Avatar of Lady Absinthia


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4 yrs ago
Current Happy International Women's Day to all the fabulous female Gm's and Rpers out there
4 yrs ago
Bond, James Bond, 007. You can never be replaced and will be deeply missed sir. RIP Connery 😭
4 yrs ago
Major Congrats to all my peeps in The Walking Dead - We have reached the 5 year strong milestone!!! HOLY SHIT!
5 yrs ago
If things get real bad and you have to resort to cannibalism remember: Vegans first, they are the closest thing to grass fed.
5 yrs ago
March didn't come in like a lion... It came in like a T-Rex with PMS, and hemorrhoids, wearing barbed wire undies....


✾ 𝙻𝚊𝚍𝚢 𝙰𝚋𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚊
Keep moving forward ۩
⚘ A Brief History
I've been at this a long time and when I say a long time I mean a long long damn time. I started out with table top, ADnD, back in the 80's, then dived into others: Nightlife, Mage the Ascension, Shadow Run, HoL, etc. Moved onto Online in the 90's. I've been running various incarnations of a single RP group for twenty years now. Worked helping setting up, building, and/or admining/modding various RP forums over the years: Adventure Quest, Priston Tales, War Gods, etc. It's been a long road filled with ups and downs. I'm an evil GM, you've been warned.

Outside of RP, I am a mom. Yup, I've reproduced and there are little Lady A's running around plotting their own take over of the world. I am a published author and once upon a time an award winning poet. I've done a lot in my life. I haven't done as much as I would like. I've grown a lot. I have a lot more growing to do. I love to cook, baker by trade currently. I went to university and majored in Mathematics. I've programmed websites, worked as a model, worked as a 3d modeler. Shit, I even used to dance. And have been known to sing a bit. Jack of all trades. Master of like 3, lol.

⚘ Looking Inside
This is where I go into my personality. In the past I would normally make some self deprecating remark about how I am a bitch of a GM, pushing my rpers as hard as I push myself and so forth. Not anymore. People change, or perhaps they just come into their own. This can happen at any age. More than that it can happen several times over the course of your life as you discover and rediscover yourself. Everything happens for a reason, usually that reason is ones owns actions. Or inaction's. Right now, I am in a better place than I can remember being in the longest time. I am happy and at peace. I have no regrets. Maybe I should but I don't. I plan on keeping this peace I have found, I went far too long without it.

Currently I am enjoying several things. Some are things I have enjoyed most of my life: Coffee, chocolate, bacon, M*A*S*H. One isn't something I have enjoyed since I was seventeen: being clean and free of poisons in my system. It is beyond description and I love it: One-hundred and twenty days and counting. Music taste is shifting to more mood oriented than anything, strange I am finding a lot of newer Country I am enjoying and I have NEVER liked country. Watching things like Lark Rise to Candleford and being hooked to the point of reading the trilogy. Recently added yoga to my workouts and all I can say is, "Fuckmaste: the fucked up in me accepts the fucked up in you."


The first step is scary.
Take it anyway.

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☠ 𝚃𝚆𝙳: 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝟻 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟺


Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Weather Forecast: Dawn at 5:57 A.M. - Dusk at 7:41 P.M. - High: 87F, Low: 72F - Winds SW at 4mph - Gusting to 10mph - No rain - Cloud Cover: 26% - Visibility: 9miles.

Notes: Lunch is officially over now as far as the PC's are concerned but NPC and shelved ones still do have lunch, so for certain areas there will be bells to denote time. Time will jump some this round, please read all sections carefully to keep note of times and when things happen. Please also note that the order of the post does not denote the time of the post. Each section is on it's own time frame and move at their own rates. Admin might move faster than Mechanics, Supply might start later than Water Repair. So make sure when posting, you take that into account. Hasn't seemed to be a lot of issues with this but some minor ones I have seen skipped over could post problems later. (Sigil with Ash missing the entire conversation between Volts and Rivets 2 rounds ago is a good example.)
Date: July 23rd, 2012

Administration (A): Down in the basement of the administration building a certain one legged senior citizen was laying on his back and claiming rather rightfully so that he was too old for this shit right as the bell rang to end forth lunch and signalling it was 1330 hours. Others in the building might have agreed or understood his sentiment and pain, that was if they heard it. Thing is they didn't. Being down stairs with a floor separating you from the rest of the world and people back to work or out makes it hard to notice such things. Good thing Alexander is paired up with another, even if she is one armed and that might be a damper in being able to help him up.

The real question though is where the pair goes from here. Alexander has taken a hell of a spill. Sure, Thalia took a bowling trophy to the face earlier but that was a small cut on the face. A man hitting the ground like that, at his age? Oh, hip could be broke, could end up needing to ice his ass for the next 48 hours for all we know. So what happens from here - you two might wanna discuss that and see how to play it out. (It will be up to you if/when your characters leave the basement this round - do make sure it is either before everyone starts filing in, or after they do as to keep problems from a rising with continuity. NOT DURING!)

Upstairs, as people are unaware of what is going down stairs they are working. At least the ones back in Administration. The reception desk is closed as Rolodex is out to lunch. This means the doors that lead further into admin are closed and locked. Keys are needed to get past the point but that isn't an issue for Lisa and Manny. They come in and drop off the paper work in the in-box for Rolodex shortly after 1330 hours but before anything going on in the basement is known - they will be long gone by then.

Now outside of Admin and down the street a bit after Manny and Lisa are gone and out of sight Volts is taking Hunter that way. Looking at the kid, he folded up the slip of paper he was carrying and tucked it into his pocket. "Kid, people usually put their best foot forward when they show up to a new place," he said chuckling a bit. His chuckle wasn't deep, it was a bit higher pitched and he hissed a little as he bit down on his tongue between his front teeth. "If what I'm hearing is your best..." he started before snapping his head back and letting out a loud "ha," followed by a rather long and drawn out, "daaaaaaaaaaammmmmmnnnnn."

This little bit of a vocal scene caught the attention of several filing out of the mess hall about that time and heading back towards their respective jobs, people from fifth lunch. Two in particular: Riley and Tatiana. Riley looks to be bee-lining it and not paying a lot of attention. Tatiana on the other hand quirks a brow towards the two, seeming to study them before following Riley. Tatiana tilts her head down slightly but her eyes are straight ahead and her pace is faster. A bit ahead of the two is Rolodex, someone only two of the newer members have actually been introduced to.

Inside of Administration, Rolodex unlocks the door, steps behind the reception desk and is just settling in and checking her in-box when Volts opens the door and walks inside. Looking up she smiles a bit. It was around 10 minutes until 1400 hours at this time. "Well hello there Mr. Dwayne, what can I do fer ya today?" she asked in a thick southern accent that seemed a little over pronounced. "And who's this?" she asked spotting Hunter as
he came into the building.

"Afternoon Ms. Sandra, this is Gunny's 1400 and well he comes with this," he said pulling out the slip of paper from his back pocket. Handing it over to Sandra. Her look getting a tad worried as she took the paper and unfolded it. Looking it over her eyes darted to Hunter and then to Volts. "Yes, seriously...." he said and seemed to answer an unspoken question.

"Well, a'right, have a seat Mr. Monroe," Rolodex said to Hunter and pointed to a row of chairs along the wall near the front door. Picking up a hand-held she turned the dial. "Mac, yer 2 is here, with a 10-886," she said as she pushed the talk button down and then let go.

"Seriously?" came thought in a crackle, it was Gunny's voice. After about a two second pause he continued. "Just a minute."

"Sure thang," she replied before setting the radio back down in it's nest. Volts watched the scene for a minute before turning on his heels and high tailing it out of there. The man had been asked to bring the kid over and drop him off, if he had been asked anything else it wasn't clear but it was obvious that Volts wasn't sticking around for the rest of the show if there was one.

Hospital (B): Lisa will know that whatever didn't get done before they left will have to be done before they clock out for the day. Germs and unfinished cleaning in the hospital are not allowed and have to be completed. (Why a Doctor would suggest putting off cleaning a lab where testing and blood and infection can easily spread is my ~facepalm~ moment this week. >.>)

Mess Hall (C): Tail end of the PC lunch was simply the others eating and spending a few minutes together. Riley was glad to have been able to see Amelia for a bit and hear about her day. It would be nice to be able to see each other midway through the day. Today they all did have the funeral to go to and be at the Assembly post before 1600 but that was today and right before dinner for them. At least without a funeral they would be able to see each other midday to catch up it looked like. At least for this week. Who knows if they would be having the same lunch in a week or even a month.

Once lunch was wrapped up - each bell tolling to finish up lunches one by one until they were all done and most all the food had been gone through, save some of the tuna salad, the Mess Hall was closed up for clean up and prep for dinner. The place had to stay pretty busy from well before the main people got up for the day and long after the main people turned in for the night to be able to feed 300 people for three meals a day. The added meal yesterday had to add even more. What some might have noticed between their lunchs was the fact that some were rolling trays of food out of the Mess Hall. This might have seemed odd as it was made very clear that food outside of the Mess Hall, save for a few select times like the party, it was a no no. That would be until they spotted the trays being taken into the hospital. People who couldn't get out of bed had to eat as well.

Water Repair Shop (G): Around 15 minutes before 1400 hours is when Lisa and Manny arrive at the Water Repair Shop. It is located on the same side of the main road as the Hospital is but it is at the far west end of the camp, right before the bridge that leads to the west gate on the other side of the canal. It is a large parking lot that is open, several trailers with boats up on them set about. Long buildings that look to be made of simple steel sheets. The more you walk towards the water the clearer it becomes that there are more buildings behind the main ones in the parking lot. These are built to cover part of the canal, next to a narrow boat ramp. The place is mostly empty save for two boats actually in the canal. One under one of the covers, one docked closer to the ramp and too large to be under one of the roofs.

Rivets and Maddog are there. Maddog on the actual ship, chewing on an unlit but half burnt cigar. Rivets is standing on the dock with a clip board and is writing things down as she walks up and down the smaller side dock. "Any major repairs?" Maddog yells down from the boat.

"Some rust but nothing heavy. Though the engine needs work, they've been running it far too hard," Rivets yelled up. "But after the build Franken put in, no wonder Goliath runs this thing hard."

"Yeah, land lover hasn't gotten his sea legs yet, he will," Maddog chuckles before catching glimpse of Lisa and Manny coming over. "A-hoy!"

Rivets rolled her eyes and looked over to Lisa, pulling out a sheet of paper from the back pages of the clip board. "Guy will be back from lunch soon, said to give this to ya when you got here. Said it was mostly just sanitizing and restocking."

"Yeah, apparently the worst they had was some minor cuts and one hook through a thumb, fully," he said mimicking stabbing his thumb. "That and it stinks on here from the chum left overs," he added before starting to walk down the gangplank.

Mechanics (K): Mizrahi crossed his arms over his chest as he leaned against the door frame lightly. It seemed that Ash was having a hard time figuring out what he had said, or at least he thought it was that. His English wasn't the best out there but he was learning. Thana and he had spent many weeks on the road, mostly driving and talking. He was having trouble communicating with her, she was having a hard time communicating with him. Granted his English was far better than her Arabic but she was learning and he liked the fact she put a lot of effort into it while they were out on the road. Looking at Ash though he wondered if she still would.

"I too try. It is, hard," Mizrahi said before letting out short breath. "Anger quick when shield, wall," he said, stumbling over his words as he tried to find the one he was looking for. His lips pulling to one side as he balled up his fists and strained a bit while flexing his arms in. Then the word finally came to him and he snapped his finger. "Protect." He still wasn't sure he had said that right but he didn't think that Ash spoke his language. Granted, he hadn't asked. "Arabic?" he asked. He figured it couldn't hurt to ask.

Hearing the door to Fabrication open he turned his head. It was Tesla carrying a few saw blades. "Got these sharpened, was gonna have Volts bring them over but can't find the pain in my butt," he said as he sat them down on the work bench.

"Admin, back soon," Mizrahi said. "New kid." Tesla seemed to speak Mizrahi's broken English well enough to get the gist. That or he didn't care. He had a location and when Volts would be back basically, the rest might just not have had mattered.

"Good," he said before glancing over at the bathroom and stepping over, finally seeing Ash. "Oh hey," he said looking around. "God, best day in this place is the day you get to shuffle this job off on someone else," he chuckled a bit. "I think everyone loses about ten pounds on this duty not wanting to eat."


Tesla started laughing. "Nothing keeps that man from eating, he'd eat jerky cleaning a bathroom if they'd let him," Tesla added before shuddering. Shaking it off he looked back to Ash. "Well good luck and pray someone else comes in or fucks up so you aren't on this long," he said before heading back over to Fabrication as the time closed in on 1400 hours.

Supply (R): Aunties lunch ended the same time that Nikki and Amelia's did but as the bell rang she wasn't there but she had other places to work. It was clear by now Supply wasn't just a Goodwill like building where people could shop for things if they earned some extra spending cash. Supply was the main hub of everything in Camp Mexico Beach. Amelia and Nikki had spent the morning before lunch going around the camp and collecting request lists, and then filling out requisition forms so those requests could be fulfilled. Supply had to be everywhere and there were places that Nikki and Amelia hadn't gotten too before lunch.

So no sign of Auntie and clothing on the counter. Other than that, everything else seemed pretty much the same as it was when they left for lunch. That was until as the time got close to 1400 hours Mary came into supply. Glancing around and checking for completed carts. They normally wered0oen by now but it was also well known that when new people came in and events happened things slowed down and they had to play catch up for the next couple of days. Then again, Mary was called S.B., aka Scary Bitch, for a reason and it probably wasn't because she was soft and cuddly.

"Where the hell is the cart for supply replacement in Medical?" she snapped as she motioned at an empty place where something was obviously supposed to be, or at least she was acting that way.

Underwater Garden (U): The hydroponic gardens were one thing, the underwater garden was something else entirely. At first it didn't seem like much and could be a bit of a let down. From the beach one could see the pier itself and the way it jutted out over the coast. Nothing special at first glance, it was just a pier. That was until someone stopped looking at the main walkway of the pier and underneath it. As the pier beneath and the legs went into the water one, as they got close, could see the steel fencing blocking off people or things from getting fully under the pier, then the fence gate at the shores edge, then the walkway beneath the pier.

Once one got passed the locked gate and started walking under the pier, it still wasn't much at first. A slippery walkway under a pier with thick black tubes running the length of it at the waters surface and then slipping below. It was hard to see much beyond where one was because of the thickness of each wooden post that held the pier above in place. Between them though started to be shelves, nothing special, a few empty plant holders here and there, bags of sand and soil. Much of it looked like storage that might have been forgotten about.

Then there started to be more, like what was in the greenhouse garden. Rows of different plants, most looking like they were starting, in planters along rigged between the posts. It looked more like how one would hold a lab though than a garden to fed people as it looked to be smaller things not ready to be eaten and far fewer than one would need or was worth the space it was taking up or more than that the resources. It went on until the pier ended. Where the pier ended up above, so did it below but there was more. A pool like ladder that lead down.

Underwater was a different story. Just like the walk way beneath the pier there was another below the water, lamps provided more light than the sun could below the water, which was far more murky than one might have liked but it was the gulf, there was only so much clarity even on calm water days. Below the water however, it was lovely, at least in some people's minds. There were rows of small seedlings just sprouting in boxes, others even smaller growing in starter cups in black tubes, the deeper one went the larger and more grown the plants got.

It was mostly types of seaweed and lettuce beneath the water but there were other things growing as well. There were some vine fruits like what looked like strawberries but they were white and more hearty vegetables like potatoes and even things like carrots and onions. It was really a sight to see, that below the pier and the water, and the tide was this little world all its own. Many of it surrounded by mesh or grates, some open where there were traps and seemed to lure in shrimp and crabs and other shell fish. Anchoring points were here and there, specially between where a section of underwater walkway nearer the surface would end and the next would start.


Thana Martin
Location: Hydroponic Gardens (T) -> Underwater Garden (U)
Skills: N/A

Thana nodded slightly. She was a bit excited to show someone what was going on in the other garden. Most that had seen it thought it was interesting but that was it and she hadn't exactly been able to show many. Her father and Maddog had seen it, they had started it with the help of some others going off books Thana had had when she was in college and never gotten rid off, or ideas from letter she had written when she was over seas. They hadn't actually been able to achieve much of anything besides getting a skeleton of a place to grow plants under thew water. It was one thing to read about it, one thing to garden normally, it was another to try to get plants to adapt to salt water from fresh, especially for a bunch of retired military folk that had had half of their lifes meals from an MRE or a C-ration pack before that.

"Well it's a start but we're gettin' somewhere finally. Hopefully in a year or two we'll cut down on the amount of fresh water we need fer growin' by a heavy percent. Would make thangs a hella lot simpler for many in the camp," Thana explained as she finished getting ready and began to lock the place up. Atlas wasn't about and it seemed that someone wasn't going to fill in for him. Yet from what Thana said they were going to be spending the rest of the day at this other garden so made sense to just lock up instead of having someone stand there at a door that could be locked for hours and hours.

Pointing towards the beach Thana gathered her bag of things and started heading that way. There was a slight nod from her when Nigel mentioned poking him. "Oh I will, noise don't exactly travel well underwater and well you wouldn't wanna take out yer breather down there, unless yer a fish," she said as they walked, a bit of a smirky chuckle coming from her as they did.

Reaching the section below the pier, Thana pulled out her keys and unlocked it. "Careful, it gets slippery really fast," she said pointing towards the green growing on the walkway that was being washed over by ripples in the water just at the surface. Waiting for Nigel to enter before locking them in and everyone else back out again. Stepping carefully Thana started to walk beneath the pier, reaching out and holding on to a line of chain that was anchored in places just at shoulder level.

"Actually yeah, did my doctorate on Salt Water Farmin'. Modifying fruits and vegetables and grains to be able to be grow in salt water through salination adjustment over time until fresh water was no longer needed. Set up several gardens with the U.N. in places like the Middle East and South East Asia - deserts and islands. Places fresh water is scarce but food is desperately needed," Thana explained as she moved down the walk way. "Small scale but for a place that was wiped out by war or mother nature it could mean the difference between survival and not," she added as she reached near the end of the pier and set her bag down on one of the shelves.

"Alright, bag there, anchor in here, and then follow me. Take yer time, I'll be right there. Better swimmer than walker right now," she said pointing to her leg. Half made sense, underwater she was buoyant, less weight and strain on the thigh as it healed. As she said what he needed to do, she demonstrated it. Tying herself off, dipping her mask into the water before putting it on, etc. Climbing down the ladder she found the first walk way and stood on it, the water coming up to her chest. "Alright, mask on, ya got yer snorkle to breath though, have a look, we'll get ya setting with an air tank in a few," she said as she pulled two over to her from the walkway. She wanted to give him a second to see what was beneath the surface before having him swim it. He did say he was alright but not exactly the best, last thing she wanted was him distracted if something went wrong right at the start.


Nikola Warren
Location: Supply (R)
Skills: N/A

Coming out of the back room, Nikki looked around and spotted Amelia. Tossing the clipboard she had been writing on and taking inventory with onto the counter she skipped over and took her watch back. "Sure thing. Ain't nothing. There are clocks around and such but mostly ya just get used to time and bells and knowing but I was glad to get a watch after a bit. I tend to get in my head and ferget time," she said with a bit of a shrug between chews on the piece of gum that was already back in her mouth and bubbles she was popping with said gum. Her blonde hair was now pulled back into a pony tail and it seemed to bounce with a life of its own. Not that it really was as Nikki was constantly bouncing on the balls of her feet.

"If ya get some extra credit round here, would get one if I were ya, can come in handy around here. I mean not like ya need to keep track of tea time when yer out dealing with Ass Faces, unless yer trying to set up some type of weird trap fer them like Lisa does and ya gotta time something but in here it does help," she continued as she took the watch and laid it down face down on the counter. Resting her wrist on it she fastened it back in place before shaking her wrist a bit to get it to fall how she liked it.

"Huh?" she asked slightly confused at first, then it clicked. "Oh yea, wasn't sure how much time you would have and well, findin' things in here can be a bit overwhelming first few weeks, especially if you're a in a hurry. Figured, why the hell not. Needed to fill in the time before I went back on the clock anyways," she said looking through a few of the items idly before shrugging and looking back over at Amelia. "And wasn't sure your size, so um, if ya see something ya like why don't ya try it on? We got some changing rooms over there," she said pointing off to the side. Just a bit of curtain hanging in front of what looked to be a quick constructed set of walls inside the larger area.

Turning her head when she heard the door, Nikki groaned a bit seeing Mary come into the place. "Oh hell, bad mood just walked in," she said under her breath towards Amelia before looking at Mary. Nikki didn't bother saying hello to the woman as the woman wasn't walking towards either of them but instead was walking over to an area that looked like it was a little too open for everything else that was crammed in there.

"Wait for it," Nikki added quietly, not long before Mary turned, motioning towards the empty area and slightly snapping at her. "There it is," she said in a whisper before rolling her eyes slightly and scowling towards Mary.

"Same damn place it always is the night after new peeps come in or we have a party. In the damn back," Nikki said flatly with a bit of a snark in her own voice. "Don't like it, talk to Auntie. It ain't in my job description to put up with ya like Doc or Lisa," she said before sticking her tongue out at the older woman. "It'll be ready by dinner, like always. Don't get snippy with me because you walked over here wanting something you knew wouldn't be there," she added before looking back at Amelia and motioning towards the changing room.
☠ Information Update - 2/29/2020: Quick notes...

  • Lunch is over in the last update
  • Work and Lunch time listing have been moved from IC to below. They will remain the same until we move past July 29th in IC.
  • Therapy time listing has been moved from IC to below. It will remain the same until either an adjustment is needed or we pass August 20th in RP.
  • Instructions for Therapy remain the same - If your character isn't required therapy but you wanted them to attend therapy AND you haven't already signed them up or contacted me to collab it, you need to contact me BEFORE March 2nd, 2020 to set up the outline of a collab.

☠ 𝚃𝚆𝙳: 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝟻 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟺


Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Weather Forecast: Dawn at 5:57 A.M. - Dusk at 7:41 P.M. - High: 87F, Low: 72F - Winds SW at 4mph - Gusting to 10mph - No rain - Cloud Cover: 26% - Visibility: 9miles.

Notes: Lunch for PC's officially ends this round. Make sure that when you are posting to include things that should be and that you are making it clear about where your character is during what time to avoid confusion or if they are early/on-time/late for things. If I am not clear I will either roll to determine or if it is a regular mess up I will default to worst case scenario >.>

Riv - After this round, you have control of Riley as an NPC to move forward your story with her as you need to, or you can just keep her background and it will be assumed that Riley and Amelia are doing fine together and adjusting to life in Camp as a couple.

Again - watch time carefully - we are moving past lunch and I will signal when characters can start preparing via their bosses okay to get ready for the funeral for those characters that are going.
Date: July 23rd, 2012
The first three lunch shifts were done for the day now: the camp was dealing with being in the middle of the forth lunch and the start of fifth at the start of this post. People mulling about, getting to lunch or back to work after it. Some were actually done for the day having worked partly over night, lunch being their technical dinner and about to turn in for the day to get some sleep before they had to get back up again. Some were just now getting started with their day, lunch being their breakfast before they started on their shifts and relieved others. Camp Mexico Beach might have been less busy during the night but it was clear by the way the meals ran that this place was never fully asleep and never truly let its guard down, perhaps that was one of the reasons it had lasted so long. Perhaps they were just lucky.

The bell tolled through the speakers before going quiet over the intercom system that helped keep things running as on time as they did in the place. It was now 1330 hours. It signaled the end of forth lunch, the halfway mark of fifth lunch, and the beginning of the sixth and final lunch shift for the day.

Administration (A): Before he left the General nodded towards Thalia. "Yes, of course, I am glad to see your brother was right about you," he said before turning his attention towards Alexander. He knew that look. It didn't matter the age someone was, they wanted to feel useful, needed. It was part of being human. The older one got the harder it was to have that feeling much of the time. If anything, this entire fall out in the world had reminded Aeron that he was still indeed useful. He possessed skills that were no longer taught when the world went to hell, things needed in a time without an internet or steady power source. Alexander was from a similar time. A time that transitioned from the past to the present and now back again. "I have no doubt you will Alexander. Well good day to you both, I will speak with you later," he added before heading out.

The two had a lot more work to do now but it seemed they at least had some idea of what they were doing it for now. Whether or not that made things better was inconsequential at this point. What did matter was that during their cleaning one of the bottles of cleaner apparently was old and finally worn out. Sitting there on the table it has been slowly dripping since before lunch and during their time gone ended up creating a rather nice puddle on the ground. As the floor is tile down there it is silk, as the tile is darker and slightly textured seeing the puddle in the light of the room is difficult....

Just as the bell is tolling to let people know it is now 1330 hours and that forth lunch is over, Alexander steps into it and slips. What happens? Time for a dexterity check - May the odds be ever in your favor. Who the hell am I kidding, I can't wait to see what happens, this could be hilarious.

Hospital (B): Mary has left instructions. Be at the Water Repair Shop by 1400 hours. You have time. Lisa is used to cleaning this by herself. Granted one would think that having help would make things faster but in truth that first few days never does. It always slows things down as you have to slow yourself down to make sure the other person is learning what they need to learn so when they have to do it on their own they don't screw it up and you don't get blamed for not training them properly. So the clean up going on will get done but only just barely before the two have to head out.

Now why were they held up in cleaning? Was it just the fact that Lisa had to teach Manny what to clean, how to clean it, and so forth? Or was there more going on there? Let's find out shall we? You see the first time Manny was down there he was dealing some fear issues. Those haven't gone away, in fact anytime Manny steps back down there it can be assumed he needs to run a check. So, Minor Fear Check time for Manny - refer to the Minor Feat Table in the original OOC post for results after roll in chat (Remember to call the roll before you roll)

About half an hour the bell tolls and the end of forth lunch is signaled, meaning the time is now 1330 hours. Thirty minutes until Manny and Lisa are supposed to be over at the Water Repair Shop. Lisa will figure that now is a good time to set what they haven't got done aside, grab the results Mary had pointed to early, and head over to Admin. Results drop off is standard and she doesn't need to interact with anyone. Rolodex will be in the middle of her lunch and there is an In-Box on the reception counter she can leave the results in, so no worries there. (Depending on how the rolls went, Manny may or may not actually run out of the basement, lol. Either way he will probably be glad to be outside for a bit instead of in the basement.)

Lisa will know boat cleaning isn't difficult and Medic does a good job at trying to keep it as clean as possible but she will also know that Sea Team can be out for weeks at a time and no matter how much Medic tries, it is a lot for one person and being at sea just leaves salt on everything and tends to rust a lot of stuff. It isn't hard work but it is tedious and you can't over look any corner.

Mess Hall (C): Riley gave half a wave towards Nikki as she approached the table. Seeing Amelia she smiled and had a seat next to her. "Hey," she said wrapping an arm around her girl and giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Missed you," she said as she let go. "Oh, picked the salad, looked good. They were out of the Sushi," she added as she looked down at her plate.

Looking back over to Amelia she addressed her other question. "Not bad actually. Been working in the Church cleaning up. A lot of dust but other than that it's nice." Taking a bite she continued. "Well, nice as it can be. A little tense," she finally added as she pointed over towards Tatiana. The two hadn't exactly gotten along since they arrived in the Camp, especially after the fall out when Tatiana punched Ash in the middle of Quarantine. "Tati is keeping her distance from me, refuses to talk," she let Amelia know. Shrugging she glanced around but didn't see Atticus, he had had his meal during first lunch so he wasn't around. "Padre is cool enough though, for a priest. Said if I finished early today I could help with some of the instruments, so that's something."

After a long pause she nearly face palmed. "I'm sorry! How is your day going? What have you been up to? Everything going okay? Everyone being nice?" she asked. She had been worried about them being apart. She had meant to ask earlier but she had just been so happy to see Amelia in the Mess Hall when she showed up the first part slipped her mind. It was a little bit later that Riley glanced towards the watch that Nikki had left for Amelia. "Oh you better get back, I'll see ya at the assembly for the trip to the graveyard," she let her know. Riley hadn't been close to Ryan, didn't know Gavin or Lola but James had been around for a while before that. She wanted to pay her respects.

Mechanics (K): Mizrahi looked over to Ash. The man had made it back in time before the bell rang, but just barely. (Was not made clear in post, rolled to determine in chat.) He nodded towards him. "Yes, bathroom," he said simply before going to clean his tools. Stopping, he set them down and glanced around. A confused look on his face before he stood up from the stool he was sitting on and walking around. First checking the bathroom and then the rest of the area. He couldn't find Hunter. Sighing he stepped over to Ash.

"Change plans, men's bathroom," he said to Ash before opening the door next to the women's bathroom. It was far cleaner than the women's was, didn't matter that is hadn't been touched today for cleaning. In a rare twist of events the mens restroom was the better of the two to deal with - at least here in the mechanics shop. Like with the women's bathroom, there were cleaning supplies in there. Thankfully it looked like this bathroom could be finished quick enough, Ash alone without problems could easily finish this one in time to get ready for the funeral visit later in the day.

Sitting back down, Mizrahi went back to cleaning his tools. Volts and Tesla were in fabrication, one could see them through the window between the two areas of the large building. Rivets wasn't anywhere to be seen. This was probably a good thing because it was after third lunch was over when Hunter showed back up. Rivets had already shown she wasn't a quiet person, yelled a lot, and obviously didn't problems with being down right disgusting. Mizrahi was at least quieter and cleaner from all outward appearances. Mizrahi set his tools down when the kid spoke and rested his hands in his lap. His facial expression was neutral. "Late means write up," he said simply before standing up. "Finish without help," he added as he pointed to the women's bathroom.

Turning he walked into the fabrication section. He seemed to be exchanging words with Volts for a bit. Volts looking through the window between the two areas before nodding. By the time the two were done talking and both were coming back into the mechanics sections the bell was ringing again and signalling the time was now 1330 hours. Mizrahi went back to cleaning his tools as Volts walked over towards Hunter, there was a slip of paper in his hand. Stopping he looked at it before glancing towards Mizrahi. "Tifl majanana libaqiat alyawma? Bikhilaf alhamam?" he asked Mizrahi.

"Yataeayan ealayh ruyat Gunny fi alssaeat 1400 lylana skhyfana wahu yuthmil fi halat sakar wafi allaylat almadiat, yahdir altaeam, wama samiet wahu yusarikh wahu yusrikh bikathrat min al'alfaz hawl al'atfal allaylat almadia," Mizrahi said without looking up from his tools. Seemed the man could and did talk but only in his native tongue.

Volts gawked for a moment. "Seriously?" There was only a nod from Mizrahi. Turning his head, Volts continued on his way towards Hunter and approached him. Letting out a low whistle towards the kid. "You done gone and fucked up," he said rather bluntly. "Again from what I hears," he added. "Come on kid, yer with me now," he said. "Well after you meet with Gunny, come on," he added motioning towards the door. Hunter had to see Gunny, as he was told earlier. Not the man who said he would put a bullet in him, that was Maddog. Gunny hadn't actually said two words to the kid since he arrived. Closest he had gotten to speaking to the kid was speaking around him when he told Morales and Cook to write him up last night during his drunkness. Maybe it was the eyes that made the kid mix them up in his head.

Stepping out of the Mechanics shop, Volts pulled out his sunglasses and put them on. "Come on Monroe, gonna take you to Gunny."

After the two had left the shop, Mizrahi finally set his tools down and went over to Ash. Clearing his throat a little to make sure the man knew he was there and didn't surprise him. "Dawri say yer good man," he said to him. The yer in there hinting that Mizrahi was learning English from people with heavier accents favoring the south than what would be known as formal English. "Sparrow," he clarified after a moment.

Supply (R): Over in Supply the place was empty up front when Nikki came in. There were some people in the back doing some basic cleaning and inventory but Auntie wasn't there for now. The place was pretty quiet up front as voices didn't travel well from the back of the place to the front thanks to the wall that separated the two and the doors were closed.

After a while the bell rang and there still wasn't any other people out in the front of the place. Two or three were in the very back, older ones, who were dusting things and cleaning up some of the supplies but mostly just moving slowly and taking their time. They were seniors and it could be assumed if they moved any faster they could break a hip. They wouldn't bother or say anything to the girls unless addressed. (Chances were they couldn't hear anyone anyways.)

Hydroponic Garden (T): The more the slats are brought down and sealed the higher the temperature will get within the greenhouse. Especially once they are all down. It will get hotter and more humid quickly, easily breaking 105F, this is remedied by vents above that once all the slats are in place shift open to let the hot air out and keep the temperature at a constant level as to not kill the plants but let them flourish.

Other than the plants and the slats, the watering system is on a timer and mists above ever five to ten minutes for short spurts at a time. The water that is being piped in is fresh clean water but considering this is by the gulf, chances are this water isn't from the beach itself - which begs the question - where does the fresh water in camp come from as a water treatment plant shouldn't be operating in these parts during this time.

There are large double doored cabinets as well in the greenhouse, every so far down the building - usually marked on the outside what within. Things like fertilizer, seedling cups, etc. There are more outside in the larger storage shed but inside seems to have a secondary more ready supply for easy getting. Much of these Thana restocked before lunch with the help of Nigel bringing things in for her from the outside building. The only one she didn't touch was the largest one by the main door of the greenhouse marked - Garden II.

Thana Martin
Location: Hydroponic Gardens (T)
Skills: N/A
There was a chuckle from Thana. "Oh god no... Joaquin is like the strange uncle people keep tucked away until Thanksgiving. From what I know of that family most are like Thalia. Quiet, reserved, keep to themselves," Thana said as she looked over towards Nigel. "Though will say this, Joaquin is as deadly as Thalia is and that's sayin' something. Think that's what runs in the family. Ain't heard of or met one of the family that wasn't good with weapons." Thana hadn't known many in the family. Only ever truly knowing Thalia and Joaquin. Thalia she had traveled with, taken down Eden with, been there when she lost her arm. Joaquin had been here in Mexico Beach when she arrived. He knew who she was long before she knew who he was. He had been Gavins partner back in Texas. So when she cam too and started to train, he was there for her like he figured his partner had wished him to be. He had been with her when they buried Gavin and the others. "though, if ya like talkin' like that and sword fightin' then Joaquins yer man. He's hell with a blade."

Thana couldn't help but let out a short sound from nose that it wasn't clear if it was a laugh or something else. The thought of tossing someone out in the middle of the Atlantic might have been a great punishment for the U.S. Navy back a few hundred years ago and she was sure she could find merit in the idea even now, that wasn't exactly what she was thinking about when she asked Nigel if he could swim. Shaking her head a bit she smiled though and let out a long breath before she finally spoke. "Naw, ain't sending you scubaing. If you can doggie paddle you should be fine," she said as she picked up a rag and got the last little bit of grit off her hands.

Tucking the end of it in her pocket she started to walk, motioning for Nigel to follow her. "You see, we have another garden in the Camp and it's our main one," she started to explain as she moved over to a storage locker near the main door of the greenhouse. "This is our more reserved one. Seasonal stuff. Things that aren't very adaptable to other methods of growing. Not very resilient." Pulling out her keys she started to go through them looking for the one to the locker. The sound of metal clinking against metal sounding each time she flipped from one key to the next. "Our other garden is much more impressive."

Stopping as she found the key she was looking over she glanced over to Nigel and chuckled a bit. "And considerin' how you spoke about this place, I want ya to know how serious I am about that statement." Nigel had referred to the gardens as a marvel basically, a wonder of the world. And in truth there was something to that considering everything the world was going through. Though Thana was saying this wasn't the impressive one, the other one was. "Cause seriously, you ain't seen nothing yet," she said as she turned the key and unlocked the door. Pulling it open was a few wet suits hanging up in the locker. Eying Nigel for a moment before picking one up she handing it over to him. "Down to skivvies to put that on," she said before grabbing one for herself.

Slipping her shirt off might have seem like Thana had no care for privacy but it was clear she didn't need it. The woman had a two piece bathing suit underneath her clothing. "Come on, get dressed. We're goin' to visit Atlantis," she said with a bit of a smirk on her lips as she unlaced her boots and slipped her pants down. Setting every thing on a bench by the closet. Seemed the scars she carried were not limited to her face. There were several moderate sized ones that traveled along her ribs. Nearly eye shaped that were longer than they were wide. Almost like puncture marks but much larger. Not as bad as the ones on her face but still. Down one of her thighs though was the worst though. It was as if she had been ripped apart from the inside and stitched back together. The main scar ran nearly from hip to knee, widening out and then narrowing again. One could see where each thick stitch and stable had punctured the skin. Around them were holes that looked to be only recently healing.

Thana stepped into the wet suit and pulled it up, covering her scars. "It's down under the pier," she kept explaining, not thinking anything of her scars right then. She had to walk around with her face showing constantly, the others weren't anything else to her. "We'll be tethered and such and we have under water platforms to walk along, but some places swimming helps," she added as she pulled it up over her shoulders and zipped into it fully. "If it gets to be too much just let me know and you can get out to rest. The currents and tides can make it more strenuous than you might expect but damn if it ain't a sight under there."

Turning back to the cabinet Thana started filling up two bags. Things like snorkles, goggles, gloves, etc. Things that they would need under to be able to see and grip and be safer with. "It's newer down there, as we're still tryin' to get some plants to adapt to the salt water growin' but some of it's takin' really well and well the kelp alone is worth the time and effort," she said as she set the bags down and started to close the doors, locking the supply area back up nice and tight. "Keeps all the shell fish comin' back." Once she was sure that everything was locked up tight she picked up the bags. "Ready when you are," she said holding out one of the bags to Nigel.

Nikola Warren
Location: Supply (R)
Skills: N/A
Before Nikki had high tailed it out of the Mess Hall she did give a nod to Amelia about the thanks she was being given for the watch. It wasn't a big deal to Nikki but she was glad it was acknowledged. At least now the woman would be easier to keep track of the time. Seemed people could forget times and such. Nikki knew she used to when she first arrived. It was hard to get back to dealing with being on actual time again. Being out in the wilderness you only worried about when the sun came up and when it went down. Otherwise you did what you needed to go and took the time you needed to do it. There weren't shifts, or clock ins, or meal times. You ate when you had food, you hunted when you didn't. Worked when you could to survive, otherwise tried to keep from doing too much because if you didn't have food there were no calories to fuel yourself. Here that wasn't a problem so staying on schedule was.

Back in the Supply building Nikki looked around. She had time before she was actually back on shift and while Nikki was bubbly and full of energy the girl was young and she didn't work unless she had to and was on the clock. Anyways Auntie usually had a meeting with Maddog after lunch to make sure that Alpha, Beta, and Sea Teams had anything they needed if any of them were in town at the time. All three were now, which meant it would be a long meeting and she wouldn't get stared down by the woman for being idle when she was off the clock.

"What to do, what to do.." Nikki muttered to herself between chews of her gum and blowing bubbles. Then an idea came to her mind and a grin began to curl along the edge of her lips. Giggling slightly she popped a large bubble and sucked it back into her mouth before skipping down the isles of the main part of the supply building. Amelia had to find clothing for the funeral thing later today. Auntie had told her she could go shopping. Well Amelia was having lunch with her girlfriend, so Nikki figured she could see about finding a few things.

Now Nikki didn't have a clue to what type of clothing Amelia liked to wear. The woman had mentioned something simple but what did that really mean? Simple could mean light or just black. It was wide open for interpretation as far as Nikki was concerned. This was probably why on the counter as the minutes ticked by more and more clothing was laid out. Sure there was a simple dark gray summer dress, and a little black dress next to it, that was about the only things even close to being described as simple. After that it went to three piece suits, large black sunglasses that looked like Jaqui-O would have worn, there was even a full length black formal evening gown there with sequin's.

This is what Nikki did until she couldn't fit anymore on the counter. Before the bell rang to signal the end of the forth lunch Nikki was however in the back room rummaging through a few of the newer boxes. They had to be gone through anyways and it allowed her to see if there was anything new for Amelia to use while being on the clock, sighing herself in as Auntie wanted. Nikki didn't even notice when the bell did ring to let her know the time was 1330 now.

At least not until the speakers went quiet again. Looking up from her box she glanced around the back room and then it dawned on her that if Amelia was back by now, which she hoped she was, she wouldn't have known it. Amelia wouldn't have known she was back here and Nikki wouldn't have heard her as she had her head buried in a box. Rushing back towards the front she called out. "Amelia! I'm in the back!" she said before coming through the door quickly and glancing around.
>General reminder for all.
Running like clockwork
☠ Information Update - 2/24/2020: Been doing an ongoing update in the CS Tab to keep things as up to date as possible. Somethings to note...

  • Characters that were on the Master Shelved NPC List that are now active have been moved from that list to the Master CMB NPC List.
  • The Master CMB NPC list is fully up to date with images, full names, etc. (Please refer to the NPC Master List for what characters look like. I most likely will not be linking their images into posts anymore as they are already posted in the Master List.)

☠ 𝚃𝚆𝙳: 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝟻 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟺


Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Weather Forecast: Dawn at 5:57 A.M. - Dusk at 7:41 P.M. - High: 87F, Low: 72F - Winds SW at 4mph - Gusting to 10mph - No rain - Cloud Cover: 26% - Visibility: 9miles.

Notes: We are mostly done with lunch as ALL the active PC's have gotten to lunch. End of 3rd lunch shift will happen this round and 4th will be half way through. Next round will be the last lunch schedule we actually RP out, after that we will have all active pc's back on their jobs.

Date: July 23rd, 2012
Lunch for Camp Mexico Beach runs from 1100 hours until 1430 hours with the last lunch beginning at 1330 hours. These hours tend to make the camp seem much busier than normal. People moving quickly to ensure that they have everything done in time for their shift or rushing out of the lunch room to get back to their duties before time is up. Having so many people in a confined area, many older, some very young, makes it difficult to have things run on time but from the general look of things they manage.

Administration (A): The General was inside Administration, more specifically he was downstairs looking around at what the two had gotten done so far while they were taking their meal. As they came back in he looked over to Thalia and Alexander. "My you have made some progress down here, most delightful." The man was very pleased about the progress. Even more had been made since Thalia and Alexander had left for lunch. Garbage had been taken up, boxes and bags that were full and ready for supply had been taken out as well.

"It will be nice to put this room to use once you are finished," the General added as he leaned against one of the tables slightly and rested his cane next to him. "We normally don't have the staff to spare to do little side projects like this but when I read your files I knew you were the two I needed." Motioning towards one of the walls. "Other side of that wall is our communications, how we keep in touch with people when we can when they are out on runs, among other things. We are hoping to move it in here, larger room, bigger operation. Something we have wanted to do for a while now but we haven't had certain necessities," he explained. "Mostly people who know such things," he added pointing at the two of them. "You are just what the doctor ordered."

The General seemed delighted at the prospect as he stood back up fully and took his cane. "Well I will leave you to it, see you this evening," he said before making his way back out. The two had more cleaning to do it seemed and now they knew why they were working on that specific room. Seemed the job wasn't random, they had been picked for a purpose.

Hospital (B): After the bell rings and third lunch is over Mary comes down and looks around. "Looking better, listen, need you two at the Water Repair Shop at 2, sorry, 1400 hours," she said in a slightly annoyed voice over the military time. "Sea team is back and their vessel needs a full clean down of their medical and Medic is gonna need a full restock on the boat. He will be back from lunch by that time. So do what you can here, then run those results," she said pointing towards the files sitting on the table, "over to Admin, then head over to the Shop," she said before giving a last look around, a curt nod and heading back out.

It seemed that Mary was keeping the new team on their feet. Lisa would be used to this, Sea Team was a big deal and would go out for weeks at a time, they had their own personal medic for the trips and they were the ones that brought in a lot of the food for the camp. Clean up usually though would take a good four hours alone. Together it would still take more time that Manny had before he left, unless they really knocked it out. That would have to wait and see as they still had some more to finish up down there for now.

Mess Hall (C): Bass lifted his head from taking a bite of his food, casserole, and glanced around the room. Spotting Nikki and seeing her make a beeline for a place other than where he was sitting caused a surprised look to come across his features. His eyes darting around the room for a moment as he seemed to take in the rest of the place before going back to her. A sigh left the man before he looked down and went back to eating.

Joaquin, on the other hand, seemed over joyed that someone was actively trying to engage him instead of blowing him off: even if it did come with insult. One that made the Latino raise his hand and bite his thumb at Nigel. As he pulled his thumb away he gave a sly crooked grin. "Never get in a battle of wits with a Gonzales when death is on thy line for thou may find that he meets his maker far before he imagined." It was a clear taunt, said in jest, but those not knowing Joaquin might easily believe that he was as serious as a heart attack. Whether he was or not was hard to tell as his attention was diverted by his sister. "My angel, leaving so soon? Parting is such sweet sorrow but fret not! I shall find thee again! And we shall speak of such wonderful things as to make thys head spin!" Granted, just talking to Joaquin might make anyone's head spin.

Mizrahi glanced around between bites but mostly kept to himself and his meal. Others were quickly trying to get out. Cook sighed as Cheers went out the door. Shaking her head she looked over to Mizrahi, who seemed to sense something. "Ask her for me, she'll listen to ya," she insisted. Mizrahi looked at the woman as if he had no clue what she was talking about. "Ask Sparrow to go on a run, she'll listen to you, please? I'll make baklava." Mizrahi seemed to grumble under his breath but nodded as he stood up and went to bus his tray. He wanted to get out of there as well now and regretted taking his time with his meal.

Others were sitting and eating, watching what was going on as people started making their way out of the place to make sure they were on their way and to get back to work before the speakers went off. Guy hurried with his tray, and ran over to Amelia. "Hey girl!" he said before hugging her without warning. "Boss said you made it back, good to see ya. Would talk more but I gotta get to work, will catch ya at dinner I hope," he said before rushing off, giving Nikki a bit of a wave. The speakers did go off a little bit after Guy rushed out of the Mess Hall. Third lunch shift was over, forth was now halfway through, and fifth was starting. Others started coming in a short time later. Morales came out of the kitchen and set himself down with his food and Auntie by his side. She must have come in the back way. Chase came in and sat down, her hair wind blown and everywhere. Riley came in ad grabbed a tray, looking around and spotting Amelia, whom she made a bee line for. Tati and Jack came in with Jamie behind Hank. Everyone moving to get trays and get their food as well.

Lunch Choices: Slab of tuna casserole (Hot): tuna baked with handmade thick noodles, mixed with mushrooms and peas with cream and a hint of sherry ~*~ Sushi (Multiple Variations): Has Run Out! ~*~ Tuna Salad (Chilled): Tuna with peas/carrots/pasta with olives and a zesty dressing over it.

Mechanics (K): "I really don't care, I had my requisition in, get it done," Rivets snapped towards Tesla and Volts. The two exchanged a look between each other before Tesla threw his hands up and walked back into Fabrication. "Where the hell is he going?"

"Where does it look like Cracker?" Volts said with an eye roll.

"What did you call me?"

"Cracker, cracker, crack crack, cracker," Volts said, mocking a stutter. It was clearly pissing Rivets off. "Oh calm your tits whitey. We'll do it but if you want to pitch a bitch you go talk to Gunny. Sea Team is back they get priority, you know that honky!" he added before acting like he was tossing his hair and strutting off like he was Ru Paul, he glanced back just long enough to stick his tongue out at the woman and then slamming the door.

It was about that time that the bell went off, signalling the end of third lunch and the start of fifth, and only half way covered the slew of grunts of curses Rivets let out before storming off herself. Mizrahi slowly inched himself out from under the truck he had been under and glanced around. Glad to see the woman was gone. He didn't want to get caught in that cross fire. Standing up he walked over to the work bench and sat down. He seemed to shake his head a bit before he started degreasing some tools that were laid out.

Hydroponic Garden (T): "Other than this place smells like horse shit, no," Atlas grumbled with a raspy voice to answer Thana's question. "'Bout made me not want to eat." The man paused before continuing. "Almost," he finally added before leaving his post now that Thana was back and the guy that was working with her was there as well. His job was done. The place did smell a little ripe but that was to be expected as it seemed that they had to use what they could get their hands on to keep things growing and as any good gardener knows one has to shovel a lot of manure to make things grow. The place didn't smell as bad as it could. At least the wind was moving decently enough to help carry some of the smell away, enough so it didn't just linger. Inside it didn't matter, it was hot and the smell of plants far out weighed anything else in there.

General Housing (X): Hunter was good so far when it came to caring for his dog and making sure that she wasn't under foot. Keeping her in his room and not letting her roam freely in the apartment when he wasn't there. He did share the apartment with four other guys that had items they had worked for and earned in the apartment and Hunter was the only one with a dog. That was a good start. Who knew, maybe once the guys got to know the dog she could be kept in the main area but this was starting off right. Outside however, he did forget to clean up her mess. So when he exits the apartment he will find a blonde woman standing there in scrubs about to knock.

"Oh hey, you must be the new guy," she said looking him up and down. "I'm Sheryl, the Vet," she added introducing herself. Glancing around she seemed to be taking note of something before looking back at Hunter. "Saw you taking Iz back inside so figuring that pile out there in the quad area is hers. Suggest you get it cleaned up before someone else spots it or that's a major violation around here," she warned as she pulled a bag out of her pocket and slapped it into his palm. Turning she started to walk off before spinning around on her heels. Still walking, this time backwards, "Should bring her out to playtime in the evenings, behind the vet building, 2000 hours, let her get play with the other dogs," she suggested before turning back around and running off back towards the direction of the vet building.


Thana Martin
Location: Hydroponic Gardens (T)
Skills: N/A

Thana quirked a brow at Atlas and then sighed a bit. "I think if ya weren't bitchin' 'bout somethang then you'd die," she quipped to Atlas's assessment of how the area around the gardens smelled. Far as she was concerned it smelled priceless. Things were growing, they had fruits and vegetables, it could smell like Rivets bathroom for all she would care as long as things kept growing. Too many things died in this world, if you could coax anything to grow it was a damn miracle and as Nigel had pointed out, this was pretty damn close to the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

The thought of death hit a bit as she knew the Funeral time for the others were coming up. She wasn't going with them, otherwise she could have told Ash she would see him then than at dinner. She had already seen it, payed her respects to James and Gavin and the others. She was the reason they had been moved to the camp to be buried. Maybe she should have put in to go. Been there for Ash when he said a final goodbye to the others. No, she had work to do and a debt to pay. He could say goodbye without her, be there for the others from Newnan. Then again there were the others from Team Eden: Thalia, Alexander, Manny. They would be saying goodbye to others as well. Well Manny might not go, he didn't know the ones that died really. Barely seeing Gavin before he was killed and never seeing Lola as she was killed before he was found. Alexander probably would she suspected as he showed up with Lola and Thalia. And well, Thalia would have to go say goodbye to the Kiwi. Yeah, she might should have put in to go but she didn't, that debt was eating away at the back of her mind. Debt for this and for that, debt she was reminded off each time she saw someone from Newnan or Eden. Until that was taken care of she really couldn't take time for anything else.

Taking a deep breath Thana looked over towards Nigel as he asked her what was next. It snapped her out of her thought process and back on the here and now. "Actually, no. We're gonna close up the slats now, let the place start retaining as much heat as it can. After that's done, we're gonna take supplies down to the other garden," she said before she started on exactly what she had just mentioned. "Think ya might appreciate the other one. I means if ya like this one and all the other really puts this one to shame," Thana added as she moved down the line one one side of the green house. Setting the slats down wasn't hard, easier than getting them up in the morning. Was simple enough work and didn't take half the time it had that morning.

Dusting off her hands as the last one was pulled down into place on her side her head lifted up as she heard the crackle in the speakers. Third lunch was officially over now, forth was half way through, and fifth had just started. Ones the bell was done going off and the speaker went quiet again, Thana looked over to Nigel and had a little bit of a concerned look o her features. "Though it does pose a question," she started as she limped over to him and tilted her head to the side. "Can you swim?" she asked. It was a bit out of place but Thana had her reasons for asking, it was clear that she was going somewhere with this as she continued. "If ya can't that's alright, just let's me know how much equipment we need to take with us."


Nikola Warren
Location: Mess Hall (C) -> Supply (R)
Skills: N/A

Shoving a bite full of food into her mouth, Nikki had to force her lips together as she chewed. Her eyes locking with Bass as he looked over to her. She kept chewing, her eyes looking off to one side and then down. Her foot tapping beneath the table as she counted off ten slow seconds before looking back in Bass's direction. Thankfully by the time she swallowed her bite Bass wasn't looking at her anymore and Amelia was now with her. That was a relief, it meant she wasn't alone anymore and that cut down on the chances of someone coming to bother her, or at least she hoped it would. She just wanted to eat her lunch and get back to work. "Basically she's givin' you a free be. You get to go through the clothing and such, find something to wear, and it's yers. Auntie will charge it to house or herself to cover it. Isn't every day she let's someone grab something, she must like you for some reason," Nikki said getting to the clothing question before circling back to what would be a longer explanation.

Turning her in seat slightly she half covered her face as she leaned on her elbow. "See the tall guy over there? Darker skin with the bright green eyes?" she said jerking her head in Bass's direction. "That's Ray, we kind of had a tumble last night. It wasn't clear exactly what she was saying but she quickly fixed that. "In bed. Was good but kicked him out of bed this morning. He wants more, I just want fun and fucking," she said rather bluntly before taking another bite of her lunch and straightening herself a bit. "Don't get me wrong. He's sweet, sexy as hell, and damn good all around but shit, I'm 20, ain't looking for anything romantic. Don't want that." Shoveling a bit more into her mouth she chewed and swallowed before continuing. "Nothing against anyone that does but fuck, I couldn't handle that shit Sparrow and what's his name went through. I ain't no epic quest bitch," she added.

Just as she was raising her fork for her next bite Nikki's hopes of being left alone by men during lunch was dashed as Hunter just walked right over. She sat there, mouth open, fork hovering as he unloaded his apology on her and then rushed out. She continued to sit there, even after he was out of the Mess Hall, dumbfounded by just what happened. It wasn't until her fork fell out of her hand and hit the tray that she snapped out of it. "What in the sugar free fuck just happened?" she asked the air before blinking. Slowly her head turned towards Amelia. "Did I near that right? He apologized for shit he doesn't know he is apologizing for while knowing he is being rushed and apologizing fer that? Ain't that like saying sorry while you back hand someone?" It wasn't that Nikki was really expecting an answer for what just happened, more like she was trying to wrap her head around it.

Shaking her head she picked up her fork and stabbed her food. "Wow... Forget that, I ain't some rush job! Man could have asked if I had a moment, could have asked to speak later, fucker needs some damn manners. You don't just interrupt people and think because yer apologizing it's cool. Fuck him," Nikki ranted before eating what she had just rekilled on her plate. Chewing she looked up and spotted Bass looking at her before heaving to leave himself, along with a lot of others to get moving before their lunch was over. "Avoid one get the other, gotta pick who is the lesser of two fucking evils," Nikki groaned after a bit.

Seemed Guy had spotted her, no it wasn't her he spotted. It was Amelia. Seemed he was going to say hello. She did however return the wave as he rushed off. The two of them weren't exactly tight. Taking another bite she chewed her food. Eyes darting up when the bell went off through the speakers. "We're half way through, we better hurry," Nikki said. Their lunch was now half way over and third lunch was officially over. That was good in her mind, it meant she wouldn't have to run into Hunter or Bass out on the streets as they would be working now. Then she remembered evening shift, she might.. Maybe she could avoid them. That could work. Right? Sure. Looking down at her plate she was surprised that she had actually eaten everything during her angry rant.

Nikki was about to say something when she spotted Riley coming in and getting a tray. "Hey, here, be back in Supply before the next bell, you got about twenty-five minutes, leave in fifteen to be safe or twenty to push it," she said as she slipped her watch off and laid it down next to Amelia's tray. Grinning she figured she'd give the two a few minutes alone. Rushing off, she bused her tray and headed out of the Mess Hall. Granted she was in no hurry. She had time, so she took it, strolling slowly towards Supply. Spotting Hank heading towards the Mess hall himself and then there was the couple with the kid now long behind him. She gave a little wave before making her way into supply itself.
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