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Thanks for the interest! So all the players will already be together as a sort of Avengers trainee team, doing missions to prove that they can become full fledged. So yes everyone will be together, that is besides in between missions, where you'll be able to go off on your own and do your own side plots.

For the first mission at least the focus will be on the team as a whole, letting everyone get a feel for each other. For subsequent missions, I've thinking of trying in tie in one or two characters' subplots into it, as I want everyone playing to get a chance to shine. And yes I totally agree that we should just focus on what feels fun.
Thanks for the speedy reply. So here's my character.

Very interesting character. ASTRA is approved.

Sorry I should have claified this in the opening post, this roleplay is OCs only. As for titles I would prefer you either use a new one, or if you must reuse one, please make it an obscure character.
While my character was initially going to be Blue Beetle, I instead made it a different alien artifact powering him. I think there would be enough difference between my character Dragoon and a Blue Beetle. We could even have potential storylines that the Reach and the Ophideus aliens were rivals. But that's just my two cents, as it's ultimately up Chev.
I have a question, sorry if it has been answered somewhere else. Are our characters going to be in control of others of our kind, like all goblins or all goblins, and if so is it one player per race. If not are we independent? I'm kind of wanting to play a goblin adept.
Wow we got a bunch of new players, awesome. Also if anyone is interested in becoming Roger's roommate just let me know.

Edit: Also yes to the university mascot being an acorn.
Roger D’Monty

The rest of the night was a blur for Roger after the cafeteria incident. The lion had shown back up and introduced himself as Vance, giving him his business card before departing. Roger spent a few more minutes outside, the cold helping calm his quickened pulse. Once he was sufficiently calm, Roger made his way to his dorm room, crashing onto his bed. For Roger it seemed that he was laying there for hours trying to sleep, but the truth was that the darkness took him quickly.

Light returned to Roger’s eyes as the annoying twang of a country song sung by a rabbit lamenting the loss of his burrow. The first thought that Roger had that morning was to switch the radio station, as he was never really into country. Glancing over at the time, Roger found that it was still early, and remembered that he didn’t have any morning classes today luckily. Roger rolled out of bed, realizing that he was still wearing the same clothes he put on yesterday. Figuring that he should clean himself up, Roger grabbed a towel and made his way to his dorm’s showers.

Despite most capybaras loving being in the water, Roger didn’t like getting wet. Between that and having a communal showers, Roger tried to minimize his time in there. Once he decided he was clean, Roger quickly dried off and went back to his room, clad only in a large towel. Once more in his room, Roger changed into a pair of blue jeans, grey sneakers, and a long sleeved shirt with a zombie on it covered with a red winter coat. As Roger put his glasses on, Roger saw Vance’s card on his nightstand. Picking it up, Roger wondered if he should message him. But Roger decided against it, as he didn’t want to seem like a creep. While Roger wanted to make friends at school, he also wanted to be smart about it.

Putting the card into his wallet, Roger left his room and started toward the cafeteria to get breakfast. After walking for about thirty seconds Roger remembered what he and Vance had done last night. Recalling the look on the buffalo’s face after getting splatted with food, Roger figured that he probably shouldn’t show his face around the cafeteria for a while, so that people would forget about what happened. Instead, Roger exited his dorm before crossing the street and walking into Dingo Donuts, a coffee shop. While positioned close to the university, most students still avoided Dingo Donuts as the food had less variety and was generally poorer in quality to the school cafeteria. But Roger was desperate to get breakfast as he approached the counter, ordering a coffee and a fruit filled donut. Once getting his order, Roger sat at a booth in the corner, before checking his phone and seeing that he still had quite a while before class started.
@Forsythe@DClassified@RedXIII@Clever Hans

The OOC is ready!

Feel free to go over and work on a character.
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