Avatar of Majoraa


Recent Statuses

4 mos ago
Keep calm and carry on.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
I have now been alive for 20 years. How in the fuck.
10 mos ago
would've loved to explore the concept of a Marshmallow Marshlands.
10 mos ago
The only time I've shown interest in a Nation RP was something based off Candyland of all things, but it was dead in the water before all of us were able to submit CSes. A shame too,


Current Haunts:
Symphony on High - Finn/Timekeeper (Co-GM)

...Yes that's it. Literally in nothing else atm, sue me.

Most Recent Posts

"Y-Yes Papa, I couldn't believe it myself!" On her way back to her gym, Bianca was stuck in a phone call with her flabbergasted father. Looks like he finally got her messages. "Hybrid and these Shadow Pokemon, whoever these people are that attacked Postwick and one of the labs, they're pulling out all the stops for Arceus-knows-what! ...Yes, Iris is alright. The only one of us who got badly injured was Lazuli, and that was just a nasty hit to his wing. Might let Orpheus visit to keep him company." She told him as she walked up to the front door.

"Everything alright where you're at? ....I see. Hopefully the press hasn't tried to pry any information out of you guys. ...They haven't? Thank goodness. I'll keep you updated. ...Hehe, alright Papa, love you. If Mother calls, tell her I said hi!"

As the door cracked open Sloan twisted her head around from where she had Adiva trapped in a headlock, one of her taloned hands pulled backwards and pinned between them, the Blaziken squawking angrily in protest. "Hey! Bianca!" She called out to her gym mate, pulling Adiva around so that she wasn't craning her head backwards, earning another squawk. "What the hell happened? I'm gone for less than a month in Kalos with my dad and everything goes straight to shit?" She'd seen the sporadic updates on the news, obviously those had been beyond unhelpful, and the texts in their group chats, but it didn't fully explain anything either. Wasn't like she could attend the meetings either given she was out of the country.

When a talon tapped twice on her arm she let Adiva free who immediately punched her in the shoulder. She rolled her eyes at the unruly Pokémon before waving her off and crossing her arms. She lifted a finger against her arm as she spoke for each thing said, "Ryker is gone, there were attacks on both Postwick and Wyndon with some freaky Pokémon, and the challenge is still going despite all this." It was the off season for her there should not be this many problems that required her attention.

"Y-Yeah. Holly was kidnapped t-too." Bianca frowned as she walked over to Sloan. "We haven't e-even heard a thing from t-the police." She pulled out her phone and brought up the Nido-Arcanine photo, passing it to her. "It all has t-to be connected somehow..."

A heavy, exasperated groan tore from her mouth and she tipped her head back to stare at the ceiling of the gym. "I reiterate, what the hell," she threw her hands up in the air. First Ryker, now Holly, and who knew what other problems were stated in the meetings she'd missed. She glanced down at the phone that was offered and took it. Her brow furrowed in confusion at the strange looking Pokémon on the screen. She'd never seen anything like them before, well she had, but not in a singular Pokémon. "So what's the Chairman doing about all this?" She asked as she handed the phone back.

"L-Leaving it to the police? He did say he P-Professor Hawthorne was reaching out to experts about these Shadow Pokemon, b-but Fiona knows more a-about them than me." Bianca crossed her arms.

"Well that's stupid." Sloan knew that Hyacinth was an uptight ass about a lot of things, but he was seriously just leaving it to the police? They were useless on their best days, and based on what she'd seen and heard they hadn't found anything. "So the plan is just to sit around with out thumbs up our asses, while the police run around like Combusken with their heads cut off?" She couldn't stand the thought of doing nothing and more of their friends getting hurt, or worse.

Bianca shrugged. "Just g-gotta keep an eye out f-for each other, make sure no one else c-comes to harm."

Sloan sighed, "Yeah I guess," she recrossed her arms with a sigh, "Well, what're your plans for the rest of the day then?"

"Finish up here and h-head home, I guess." Bianca tilted her head. "U-Unless you have anything in mind?"

"Not really," Sloan shrugged, "Unless you want to hang out and try to get our minds off all this garbage going on." She grinned brightly at the ice type trainer, "There's this shitty movie that I found on DVD about a guy who was resurrected and forced to be an assassin. From what I've heard it's one of the worst films in years." She'd already burned herself out training and if the Chairman wanted them to keep an eye on each other, well, they were overdue for a bad movie night anyway. "If it's really bad we can force some of the others to watch it."

"One of the worst, huh? I-I'll be the judge of that." Bianca said with a knowing smile. It was tradition for the two at this point to have movie nights once in a while. Especially if the movies happen to suck ass. She's been meaning to find the time to gather everyone for a night, but recent events had screwed that up. And admittedly, it'll be funny as hell to see their reactions.

"Got everything s-set up upstairs?" She asked.

The grin widened and Bianca was given a nod, "Of course, who do you take me for?" The questions was rhetorical and Sloan didn't wait for an answer. She whistled for Adiva who had wandered over to the training side of the gym to beat on one of the punching bags set up. The fire type, despite the clawed hands, was great to cuddle with for heat. "Just gotta grab the snacks and drinks, but that'll only take a second if you want to get the TV turned on."

She took the stairs two at a time, followed swiftly by Adiva who was not about to miss out on a movie night. She skirted down the hallway to the breakroom where she had stashed a multitude of snacks and drinks. Popcorn, chips, and candy of various kinds were piled into Adiva's hands. Thankfully she'd had the wherewithal to put some of the drinks in the fridge; snatching what she could carry she wandered at a much slower pace back towards the room that housed their (mostly hers) terrible movie collection.

Bianca had followed behind them to set up the TV in the break room. (Or was it more of a lounge? Eh.) "Just gotta t-tinker around with a doodad or two and....there we go! R-Ready when you are!" She called out to Sloan.

"Almost there!" She called back as familiar sound of the TV turning on hit her ears. She stepped as quickly as she dared with the stack of drinks into the lounge and deposited them on one of the tables. Adiva followed suit with the snacks and looked pleased with herself that none of them had fallen on the way over.

It took a second of digging in the bag she had left on one of the chairs to find the disc. She pulled it free with an "Aha!" to smack it into the DVD player and plop down onto the couch. "I didn't do much looking into this movie other than seeing that it was on the list of the top 50 worst marital arts movies," she told Bianca; leaning forward to grab a bag of chips. "So we're both going in blind here."

"N-Not to worry, just makes this even more f-fun!" The ice type trainer grabbed a chocolate bar at random from the snack pile and sat down next to her. "After all, s-seeing this first means we h-have the power of spoiling it for the others." She let out a mischevious snicker.

Though the faint sound of shuffling and the funny feeling of a presence behind her caught her attention, she turned her head around to see-

Oh. It's just Mister, trying to climb over from behind them. Guess he wants in on this too. Bianca comically blinked, picking the Mr. Rime up with a straight face and sitting him down on the other side of their seating arrangements.

"You're evil," Sloan teased as she leaned back against the cushions. Adiva had settled to her left and was serving as a large, bird-shaped furnace, they were in the ice gym after all. They had barely gotten past the beginning of the movie where the main character got resurrected by a blind martial arts master when a strange, if familiar, chill ran down her spine. When Mister had arrived, or even escaped his pokeball, she had no idea. Still, she snickered at the lack of movement from the Mr. Rime as he was moved around.

They were maybe, maybe, ten minutes into the movie and Sloan already had very little idea what was going on. She had already opened a second bag of chips, occasionally forking them over to Advia. "Does it seem kind of weird to you that this type of martial arts gives them precognition and the ability to raise the dead?" She gestured to the TV with a chip, "Like, what's the point of being an assassin if you can also raise the dead?"

"Build an undead army." Bianca suggested. "T-Think about it. Kill enough dudes, specifically ones that can fight o-on the same level as you, and you can lead a zombie army t-to like, overthrow a king or something."

"Hmm, I suppose," she tapped her chin with a chip, "Why stop at just a king though? You could take over the world with powers like that." They hadn't even really gotten to any of the actual marital arts, aside from a blurry montage of the main character learning how to raise the dead or whatever. Of course the guy got kicked out of training because of pent up rage at the death of their mother (when was any of that mentioned?) and really left to become an assassin.

As the film continued and finally a contract was introduced that involved going to some resort and hanging around for a few days. Only after that would they be told who the targets were, which was just stupid. The moment that the kid and obviously single parent were introduced though Sloan threw up her hands, "This better not turn into some sappy romance movie. I wanna see dudes get their necks snapped not a dinner date."

"Nah, there's definitely gonna be some romance. There's a-always a love interest in action movies." Bianca commented, sharing a large bag of pretzels with a bored-looking Mister. "Maybe something happens to the kid? I h-hope not."

"Ugh." Always had to ruin a movie with a weird, shoved in side romance. She narrowed her eyes and immediately pegged this movie for what it was going for, "I bet you the kid is gonna be one of the targets." There was no way that they wouldn't pull some stupid tropey shit like that. It took very little time for that theory to be confirmed, "Ha! Called it!"

Bianca blinked in disbelief, narrowing her eyes as she leaned further towards the TV. "...What the actual fuck." She'd flinch when Mister lightly smacked the back of her head with his cane. Her head snapped back at the pokemon, who was giving her a reprimanding look. Language, Bianca! "Oh, like you don't think this is nonsensical!"

A sharp bark of laughter lightly startled Adiva as Sloan reveled in the fact that this shitty film had gotten Bianca of all people to swear. She'd count that as a major success. "It is and we haven't even gotten halfway through it," she said; checking her phone for the time. Unsurprisingly, to Sloan at least, both the kid and the love interest were the targets and the main character let them go. "Well now this is going to cause some problems," Sloan muttered quietly.

Suffice to say the guy who issued the contract was not happy and sent another group of assassins to collect "The Treasure" which was, unsurprisingly again, the kid. Sloan almost choked on her drink when it was said that one of the assassins was named Typhoid of all fucking things. "Ok who is this dude that they're hiding out with and why is he sacrificing himself for these people?" She resisted the urge to throw something at the TV as this random guy died to the assassins in probably one of the most poorly choreographed fight scenes she'd ever seen.

So bad in fact, that Mister sat up and made booing motions at the TV. He's seen, nay, been in battles more interesting than this trash-heap!

"Think they s-shoehorned 'em in just for the tension. Is the kid some s-sorta weapon though? Or artifical life, or something?"

"Thank you Mister!" Sloan agreed wholeheartedly with the booing and even Adiva, who could handle the worst movies out there, looked disgusted. "Man, I dunno," she said, once again flopping back into the cushions. She was going to mess up her back with all this rapid sitting up to complain. For whatever reason the dude that died had a secret passage into the orchard out the back of his house where the main character escaped with the kid and love interest. Clearly the sacrifice bought them very little time as the assassins showed up in the orchard.

She expected their main guy to be able to take out an assassin, but when the kid suddenly expressed prowess in martial arts she got tempted to throw in the towel. "What the fuck?" she whispered in a quiet, stunned disbelief as the kid and her parent killed one of the very well trained assassins with his own weapon.

A dumbfounded chuckle escaped from Bianca. "Guess that's what they mean by 'The Treasure'. Prodigy. child. Wonder what backstory they'll cough up for this. That they trained him since he could walk?" She quipped with a tinge of sarcasm.

"Better have something good or I'm gonna lose it," Sloan muttered darkly at the screen. The next ten minutes or so did not provide them with any solid backstory. Instead Typhoid gave the main guy a "Kiss of Death" (hilarious) and the old blind master had to show up and save their asses before the kid could get snatched by the assassins. In doing so confirms that the "Treasure" is someone gifted with marital arts and...that's it. They're just real good at it for no reason and the main guy is also a "Treasure" which is why their mom died.

"That's it, I can't," Sloan wanted to shove her head under a pillow but at this point it was like a train wreck, she just couldn't look away. It took every fiber of her being to not choke again laughing as the main character fucking astral projected in order to fight the leader of the other assassin group.

Bianca opened her mouth to speak, but after a brief pause she closed it and slumped down with a conceded look. "I don't even have words. Were they high when making this?!"

Meanwhile the Mr. Rime decided to just indulge himself on the snacks instead. They were much more interesting anyways.

“I wish I was high right now, it might make this more bearable,” Sloan said as she slid further down the couch into a slump. The train wreck only continued with their main guy getting their ass whooped by the leader of the assassins and nearly dying. Until the damn kid showed up again and distracted him long enough for them to escape into a…hedge maze? “Sure, anything makes sense at this point.”

The kid got caught by magical Ekans conjured by one of the other assassins in the maze; leading to the absolute worst depiction of someone getting their neck snapped in history. “They didn’t even show it! Dudes head just got yanked forward and suddenly he’s dead?!”

Bianca couldn't help laughing at the sheer absurdity at this point. "It's like they're not even hiding where they cut the budget from, bahahah!"

“At this point I’m questioning if they even had a budget,” Sloan responded through a mouthful of popcorn. Though it did seem like they were either running out of time, money, or both. In quick succession the MC finally killed the leader of the assassins, Typhoid poisoned and killed the kid, and then promptly died.

Whatever emotional impact that was meant to be there was lost on Sloan, and Adiva, since she’d mostly stopped paying attention. The resurrection thing finally came full circle though as the MC used it to bring the kid back. There was one final scene with the love interest, who Sloan had honestly forgot existed, before they all parted ways with no other fanfare.

The final scene being even more underwhelming as the master showed back up and told the MC that they “didn’t turn out so bad” before fading from existence or some other BS. “That’s seriously how they end it? Wow.”

"Well that was...some braincells I'll never get back!" Getting up from her seat, Bianca ejected the disc and carefully handed it back to Sloan. "Imagine how the others will react, it'd surely be more entertaining than the actual movie." Bianca chuckled. With the movie done and over with, Mister slid down from the couch and casually took whatever snacks they didn't eat and walked away.

“I think I can feel my brain running out of my ears,” Sloan turned to poke Adiva who had a vacant, glazed look in her eyes. The Blaziken blinked before leaning forward to snatch another bag of popcorn before Mister could wander off with all of it.

Sloan took the disc back and unceremoniously tossed the case back into her bag. “The only way I’ll watch that film again is to torture the others. They need to suffer as we have.” She watched Mister grab the rest of the snacks and wander off with amusement, “He’s gonna be bouncing off the walls if he eats all that candy.”

"Oh joy..." Bianca wryly smiled. Hopefully he was just going to put the leftovers away, but knowing the Mr. Rime, he was either going to split them with her other Pokemon, or do just that. She could already see the ensuing chaos.

"So now what? Wanna watch a better movie as a pallete cleanser?" She asked Sloan.

Sloan waved a dismissive hand, “So long as we don’t hear anything breaking.” Though there was always a chance of that. She grinned and flopped back down onto the couch, “Sounds great. Your pick this time.”
You kinda went awol with him at a moment where both him AND Frisk would've been freed, so he had to stay behind to keep an eye on Snowdin.

Level: 3
Experience: 18/30
Currently In: Frozen Highlands, Edinburgh MagicaPolis
Word Count: 3,172 approximately? (+4 Exp)
@Lugubrious, @Yankee, @TruthHurts22

Two and a half days ago...

Despite last night's snowfall, the air was crisp and clear well into the boat ride to Edinburgh. Having awoken that morning after a decent night's sleep in the warmth of the fishing village's hotel, it seemed for an hour or so that the trio of Frisk, Albedo, and Linkle might be fresh out of luck, but after a little patience the winds turned in their favor. A sturdy-looking paddleboat had sailed into the little harbor and dropped anchor, and as the dwarven crew got busy offloading various supplies in exchange for shipments of fish, hide, and lumber from the surrounding area, Albedo posed the all-important question. Soon enough the three got underway, quickly finding out that the Tidebreaker could reverse as well as it advanced when it moved backward out of the harbor and didn't bother to turn around on its way to Edinburgh. They kept to the upper decks at the prow so as to not obstruct the dwarves as they went about their business, and for once it seemed like everything was going well.

About the time that the enchanted Tidebreaker vessel had puttered about halfway to Edinburgh, close enough that the passengers could begin to make out its gargantuan shapes through the subarctic haze, one of the other passengers approached the corner of the ship that the Skullgirl and friends had commandeered as their own. While a handful of people from the fishing village had boarded the dwarven machine on its voyage to Edinburgh, all kept to themselves, using their warm winter gear for privacy as much as heat. This person, however, stood out like a sore thumb. Rather than a coat, she seemed to wear an intricate full-body suit of various shades of gray beneath cherry-red armor. A purple core of some kind glowed in her chest, and a black cape fluttered in the icy breeze behind her. Her face lay hidden beneath an odd helmet, broadly conical and composed of interconnected strips. As she stalked over on high heels, cutting a slender, elegantly feminine figure, Frisk could remember her from the glimpse she'd caught last night. By the time this stranger came to a stop, close enough to imply that she wanted to talk, the Seekers could see that the eyes gazing coolly out from inside her helmet were green.

"Good morning," she greeted the three. "Forgive me for approaching you without invitation. Last night I happened to see something both rare and special, and it left quite an impression." She put one hand on her hip and tilted her head slightly, her attention on Frisk. "Your eyes. Neither vivid nor red, but positively normal. Not the teensiest glimmer of Lifelight. And the same goes for you." Her gaze shifted past Linkle to Albedo. "Remarkable. And as I'm sure you've noticed, that goes for myself, as well. So in more ways than one, we're all in the same boat. Isn't that lucky? So I knew that I simply must get to know you better." She clapped her hands together, and her eyes smiled. "May I ask your names?"

Admittedly, Frisk was a little startled at the sudden appearance of the armor-clad lady. The way her gaze had lingered on her a bit longer than the others hadn't gone unnoticed beforehand, but she didn't dwell too much on that. The fact that the stranger wasn't under Galeem's influence either was a relief.

Or a concern...

"I'm Frisk." She introduced herself first with a polite smile.

"I'm Linkle!" the Skullgirl practically sang, excited at the prospect of another ally and/more importantly, friend. "It's nice to meet you!

Albedo's expression remained neutral as he thought for a moment, then replied. "They call me Kreideprinz," he told her. "I'm also pleased to make your acquaintance. May I ask your name, as well?"

The stranger gave a bow of her head. "Of course, my dear. I myself am simply called...L." With playful amusement in her eyes, she made an old-fashioned curtseying motion, despite not having a dress with which to do so. "I must confess, though we've barely spoken, my heart is moved by just the sight of you two together." She offered both Linkle and Albedo a wistful look in turn. "You remind me of my own darling children, who I've yet to find in this cold, cruel world of ours. It's been...hard. Being awake but alone in a world of sheep, blissfully ignorant of their new reality. For you as well, I'm sure?" She made sure to glance over at Frisk again, thus imposing the sympathetic question to all.

Frisk's smile turned sympathetic. "I...understand. Being separated from the people you care about in an unfamiliar world, unaware of how your loved ones are fairing?" She said to L, looking back to a photo she had been staring at for a moment. "Whether or not these people are sheep to what you call 'Lifelight', isn't it only fair we help who we can regardless?" She purposefully left her words open-ended.

"Absolutely!" Linkle declared, clapping a hand on Frisk's shoulder. "I couldn't call myself a hero if I didn't try to help people! It's our duty as people with the power to do so to try and help out whoever we can, wherever we can."

L nodded as she crossed her arms. "Such a noble sentiment! I completely agree. I've been working around the Frozen Highland for some time now, moving among the people, but wherever I go I find only more suffering. People fighting and dying, just to live another day. It's all so..." Her eyes slid shut as she turned her head ruefully to the side. "Incessant." With a sigh, she turned sad eyes on the trio before her. "So, I wanted to meet you. As fellow free men and women. To ask what it is you plan to do, or...if anything can even be done."

"Aw, don't worry, ma'am!" Linkle told her, moving over to take L by the hand supportively. "Don't ever lose hope, 'cause where there's a will, there's a way. We know how to save the worlds, and turn everything back to how it was before! When you're done, you'll get to see your kids again, I promise." She looked back at Albedo, then to Frisk to follow up with more support.

Hopefully. Frisk thought to herself. She was unsure whether or not this will just be like another reset from her own world, or something more permanent like the scar from a battle wound. But did anyone know? The idea that the deceased would be revived once everything was back to normal did relief some weight off their shoulders, she figured.

Frisk decided to humor L. "I'm sure you noticed the big orb of light floating above everything? That is Galeem, the reason for everything being...well...like this. Our main goal is to confront and defeat him, but we have to fight a total of, twelve? Thirteen Guardians that oversee the different regions. Defeat one, and the whole region is freed from Lifelight." She went on to explain.

"That's right!" Linkle added. "We've met the Guardian of this area, too! I even kinda beat him. But he's invincible or something, so it didn't take. We're going to Edinburgh to try and find out more about him. Some kind of weakness, maybe. If you come with us and help, everyone will be free that much faster!"

L's eyes seemed to widen. "Goodness! Do you really possess that much power?"

Linkle gave an embarrassed chuckle as she scratched the side of her head. "Well, sort of, heh. But I'm doing my best not to use it too much, or I've got a feeling things could get nasty."

"I see." L nodded again, her gaze seemingly worried. "I had been wondering if you'd been ill or something, dear. You're awfully pale. Take care of yourself, won't you?" She then held up one hand to her chin, thinking. "A Guardian, hm?" She paced backward from the ship's prow a short way as she mulled the information over, then turned around, a single finger raised. "Ah! As it happens, I think I have heard a rumor or two about a man who cannot die. Perhaps I can be of help, after all."

Frisk's brows rose. "...Well, if you think it'll help. What did you hear?"

L put her hand on her hip again. "I've heard it said that he does have one weakness. A singular type of material amongst everything in every world, which can remove his infamous invincibility. And that what it is happens to be the most guarded secret in the Frozen Highlands, so secret in fact that all records of it were scrubbed from the Edinburgh databases, so that only two individuals in the whole world might know what it is."

"Oh, no. Does that mean that even if we find an internet, it won't be any help?" Linkle didn't know what databases were, but she could grasp that purposeful erasure of the information she needed had taken place. "So he's got people helping him, and they're smart enough to hide his weakness."

"Hmhm, indeed. Smart, and beautiful, and powerful. Well, one of them, anyway," L tittered. "He may just be a raging beast carried by a single gimmick, but as long as his handlers are around to protect him, I'm afraid that destroying him is quite impossible."

For the first time since his introduction, Albedo spoke up. "You don't seem quite as dejected anymore. Have you already learned everything you wanted to, and lost interest in your act?"

L smirked. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. My dear boy, I really haven't the foggiest what you might be on about. I'm here to help you, after all." She put on a wounded expression, and used an appropriately indignant tone of voice, and yet to one devoid of emotion her affectation rung awfully hollow. "I want nothing more to love and protect each and every poor soul in this frozen world. To spare them the worst pain imaginable. And as such, I have advice for you. I know just what you need to do to reach the best possible outcome. You want to hear it, don't you?"

...For once, Frisk was on Albedo's side here. She could feel it. Her soul was anticipating a fight. It knew what was bound to happen next and she would not be made a fool again, not like what happened with the Fellflower. And yet she restrained herself just enough for the heart shaped object to remain hidden, lest it reveal her intentions too early. Her kind expression faded as she stored the photo away.

"I've a feeling you'll tell us either way." Frisk coldly stated. "So why don't we pry the rest of the information you're keeping from us by force?"

L stepped back with her eyes wide, as if she'd smelled some execrable odor. "Such animosity! Such ingratitude! Whatever did I do to you?" She put a hand to her helmet and shook her head, then clasped her hands behind her back. When she looked up, her eyes were amused once again. "Ah, but what am I saying. How could you know? And that's really the crux of it, dear. Hence my advice, which in my boundless love I will still share with you, despite your unwarranted ill will."

She raised her left fist and opened her hand, palm-up, to reveal an origami figure. "...Resign yourself to the flow."

As Albedo summoned his sword and Linkle reached for her crossbows, the origami moved at blistering speeds. An arc of light flashed out and cut cleanly through the ship itself, slicing off its forward quarter in a single stroke. With the Tidebreaker moving in reverse thanks to its magically-powered paddle wheel, it immediately left the smaller piece behind, which lurched dangerously as the water halted its momentum. L, meanwhile, drew away aboard the remaining half, and as she did she created a much larger wormhole than the one she made behind her back a moment ago. Through this aperture, a thirty-foot monstrosity floated, which L jumped up onto in order to grab hold. The new creature pivoted around until its thrusters faced the severed portion of the ship, giving the team just enough time to defend themselves before it blasted off, putting out such force as it flew away that the wreckage toppled over and the trio flew toward the frigid ocean below.

Before they could plummet into the deadly cold water, however, Linkle unleashed her cryomancy. By flash-freezing the water's surface she created an ice floe to save the team, and they landed on top of it the next instant. Albedo sank his sword into the ice to stop himself sliding, then watched L disappear into the distance atop her otherworldly mount. What remained of the Tidebreaker, still evidently able to function despite the damage, sailed off as well with no apparent intent to come back for the lost passengers. The alchemist furrowed his brow with a sigh. "I'm sorry, you two. I underestimated this foe's ability, and should not have provoked her."

"Ah don't blame yourself now, you've caught on quicker than I did." The pokemon trainer huffed out as she carefully stood herself back up. She dusted herself off, and her soul calmed down. "I'll have to arm myself properly for the next time we run into her. But those creatures... I don't think I've ever seen anything like them."

Linkle patted off the smoldering embers on her clothes, looking pissed. "This world is going to give me trust issues," she declared.

"The fact that we stumbled into with a meeting with a not just dangerous but dedicated enemy is rather alarming," Albedo observed. "My current hypothesis is that she was one of the two 'handlers' she mentioned, and simply unable to pass by a good opportunity to praise herself. I feel it likely that she may suffer from some sort of egotistical condition, and possibly sociopathy, given her skillful simulation of emotions." With the waves rocking the ice floe, he could not stand without risking a fall. "The bigger problem right now, however, is where we find ourselves. It appears we are stranded in the middle of the ocean, and I regret that I can conceive of few ways to proceed."

"Hah. Sounds like Flowey." Frisk noted with a wry smile. She crossed her arms. "But anything's better than freezing to death out at sea. What do you have in mind, Albedo?"

"Probably the same thing as me." Crouching down, Linkle placed her palm against the surface of the ice floe and called upon her cryomancy again. A shimmering wave of power expanded the miniature iceberg about a hundred feet in one direction, its width about the size of a country road. "I can probably make us a path to the city, since we can see it from here. It'll be tough going though, and..." Reflexively she put a hand over her chest, but no heartbeat issued from within. Her face was cloudy. "I have a bad feeling about this. The Skull Heart...it's pushing me to do it. Saying I have to if I want us to survive. It's always pushing me to use my power, in fact. I don't know much about it, but...I'm pretty sure I shouldn't be doing what it wants." She sighed, but looked out toward Edinburgh with eyes full of steely resolve. "But there's no choice. I'm not going to let you both freeze to death. And our journey can't end here. Not after Ms. L was nice enough to say that the Stranger has a weakness after all." She smiled at Frisk and Albedo. "So as long as there's any chance at all, I'll keep going. No matter the cost."

Her smile was returned with a solem expression.

"I detest the fact that this is only giving your curse what it wants, but..." Frisk placed a gentle hand on Linkle's shoulder. "No matter the cost. We're here for you."
The trio arrived in Edinburgh hours later, cold, exausted, and miserable. As a result of using her power; being forced to do what the Skull Heart wanted, Linkle's transformation had progressed to the point where she seemed to idly raise the dead around her. Frisk hadn't seen her since then. Not even Albedo seemed to know where she went. So it was down to the two of them.

Well, two and a half to be exact.

During their whole encounter with L, the Prisoner, who had been stuck without a body ever since they fled the caves of Dragonspine, was stuck as a head in the worn satchel Frisk kept on her person. Unfortunately, he wasn't much help besides offering himself up as a distraction in fights. Not that Frisk didn't mind his company, just that she had to do the work for the both of them.

After a bit of investigating around Edinburgh, Albedo and her soon learned that L was a "Consul" and an authority figure in Edinburgh, with power and influence behind the scenes. They had to find a way to pin her down and force her to talk.

That is, if she hadn't fled town yet.


"Oh?" Frisk herself was sitting by the fountain, watching the three spheals play. Her attention drew away from the spherical spectacle to a rather tall man, asking if she was in charge of the show, followed by a shorter, punny guy cooing over how cute the spheals were, even giving Glenn some head scritches. Luckily Sierra answered for her, then learning that the detective and the group he arrived with were there to take the job listing they posted earlier. Sierra then introduced her and the spheals to the newcomers, Frisk waving hello to the group when prompted.

The mention of poachers possibly taking a chance to kidnap the poor creatures earned from her a solemn look. Frisk glanced aside when Ace offered his two cents on the matter, and a reassurance that the pokemon would be safe."Nothing gives them the right to hurt innocent pokemon like this. I only hope this show will go on without any issues, last thing we need is to turn it into a bloodbath." She said with a sigh. Regardless, she smiled back at Ace. "Either way, it is nice to meet you, Ace."

And then he noticed she wasn't gleaming either. Even when he clarified, Frisk gave him a knowing grin. She stood up from her seat by the fountain. "Yep. One of my friends freed me from Galeem's influence a couple of days back." She confided, resting a hand on her hip. "Too bad we don't know where she went. I worry that curse she was struggling against may have become too much to bear, so she left before she could hurt us." She sadly smiled, regretful that there was nothing she could do to help. She looked back to the other three. It seemed like only Lucia was still gleaming. "But I'm glad we're not alone here. Should be meeting up with Albedo at some point, I can introduce you guys. As for the sentient orb of pestilence I'm carrying around, that's Prisoner." Frisk motioned to the satchel hung across her shoulder.

"Looks like they u-underestimated how many of us are h-here." Bianca spoke up as the hybrid pokemon and their masters fled for the hills. She felt no sympathies for them, but this only gave the group even more questions. Weiss smugly waved the thugs goodbye before floating over to comfort Iris. This was her base of operations after all. Her town and people. The froslass patted the ghost type trainer's back, giving her a sympathetic look.

Bianca glanced over to each person who spoke an inquiry. "I-I believe the rest of us got lucky. Overwhelmed t-them we did." She answered Hestia first, giving her a sympathetic smile as Lazuli was recalled into his pokeball. She would've tossed her one of her potions, but she didn't know how well it'd help. The ice type trainer then answered Astrid, crossing her arms in thought. "Hybrids. O-Or fusions, either way. Nidokings and Nidoqueens with the bodies of Arcanines. T-That must be why a fire type move manages to be that s-strong against a dragon." As she offered her hypothesis, she was sending the photo of the mentioned hybrid pokemon to her father, telling him what happened. Then to one of the other gym leaders who was busy elsewhere. Hopefully they were doing better...

Iris answered Sebastien before her, though that still got her thinking. "Seems strange that they'd attack a whole t-town just to send a warning. Unless t-they're that stupid..." Bianca sighed. "Unless this was to c-cause a distraction. For what, I don't know. But it's e-either that or, hell, they j-just wanted to take the hybrids on a test run. We'll just have to f-figure it out later. For now..." Shaking her head, Bianca called Weiss back into her pokeball and walked up to Hestia.

"Let's get Lazuli to a Pokemon Center." She was sure that bad of a wound the Salamence took will scar its wing. Wasn't the first time she saw something like that happen to a pokemon.
I mean, Junior was the one who healed Adventurer, not Omori. Because I wasn't offered the respective spirit for that. angery face Probably had it confused since they both get addressed in posts as "the boy".

Level: 4
Experience: 15/40
Currently In: The Under
Word Count: 457 (+1 Exp)

The plan was set. But first they had to get a map for the area. At the mention of that the Knight pulled out their map of Hallownest to glance over it. Yeah, they're going to need a fresh one, especially with so many new areas they were unfamiliar with. Hopefully Cornifer was in the area. At Nadia's comment about breaking the seal, they couldn't help shaking their head. The first time wasn't exactly a "Piece of Cake", and they worked relatively alone for the most part. Hopefully Hornet or Quirrel were somewhere further down the path. The Knight put their map away, and lightly tugged on Omori's sleeve, indicating that they were ready to go.

"Hm? Oh." The boy looked down at the pale bug, then back to the few that were already heading out. He, like some of the others, was admittedly distracted by the escalating argument between Ganondorf and their pridefully self-proclaimed "Original Evil". As much as Omori wanted to complain about the inherit hypocrisy in that statement, a part of him also wanted to just forget about that slip up and move on. Besides, if this was to free the dark king, then he won't step in either. The two didn't stay long for the fight, making their way to the Crossroads Cavity.

"...Another long way down." Omori spoke up, as he and the Knight looked down from where they stood. Looks like Nadia and Therion had a head start, Jesse following behind them- Aaaand Nadia takes another plunge. Hopefully it won't wake up the Gruz Mother. The Knight took a glance at the gruzzers idly flying around. One lightly bounced of a wall and near them, to which the bug kept it at as distance by hacking away with their nail. The gruzzer fly quickly expired in a small splash of...some orange substance, leaving behind it's spirit. The Knight curiously reached out and grabbed it.

"I think you can crush that to get an item. Dunno if it'll help much regardless." Omori told them with a shrug. He didn't know what other use it'd have otherwise. The Knight took a moment to concider, and crushed the gruzzerfly's spirit in their hands, spraying out a small sum of Geo. This was a bit more convoluted, but fine.

As much as the Knight could hop down the platforms like normal, they didn't want to leave their companion behind. Especially with him overworking himself, from what they can tell. They'll have to find somewhere to rest at some point. Maybe a bench? Either way, despite the boy's insistence, they took to clearing out any leftover cave crickets or grubs in the way as they steadly made their way down.

It was going so well. Timmy was finally making progress in battle. So who's bright idea was it to attack the town at a time like this. Bianca visibly flinched when the frightened man shrieked out his pleas, flailing into the arena in desperation. Then he composed himself just enough to tell them was was going on. Her eyes went wide. Bianca and Weiss tailed Hestia and the others to the entrance. The cries of terror that sung out when they made it out, oh how they tore at her heartstrings.

Then there were the culprits, and their...

Oh no...

With everyone else following up Hestia's pokemon, Bianca lagged behind not out of fear, but of focus. Those pokemon she was fighting acted first with a fire-type move, but somehow it managed to take out one of Lazuli's wings. Astrid thought they could be weak to ground types, but something caught the ice-type leader's eye. Their heads and colors were not unlike a Nidoking or Nidoqueen's, but their bodies were like an Arcanine's. Either this was some bullshit regional variant they haven't seen before...

Or these people, whoever they were, were creating hybrids.

Papa needs to know about this! Was it even possible to have a tri-type pokemon? That could explain why it was strong against a dragon type. There's also the chance it could have inflicted poison onto Lazuli but she's stalled herself long enough. "W-Weiss, follow Cutie up with Icy Wind!" The Froslass flew after the Gengar. Once he had fired the Confuse Ray at the beasts, she'd soon conjure up a chilling, cutting gust of wind aimed at their adversaries.

It may have seem unorthodox, but Bianca took a quick photo of the enemy pokemon (if you could even call 'em that. Eugh.) for evidence. No doubt her father will spread the word about these creatures. She was almost tempted to send out Nyx too, but if they could overwhelm them or find their weakness...

Level: 4
Experience: 14/40
Currently In: The Under
Word Count: 942 (+2 Exp)
Collab with Ganondorf @Double

Admittedly, Omori was slower in fleeing further into the ruins than his smaller companion. Not only did the last fight against Puzz not do anything to help with his soreness, but at the weaker monsters' words he felt a sense of remorse trying to crawl it's way back to surface. Stay calm. Ignore them. The boy lagged behind to make sure everyone else left the room, not willing to fight the small army, no matter how strong they were.

But even then, it was as if the Knight knew their way around the place. A sense of familiarity guiding them to their intended destination. The small creature appeared in the temple just as Ganondorf explained what he knew about the black egg. Soon as the dark king finished talking, they quietly walked up to Ganondorf. Though they seemed a little hesitant in being near the white sword he held. They just knew the blasted thing belonged to the light. They stared up at him. Thinking.

And here was yet another pair of eyes staring at him. A small little warrior, carrying a simple blade and clad entirely in a black cloak. His gaze looked rather empty with the way his white helmet was designed, with it's black hollowed-out holes for eyes. For most people this would probably seem unnerving. For the King of Evil, the little creature reminded him of the Stalchildren that haunted the lands of Hyrule Field after sundown, or of the ghostly Poes that haunted Kakariko Graveyard.

Other than the hesitance they showed around the white sword, Ganondorf could sense no fear in this individual, "Are you not frightened?" he asked them, plainy. The Gerudo crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes into a scrutinizing gaze, "You seem to possess a great deal of courage for one so small as you." the more the King of Evil looked this little warrior over, the more they reminded him of the boy who opened the Door of Time. That boy who similarly gazed at Ganondorf with no fear in his eyes, even having the courage to draw his pathetic excuse for a sword against him.

"So what is it, then?" Ganondorf asked, finally getting to the point. The little knight must have had a reason for showing such interest in him.

But why would the Knight be afraid, when their goals seemed to align? With the knowledge the king had perhaps, at the very least, the two could work together as well. They turned their attention towards the Black Egg, walking closer to inspect it.

...How irritating. So they really were back to square one. The knight's gaze moved between the masks that sealed the door.

Lurien the Watcher,

Herrah the Beast,

Monomon the Teacher,

They've all been put back to sleep. Their work was undone. The Knight's small form trembled in frustration, and they swung their nail against the Egg. They looked back to Ganondorf, and pointed to the masks, trying to covey that the two could help guide the rest to where the dreamers lay resting. Hopefully they could regain their strength before they faced what awaited inside.

Omori didn't stop the Knight from talking with Ganondorf. They seemed to know more than he did, so he stuck close by the others for now.

"I see." said the Gerudo. This little knight was very well acquainted with the Black Egg, possibly moreso than Ganondorf himself was, "It seems you have you have your own mission to deal with this egg. You're offering aid to us, then?" well he couldn't blame the knight for approaching Ganondorf over anyone else. Ganondorf was the only one present with any amount of knowledge about the Egg. Well he certainly had his own motivation for drawing out the sleeping Guardian. Perhaps nothing quite as noble as this knight, but they didn't necessarily need to know that.

"Yes, given that the masks are scattered, it may become necessary for this group to split up to cover more ground. In such a case having a second guide would certainly be of help." he rubbed his rugged chin thoughtfully, "I see no reason to deny you your request. Very well, we shall both guide this group through the Under." Ganondorf finally said with a nod of agreement. The Knight bowed their head in return.

"Answer me one thing, if you will. What knowledge have you about the Consul? The impudent child who claims this as his domain?"

The insect rested a hand under their chin, regretfully shaking their head after thinking for a moment. Their knowledge was limited, it seems.

"Regrettable." replied Ganondorf.

"I don't think any of us know enough about the Consuls yet." Omori finally spoke up. "We've only ran into three so far, including the kid you're refering to. They've all attempted to ambush us one way or another, and they all wear similar suits of armor and masks." The monochrome boy glanced aside in distain. "Junior and I had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting S up close. Eugh."

This new speaker was a boy who had remained quiet for some time until now. He did not appear to be much of a warrior, but looks could often be deceiving, "It's of no consequence. The child I refer to is just that, a child. He never once had the courage to come see me up close. Instead he kept his distance, and sent his little minions to pester me instead. Quite the coward, I say."

"Sounds annoying." Omori agreed. "Should we get going, then?"

Ganondorf crossed his arms and nodded, "Yes. As soon as you gather all of your people, we shall leave immediately."

"Why do I even bother."
- Finn and Oliver

Duplicants and spirits alike clamored in organized efforts, giving the evacuation team a long needed push towards completion.

"Let's go, let's go! Women and children first!"

"Someone help me get these two outta here!"

"Oi, I already cleared that house! This way!!"

"Wait wasn't Batsy supposed to be helpi- Ah forget it!"

If anyone passed by them, they had a chance to overhear the clones' comments. It was only a matter of time, they only had two houses left! The original Oliver, backed up by a pair of armored spirits, hurried to one such house. "Six should be coming over to help carry any kids. Just be careful, not sure how long they can hold 'em of-" Oliver would be interupted when a masked girl was startled by their sudden appearance, and prepared to attack before she realized they were allies.

Oliver couldn't help cracking a playful smile at Connie. "S'all good! Didn't mean to shpook ya!" He chuckled. Nodding to the other sprits to begin searching the house. "Name's Oliver! I'm with the Crimson Cradle!"

Meanwhile Eliana's pleas would be met with a trio of Oliver's clones, lead by Six. "Here to help, just lead the way!"

It seemed things were durning out well on Oliver's end!

Finn's however...

"What the- Hey! Didn't I tell you to help Oliver out, Justine?!" As he and the tank of a bull he created cleaved through Wonderland's numbers, he spotted Justine engaging the Spade soldiers in the air. Dumbfoundment crossed his tone in that instant. He was hoping Oliver would keep an eye on her, damnit! Then when he noticed Iron Mouse wasn't nearby anymore, he looked around before noticing her...opening fire on the Tin Man.

"Guessing no one else is prioritzing that thing, Ms. Mouse?! Geez, hang on, I'll swing by and cover y- WHATTHEHELLWHAT!?" Whether or not Mac would tell him about the Pain Split ability the Tin Man appeared to have, he would've begun making his way back to her when, in layman's terms, Penny went apeshit. Finn quickly directed the remaining chickens away from the ensuing fight between an engine of destruction and the "cowardly" lion. The boy couldn't believe what he was seeing. THAT was what he was preparing to fight?! He almost lost his fighting momentum out of the sheer dumbfoundment of it all.

"Ugh, this is giving me a headache!!" Gritting his teeth, a pair of dragon wings formed on his back from beast magic, and he took off towards the gargantuan monster. Any soldiers he was fighting beforehand would promply get swarmed with chickens. The boy swooped in to attack the Tin Man dead in the heart.

His regenerative ability should negate the effects, but will he be effective enough?

Current Location: Precinct #11...Technically.

Fable's eyes widened in dread as Veronica explained what happened on their side. He was right. This was all planned. Every faction of espers had been attacked. The boy couldn't help but worry greatly for Mary, Elroy and the other freelancers. Mavericks only had his sympathies. He also couldn't help the scoff that escaped his throat when she mentioned the higher-ups not seeing a point in sending them extra help. "Well I hope this will be one hell of a wake-up call for them..." His tone remained bitter with malice. Until their boss addressed his wanting to search for the brainwashed espers. "Unnecessary? What do you-"

They were interrupted when Mika finally spoke up. Looks like she wasn't knocked out after all. Fable's expression contorted into a pained grimace when he realized she was Breacher's kid, and that she overheard him and Jacqueline. The boy turned his head towards the girl and gave her a sympathetic frown. He didn't stop her from running back to the precinct roof. Then the topic was changed to the harp, and the strange lady that appeared with it. Oros, of all people, appeared to explain what the deal with the two was. Normally Fable would keep his anxious distance from someone like her, but at this rate he was only half listening to the conversation he wasn't exactly a part of. Only picking out the important bits.

He had to hurry back to his parents, he had to search for any surviving espers, he had to gather information on every adversary involved in this hellish fight and take them out; even if that included the bald lady, and he had to mentally prepare for a funeral.

He had to confront Baphomet. He had to keep searching. With Justin out of the way, the only thing to do was continue the pursuit. It was almost as if Betty and Pac didn't want to be sa-


Fable shook the thought out of his head. Well, no use in standing around. He shrugged Ashley's hand off him, mustered up a admittedly forced smile her and Samuel's way, and ran off and into the appartment complex; Betty's last known location.
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