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I've got a good one

Rick and Morty
Boy, someone is already a puppet of a superpower. That's beautiful.
I use it avidly
You can count me in on this.

Even if someone is a filthy storm cloak huehuehue

You are a heretic and deserve to be burned

Wew, how close were you? Are you a Florida Man?

<Snipped quote by Antarctic Termite>

THe Florida Man.

There is only one.

I'm alive?

I'm alive!

The cursed storm "Irma" shall now take me!... the power outage and shit service will
Name: Viki Woods
Alias: N/A
Level: 3
Date/Time: September 1st, 5 PM
Location: Work
Tag: @Holy Soldier @HeroicSociopath @Kafka Komedy @jynmi88@Leaves@RubyOwl @Majoras End Feliking (Level 4 boss)

“VIKI! Round up the workers and go deal with that problem! Try not to wreck the parking lot!”

There did not need to be another word said for the assistant manager to spring into action, Viki running to the cashier station and grabbing the intercom. “All employees, to the parking lot! Wreck this nerd!,” she practically yelled through the intercom before jumping through the roof, leaving a rather large hole, despite knowing Mr. Gar would not like that one bit. Yet, it was something that they would have to deal with at a later point in time for now it was time to kick butt.

She landed in front of the doors to the Bodega, leaving a small crater as the end of her hair started glowing green as she came to her full average height. A smug smile came to her face as she looked at the villain in front of her, a tall, stupid cat who seemed to have the ability to turn others into cats as well. Nothing that they couldn't deal with as a group, then again they would also have to be careful.

Viki’s hair split into four ends all glowing green and poised to attack the furious feline, crossing her arms before announcing to the villain, “I’ll give you one chance, villain, leave now or face our combine wrath! Also why turn people into cats? Dogs are better.” Her eyes dug into the villain as she restrained herself from attacking the villain, wanting to give him a solid chance of at least running away before she chased him down.
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