Lancer Cerisier did not want to be late, but he was certainly going to be late. Which was not the impression he wanted to make on any of the staff or student assistants or really anyone. It was already a miracle that his application had been accepted in the first place. It had been years since he had last had any kind of formal education and even then, he hadn’t been the best student. He had other responsibilities, so sue him. Still, this was a chance to make something of himself and he didn’t want to start that chance by making a bad first impression. But HoneyLuv had turned off their alarm this morning and Sassy McSassy Pants hadn’t bothered to wake him up.
So, now he was running to his first class with one arm wrapped around his Munchlax and the other hand clutched desperately to a map to avoid getting lost. He had mad the trip yesterday just to be sure, but didn’t want to jinx it. He was hurrying, but not running because his Furfrou was older than most Pokémon and he didn’t want to accidently leave her behind. He was further hindered by the fact that most of his fellow students were filming something on their phones. Lancer caught a glance. Yeah, he maybe late, but at least he wasn’t that guy. Poor bloke.
As he hurried he chastised, “This is your fault Honey! I set alarms for a reason.” His voice sound exasperated, stressed and just a touch done, “I know you know this.”
The Munchlax in his arms chirped sadly at the scolding he knew was well deserved, “Munch.”
Lancer couldn’t help himself and pressed a quick kiss to his best friend’s crown, “It’s okay Luv. I forgive you. Just try to remember and don’t do it again.”
The Furfrou barked in amusement, “Frou! Frou!”
Lancer gave her the side eyed, “Not helping Sassy!”
Finally, after what seemed like forever, he got to the correct classroom. He stumbled in to see the boy that had been the subject of other students’ amusement at the sink trying to clean up. It was never going to work and Lancer winced in sympathy. After placing his stuff down, and checking that Darius’s Pokéball was still in his pocket, he pulled out his spare shirt and held it up to check before making a foolish offer. Yeah, okay that might work. He probably needed a friend more than anything else right now, because that was the about the worse way to start four years in a place were every action was observed and criticized.
Lancer looked HoneyLuv in the eye as he placed him in the seat, “Stay! I mean it Honey! Don’t cause any more trouble.” Once the Munchlax had nodded Lancer made his way over to the boy by the sink, “Hello! I’m Lancer. It’s nice to meet you. I’m not sure it will fit, but I do have an extra shirt if you would like it. Also, I have wet wipes if that would be better than trying to duck under the sink faucet.”
Meanwhile Sassy, who had been given no instructions to stay put, wandered over to the other boy in the room siting and placed a head on his lap. Clearly, if her trainer was too busy rescuing people, which she did approve of, she was going to have to find her own pets. And since the teaching assistants were busy this boy would have to do. She looked up at him with mournful eyes that betrayed the fact that she was clearly well loved in a clear ploy to garner attention. HoneyLuv was busy snooping in Lancer’s bag for snacks to really pay attention. Besides, he didn’t want to cause any more trouble, not today at least. Maybe tomorrow.
He's going to to parent all them. He will try not to parent any of them because they are all adults and what-not, but he won't be able to help himself. Lancer has had to be a parent since he was 9. It's not an easy set of habits to break. So he and Sylvie will have to find some middle ground. What that middle ground is, I have to clue. But finding out is half the fun.
"I don’t study Pokémon. I study Pokémon Trainers. Thank you very much."
Full Name: Lancer Cerisier
Age: 23
Year at the Institute: First
Favorite Color: Lancer’s favorite color is actually Cerisier Eye Blue, but for the sake of the role-play I will be using Lancer Eye Green for Lancer’s dialogue.
Thesis Subject: The Effects of Independent Journeying and Studying on Young People in Regards to Financial, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Wellbeing
Appearance: To Lancer's perpetual dismay he looks like an almost carbon copy of his mother with fiery red hair and emerald green eyes. His vison is terrible and requires him to wear a pair of bifocal lenses that only leave his face if he is showering or sleeping. He wishes to appear professional at all times so, he wears dress shirts, slacks, and ties unless he is doing field work in which case, he wears t-shirts and jeans under weather appropriate gear. His attempt at being professional is partly ruined by his slightly oversized lab coat. Lancer is aware of this, but as it was a combined gift from his younger siblings, he chooses to ignore it. His posture is perfect showing off all his 1.9 meter (74.8 inches) height. His weight is roughly 73 kilograms (160.9 pounds) but will vary depending on a variety of factors. He cuts his hair himself and as such it is a constant shaggy mess. He also bites his fingernails.
Personality: Lancer is a caretaker parent. There is no other way to say it. As a result of having to raise three younger siblings from a young age, Lancer has got both the emotional resiliency and intelligence to deal with any number of mental or emotional crises. On the other hand he has the ability to ‘lay down the law’ as it were to wrangle impossibly stubborn people into doing what needs to be done. If someone is in need, he is the first to leap to offer aid without expecting anything in return. This aid can be anything from a good home cooked warm meal, a ride to the airport, to a shoulder to cry on. However, he has no skill whatsoever in managing his own stress or needs. His standard default to dealing with his own stress or trouble is to ‘deal with it later’ except later is always pushed back and back and back. He is on the verge of cracking but is masterfully hiding it behind a brittle smile and a weary sigh.
Bio: Although both traditional and expected to begin an adventure sometime in early youth Lancer never received the opportunity to do so. His mother, Kiki Cerisier, ran away from the responsibilities of motherhood when his father, Jonas Cerisier, was diagnosed with a chronic illness that left him mostly bedridden. With a runaway mother and an invalid father 9-year-old Lancer pushed up his metaphorical sleeves and got to work to take care of then 4-year-old twins Malene and Matthis, and 2-year-old Nathan. Jonas could not do much work so Lancer learned the fine arts of budgeting, cooking, and cleaning. His teachers despaired because even though he was bright with above average intelligence, he chose to do just enough work to not fail in order to focus his attention on making sure his siblings got the best childhood they could.
When the twins turned 12, then 17-year-old Lancer, packed their bags with all they could need, and with worry in his heart and mind sent them off into the dangerous world in order to find their own way, to claim their own glory. When he was 18, they returned home to welcome and loving arms. Malene was triumphant while Matthis was despairing. The difference alarmed Lancer and he became reluctant to send Nathan on his own journey. Eventually Nathan wore him down and so, with even more worry in his heart and mind, Lancer packed his bag and let the youngest Cerisier off into the world. Malene took off again, this time to another region. Lancer bullied Matthis into therapy and eventually Matthis recovered enough to hold a part time job as a waiter. For the first time in a very long time Lancer had more free time than he knew what to do with, and although he didn’t have the money for a formal education, he spent vast amounts of time in the library and online researching things that he never could before. Lancer found himself drawn to psychology and neurological development and he could never explain why.
Nathan returned home when Lancer was 20. He … was not the same. At first, he would not talk about it, but slowly the truth came out. Nathan had spent money faster than he earned it, and in order to clear some debts had fallen in with a bad crowd. He had done things he was not proud of, but eventually he did manage to clear the worst of the debts. He had come back because he didn’t know where else to go. Lancer made up his old room. Matthis got him a job and the baby of the family finally learned the lessons that Lancer had tried to teach him so long ago.
When Jonas died, the year Lancer turned 21, Malene came back for the funeral, and then was gone again, no roots, just adventure. Matthis returned to the restaurant where he was rapidly moving up the promotion ladder and Nathan found an apprenticeship as a construction worker that he adored. Lancer was alone in the childhood home with no one to teach or care for. He almost didn’t know what to do with himself, so he threw himself into his studies, even enrolling in some psychology classes at his local community college.
Over the course of his studies, he kept coming back to his siblings. All three of them had very different reactions to the journey that only a few did not embark on as children. Why was that? Was it something he had done or failed to do? There were no real studies done on the matter and he was certainly not in a position to do the studies himself. He wasn’t destitute by any means, but he didn’t have money to go around interviewing people about their childhood adventures. He didn’t have money to give to people in return for their interviews. But it was frustrating. It wasn’t just his siblings. He could see it in every adult. Some were shattered by the journey. Some never stopped journeying. Some were content to let it just be a childhood adventure. Lancer couldn’t help but wonder; was sending children as young as 10 out into the world on their own really a good idea? He didn’t have an answer and no matter how much he studied or read he wouldn’t find it.
And then, at 23, Lancer stumbled upon the Laverton Institute’s website. This … this might give him the resources he needed to conduct his studies into the long term effects of the journey he himself had never gone on. This could help him figure out a way to help parents help their children better! This was a chance to do some good! Alright, it was a long shot. He had no real education outside of high school and his grades were just barely passing then. But if he didn’t try, he wouldn’t know! Besides, maybe this was his own adventure, just a decade later than most people. He spent months agonizing over, crafting, perfecting, his thesis proposal and research plans. He paid a professional to edit and review it. He let his siblings read it to get their comments. They were excited for him, and when Lancer received the highly hoped for, but entirely unexpected, acceptance letter, they all brought him his lab coat, now that he was a ‘real professor.”
Lancer Cerisier is on his way from Kalos to Sinnoh, not to study Pokémon, but to study Trainers, and Rangers, Breeders, and Elites, Leaders, and Champions. Lancer Cerisier is on his way, for the first time in his life, to do what he wants to do and be what he wants to be. Lancer Cerisier, Professor-in-Training, is on his way to change the world, for good! Better! Best!
Sassy McSassy Pants the Furfrou, usually just called Sassy was Jonas Cerisier’s loyal Pokémon through bitter years until peaceful rest. Lancer honestly does not think Sassy has many years left. Nathan volunteered to watch Sassy while Lancer went to the Institute but the stubborn Pokémon wouldn’t hear of it. Lancer is constantly worried because of her age. Despite Lancer’s poor attempts with his own hair, he is the only allowed to trim her fur. He takes more care with her fur than he does with his hair. Sassy refuses to be in a Pokéball as she rather just walk beside Lancer, but when she absolutely must be it a Luxury Ball or none at all. Sassy wears a Cerisier Blue Ribbon around her neck.
HoneyLuv the Munchlax, usually just called Honey, a term of exasperation, or Luv, a term of endearment, is Lancer’s first and only Pokémon of his own. It happened quite by accident. Lancer was making apple pie with honey drizzle and the injured Munchlax let himself into to the unlocked house and ate the unattended treat. Lancer didn’t have the heart to chase the poor bedraggled creature out and instead tended to the wounds and then sent him on his way with the last of the apples. Lancer woke up the next morning to a snuggly, teal-colored intruder in his bed. Since then, HoneyLuv and Lancer have been practically inseparable. Luv is quite capable of evolving since he trusts Lancer beyond anyone else, but he chooses not to, since his favorite way to travel is Lancer’s arms. When Lancer needs his hands Luv will bounce behind him. If necessary, HoneyLuv will reside in a Premier Ball as it was the only one that Lancer had at the time they decided that Luv needed one.
Darius the Goodra is technically Malene’s Pokémon and Lancer has absolutely no idea how she found it or how she caught it and she’s not telling. It’s a Goodra alright, but unlike most Goodra he has a metal shell attached to his back. When Malene found out that Lancer was heading to another region for the first time in his life with only Sassy and Luv, both of whom aren’t fighters, she sent him Darius. Darius has explicit instructions to “keep Mama’s older brother safe from bullies, vagabonds, and other ruffians. Okay? Love you lots! You behave for Uncle Lancer now. Be good!” Lancer does his best to care for Darius and Darius does like the human in his charge, but it is obvious that Lancer is not his trainer or his person. While Lancer does let Darius out of his weird teal colored ball that he has never seen before or in stores as often as possible, Darius is quite content to remain put away. He does appreciate it when Lancer polishes his shell to a mirror shine.
Quirks: Lancer can cook and clean just about anything. If he doesn’t know how he can usually figure it out. Years of helping with various school projects means he is a fount of useless but interesting facts, that he will usually say out loud whenever they come to mind at seemingly random times. He thinks extreme couponing is tacky, but he still knows how to get the most for his dollar. He is excellent at haggling. Malena, Matthis, and Nathan all take after Jonas, with dark brown hair and deep blue eyes. Lancer takes after their mother. Looking in the mirror and seeing her face hurts. Every. Single. Time. He doesn’t like his looks one little bit and has no self confidence in his appearance at all.
Oh! Ah! I'm not sure how I missed that. I'm sorry. I see three things that can be done. I am okay with all of them.
1. I can change it. I'm not attached to the name Maple and that's an easy thing to do.
2. It's just a common family name. This does add just a slight whisper of a kiss of realism.
3. They are in fact related, but I would prefer of it was distantly, like fourth cousins five times removed or something. It could be a fun little thing for them to discover during the course of the story.
"I don’t study Pokémon. I study Pokémon Trainers. Thank you very much."
Full Name: Lancer Cerisier
Age: 23
Year at the Institute: First
Favorite Color: Lancer’s favorite color is actually Cerisier Eye Blue, but for the sake of the role-play I will be using Lancer Eye Green for Lancer’s dialogue.
Thesis Subject: The Effects of Independent Journeying and Studying on Young People in Regards to Financial, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Wellbeing
Appearance: To Lancer's perpetual dismay he looks like an almost carbon copy of his mother with fiery red hair and emerald green eyes. His vison is terrible and requires him to wear a pair of bifocal lenses that only leave his face if he is showering or sleeping. He wishes to appear professional at all times so, he wears dress shirts, slacks, and ties unless he is doing field work in which case, he wears t-shirts and jeans under weather appropriate gear. His attempt at being professional is partly ruined by his slightly oversized lab coat. Lancer is aware of this, but as it was a combined gift from his younger siblings, he chooses to ignore it. His posture is perfect showing off all his 1.9 meter (74.8 inches) height. His weight is roughly 73 kilograms (160.9 pounds) but will vary depending on a variety of factors. He cuts his hair himself and as such it is a constant shaggy mess. He also bites his fingernails.
Personality: Lancer is a caretaker parent. There is no other way to say it. As a result of having to raise three younger siblings from a young age, Lancer has got both the emotional resiliency and intelligence to deal with any number of mental or emotional crises. On the other hand he has the ability to ‘lay down the law’ as it were to wrangle impossibly stubborn people into doing what needs to be done. If someone is in need, he is the first to leap to offer aid without expecting anything in return. This aid can be anything from a good home cooked warm meal, a ride to the airport, to a shoulder to cry on. However, he has no skill whatsoever in managing his own stress or needs. His standard default to dealing with his own stress or trouble is to ‘deal with it later’ except later is always pushed back and back and back. He is on the verge of cracking but is masterfully hiding it behind a brittle smile and a weary sigh.
Bio: Although both traditional and expected to begin an adventure sometime in early youth Lancer never received the opportunity to do so. His mother, Kiki Cerisier, ran away from the responsibilities of motherhood when his father, Jonas Cerisier, was diagnosed with a chronic illness that left him mostly bedridden. With a runaway mother and an invalid father 9-year-old Lancer pushed up his metaphorical sleeves and got to work to take care of then 4-year-old twins Malene and Matthis, and 2-year-old Nathan. Jonas could not do much work so Lancer learned the fine arts of budgeting, cooking, and cleaning. His teachers despaired because even though he was bright with above average intelligence, he chose to do just enough work to not fail in order to focus his attention on making sure his siblings got the best childhood they could.
When the twins turned 12, then 17-year-old Lancer, packed their bags with all they could need, and with worry in his heart and mind sent them off into the dangerous world in order to find their own way, to claim their own glory. When he was 18, they returned home to welcome and loving arms. Malene was triumphant while Matthis was despairing. The difference alarmed Lancer and he became reluctant to send Nathan on his own journey. Eventually Nathan wore him down and so, with even more worry in his heart and mind, Lancer packed his bag and let the youngest Cerisier off into the world. Malene took off again, this time to another region. Lancer bullied Matthis into therapy and eventually Matthis recovered enough to hold a part time job as a waiter. For the first time in a very long time Lancer had more free time than he knew what to do with, and although he didn’t have the money for a formal education, he spent vast amounts of time in the library and online researching things that he never could before. Lancer found himself drawn to psychology and neurological development and he could never explain why.
Nathan returned home when Lancer was 20. He … was not the same. At first, he would not talk about it, but slowly the truth came out. Nathan had spent money faster than he earned it, and in order to clear some debts had fallen in with a bad crowd. He had done things he was not proud of, but eventually he did manage to clear the worst of the debts. He had come back because he didn’t know where else to go. Lancer made up his old room. Matthis got him a job and the baby of the family finally learned the lessons that Lancer had tried to teach him so long ago.
When Jonas died, the year Lancer turned 21, Malene came back for the funeral, and then was gone again, no roots, just adventure. Matthis returned to the restaurant where he was rapidly moving up the promotion ladder and Nathan found an apprenticeship as a construction worker that he adored. Lancer was alone in the childhood home with no one to teach or care for. He almost didn’t know what to do with himself, so he threw himself into his studies, even enrolling in some psychology classes at his local community college.
Over the course of his studies, he kept coming back to his siblings. All three of them had very different reactions to the journey that only a few did not embark on as children. Why was that? Was it something he had done or failed to do? There were no real studies done on the matter and he was certainly not in a position to do the studies himself. He wasn’t destitute by any means, but he didn’t have money to go around interviewing people about their childhood adventures. He didn’t have money to give to people in return for their interviews. But it was frustrating. It wasn’t just his siblings. He could see it in every adult. Some were shattered by the journey. Some never stopped journeying. Some were content to let it just be a childhood adventure. Lancer couldn’t help but wonder; was sending children as young as 10 out into the world on their own really a good idea? He didn’t have an answer and no matter how much he studied or read he wouldn’t find it.
And then, at 23, Lancer stumbled upon the Laverton Institute’s website. This … this might give him the resources he needed to conduct his studies into the long term effects of the journey he himself had never gone on. This could help him figure out a way to help parents help their children better! This was a chance to do some good! Alright, it was a long shot. He had no real education outside of high school and his grades were just barely passing then. But if he didn’t try, he wouldn’t know! Besides, maybe this was his own adventure, just a decade later than most people. He spent months agonizing over, crafting, perfecting, his thesis proposal and research plans. He paid a professional to edit and review it. He let his siblings read it to get their comments. They were excited for him, and when Lancer received the highly hoped for, but entirely unexpected, acceptance letter, they all brought him his lab coat, now that he was a ‘real professor.”
Lancer Cerisier is on his way from Kalos to Sinnoh, not to study Pokémon, but to study Trainers, and Rangers, Breeders, and Elites, Leaders, and Champions. Lancer Cerisier is on his way, for the first time in his life, to do what he wants to do and be what he wants to be. Lancer Cerisier, Professor-in-Training, is on his way to change the world, for good! Better! Best!
Sassy McSassy Pants the Furfrou, usually just called Sassy was Jonas Cerisier’s loyal Pokémon through bitter years until peaceful rest. Lancer honestly does not think Sassy has many years left. Nathan volunteered to watch Sassy while Lancer went to the Institute but the stubborn Pokémon wouldn’t hear of it. Lancer is constantly worried because of her age. Despite Lancer’s poor attempts with his own hair, he is the only allowed to trim her fur. He takes more care with her fur than he does with his hair. Sassy refuses to be in a Pokéball as she rather just walk beside Lancer, but when she absolutely must be it a Luxury Ball or none at all. Sassy wears a Cerisier Blue Ribbon around her neck.
HoneyLuv the Munchlax, usually just called Honey, a term of exasperation, or Luv, a term of endearment, is Lancer’s first and only Pokémon of his own. It happened quite by accident. Lancer was making apple pie with honey drizzle and the injured Munchlax let himself into to the unlocked house and ate the unattended treat. Lancer didn’t have the heart to chase the poor bedraggled creature out and instead tended to the wounds and then sent him on his way with the last of the apples. Lancer woke up the next morning to a snuggly, teal-colored intruder in his bed. Since then, HoneyLuv and Lancer have been practically inseparable. Luv is quite capable of evolving since he trusts Lancer beyond anyone else, but he chooses not to, since his favorite way to travel is Lancer’s arms. When Lancer needs his hands Luv will bounce behind him. If necessary, HoneyLuv will reside in a Premier Ball as it was the only one that Lancer had at the time they decided that Luv needed one.
Darius the Goodra is technically Malene’s Pokémon and Lancer has absolutely no idea how she found it or how she caught it and she’s not telling. It’s a Goodra alright, but unlike most Goodra he has a metal shell attached to his back. When Malene found out that Lancer was heading to another region for the first time in his life with only Sassy and Luv, both of whom aren’t fighters, she sent him Darius. Darius has explicit instructions to “keep Mama’s older brother safe from bullies, vagabonds, and other ruffians. Okay? Love you lots! You behave for Uncle Lancer now. Be good!” Lancer does his best to care for Darius and Darius does like the human in his charge, but it is obvious that Lancer is not his trainer or his person. While Lancer does let Darius out of his weird teal colored ball that he has never seen before or in stores as often as possible, Darius is quite content to remain put away. He does appreciate it when Lancer polishes his shell to a mirror shine.
Quirks: Lancer can cook and clean just about anything. If he doesn’t know how he can usually figure it out. Years of helping with various school projects means he is a fount of useless but interesting facts, that he will usually say out loud whenever they come to mind at seemingly random times. He thinks extreme couponing is tacky, but he still knows how to get the most for his dollar. He is excellent at haggling. Malena, Matthis, and Nathan all take after Jonas, with dark brown hair and deep blue eyes. Lancer takes after their mother. Looking in the mirror and seeing her face hurts. Every. Single. Time. He doesn’t like his looks one little bit and has no self confidence in his appearance at all.
Okay. It's late, and this has only been proof read once, but I wanted to get it up before I went to bed. I'll check for typos again tomorrow.
A couple notes. I used an AI art generator to create the image. I hope that's okay. I can change the Pokémon Malene sends for protection, I just thought Darius was cool.
Thank you so much! That answers all my questions for now. (I'm sure I'll have more later. That's how it works) I can only typically post on the weekends, well my weekend, Sunday through Tuesday, so once a week is perfect. Like I said, I am excited. I'll work on my application character sheet this weekend. Well, my weekend. I do think that they will be studying Pokémon Friendship. (Munchlax is my favorite. I will shamlessly admit that this character will most likely be at least 50 percent self insert. I hope that's okay.)