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22 days ago
Current It's my birthday! Hooray! I have to work. Boo. But I do have Nutella. So, it's a good day over all.
24 days ago
I know that not every one on this site is from the USA, but I would like to remind all my fellow USAers that taking a moment to remember what happened 23 years ago wouldn't be bad.


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@Yam I Am

Here she is. I did copy and paste a lot from the old one. Let me know what you think. I am flexible to make changes.


Whatever you like. It was just an idea. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

@Yam I Am

I have a modified character sheet ready for evaluation. Would you like me to post it here or wait until you have the OoC up?

I think it's great! They can compare notes! Commiserate together! Kill child abusers! Plot the church's downfall! Maybe not that last one. But the others maybe! I'm sure we can come up with ways for both to be unique. Or maybe! Maybe! It's just idea. Maybe Katrina kills a priest your knight was suppose to be protecting for some justified reason. And she proves it after the fact and your knight is "what about justice" or something and Katrina is all "the church defines justice donyounrwally think they would kill one of their own priests" or something. And your knight is all "the church is corrupt! I must fix this" and tags along with Katrina like some lost puppy and she's trying to get rid of them, but they just won't go! And it's super annoying. So, your knight is a brand new baby when it comes to what is Good and Evil. And Katrina's still not sure but she's a few years into it at this point.

I'm not sure. Like I said. Just an idea.
@Yam I Am

I should be able to get to my computer soon and actually write up a proper backstory rather than just spitting out ideas on my phone soonish. Hopefully that works better. I just like the thought of the Support character going off to do their own thing and realizing what's Truth isn't always true and what's Evil isn't always wrong. How many good intentions will Katrina act on before her road is set. Where does that road even lead anyways? Not back to the Hero. That's for sure. But maybe not quite Hell/The Underworld either.
@Yam I Am

I didn't mean Evil like Evil-Evil. I meant it, like, from Katrina's point of view. In the version of her that I'm imagining she was raised by a family of warriors devoted to Saint Zariah. So, she was taught Saint Zariah is Good and Lord Ahriman is Evil. Except she was trained to be a perfect warrior with beatings and harsh words rather than care and praise. She was taught that she would never get to be the Main Charater. She would always be Support and that's galls her. And that's suppose to be Good? Katrina doesn't really think so, but if it is and Evil is the opposite of Good she might as well try Evil. Rolf's whispering are really "Hey let's murder this town." It's more like, "You can just leave home. Who's gonna stop you?" And "You could charge for defeating that troll that terrified that village." And my favorite, "Who gives a damn if he's a priest of Saint Zariah. He raped a child! Killing him would be easy." Less about Evil and more about learning that sometime you can be a little selfish, a little violent, a little less than a sheep with teeth and a little more a wolf with heart.

Character regression because she stops caring about mindless Good and starts questioning is Evil really Evil-Evil?

Does that make sense?

It would be like if Stephanie from No Game No Life or Viktoriya from Tanya thr Evil were competent and had enough of catering to strangers from another world and left to figure out how to write their own story. Kind of. Those are the only real examples I can think of but they are perfect.
@Yam I Am

The first thing I'm planing on changing is Rolf. Instead of being a regular hawk he is going to be a demon hawk sent by some evil demon possibly even Lord Ahriman to seduce her more fully to the dark side.

Because! And I think this is great! She's not fully evil yet. She's just done. She was raised by a family that was pledged to Saint Zariah. Anything for the Greater Good and all that rot. So, she's been training in combat and tactics all her life when one day this little wannabe hero from nowhere shows up without the faintest clue which end of the sword to hold. And rather then being allowed to fight the evil she's been training to fight her whole life she's told it's her job to help the Hero kill the evil. And so she does it the first time. And then the second. And by the third Katrina is a little miffed. She's been training her whole life. Beaten black and blue for every little failure. Force to help clueless nobodies who's only claims to fame are Blessings from Saint Zaria. When is it her turn to shine? To show off? To conquer? To win? So, she says damn the Heros and damn Saint Zariah and leaves.

I was planing, at the start of the story, not have her be quite evil yet. She's not really on the Good side, but she's not really Evil. Then as the story progresses, with Rolf whispering in her ear, and watching others who are Evil have a grand old time start wonder why she shouldn't be Evil. After all, if she can't be the main character, Katrina might as well have the time of her life.

Character regression arc! Let's go!

PS. I'm not sure what you meant by obvious. I'm sorry.
@Yam I Am

Ah! Ah! I was going to wait to post until I had Katrina Valance's character sheet just a little more fitting for this story! And now it looks like I'm late to the party! Ah!

I'm interested! In case that wasn't clear. Like majorly interested. I have to tweak Katrina's backstory just a bit, I still think it could be fun.
Darin turned back to look at Ridahne gripped Ajoran tight and then leapt off the roof. That wasn’t entirely what Darin was expecting, but it was incredibly perfect. The Seed-Bearer could feel Astra pleasure at this display of the Guardian’s loyalty and The Sky rewarded that trust. The two Taja joined the human as the last of the animals hurried off to find dry places to rest or their own puddles to splash in. Darin took Ridahne’s wrist in her hand and tugged the other woman with her as they hurried to the market. They were there in moments, or maybe it just seemed like moments because of how excited Darin was.

At the edge of the market Darin pause just to observe for a moment. The market looked almost completely different. Wares were covered by the waterproof canvas that Darin was intimately familiar with. There were pots everywhere. Adults hurried, apparently eager to complete their chores and errands quickly in order to get out of the rain. Less people lingered at the edge of open-air stalls. Some things were still the same. Children and teenagers still raced about, eager to jump in puddles and other games. Some people were still playing some sort of music even if they did it from under cover. Tasen was still alive and moving. It was just a different type of alive.

Darin tugged at Ridahne again before letting go, “Come on!”

She hurried into the market to cries of “Astra-Sol!” from children and adults. Several children came over to throw arms around her knees or waist depending on how high they could reach. Darin returned each as she raced through the market splashing in puddles and constantly pushing her wet hair out of her face. It had to be a sight, The Seed-Bearer playing in the rain with the children like she was a child, but no one protested. In fact, Darin saw many smiles returned as she smiled at everyone. Many of the adults laughed at the shenanigans and more than a few took a moment to splash with her as she grabbed hands and wrists to spin them about once or twice before letting them return to their days. There were few protests, but they were good natured protests. Astra was having fun and the people of Tasen was having fun with It.

There was one brief moment, so short if she wasn’t The Seed-Bearer Darin would say had never happened, that wasn’t fun. She had paused for e moment to get a cup of some warm soup or curry or stew to drink. The stall owner leant her the think clay cup and waved her off with a laugh. Darin ducked into a small overhang with her hands wrapped around the warm vessel gratefully. She as laughing at something someone, maybe Ridahne, possibly a stranger, could have been Ajoran, had said when she felt a pair of heavy eyes on her. She looked up suddenly to see a human staring daggers at her. In that moment Darin knew the man with the dark eyes was Red Hand and wanted her dead. She also knew the Red Hand would try nothing in Tasen, possibly all of Azurei, but now one of them knew what she looked like and as people continued to call her Astra-Sol and Seed-Bearer, there would be no hiding that knowledge. It wouldn’t be long before the entire Red Hand knew her description. Well, it was inevitable and there was no taking it back now. SO, Darin refused to worry about.

Darin finished her meal as it started to cool before smiling at Ridahne, “Come on! I want to see the harbor.”

The Seed-Bearer returned the cup before returning to play. She darted though the market to check on the harbor. The waves weren’t small, but they weren’t large enough to threaten the boats. She waved to Captain Rheisun as a wave came up just high enough to drench her in cool salt water. There were a few alarmed shouts that quickly faded as Darin began to laugh at The Sea’s playfulness. Now she was covered in both rainwater and saltwater. Others joined in the laughter as she began to flit among the harbor as she had done in the market. Occasionally she slipped off the docks only for The Sea to step up and push her back where her feet belonged. Sometimes her steps would be just a little higher and take a little longer to come down as The Sky caught her midstride. She moved from the docks to the beach and her feet would sink a little lower as The Stone cause the sand to grab her. This was Astra. This was The Seed-Bearer. This was the two dancing in unspoken harmony.
Congratulations to all who made the cut! I can't say I'm not disappointed. But still, my sincerest congratulations!
I'm off to bed. But as the deadline comes closer I wanted to wish everyone the best of luck.

Good Luck!
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