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So I've decided to go with a Gnome Rogue (Arcane Trickster). I'm well into the character sheet, mostly needing to pick spells. It should be up around tomorrow morning.
Thanks for letting me know.

The Arkanian sighed softly as he put down his drink. While he usually had higher standards than the alcohol he had just downed, the substance that tasted slightly like engine fuel was the best he could find on board the Ostro. As Arec glared at his empty cup, he debated ordering another. His pockets were mostly full of the local currency, having just come back from a bounty job. The Rodian bartender now knew Arec pretty well, as whenever he came aboard the Ostro with money, he would quickly find his way to this bar. But the Rodian kept the drinks coming as he knew Arec always paid his tab.

Arec motioned for a refill, deciding to have one more drink. While Arec did like to indulge, he also knew that too much alcohol would dull his connection to the Force. And the Force was one of his greatest tools for staying alive. The Rodian placed another glass in front of Arec, the murky green liquid bubbling a little bit. Arec decided to down it in one gulp as he didn’t want to have to deal with its taste. Placing the now empty glass on the bar, Arec fished out a few credits, placing them next to the drink.

As Arec stood up, he felt a slight spinning. He chided himself mentally for drinking enough to throw his balance off. Pausing for a few seconds, Arec did his best to reestablish his balance. The inner power of the Force helped him with this. Once it was good enough, Arec pushed the sheet that served as the bar door out of the way, entering back into the ramshackle market of the Ostro.

Around the entrance were gathered a group of child beggars. While that was nothing new, what was new was the individual stooped in front of one. He was of a species that Arec didn’t recognize, and was holding some strange fruit that emitted smoke. Arec was surprised at this as he knew how hard it was to find actual fruit unless you plucked it from the tree yourself. While the beggar was initially unsure of this offer of food, he quickly decided to consume the fruit.

Arec was surprised by this act of charity, but decided to continue on his way. However, he barely made it a few steps before a screen in a stall suddenly switched to footage of men in armour. The apparent leader then entered frame, wielding a blaster with a lightsaber bayonet. He announced that he was Gorun the Great and that he was taking over the Ostro. He then executed a crew member before telling everyone aboard to work with him.

Arec sighed once again. While he had never seen this happen aboard the Ostro, Arec was well aware of wannabe warlords popping up all over the place. Hell, Arec had even worked for a few. But this Gorun guy would be lucky to last a week. Sure he overtook the bridge, but how big was his forces even? Arec had never come across this Crimson Fleet that he claimed to control. Surely the inhabitants of the Ostro wouldn’t put up with this nonsense.

And in less than a minute, someone did have enough. The generous stranger from earlier fired several shots from an outdated slug thrower into the air. The stranger would then give a rousing speech about throwing off these outside invaders. Apparently it was good enough to make several others raise their blasters into the air.

The still tipsy Arec sighed once more, this time even louder. While he had expected to just relax today, the energy in the market was infectious. The shouts and hollers of the populace were heating up the Arkanian’s blood. In his mind he made the snap decision to go with this growing mob and kill this Gorun the Great. If nothing else it would make things stable on the Ostro and it could up Arec’s notoriety.

“I guess we’re doing this,” Arec said, “Let’s kill these drukking pirates!”

Arec grabbed his lightsaber from his side, preparing to ignite it in excitement, when he was suddenly distracted. A figure in a large robe moved past Arec, clearly trying to get out of here before the battle started. The reason Arec even noticed him was the fact that the Force gathered around him. Arec watched the man strong in the Force make his way through the crowd. While it seemed that he wouldn’t be sticking around, Arec made a mental note to watch out for him. It was getting rarer and rarer to find one strong in the Force.
Lord of Rivers, Lakes, and Oceans

The water god was surprised by Ashte’s willingness to go up against an entire empire. While the recent battle had heated Trineon’s blood, he was in no mood to fight a war, even with his fellow gods at his side. In the past, Trineon had seen many naval battle, and the general rule was that the larger fleet would win. And these mortals serving this Holy Emperor had strange weapons like that tube thing.

Deciding to focus on something beside how outnumbered they were, Trineon instead decided to watch Flora. She was silently crying in front of the dead knight. Clearly he was very important to her. Trineon felt great sympathy toward her, silently praying for peace for her. But his prayer would be interrupted by the injured mortal, spouting more stupidities about the gods dieing.

Trineon glared at the mortal, contemplating killing him right now. However Ashte beat him to it, forming an axehead that decapitated the mortal. Trineon felt some relief as his head rolled a few feet from his body. At least now the mortal couldn’t bother Flora with anymore of his rantings.

Trineon turned back toward the young priestess, seeing that O’Menus was comforting her next to the knight. Trineon walked over to the young girl as Alasayana sat next to her. The goddess would then ask her about Sir Oren. Having nothing to add with his words, Trineon instead decided to focus on her tears. Reaching his hand out, calling on divine magic not used in centuries, Trineon took control of her tears. With a wave of his hand, the tears lifted off the priestess’s face, floating away from her and off into the distance.
It's been quite a while since I last played D&D. So I'm totally down for this. Right now I have ideas for a cleric or rogue (both classes I've never played before) but that could completely change by the time I finish my character sheet.
It just so happens that I'm about three quarters of the way of watching Gargoyles on Disney+. As such I am definitely in the mood to do this kind of roleplay. An older Lexington starting a new clan in a new city is an interesting idea. Right now I have no idea of what kind of character I'll play.
Really jazzed to see this thing happening. While this roleplay is outside of my familiar wheelhouse, I think it'll be really interesting.
Just started working on an IC post. It will most likely be up tomorrow.
That all sounds awesome. While Hakon is mostly focused on being a thief, he would probably have resentment toward the Asgardian pantheon over how they treated him and his father.
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