"We'll improvise," Benjamin said. He didn't have it all planned out, but with a bit of luck they would get to the laundry room before running into any nurses.
When Dia suddenly got pulled away, Benjamin stopped, looked at the hallway and then rushed in to see who had grabbed Dia and for what reason.
Marc blinked when Sara asked the questions. "I... didn't realise you had been sheltered that much," he said. "An arcade is a place with electronical games. Karaoke is a bar where people can sing songs. It's where people often go to for amusement in the evening, after dinner or a drink. Or they go to the movies." He paused as he thought about other things people did for fun after dinner. "Some like to go on indoor roller skating or bowling, but I can't roller skate. Bowling can be fun, but not with two. You need a bigger group for that."
When Dia suddenly got pulled away, Benjamin stopped, looked at the hallway and then rushed in to see who had grabbed Dia and for what reason.
Marc blinked when Sara asked the questions. "I... didn't realise you had been sheltered that much," he said. "An arcade is a place with electronical games. Karaoke is a bar where people can sing songs. It's where people often go to for amusement in the evening, after dinner or a drink. Or they go to the movies." He paused as he thought about other things people did for fun after dinner. "Some like to go on indoor roller skating or bowling, but I can't roller skate. Bowling can be fun, but not with two. You need a bigger group for that."