Mahz is the Admin. He's the man with the plan and the Guild's head honcho.
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Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current I'm working on experimental server changes. Email if you're having problems.
6 yrs ago
Getting some more work done on the Guild today and tomorrow.
7 yrs ago
Investigating the catastrophic performance issues.
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8 yrs ago
I'm back. I had some personal issues to take care of.
8 yrs ago
You can change your username once every 3 months, and your old username will still link to you and won't be recycled. PM me if you want yours done.

Most Recent Posts

@ClocktowerEchos Thanks for the feedback.

>why do you have to first make an album before you can upload pictures? Can't just have an "image dump" and then a sorting system?

It's was a compromise since there is no way to move images between albums yet. I figured that requiring someone to make an album first makes them less likely to end up in the situation of "crap, I have all these unorganized images and I can't move them into organized albums".

Are you saying that you'd rather have one big image dump and not use albums, or that you'd rather have one big image dump and then organize them into albums at a later date?

At any rate, I'll add a change-album-name feature right now.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 9 yrs ago Forum: News
I found out why the database version upgrade failed. I'll try again sometime.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 9 yrs ago Forum: News
@carla6677 It should be online now.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 9 yrs ago Forum: News
Had to roll back the database version upgrade.

For some reason, some of my database triggers weren't working. Will have to look into it. -_-
In Mahz's Dev Journal 9 yrs ago Forum: News
Unfortunately until I figure the issue out, I'm left restarting the servers every once in a while or catching the issue live since I keep the server analytics open in a tab.

Tomorrow I will make some bigger changes in an effort to narrow down the issue.

Edit: I'm beginning to think that these issues are caused by updates in the Guild's underlying dependencies.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 9 yrs ago Forum: News
I should probably remove the "please report this error" from the error page for now.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 9 yrs ago Forum: News
My latest fix narrowed the problem space down, but it looks like there's still a problem.

Looking into it...

Edit: Looks it's a different issue. Nothing showed up in the logs this time except for the fact that requests were timing out.

Gonna deploy a hack or two to rule out some possibilities...

This weekend I'd like to upgrade my database software so that I can rewrite a few queries to take advantage of some new features which will reduce the amount of in-flight database requests. Not quite a fix but will possibly reduce the catastrophe of whatever is causing this downtime event.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 9 yrs ago Forum: News
As with most Guild issues, I usually find something that needs to be fixed but there's no telling if it fixed the particular issue.

If the issue is still at large, I have a few aimless hacks I can try.
@Maxx Thanks, I'll look into it.

I created an issue:
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