboard and motioned with her finger for Nigel to follow her. "Actually, I think we're pretty close to it," she said as she pulled out her keys that were hooked on her belt. Unlocking the door she pushed it open slowly. She was still walking with a limp but she didn't let the twinge bother her so much. It was better than it had been. Pushing the door open she motioned inside and smiled. "Think it's a hell of a hanging garden," she said motioning around.

"Think you'll do fine here. Mostly it'll just be grunt work helpin' me move things from point A to point B until I get a full clear from Doc," she said as she lifted the leg of her shorts to show the two holes that were still stitched up. They lay on either side of a rather ugly and jagged scar. "First things first, we gotta get the blinds raised for morning sun," she said walking to one of the plastic drapes. "Grab here, pull here, secure there, then just repeat. I'll take the west side, you take the east," she said. It would take a bit that was for sure considering how long the green house was. It was like dropping the sails on a ship and making sure they were secure.

Thana got to work. She wasn't going to be able to move faster than Nigel but considering this was where she worked she knew how to get through the rows faster, and the procedure better. Once she was healed she could probably do it in no time flat alone but that wasn't now. "So, your file says you know Roman History and building," Thana started coming around a corner. "How's yer knowledge on aqueducts? she asked as she started to raise another one.


Nikola Warren
Location: Supply (R)
Skills: N/A

Blowing a bubble with her gum, Nikki looked over towards Auntie. "Yeah, been a clusterfuck since they got back," Nikki said about needing an extra set of hands. It had been a lot to deal with. It wouldn't have been so bad if they hadn't had an influx of a lot of new people at the same time but with everything that had happened it had made keeping up with Supply a bit more taxing. At least Auntie hadn't made her work more hours to catch up. And now they had a new person. Speaking of which, she had just come in. "Hey girl, morning," Nikki said before blowing another bubble with her gum and bouncing on the balls of her feet a bit.

Looking towards the speaker as the static crept in, she rolled her eyes a bit and stood there waiting to hear what the weather report was going to be today. Nikki gasped slightly at the clipboard was yanked from her hand. "Hey!" Nikki snapped quietly as the announcement started fully.

Incident? Was the General talking about Hunter yelling curse words and falling face first into the sand? Nikki figured that was probably the case. She half wondered what happened to the guy last night but she wasn't going to sweat it. She had tried talking and he kept being something she wasn't finding fun to be around. Why she sought fun elsewhere and in truth the evening had been fun. She was glad she got out of her bedroom this morning before Bass started trying to be clingy. She wanted a fuck, not a relationship.

As the announcement ended she could only nod to what all Auntie was saying. She waited for Auntie to walk off before sticking her tongue out at where the old lady had been before looking over at Amelia. "Don't mind her, don't think she's gotten laid since Prohibition," Nikki said with a smirk before hoping up onto the counter and sliding over to the other side. "Basically we just clean shit off, mark it down in the logs and then put it away in the right place. Ain't hard," she added as she bounced about.

"First things first, we gotta get requests from the other areas," she said as she headed towards the door. "Come on, we get to take the golf cart for this. You wanna drive?" she asked as she plucked a set of keys out of her pocket.
I cross stitch unusual things when I am bored, for example -> My most recent
Absolutely brilliant progress. ^^
>TMW you ask "this" or "that" and the answer you get is "both"
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