@WSilversun, Provisional Approval Given.
"Can you change your character from a soft boy to a tough guy and make him 6 foot plus and muscular instead of 5'7" and skinny. Oh and can you change his name, his family, where he comes from oh and can you change this, this and this about the plot."
Someone messaged me asking to roleplay with them. Okay, cool.
But like they want me to change everything about my character. They want me to make him taller, and stronger, remove his disabilities, change him from a soft, artistic boy into a famous athletic bad boy, make him a different ethnicity etc.
I declined as I didn't feel like we could work together as writing partners and stated that I didn't feel like I could meet what she was asking, as it was nothing like the original concept/prompt I had in mind for James. I post prompt ideas looking for certain types to possibly play my boys against, but I am always willing to work with someone if they wanna play as someone else. I always specify that in my requests, and even state I am happy to come up with something together but I am *not* changing my character.
But to want me to change everything makes me feel like they'd be better suited to finding other partners, no? I just don't understand why you'd message people claiming to be interested when your "changes" make it something different alltogether.
And on that;
Why do people have an issue with a disabled person *playing* a disabled character? I always make people aware I have disabilites and how they can impact me in terms of reply times, needing reminding to respond, etc.
I get "yeah but playing as an autistic/deaf character is still wrong you're making the disabilities seem like fiction and making me feel uncomfortable playing against a disabled character/writer" as if I am doing it to be an arsehole.
If a status bar complainer saw this post, do you think they’d change their ways or just write me off as a jerk?
Not gonna be making a Character anytime this month and i can't put Any attention to this rp Since i'm busy on other rps So i'll see myself out