I most assuredly want to continue working on the sample post, so this is technically a WIP. But at the same time, I may have plenty more time on my hands if the rest of it isn't accepted, so I'd appreciate knowing one way or another. If it is, I still won't put it in the CS tab until it's actually finished.
Inventory & Possessions
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ | ____________________________________________________________________ Name: Sofia Rousseau Age: 17 Gender: Female Hero Name: Noctera Quirk Name: Moth Quirk Type: Mutant Quirk Description In regards this, her current and most advanced stage of progression when compared to similar cases, the Moth Quirk allows for many of the traits and abilities inherent to many species of moths. Chief among numerous physiological changes are her second pair of highly dexterous arms, her robust set of insect wings and her sophisticated compound eyes, well adapted for scenarios in which light is scarce. Even so, her unique anatomy is not without certain holdups. Furthermore, flight, although very useful at its current level, has room for improvement in terms of speed, maneuverability, and sustainability. Should Sofia attain to her true potential, her instincts will shape her into a highly maneuverable agent of nearly unmatched perception, especially in instances that's would find most at a definite disadvantage. ____________________________________________________________________ |
Sofia's body has reached a fair balance between her human and moth sides, to the point at which her unique endoskeleton extends throughout much of her body and stops at the elbows for her primary arms and the knees for her legs. From there on her bones fuse seamlessly into a highly durable exoskeleton over the rest of the appendage. For the most part, she has human-like skin that takes on a very pale white coloration, but there are large darker areas of a flexible chitinous material that stretches up the side of her torso from her hips to just under her main shoulders. It is from here that her exoskeletal sub-arms start from.
The composition of her head itself is adapted so as to support her fully functioning compound eyes and sensory antennae. In contrast, accommodating her wings and secondary arms as a part of her life is an ongoing effort and the majority of her casual fashion choices are made with them in mind. Even her student uniform is likely to have been tailored for her to an extent.
The composition of her head itself is adapted so as to support her fully functioning compound eyes and sensory antennae. In contrast, accommodating her wings and secondary arms as a part of her life is an ongoing effort and the majority of her casual fashion choices are made with them in mind. Even her student uniform is likely to have been tailored for her to an extent.
Inventory & Possessions
- Moonchaser Suit - Somewhat fluffier than the prototype, it is of a flexible, aerodynamic design that carries over the ideal of being lightweight while providing a great deal of warmth, insulation and protection.
- Dual Silk Throwers - Under each baggy sleeve of her suit is one of two devices strapped to her forearms, invented to launch a length of a high-strength lashing filament with a small metallic spike at the end. Currently shoots up to a distance of 5 meters.
- Night Shade - Mask-like facial gear that fastens over her face and can deploy a set of tinted lenses over her eyes to counter bright sources of light. It can also functions as a gas mask.
"Are you quite alright, Miss Sofia? It might not be the worst idea to take a small break, you know?" suggested the old man with a minute sense of concern as his head dipped down towards her. The sound of her strained grunting resounded through the spacious home gym. It was the weekend after the first semester physical exam and the girl had taken to it with a newfound urgency.
"Yes... Theodore... I am fine..." she gradually muttered out a response at the height of her pushups, more than a little miffed that she had an audience of any sort now. "... Please... do not make... me lose count..." her dainty voice struggled to sound even remotely authoritative. She found herself holding her breath as she focused to keep track on her tally.
The man, looking to be at about his mid thirties early forties, just stood towering there next to her with a cold glass of lemonade in his hands, an amused hum the moment she immediately folded her arms behind her back and shakily switched to her smaller. It was true that he didn't know the full extent of her capabilities, but did know the sight of someone stubbornly pushing their limit. Mere minutes later, he could almost have guessed the exact moment those arms of hers gave out and she collapsed right there on the mat, panting haggardly.
He lowered closer to her, speaking in a quieter tone though taking on lecturing quality. "Very impressive, Miss Sofia. But I find that the more you breath in, the more oxygen reaches your muscles," he said, the girl responding with a bit of flustered breaths before she flopped to her back for the rest of her recovery. "I know you've been on edge since the exam, and no one's gonna fault you for wanting to get stronger. But that's no excuse for overexerting yourself."
Sofia immediately began relenting using the house's gym to exercise and not some place more private, even more so than starting push-ups so soon after weight training. Though she puffed up her already ruddy cheeks and turned her face away from him, she knew she wasn't going to get better at this overnight and maybe this binge of hers did more to ensure a rather torturous tutoring session the next day than it did bring her closer to her goal.
After a minute or so of awkward silence between them, the dapperly dressed gentleman reached over to towel laying on his shoulder and handed it to her, her hand tentatively taking it to clean herself up. Amazingly refreshing through it was to wipe away the sweat from herself, she felt utterly ridiculous. Placidly her main arms would lift her up to a sitting position, her other pair taking the towel in their stead. Her mind wrestled with what to say, the words still not fully there by the time she started speaking. "Um, Theodore... D-Do you still think that I have what it takes... you know, to be a hero?"
"Yes... Theodore... I am fine..." she gradually muttered out a response at the height of her pushups, more than a little miffed that she had an audience of any sort now. "... Please... do not make... me lose count..." her dainty voice struggled to sound even remotely authoritative. She found herself holding her breath as she focused to keep track on her tally.
The man, looking to be at about his mid thirties early forties, just stood towering there next to her with a cold glass of lemonade in his hands, an amused hum the moment she immediately folded her arms behind her back and shakily switched to her smaller. It was true that he didn't know the full extent of her capabilities, but did know the sight of someone stubbornly pushing their limit. Mere minutes later, he could almost have guessed the exact moment those arms of hers gave out and she collapsed right there on the mat, panting haggardly.
He lowered closer to her, speaking in a quieter tone though taking on lecturing quality. "Very impressive, Miss Sofia. But I find that the more you breath in, the more oxygen reaches your muscles," he said, the girl responding with a bit of flustered breaths before she flopped to her back for the rest of her recovery. "I know you've been on edge since the exam, and no one's gonna fault you for wanting to get stronger. But that's no excuse for overexerting yourself."
Sofia immediately began relenting using the house's gym to exercise and not some place more private, even more so than starting push-ups so soon after weight training. Though she puffed up her already ruddy cheeks and turned her face away from him, she knew she wasn't going to get better at this overnight and maybe this binge of hers did more to ensure a rather torturous tutoring session the next day than it did bring her closer to her goal.
After a minute or so of awkward silence between them, the dapperly dressed gentleman reached over to towel laying on his shoulder and handed it to her, her hand tentatively taking it to clean herself up. Amazingly refreshing through it was to wipe away the sweat from herself, she felt utterly ridiculous. Placidly her main arms would lift her up to a sitting position, her other pair taking the towel in their stead. Her mind wrestled with what to say, the words still not fully there by the time she started speaking. "Um, Theodore... D-Do you still think that I have what it takes... you know, to be a hero?"