Avatar of Letter Bee


Recent Statuses

3 days ago
Current Another RP is also surviving; Tri-Mon Crossover has received prospective players' renewed enthusiasm!
6 days ago
My RP has survived the heatwaves. Noble Arms prospers.
19 days ago
Waiting for heatwaves to end in the US and EU and my own region.
1 mo ago
Soon to start a new RP.
1 mo ago
My Status: Good.


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Most Recent Posts

Alvin Davion

He had performed admirably, Alvin thought as he followed Ulrik's instructions, running a systems check and then running back to his Captain's side as he remarked, "It seems we made it; thanks for leading us well, Captain. I must admit that I judged you only by your hatred for the FedSuns and not your actual... everything else. Here's hoping the compound does contain something of value - If those pirates turn out to be human traffickers or organ smugglers, I'm taking back everything I said about trying to spare them."

They actually had a future. They actually had a future. As his H-4K gathered with the others and Ulrik, Alvin brought up one more topic, "So, now that we've established ourselves as a viable outfit, we should pre-emptively make sure from early on that we do not acquire too many civilians before we get a landhold of our own or an HQ in a hub world. There was this mid-sized company called G*w*in's Green Knights - One of my inspirations for joining a Merc Group if I can share that - that had their civilians captured four years ago during a rebellion on a planet they were garrison duty on and had to spend a lot of time and effort on an epic campaign to get them back... I don't recall the outcome, though."

For Fuka's inevitable ridicule, Alvin had a response she cannot simply dismiss or ignore - Play the sound of nails scratching a primitive blackboard to drown out what nonsense she was going to say, then add, "Sorry for annoying you and the other members of this group again, Captain; just hyped up about our group's prospects and ability to make it despite everything going against us..."

@6slyboy6@Psyker Landshark@AndyC@Smike@Abstract Proxy@QJT@Starlance
@JosephBelz, Approval One.
May I ask if mine is approved?

It would be easier to discuss this on Discord; can you join the Discord server?

@DiabeticSpice, Approval One; @GOATPLumber will give a second review soon.
I’ve been thinking about a character whose noble arm is either “Fire” or “Gunpowder.” These seemed a bit more on the abstract side, so I wanted to check if that was ok before developing the character further.

A burning torch or a barrel of gunpowder, yes. Fire itself or just Gunpowder... less likely.
OOC: @Letter Bee, Yes, totally. I’d love to participate.

OOC: Cool; here's the RP, btw:

Noble Arms: The ASEAN War - Second Thread.
@Phase, would you care for an RP that is already ongoing, but is still accepting new players?

Name: Andrew Rivers

Race: Human

Gender: Male.

Age: 21

S: 3
P: 6
E: 6
C: 8
I: 8
A: 6
L: 3


Choose three skills to tag that your character is proficient in. You may then spend a further 9+INT Score skill points to distribute amongst your skills.

Tagged Skills:

Guns: 2 + 1 = 3
Speech: 2 + 1 = 3
Repair: 2 + 1 = 3

Untagged Skills:

Barter: 2
Survival: 2
Lockpick: 2
Unarmed: 3
Sneak: 3
Medicine: 2

Personality: Andrew is generally a kind, sweet, generous person who objects to the NCR's heavy-handedness in the past and despises its imperfections, but genuinely believes that there are no viable alternatives to the Wasteland than the NCR or a Government like it. The Courier or Mr. House in the Mojave gathering a bunch of settlements, declaring themselves independent, and 'freeing' the Mojave with an army of Securitons? Fantasy. Is someone on the East Coast rebuilding a bunch of settlements to Pre-War levels all by themselves and creating a new Commonwealth Provisional Government? Nonsensical. Besides, even if those did happen, those had no staying power once their 'superhuman' founders were dead.

So it has to be the NCR that has to be saved, and it's people who have to save it. And so Andrew has been assigned this mission by what remains of the NCR Government: Go to Hawaii and find a way to save the NCR; for as they agreed, there is no other way - No other moral way - for this world to rebuild.

Background: Andrew was born in The Boneyard to an NCR Soldier and a Follower of the Apocalypse back when the NCR was already declining, but had not fallen yet. Andrew was raised on tales of better days by both parents, although their perspectives of what days counted as 'better' differed. Either way, Andrew joined the NCR Army at 16 and lived long enough to see defeat after defeat, including the long retreat from the Mojave, where he was hardened by the fight to survive. Nevertheless, he saw firsthand how the 'alternatives' to the NCR were even worse than it was, and how the NCR needed to be reformed should it be able to outcompete said 'alternatives'.

But when he arrived home, to protests and opprobrium and the political consequences of Kimball being assassinated, it broke Andrew's heart. At least his family, including his mother, did not forsake him. Taking a small period of leave, Andrew began going through his mother's books, hoping against hope to find a way to save the NCR and reform it so that it could stand against its enemies and their separate visions for the post-apocalyptic world.

It turned out it was possible. Just barely. But the means to do so were out of reach; it was like having hope dangled in front of him and then it being pulled away at the last minute. So as things spiraled down further, Andrew began looking for shortcuts; items like the Water Purification Chip and the GECK that had saved people before.

Then, he was called by his superiors, the last loyal officers of the NCR, and told, "There is a ship headed for Hawaii, where ancient Pre-War technology can be found. Get on that ship; find something that can save the Republic. If you can't; we'll forgive you, but if there's a chance that you can... Do what you must."

And so Andrew went on the Green Horizon, ready to meet and mingle with the other passengers on board and see who could be potential allies for his Quest to save the NCR, to save a civilization that saw no one as expendable (in theory). A civilization where people recognized their common bonds and helped each other (within reason).

He brought a book with him; a book of the NCR's constitution, laws, and history; this way, he can keep a memory of the Republic with him.


- Service Rifle.
- 10mm Pistol.
- Hunting Rifle with Scope with the NCR two-headed bear painted on.
- Trooper Armor with a Gas Mask and Helmet.
- Switchblade.
- 2x Stimpak
- 1x Rad-X
- 1x RadAway
- NCR Dogtags.
- A Book containing copies of the NCR Constitution and Laws and a summary of its history.
- 2000 Caps.
Lorenzo Calungsod Emiya

Even in Kyoto, the Holy Church had a foothold; a small stone church on its outskirts used by Japanese who found Western-style weddings to be cheap and yet charming/spectacular, and Filipino overseas workers hoping for spiritual solace. Lorenzo, being Half-Filipino himself, almost regretted using the cellar of the church for an occult ceremony, but alas, people needed to be saved from death or a fate worse than death from the Grail War - He had no strong wish; his parents were still alive, his grandfather's research was in the hands of the Clock Tower and he had no desire to go to war to get it back, and Humanity was slated to ascend anyway; either to Heaven or the Age of Will or the latter, then the former.

Either way, the young man carefully dusted the floor; it would not do to have the summoning disrupted by a sneeze. Once all the dust was swept onto a corner with a broom, Lorenzo drew the summoning circle and placed the Catalyst on it; a sash that once belonged to Gajah Mada. Then, he switched on his Magic Circuits and allowed the energy within them to flow.

"Let silver and steel be the essence. Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation. Let red be the color I pay tribute to. Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall. Let the four cardinal gates close. Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate." "Let it be filled. Again. Again. Again. Again.

"Let it be filled fivefold for every turn, simply breaking asunder with every filling."

If Lorenzo had a wish, it was for people to stop seeking shortcuts to reach The Root/Save the World. Only wishes that saved people were legitimate, and not ones that bent to a utilitarian calculus of killing the few to save the many every dang time. Yes, sometimes, one had to do it; one had to choose. But that didn't mean that such choices were somehow sanctified, not when such logic eventually severed one from their humanity, and then where would they be?

In the light of his own Magical Energy Prayer Power, Lorenzo Emiya thought a silent prayer, God, we know you exist and are benevolent; may you not be judged by your scripture, nor by the actions of your Church. For the general direction you set is that of altruism and paradise, of effort not to ruin others' lives, but to promote happiness, fairness, and kindness. May those who use your name to commit atrocity one day weep.

As the Servant - Saber - made itself appear, Lorenzo opened his heart, to the burgeoning Servant bond; he had nothing to hide from this man or woman. He was Lorenzo; Lorenzo Calungsod Emiya, one who instinctively knew that he should not have existed, and yet he did.

He was thankful to God for that, and it was God who moved his heart to feel that he should, 'Put people above Humanity; Humanity will be saved.'

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