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#DwarfSupremacy point me at the dumb elves boss
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When you want to rp everything but time is linear so you cant
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Bring down the sun! All hail the usurper!
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I am not convinced I know or understand the English language
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There are not enough buddy-cop type comedys in 1x1 for my liking :c

Most Recent Posts

@Zeroth reading this I literally cackled.

@Enkryption no worries, take your time!
@scrawls sounds like a plan :D

@Enkryption colour me intrigued! Looking forward to what you come up with.

@Mae Any restrictions on posts? I think I could write one more today/tomorrow.

Nope, totally open posting at your leisure!

@Wayward sorry for the wait on the skills, I hope to have a complete list latest tomorrow. Yung has both intelligence and wisdom, do you want him to have any magic as well? I imagine his meditation might play into that. If you like dnd monk skills would you like missile deflection as well? And since he has max Dexterity and stealth capabilities, he might be able to do some movement things like running along walls /rooftops/rough terrain easy.

@OwO@Dark Cloud I cannot wait to see Wormwood's reaction to Terminator Ingrid emerging from the river xD
@MaeQuestion. How does monster evolution and monster training work? Game mechanics wise.

The info below is relevant to anyone interested in Taming creatures.

@TimemasterHere's what you would know at the start of the RP about Creature Taming:

In terms of OOC stuff, it's up to you how deep you want to get into the mechanics or if you prefer a chill, lite vibe. You can specialise different skills/variants/assign jobs/specific food as much as you like or watch your creatures develop naturally from what you do IC and see how it evolves. You can choose never to assign a job or track tricks and gain passive skills from actions. Or you can scoop up a rare bird, assign it the livestock job, and let it do its thing in the farm. So whatever is most comfy/fun for you.

If you set some Goals on your character sheet for specific creatures (e.g hunt a wolf, cause Snuggles the owl to gain shadow magic) and let me know I can tailor things a bit better to what you're hoping to achieve or give you an idea what sort of things might help. For example, if you wanted to Tame a wolf in the forest, it may not be guaranteed you'll encounter one on your first trip. But you'd be more likely to encounter a wolf and also its variants / evolutions. Whereas if it was a standard hunting trip without a goal in mind, you're more likely to encounter a broader range of creatures, with random variants possible.

Feel free to use your goals section liberally by the way, everyone. You can have goals for anything you're looking to achieve.

When you use Identify Creature you get some information about that creature. If you haven't encountered it before you'll learn the breed and possibly variant. If you already have encountered the species before, you will still gain information about a specific individual. As If you use it in combat you may have less information, but you can infer things from how it attacks. Encountering different variants and evolutions might grant you knowledge about how to cause those conditions to create that variant/evolution.

I'll put what you know about your Giant Rat friend here for now:

Giant Rat
Job: Giant Rats make good Hunters.
It can learn 5 Tricks. It currently knows 0.
It seems more intelligent then most of its species.
It is an adolescent. It is Male.
It is exceptionally diminutive for it's breed! It is very quick because of its size.
It does not appear to have eaten anything strange recently.

@Wayward oof, that's a really stressful shift schedule! Take all the time you need, even though the IC is up I haven't triggered the first event - just a chance for everyone to get a feel for things.

@Dark Cloud Wormwood continues to be an absolute delight. Happy little Kobold and wormy friend singing is just ;_; Wormwood #1 heartstealer of the Hamlet confirmed

@scrawls I was thinking of putting a bunch of NPC interaction in the first post (kids training with Goh, villagers asking Mary for pies, and one of the village kids asking Boro if they could borrow the book he has with him today) but wanted it to be a bit more open. It would definitely be way cooler with PCs getting to know each other.

That being said if anyone feels a little too lost let me know and I shall mobilise some of the villagers

The mid morning air was warm, punctuated by a cool refreshing breeze that drifted down into Hearth from the northern hills. It was perfect, sunny weather for Market Day. This was about as busy as Hearth ever got, which suffice to say was not much busy at all. A few ramshackle stalls dotted around the Hamlet well -which functioned as a meeting place of sorts - with half thrown together wares stacked haphazardly atop them.

The smell of freshly baked goods wafted through the village thoroughfare; as distracted stall owners caught up on the latest gossip. Truthfully, gossip was really what Market Day seemed to be about, as lackluster as Hearth was as a travelling destination. A time for people to get together and catch up. The widow Madelaine, for example, had travelled up from the southern village, with but a few select pigeons to sell. Thoroughbreds, apparently, not that one could tell from looking at them. The aggressive little beasties tended to put people off what with the pecking, which meant a perfect opportunity for Madelaine to totter off to spread the latest salacious rumours. They likely held no truth to them, and everyone knew it, but such were the ways people found to pass time. And so it was Market day had pittance to offer, but for a sleepy Hamlet it was about as exciting as one could hope for.

Today was a little different, however. The Hamlet was abuzz, as in a short few hours the Adventurers Guild would officially be opening it's doors for registration. While the building still looked ramshackled - much like the library, which similarly had only recently acquired a new Owner - a few holes had been patched and a lick of paint hastily added, so if one squinted enough and were in a forgiving mood or perhaps terribly drunk, they might accidentally describe it as "rhushtick *hic".

While nobody in the sleepy little Hamlet knew it at the time, later historians would describe this day as 'the start of everything' in 'the place where it all began'.

It is so nice to be Home.

Welcome to the RP! Usually mechanical information or OOC will be mentioned here. For now, all is quiet in the Hamlet.

Character Locations:
@AzureKnight woops didn't see the post straight away. Yep, works fine - let me know if there's anything you want added or have changed. Thinking about it, they could probably be combined eventually into some sort of forest rejuvenating spell, but I imagine that's for alot later.

Okay everyone! I think we're fast approaching the start of the RP. When the IC post goes up it'll be free posting, so no expectations of quantity or timing of posts, do so at your leisure. Characters can chat and get into the slice of life vibe. The first big GM post after that will be the opening of the Adventurers Guild for registration, there may be some smaller less serious GM Posts in between as a response to goings on.

Below is an example header you can use in your posts, if you like Bbcode you're free to use one of your own or customise it. The most important part to keeping things organised is the location and interaction sections. It probably won't be too relevant at the start but if we can get into the habit of putting a hider at the bottom of each post with anything mechanical or actions (e.g I attempt to craft for resistance armour, I identify the herb, I collect the monster tusks and appraise their value... 3rd person is probably better but as an example) it'll make things easier.

[sup]Interacting with:
[h3]Location [color=a9a9a9]||[/color] Action [color=a9a9a9]||[/color] Emotion [/h3][/sup][/center]

@Enkryption This is the final cast so feel free!

@Dark Cloud nah, just a nice bonus that adds flavour. If you want to do it, awesome, if not that's good too.

@AzureKnight ok here's a first pass at Say's skills, anything you want included? I think if Saya and Bolo put their heads together on the divination front, Saya could develop an ability to locate forgotten ruins and dungeons.

Poison Resistance I
Languages - all Common
Inert Magic - Dark
Ignoble Magic - Fire, lesser
Ignoble Magic - Nature, lesser
Craft: Talismans
Craft: Potions
Passive: RelicSense, Lesser
Detect Magic
Identify - Magic
Identify - Potions
Identify - Reagents
Identify - Talismans
Wayfaring, Woodlands
I do think the 'opening thoughts' ,/ relationships add alot to the RP, but no pressure to anyone to complete them.

@Yankee I'm happy either way, @AzureKnight what are your thoughts?

@The Irish Tree just realised Cornelius has 0 rank in intelligence do he'll need to rank it up to get access to those skills. Alternatively getting on the good side of people who already have earth magic cold be fun too.

@AzureKnight just working on your skill list
@AzureKnight which 2 magical elements would you like Saya to be strongest in?
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