Avatar of Letter Bee


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2 days ago
Current Avatar: The Last Airbender RPing like you've never seen it before... Accursed Tropes: The Last Airbender has its Int Check posted!
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4 days ago
Two years, nine months. Noble Arms: The ASEAN War, my RP, still needs players.
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26 days ago
Two years, eight months, three threads... Four months more until my RP as a whole lasts three years.
1 mo ago
My Elder Scrolls RP may reach a third month... or die in a few days. It depends on luck.
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2 mos ago
My RP, despite many challenges, has ran for two years and seven months across three threads.


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Most Recent Posts

@Ryik, I like the bio. Approval One, but this applies only to the bio.
Jaina Dalton

Jaina would normally be offended by Regina returning her distrust of livestreamers and influencers with disdain towards royalty. Still, Weisz whispered to her telepathically and revealed that Regina was a Time Mage with Time Magic which excited her craving for knowledge. The mixed gratitude and glee caused her smile to widen as she told the informant, Time Magic? Do we have a practitioner of it here? That is so cool... Boyfriend.

Normally, Weisz would be fifth in her hotness list below Ifrit, Reuel, Lucas, and Amaya but above Eris, who is sixth. But now thanks to that revelation, the telepath climbed three places on that list, causing Jaina to seriously consider that he might be a good boyfriend after all. She then spoke, All right, tell us of our true mission; also, you'd look even cuter with your hair dyed white. Also, if you like swords, I've been thinking of commissioning a runeblade from Reuel and Zam-Weset when I have the cash...

Speaking of Zam-Weset, she should try and get close to that creepy old Mage, considering how much knowledge he had; the problem was, what could he possibly want that she could give? No, no, focus on the mission, Jaina! Focus! She then recovered enough of her bearings to ask one more question, I presume E.M. Pino isn't a real object or person, then? But we are fighting the Kulto Kalium Krusade?

@Aku the Samurai, @Urizen

@Sho Minazuki, @Thayr
Jaina Dalton

Jaina had trouble understanding why people were afraid of the sea.

Well, that's not quite right; she knew full well that the sea was large, cold, salty, and filled with sea monsters. That the storm clouds were vast, some of them bigger than entire towns on land. But such immensity was humbling, even to the children of royalty, and the cool sea breeze brought comfort in a sunny day such as this one.

Jaina was a Daugther of the Sea, comfortable with the salt spray and the smell of fish both fresh and rotten. Eeels were a delight when stewed, shellfish a delicacy. Shrimps were great when peeled and seaweed a vital component in various condiments. And while the docks and fishmongers stank to high heaven, the Daugther of the Sea remembered that the finest of perfumes came from ambergris from the stomachs of whales and sea serpents.

Besides, what was life without a bit of thrills?

Attempting interaction with Shinra, Jaina spoke to the young man, "So, Shinra, how are we going to find the terrorists? I presume we're going to use the classic tactic of asking around in taverns and seaside pubs, or do you have a contact somewhere?"

Then she turned towards Regina, trying to stamp down her suspicion of 'livestreamers' and 'influencers' and give her the benefit of the doubt, and said, "And Regina... I hate to ask, but how well can you hold yourself in a fight? I don't watch many livestreams, you see, so I am completely blind to what you can do - Are you a Celestial Spirit Mage? Or do you have Archive Magic? Or maybe you're some sort of badass Requip-er..."

It occured to her that she might be prying or offending, so she turned towards Shinra and Regina and relaxed her shoulders, saying, "Sorry if I'm rambling; I'll make it up to you by treating you guys to some of the best soft-shelled crabs in town once this is all over!"

Note to myself. Lower collateral damage or pay for the costs of collateral damage from my own pocket; I do not want to get thrown out of restuarants and snack bars or yelled at by street food vendors. That and my comrades' reputation matters to me as well - My True Companions should not be laboring under an unfriendly reputation as 'destructive saviors'...

@Aku the Samurai, @Urizen
Mission Four - Knives in Phnom Penh

Diamond Island Convention and Exhibition Center, The City of Phnom Penh - 11/11/2022 06:22 UTC+7, which is 7:22, UTC+8

Cristina had brought down several waves of Iranian-manufactured and covertly imported Shahed Drones before collapsing. Still, it was clear that the Cambodian Pro-ASEAN Rebels were sitting ducks where they were now. So Dara Chea, standing beside Nico, stated, "We're going to have to evacuate the Convention Center anyway; leave the Chinese delegation behind. In the meantime, we have two choices; the Cambodian Grendemaire - Military Police - have their HQ in the south part of the city, which remains loyal to the assholes in the Government, and the Government Buildings themselves are in the northern part - Would you care to suggest a target?"

As the helicopters led by Sam arrived at the scene, bringing reinforcements and the prospect of evacuation, Myron would radio their new member and give his orders, "Specialist Sewojo - You've arrived at last! Begin evacuating important diplomatic personnel first; ASEAN and foreign observers only - Leave the Chinese and Russians behind. Also, the Cambodian forces surrounding this building have defected to our side; do not fire on them as long as that is the case."

Roberto, meanwhile, had managed to get to Cristina's location somehow and dragged her inside the building, where Myron and him could guarantee her safety. Then, news arrived that there was heavy fighting in the West of the city, where more forces were joining the Cambodian Rebels and fighting the Cambodian Government's loyalists. There was bloody combat in the East too, but the Government was flying in Russian and Venezuelan mercenaries to aid them in restoring order, meaning that the pro-ASEAN forces there were tied down and unable to help their allies.

Now, the Cambodian Government was ordering a large force to cross the bridges east of Diamond Island; Tanks, Infantry, and APCs, all supported by artillery.

The violence had not ended yet; if anything, it was accelerating.

The Cambodian Elite Troopers had incapacitated most of Task Force Obsidian but were now being attacked by members of their Regular Infantry who had decided to be loyal to ASEAN. Marta's counterattack then hit and punched out the last of the foes - Lieutenant Channery Chea herself, who slumped to the floor without any ceremony, just a soft 'thud'.

To spell it out clearly: Cambodian Elite Troopers bad, Regular Infantry (some of them) good. Nico's courage outside had gotten some of the Cambodians to side with them again. But now, with Nil heavily wounded, Henri catatonic, and Aoi disappearing for a while, it was clear that it was going to be a hard choice to stay and fight or join the evacuation.

And, as the rumble of vehicles and artillery was heard from the east, it was clear that they had to make a decision soon before it was made for them. All the while Noel Alonso, their leader, had disappeared, along with their portal maker, Callie.

They also had to mourn Qinghse's death.

@Gerlando@QJT@Amidatelion@Digmata@Chiro@Creative Chaos@PrinceAlbert
@Rickrigas, I run storyline RPs, just so you know; I even have one in my sig...
Welcome! @Schiraz
@Ryik, I love this. Approval One.
@OceanicVoid, thanks!
The Faction List has been posted!
@Flamefeather, welcome!
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