Avatar of Little Bird


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Current Little Bird is broken.
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Apologies to those waiting on me. Work has been extra the past few weeks.
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7 days ago
Sleep deprivation is a Hell of a drug.
9 days ago
Effin work probably got me for hella OT this week. I'll get CS's and replies as best I can. ~Itbewhatitdoitdowhatitbe~
11 days ago
I just want to fall completely in love.


Not born in a log cabin, I came into the RPing venture around 2009 and quickly joined about twenty roleplays more than I should have at the time. I've been around the internet in that time span, participated in and run RPs on multiple forums, and brushed shoulders with a wide variety of players and characters. Getting to work with new people has always been part of the allure of the experience.

My interests in RPing are pretty diverse, and not genre-specific; if there's room at the table and I can think of a dish to serve, I'll cook something up for just about any meal. If you know what I mean.

Most Recent Posts

@Double Depends on the particulars. What events other than the Struggle?
A hand set upon his shoulder, and Zack shuddered in shock; he hadn't realized how far gone his head had been, and he all but forgotten that Drokka, Julia, and Jacob were there with him.

"Oh." He cocked his his head around to see Jacob standing at his side. "Yeah." he continued hesitantly. "Just..." he gestured towards the shadows in the alleyway. "Probably just the light playing tricks on me. That match... wasn't expecting it to end so soon, less the way it da- I mean did." He stood up, giving one last glance towards the alleyway. He shook his head, and turned to look at his friends. "Seifer wasn't at his best," he said with a sigh. "He won't take this lying down either. I need to up my training if I want to have a chance at the Tournament."

He looked around the Sandlot; other Strugglers, most of whom were eliminated and getting the jump on next year, were starting to fill into the area. "Looks like there won't be much of a shortage of sparing partners," he added hopefully. "What do you say we get a few matches in?"


Cadenza made a primal, rallying growl. Small though her success was, any momentum was good momentum. The mech staggered and toppled under its own weight, and fighter backed two sizeable steps to avoid being caught under it herself. In the proceeding instance, the expected shift in direction came to be. Cadenza found herself set on by the sights of the turrets of both the crippled machine and its remaining cohorts.

It wasn't really much of a surprise; they were basic models, programmed to focus on threats as they presented themselves.

As the barrel of her recent quarry spun around to take aim at her, she listed slightly, in counter direction to its rotation. Drawing back towards the mecha, she reached, taking hold of gun. Heaving another brutish grunt, she manhandled the turret in one-eighty, directing the business end of the weapon toward the next mech in line; she would use the felled walker's weapon against its packmate.
I've been waiting on Spectral and Stylobilly
So... we still doing?
"Heh? Suit yourself then." Cadenza scoffed towards Freyja's response; that one seemed to be something of a stick in the mud. "We all gotta have a way to cut loose after a hard day's work though." She chuckled heartily. "Don't worry," she added, "I'll show that I'm worth the gil you offered out there... Whoa!"

She shrugged her shoulder with a quick, aggressive jerk as a hand set down on it from behind. Cassidy walked by; a charmer. "Damn right I can," she said. "I can manage myself just fine." She smirked in return to his suave demeanor. "After the payday we'll have, I can certain take a chance at the card table. Just don't pull any fast one's on me."

"We're coming in for a landing!"

The pilot's voice called from the front of the ship. A bright-eyed Cadenza strode closer to the bay door at the craft's rear, situating herself next to Freyja. She was a brawler, after all; she wouldn't get much accomplished sitting behind the line. A moment or two of turbulence was followed by the rocking sensation of the aircraft setting upon the ground. The fighter bumped her fists together and broke into a tooth-bearing grin as the door opened. Serious as the situation may have been, she saw no point in not having fun.

Freyja was the first to deboard the Blue Lily. Cadenza followed next to her and practically at her heels. As if on cue, a foursome of mechanaloids emerged from out of the accumulating brush and industrial rubble. The grin on Cadenza's face turned to a grimace just as quickly as the machines had arrived. It was an old Imperial scout mecha. One such model had been set upon the Compound Cadenza had lived on during the war. The base was still being fortified at the time, so even such a light weapon had been able to cause significant harm; a handful of deaths and more than enough wounds to go around.

"This time, it's different," she spat towards the cold machinery. She took a fighting stance. In a subtle flash, her spirit surged, and not even a second after, she was off at Haste speed. As Freyja trained her blade onto the first of the four, Cadenza beelined slightly out toward the side, intent upon the last one in the line up. As she closed the gap between herself and the mech, she pulled her right hand back to ready for a strike.

She wasn't entirely sure if she could do much damage to the machine's body, but the legs... she threw her punch. The material of her Impact Bracer's rang against the left leg of the mecha. In the instance that her fist connected, she quickly clenched her fist. The gauntlet in turn clicked softly, her adorned weaponry amplifying the kinetic impact against the metallic limb.
The things I do sometimes. Mentally sighing, Cadenza had had a rare moment of inner reflection as she grasped her present situation. To put it lightly, her feelings about it all were something of a mixed bag. On one hand, her time for sidequests wasn't exactly in a limitless supply; she was working against a clock, steadily but surely counting down the moment before her main objective was rendered a failure by way of a case of death. Indeed, had she known it would be so difficult to get on a transport to Fort Lionhart, she just might have walked the whole damn way. On the other hand, if she was going to be stuck waiting for the next train out of town anyways, getting out and making some money on the side was a more alluring prospect than just sitting around with her hands under her ass; plus, if she was lucky, she'd have herself early opportunity to exact some joyous justice.

Then, of course, there was the ragtag of personalities among which she presently found herself. She hadn't yet been around them long enough to get a legitimately accurate read on anyone, though it was clear that they were just as much, if not more, of a mixed bag as her feelings about being on the mission. Mages, a healer, a techy wiz of some sort. Then... her... a fighter, a brawler. She could understand why the others were on this mission; all of them had some utility beyond putting the beatdown on man and monsters. She wasn't like that though; if they needed muscle like what she could offer... then they were clearly expecting things to come to blows eventually. "Pfff." Cadenza huffed, rather loudly. As long as they paid up, and got her back into town before the train left like they said they would, it wouldn't be any skin off her back.

She couldn't help but let out a hearty chuckle as the pilot announced their imminent arrival. Stranger still than her feelings about the mission and the people with whom she was sharing it, were the circumstance that had lead them to her; it wasn't everyday that breaking up a big bar fight landed someone mercenary work. Somehow, though, she had managed to achieve just that. Had that one bloke not decided to take a swing at the bartender, the Wild Rose might not have been impressed enough by her verbal interview to contract her for this stint. Oh the things I do sometimes. She mused again, and snorted another chuckle to herself as she pushed out of her seat, preparing to disembark. Wild Rose, huh? I suppose I at least fit half of that.

She clapped her hands, and cracked her knuckles. "Just about that time, eh?" she said, looking around at the others. "Just remember, if shit hits the fan down there, you asked me to come along. So... save your complaints for when we're back at the bar pounding shots down. Yeah?"

@VitaVitaAR @PKMNB0Y @thecatinaction @Pyromania99
Name: Cadenza Ovatra D’Concerto [“Donna Toro”]
Age: 25
Gender: Female

Appearance: 'Sup?

Personality: If there was a poster child for “hot-headedness” Cadenza would be a strong contender for the title. With a mind that runs at miles a minute, Cadenza comes across brash and impulsive, jumping into the fray with little to no evident forethought or planning. Though most of the time her “fight first, talk later” ideology seems to work itself out to the best results, it has a propensity to create backlashes amid more delicate situations. In the heat of conflict and combat, she follows quick-thinking, improvisational style, and generally has the wits and psychological fortitude to engage multiple opponents up close.

She can be short-fused, easily rallied to action as one seeking conflict might be. If one can restrain her physically, talking her down becomes a manageable task. But, if she is allowed gain momentum, the prospect of pulling her back into a docile becomes significantly more unlikely. Once engaged into a the midst of an altercation, Cadenza is unlikely to back away unless she either emerges victorious or is rendered incapacitated… or worse.

Though her physical appearance may be less than impressive to the naked eye, her raw vitality and fiery disposition tend to make up any lost ground, and then some. She abounds with an excess of pride and self-confidence, which, when she’s on the up and up, provides her a formidable advantage. Yet, as with many good things, too much can be problematic. Her confidence has a glass-canon element, being handily shattered in the moments during which real adversity and defeat hits. As such, it often takes Cadenza a longer period to psychologically recover when an endeavor doesn’t pan out in her favor.

Brief Backstory: Cadenza grew up close to the hostilities between Embria and the Alvadian Empire, specifically at the Embria-Alvad border, where the coalition of resistance fighters from Imperial lands and the standing armies of Embria centered the command for its counter-offensives. Her father, Solo D’Concerta, was among the ranks of the resistance, and reasonably respected among the Embrians and resistance fighters that knew him; such was his reputation that the Embrian military honorarily bestowed upon him the rank of Sergeant.

Cadenza lived with her father within a militant community, which the residents of simply referred to as “The Compound.” In her time there, Cadenza absorbed much of the combatant lifestyle. Whether through her father, other residents, or the occasional drifter, she developed a knack and a passion for fighting that just about only someone raised by fighters could have. As a youth, she would play war games with other children on The Compound; as a teenager, she would tag along with her father to observe military training exercises.

The war came to an end just as Cadenza began arranging to join her father in the war efforts, getting so far as to equip herself with weapons and armaments. Disappointed in the missed opportunity, she argued with her father, until, after a course of nearly a month, she relented to his directive to return home and assist the rebuilding effort.

During the following five years, Cadenza spent much of the daylight hours playing the role of homemaker, repairing both the house she and her father had once lived in and those in the surrounding community. By night, however, she found a stand-in for her itch for fighting in the form of an underground combat ring, within which she competed in (often excessively violent) matches against both young adults with similar backgrounds to herself and younger ex-militants looking to feed their conditioned proclivity for bloodshed. In a fashion not unlike her father, she garnered the respect of the ring, being dubbed by her innermost circle as “Donna Toro.”

Solo was rarely home, having dedicated his post-war life to mercenary work with the goal of ensuring stability as the newly formed Republic of Alvad established itself. His visits home were brief, and Cadenza often saw him only once or twice: as he arrived, and just before he departed. He knew nothing of Cadenza’s double life.

However, nearly five years into the post-war era, Cadenza received troubling news: her father had been mortally wounded by Imperial sympathizers while in the line of his mercenary duties. Distraught and angered, Cadenza caught the first transport she could to her father’s station. Her itinerary was short, simple, and sweet: paying her last respects, taking up her father’s mantle, and exercises hard justice on those responsible for putting her father on his deathbed.

Skills: Cadenza is a survivalist to the extent that she has conditioned herself to perform optimally for extend periods of time off between sustenance; she go longer than the average person between eating or drinking water. Her true forte, however, is in her aptitude for combat, particularly at close range. She’s dexterous, strong, and resilient, particularly when faced with physical assaults; intensive magical onslaughts prove to be a significant adversity, as do ranged assaults if she cannot quickly close the gap.

Abilities: Cadenza has tapped into her inner vitality to bolster a baseline of enhanced physical performance. Her developed magical prowess revolves around spells that further draw upon her fighting spirit. “Haste” improves aspects of her speed of mobility; “Gain” increases her attack strength. She is further able to impart her spirit and will unto those around her through “Cheer.”
Limit: Battle Cry – Vicious Strike; an instantaneous, and short-lived outflux of strength and speed propels Cadenza with ludicrous speed towards an unfortunate adversary. The resulting blow is enough to cause fatal damage to weaker foes, typically defeating them in a single hit; when used against near-human sized enemies, the impact may also be enough to ripple and cause minor residual damage to others nearby with no discrimination between friend and foe. Pushing her body this far results in need for either a period of recovery, or an urgent application of healing magic from an ally (whichever comes first).

Equipment: Impact Bracers – Designed and manufactured in the years following the war, Impact Bracers are a line of hand weapons for those that like to let their fists do the talking. Inspired by Gunblades that rose into popularity during wartime, Impact Bracers implement the same concept into the form of an adorned armament. The design is that of a pair of armored gauntlets that cover from the hands in their entirety to halfway along the forearms. Engineered within the palms of the gauntlets are mechanisms activated by way of clenching of the fists that that release a light to moderate kinetic vibration that resonates through the surfaces struck by the gauntlets, amplifying concussive force.

Cadenza’s present armaments consists of a pair of Standard Impact Bracers, which function as described. A more advanced model has recently hit the market though: the Type-M, which include Magitech conduits that channel energy from pre-loaded Lumo Crystals through Impact Bracers, enabling the added effect of spell-like effect to be implemented. Cadenza presently longs to bring in enough of an income to invest in a pair of Type-M Impact Bracers.
Name: Cadenza Ovatra D’Concerto [“Donna Toro”]
Age: 25
Gender: Female

Appearance: 'Sup?

Personality: If there was a poster child for “hot-headedness” Cadenza would be a strong contender for the title. With a mind that runs at miles a minute, Cadenza comes across brash and impulsive, jumping into the fray with little to no evident forethought or planning. Though most of the time her “fight first, talk later” ideology seems to work itself out to the best results, it has a propensity to create backlashes amid more delicate situations. In the heat of conflict and combat, she follows quick-thinking, improvisational style, and generally has the wits and psychological fortitude to engage multiple opponents up close.

She can be short-fused, easily rallied to action as one seeking conflict might be. If one can restrain her physically, talking her down becomes a manageable task. But, if she is allowed gain momentum, the prospect of pulling her back into a docile becomes significantly more unlikely. Once engaged into a the midst of an altercation, Cadenza is unlikely to back away unless she either emerges victorious or is rendered incapacitated… or worse.

Though her physical appearance may be less than impressive to the naked eye, her raw vitality and fiery disposition tend to make up any lost ground, and then some. She abounds with an excess of pride and self-confidence, which, when she’s on the up and up, provides her a formidable advantage. Yet, as with many good things, too much can be problematic. Her confidence has a glass-canon element, being handily shattered in the moments during which real adversity and defeat hits. As such, it often takes Cadenza a longer period to psychologically recover when an endeavor doesn’t pan out in her favor.

Brief Backstory: Cadenza grew up close to the hostilities between Embria and the Alvadian Empire, specifically at the Embria-Alvad border, where the coalition of resistance fighters from Imperial lands and the standing armies of Embria centered the command for its counter-offensives. Her father, Solo D’Concerta, was among the ranks of the resistance, and reasonably respected among the Embrians and resistance fighters that knew him; such was his reputation that the Embrian military honorarily bestowed upon him the rank of Sergeant.

Cadenza lived with her father within a militant community, which the residents of simply referred to as “The Compound.” In her time there, Cadenza absorbed much of the combatant lifestyle. Whether through her father, other residents, or the occasional drifter, she developed a knack and a passion for fighting that just about only someone raised by fighters could have. As a youth, she would play war games with other children on The Compound; as a teenager, she would tag along with her father to observe military training exercises.

The war came to an end just as Cadenza began arranging to join her father in the war efforts, getting so far as to equip herself with weapons and armaments. Disappointed in the missed opportunity, she argued with her father, until, after a course of nearly a month, she relented to his directive to return home and assist the rebuilding effort.

During the following five years, Cadenza spent much of the daylight hours playing the role of homemaker, repairing both the house she and her father had once lived in and those in the surrounding community. By night, however, she found a stand-in for her itch for fighting in the form of an underground combat ring, within which she competed in (often excessively violent) matches against both young adults with similar backgrounds to herself and younger ex-militants looking to feed their conditioned proclivity for bloodshed. In a fashion not unlike her father, she garnered the respect of the ring, being dubbed by her innermost circle as “Donna Toro.”

Solo was rarely home, having dedicated his post-war life to mercenary work with the goal of ensuring stability as the newly formed Republic of Alvad established itself. His visits home were brief, and Cadenza often saw him only once or twice: as he arrived, and just before he departed. He knew nothing of Cadenza’s double life.

However, nearly five years into the post-war era, Cadenza received troubling news: her father had been mortally wounded by Imperial sympathizers while in the line of his mercenary duties. Distraught and angered, Cadenza caught the first transport she could to her father’s station. Her itinerary was short, simple, and sweet: paying her last respects, taking up her father’s mantle, and exercises hard justice on those responsible for putting her father on his deathbed.

Skills: Cadenza is a survivalist to the extent that she has conditioned herself to perform optimally for extend periods of time off between sustenance; she go longer than the average person between eating or drinking water. Her true forte, however, is in her aptitude for combat, particularly at close range. She’s dexterous, strong, and resilient, particularly when faced with physical assaults; intensive magical onslaughts prove to be a significant adversity, as do ranged assaults if she cannot quickly close the gap.

Abilities: Cadenza has tapped into her inner vitality to bolster a baseline of enhanced physical performance. Her developed magical prowess revolves around spells that further draw upon her fighting spirit. “Haste” improves aspects of her speed of mobility; “Gain” increases her attack strength. She is further able to impart her spirit and will unto those around her through “Cheer.”
Limit: Battle Cry – Vicious Strike; an instantaneous, and short-lived outflux of strength and speed propels Cadenza with ludicrous speed towards an unfortunate adversary. The resulting blow is enough to cause fatal damage to weaker foes, typically defeating them in a single hit; when used against near-human sized enemies, the impact may also be enough to ripple and cause minor residual damage to others nearby with no discrimination between friend and foe. Pushing her body this far results in need for either a period of recovery, or an urgent application of healing magic from an ally (whichever comes first).

Equipment: Impact Bracers – Designed and manufactured in the years following the war, Impact Bracers are a line of hand weapons for those that like to let their fists do the talking. Inspired by Gunblades that rose into popularity during wartime, Impact Bracers implement the same concept into the form of an adorned armament. The design is that of a pair of armored gauntlets that cover from the hands in their entirety to halfway along the forearms. Engineered within the palms of the gauntlets are mechanisms activated by way of clenching of the fists that that release a light to moderate kinetic vibration that resonates through the surfaces struck by the gauntlets, amplifying concussive force.

Cadenza’s present armaments consists of a pair of Standard Impact Bracers, which function as described. A more advanced model has recently hit the market though: the Type-M, which include Magitech conduits that channel energy from pre-loaded Lumo Crystals through Impact Bracers, enabling the added effect of spell-like effect to be implemented. Cadenza presently longs to bring in enough of an income to invest in a pair of Type-M Impact Bracers.
That's five players, so I'll only be accepting one more!

*Raises hand*

I humbly request to fill the sixth slot.
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