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He eats more then blood. Energy, powers, spacial authority, and traps the soul in his scythe.

That still wouldn't steal their powers. That's not how the Entities work. It's not special energy. It's literally just ascended math. Unless he has the mental computation power and absorbs their knowledge of physics, it's useless to him.

Also, the Entities don't actually fight using their real bodies. They channel powers through humanoid avatars and hide behind dimensional barriers with their body scattered out across multiple dimensions. Getting at their souls -if these abominations even have one- would require reaching their true body parts... many many times, since they can shift dimensions at will. As I mentioned, each individual Shard would effectively be a separate soul of a massive hivemind. These things are the furthest thing from easy to so much as challenge, never mind kill.

And this is assuming one can get around their Path To Victory power that literally gives them the precognitive step-by-step path to perfect victory in literally any situation. The only limits are that it's naturally hyper energy intensive to use, so they save it as a last resort for foes they have to take seriously.
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

With their power combined Alna and Vin are possibly equal to the whales you keep mentioning.

Vinashy could just drain them and steal their powers

Well, not really. The "space whales" only kinda look like that. What they actually are in Worm is multidimensional worm-like "Entities" that go around using entire worlds as petri-dishes for their experiments into how to truly overcome Entropy.

Each Entity is comprised of hundreds of thousands of individually planet-sized "Shards", each one having dominion over a specific power and able to in time spawn offshoots of themselves with new related powers. The shards have no blood and so probably can't be drained. They are more like giant crystalline computers that only seem flesh-like, and every single one of them is independent from the whole but connected like a hive-mind. Their powers function through the manipulation of dimensional physics and basically hyper-advanced math and computation of physics, and so it's not really conventionally possibly to "steal" their powers. Killing a Shard isn't really going to do anything to an Entity even then. They can easily cast off and/or disconnect themselves from compromised Shards and are more than able to eventually create a replacement later on.

Like, these Entities are capable of destroying entire multiverse clusters in a single blow if they feel like being serious, and they actively do so as a method of propelling themselves across the multiverse using the force of the explosion.

Killing these guys is a big flipping deal, and the only reason canon Worm went so well was that a Third Entity tricked and weakened one of the two that was threatening Earth, allowing it to be assassinated by a human that connected to one of its strongest powers. That left only one full-powered Entity for humanity to have to fight, and they only won even then by making him depressed over his partner's death and causing him to commit suicide. That was the original course of events separate from the AU caused by Collin's interference.
You guys are good people?

Well... at least they're polite?
*side-eyes Misty*

@Shadow Dragon

You know, suddenly, Alna and friends aren't really looking like the "good guys" anymore. I know the competition is apparently (supposedly) trying to dominate all of reality, but... XD
@Shadow Dragon
What does Vinashy look like? And what would his soul/spiritual energy feel like do you think?
Ponn and I are closing in on the end of our collab. Conversation is finished, and they've reached the school gates. Post could be out as soon as today or tomorrow, depending.
Are y'all talking somewhere else other than the thread or is it just generally quiet?

Yeah, gonna second Kassarock there. Though, a factor is definitely the general quietness of the OP, except in very brief bursts (to be fair, he's kinda waiting for potential players to make the first move and actually submit character concepts to him for approval). The pace of character creation itself is also generally pretty glacial unless those interested make certain to have a post up for the GM to respond to when they peek in.

If you're personally interested, I can provide some of my own experience with the character creation, since the limits are... well, extremely vague. To be fair, that's kind of necessary to preserve a sort of "over-the-top-anime-asskicking-adventure" type deal.

Here's some relevant quotes from the original interest check that give you a fuller grasp of the base idea:

Though in the case of Simon, our characters currently won't be anywhere quite that strong starting out, but as an endgame...?
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

*Stares with a confused, bewildered expression*

*I started a bit, before clearing my throat with a bit a self-conscious chuckle.*

Sorry, I forgot this isn't Earth for a bit, so I might be throwing around a fair bit of unfamiliar terminology. Right, so... First off, a Yandere is a term in Japanese, another local language of my Earth. The "dere" means "love" or something I think, and the "Yan" bit... I really forget, but it was something like "obsession" or "crazy". I don't know. Anyway, in our motion pictures/movies/anime stuff, Yanderes -the most well-known ones anyway- tend to be pink-haired, Japanese and obsessively mad in love with a single target, who they usually try to kill off any romantic competition for. The reason this is relevant is that Yandere -the nutter from my world- was A: Japanese, B: dyed her hair pink and ran around in some school-girl-looking getup, and C: absolutely obsessed with a single goal. Granted, that goal was saving humanity from the same thing I eventually did, but...

*My expression turned flat.*

She was utterly batshit insane as a result of her powers. To put this into perspective, her powers had an automatic time-travel function. If she died, a "Groundhog day" scenario was initiated, hurling her back in time by a week... up to as far as the day she unlocked said powers. She had easily died hundreds of thousands of times by the first time I ever heard of her, failed to save humanity time and time again, so to say the least... her methods had started to get extreme. Gambling on the butterfly effect, Yandere had started doing everything in her power to cause the most extreme divergences in the timeline, praying that she would somehow eventually hit upon the "golden victory" timeline. She was a monster, ran around causing havoc and slaughter with her merry little band of psychos she called "the Seven Deadly Sins". Honestly... in the end, we couldn't even put her down for good, merely imprison and "seal" her away like some stupid story cliche.

*I swallowed thickly, before shaking my head and dismissing the vague worries struggling to bubble back to the surface after all this time. Yandere was gone, entire dimensions away, and even if she got free, her time travel would never undo our saving the world in truth. The only thing she could ever do was inevitably trap herself back in stone.*

*Sits up looking around as though something has changed*

If I'm not mistaken, I've a grim suspicion that my old friend has returned!

*My expression smoothed out at the pun and the declaration. Yet another being that probably ridiculously outclassed me? honestly, par for the course at this point. Bring it on.*

Old friend?
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

*Twists it, maintaining a deadpan expression*

*A single one of my brows rose, as I hummed thoughtfully, looking fairly unconcerned.*

You know, all this threatening my health stuff is actually making me a bit nostalgic. Brings me right back to the days of my old mercenary team. Suzy, that greedy miser, was... a pretty unique one. Heh, Scrooge could never.

*I grinned wryly, before shuddering in remembrance.*

Fucking Yandere though -and yes, that's what that pink bitch actually went around calling herself. Just fuck her and her Groundhog-day, time warping bullshit. Genuinely most terrifying person I've ever fought in my life, especially after she revealed that her power also let her outright control any other aspect of time when I countered said time-looping. Fucking time stop. Honestly, there's something especially existentially terrifying about a time-traveler whose powers have no real limits and trigger on death. Had to "get gud" damn fast with my immateria manipulation to even stand a chance. Only reason we won was that Suzy's power was like this weird sort of "path to victory" type deal. She could name any goal she wanted to accomplish, and then her vision -or so she told me- would highlight something in red... with like, no context at all. She basically had to guess what the hell she was supposed to do at every given step, but by the time Yandere was after us, she'd gotten fairly good at spit-balling it. Could even use it in combat half-competently.
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

*Opens and closes my hand mockingly as I spawn a voodoo-esque doll with an uncanny resemblance to you, and stabs it several times with an unusually sharp fork, causing the doll to squeak, bleed, and crunch*

*My expression was as dry as a desert.*

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