Avatar of Letter Bee


Recent Statuses

17 days ago
Current Two years, eight months, three threads... Four months more until my RP as a whole lasts three years.
29 days ago
My Elder Scrolls RP may reach a third month... or die in a few days. It depends on luck.
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1 mo ago
My RP, despite many challenges, has ran for two years and seven months across three threads.
2 mos ago
Thanks to all who stood by me; you're all good people.
2 mos ago
We've done it. Noble Arms: The ASEAN War, lives.
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Most Recent Posts

Mikazuki Nakajima

Mikazuki asked a simple question, "What was the Soul War? And to echo Darius' question... What are Hollows? And are they more than just monsters that eat souls? I presume you didn't tell us about their nature before because you wanted to vet us for trustworthiness first?"

@Sho Minazuki
The Road to Bruma

The Orange Road; Imagine that its Summer, please...

The Confessor had decided to accept Kiffar's proclamation of leadership (albeit with Arvind being the real leader) and sent the group off on their way once breakfast was done; Khaliya and Meen-la could seperately sense her increasing desire not to be around the people she herself gathered, but who proved to be strong personalities she did not want to see in constant friction, but that would not alter the fact that she approved of the most viable plan. That plan was to pose as Arvind's scholarly expedition, and the Confessor had given them extra cash, plus a few scholarly texts on Talos and the nearby Ayleid ruins to better maintain their cover (and also to speed them onward).

Now the group was on the Orange Road, walking the paved, narrow path that led from Chorrol to Bruma as the sun rose in the sky.

Several hours passed; it was noonrise/noonday and the sun was at its midpoint. Birdsong and the noise of various animals had grown quiet for a minute or so - An obvious sign of trouble ahead. They were passing through an even narrower stretch of road when it struck - A volley of arrows launched from the trees at point-blank range, intended to scatter the group or force them to cast their protective spells.

Once the arrows were cast, several Nord and Imperial Bandits would charge, wielding a mix of two-handed swords, heavy maces, and greataxes, not realizing that they were running towards one of the best fighters in all of Tamriel (Kiffar). And finally, there was a Nord dressed in robes from the College of Winterhold with the insignia torn out; this blonde woman looked at Arvindr and said, "Arvindr! I want your research on the predecessors of the Companions and the origins of Whiterun and I want it now!"

The scholar would recognize this Nord woman as one of his more obscure rivals, Brigit of Winterhold, who resented Arvindr's constant hawking of the 'Original Nord Culture' despite being a Mage who researched similar topics herself. Her latest ploy was writing several public letters accusing Arvindr of being a plaigraist - of her research - and the unhinged tone of her wording implied that she had begun to genuinely believe her own lies.

This was confirmed when she said, "You copied my papers! That bibiliography you used in your latest one had a third of it copied from my own listed sources! Give me back my academic placement, you fraud, or I will keep siccing these bandits on you!"

@Carantathraiel@Lunamaria Hawke@Alfhedil@Crimson Flame@Randomguy@WSilversun@Rune_Alchemist

@Carlyle has my official support and is encouraged to recruit from my server.
Also, for everyone else: Noble Arms no longer have to look like Pre-WW1 Weapons, as long as they look obsolete and people find cultural meaning in them.
木ノ葉 12
木ノ葉 12
Konoha 12

D.O.B January 11 | Age 16 y.o | Sato Konoha | Region Madoka | Rank Chūnin | Caste Freemen

Uzumaki Ren




Born to the first (or second) generation of Uzumaki to know only liberty, Ren was given every advantage, and borderline spoiled by his parents, who nevertheless made sure he was taught the story of how his clan was not always like this - If not for Minato the Liberator, he would be a slave along with the rest of his generation, so he had to learn gratitude for what he had. He made friends early, learning the importance of seeing people for what they are and what they did, although he was wary of the more traditional parents of some of his playmates. And of course, he had enough talent to make it in Konoha's Ninja Academy.

He made sure not to directly compete with anyone unless someone challenged him first. He made sure not to make enemies unless he had more friends than the potential enemy had. Yet behind it all was a young man interested in surviving a world where things were less stable than they seemed, considering how Konoha's political scene was as chaotic as ever behind closed doors. What had been done, even by Minato the Liberator, can always be undone, and so alertness, awareness, and a watchful gaze is needed to avoid the Uzumaki Clan falling into perdition again. In the meantime, what noncombat problems can't be solved with enough ramen?

Then came the events of AR 705; first Sasuke killing Danzo after exposing Root, then him, Naruto (who in this world, had the Namikaze name, but still retained his Uzumaki ancestry), and Sakura sacrificing themselves to destroy Pein (who was a full Uzumaki) to prevent him from destroying Konoha completely. Ren's parents barely survived that calamity, while Ren himself had fought valiantly in defense of a group of civilians who had taken refuge in Ichiraku Ramen. He lived, but at what cost, considering how Konoha's position and the Land of Fire's stability was less secure than ever - And the Uzumaki Clan's fortunes; its chances of a dignified place in the world, rested on the Land of Fire staying strong.

Thankfully, he can help...


Ren knows he is lucky, and only with hard work and a keen eye can he take advantage of that luck. He sees the need to maintain friendly, or at least cordial, ties with as many people as possible, knowing that the best way to avoid conspiracy is not to be hated. While it is sometimes better to be feared than loved, that does not apply to him, for he knows that if he is feared, then he will be hated, and if he is hated... People will plot against him and he cannot abide that.

He has a life to enjoy, after all!

Ren does not seek the spotlight, but he does not want to be shunted into the shadows, either. He seeks to be the main support of his friends, providing them with whatever support they need if he can give that. Suffice it to say, he is good at making connections and leveraging them, but also at cultivating and preserving them.

And above all, he has this deep wish inside himself, one born from historical injustices which might return in unexpected ways, a wish that can be summarized in two words:

Never Again.


Bigoted Folk/Dangers to Konoha/Sourballs.


His Parents/Ramen/Money


@ctrlsaltdel, I saw your post on the Interest Check. Can you transfer it here?

Also, it has Approval One; either of the Co-GMs will give Approval Two.
@ctrlsaltdel, character sheets are supposed to go on the OOC Thread, but let me review.
Noble Arms: The ASEAN War - Thread Three, Intermission Four, Darkest Hour

The days of easy victories have ended; we have been mauled as never before.

First Lieutenant Noel is gone, kidnapped by the enemy for... reasons I do not want to think about. Special Liason Qingshe is dead; we saw her head tossed at us like a football. Even if she somehow cheated that, she hasn't returned to us yet, meaning we lack the benefit of her advice and her Noble Arm's power - I deeply miss her.

Callie has returned to us, and so has Cristina, but whether the others - Nico, Aoi, and Marta - will be staying with us is up in the air. I don't blame them; the fighting at Phnom Penh was some of the hardest we've gone through and it makes sense that they don't want any more of it. We're now crippled, though - Task Force Obsidian, ASEAN's main source of hope in the ongoing Chinese Invasion, is down to a small band huddled in an evacuated Academy that trained those privileged enough to manifest a Noble Arm.

Trinidad Academy, or if you prefer, La Trinidad de Manila Academy, was the beating heart of Southeast Asia's resistance against Chinese influence even before the ASEAN War started; its Director was the main backer of the Philippine Government of National Salvation when it fought against China's would-be puppet. Even now, Chinese Bombers do not go near its tall roofs out of fear of his wrath - Jose Bathala is not one to be tifled with.

He is a Noble Arm that gained sapience, after all - Imagine that, a magic weapon with its own mind and soul...
- Special Inspector Myron Makraig, Provisional Leader of Task Force Obisdian.

The Main Thread
OOC Discussion Discord
Background Lore Document

It is December 2022, Christmas is nearing, and the world is darker than ever - All because seven decades ago, one man made a mistake.

The secret backstory, unproven for decades, was that on the verge of Allied Victory in World War II, the British Scientist Alan Turing, one of the fathers of computer science, fed captured Nazi occult research into a prototype computer and accidentally made it work, leading to the manifestation of Noble Arms - Magical weapons that symbolize their user's inner selves, manifesting when a person undergoes great change and development in their lives, for good or for ill.

Taking the form of obsolete weapons and tools such as swords, spears, muskets, books, and even flying wooden ships, the Noble Arm can possess devastating powers that defy the known laws of reality.

  • Many can manipulate the elements to the user's will.
  • A few can control forces that can reduce matter to atoms in seconds.
  • The rarest have the strength to withstand the explosion of a nuclear missile.

The People's Republic of China, trying to recover from perceived humiliations from a different past, a different 1988 against the smaller countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), has entangled itself in multiple, simultaneous, 'special military operations' against its neighbors, a state of affairs encouraged by the Downward Descent, a cult that believes Humanity's desire for progress and advancement is a lie that ignores its dark, but true, nature.

Now the People's Liberation Army is bleeding a death of a thousand cuts in a dozen warzones, with its greatest success being the defection of Laos and the northern parts of Cambodia to its side after a botched peace conference in Phnom Penh. However, this, as well as signs of increasing coordination with North Korea, Russia, and Iran has brought a reluctant United States into the war after two years of attempted withdrawal from the world stage.

You are part of Task Force Obsidian, a mix of Arms Masters, people who can manifest Noble Arms after surviving what changed their lives, and Normal People, who paid for their normalcy by lacking magic, but make up for that by being skilled in guns, vehicles, and aircraft, as well as primitive mechs that in the right circumstances, can take down an unprepared Arms Master.

Right now, you and the others of TFO are back in the Philippines, where the Chinese have resumed their attempt at invasion. You have been given housing in the evacuated ‘Trinidad Academy’, a School for Arms Masters and Normal folk whose students are either fighting the enemy on other fronts, fled, or are dead. There, you are either a veteran member trying to lick your wounds, or someone new assigned to fill up TFO's ranks.

Many of your comrades are missing or somehow inactive. China, once on the back foot, has resumed its offensive. Your previous leader has been captured and his replacement is unsure if he has what it takes to lead the group to survival, much less victory.

But the hours are darkest before the dawn, right?

This is an interest check for an ongoing RP, Noble Arms: The ASEAN War, which is now in its fourth intermission (the fourth mission just ended) and eighth story arc, where the OCs are trying to rest, recover, and eventually strike back, empowered by new knowledge and secrets.

Antagonists need special permission from all three members of the GM Council (Being Recruited).

The details of the Intermission are listed below:

You can find the Lore in the Noble Arms Lore Thread and the Character Sheet Skeleton in the The OOC Thread. The OOC Thread also has copies of the parts of the lore relevant to actually playing the game.

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