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8 mos ago
Current Forever alone.


Just your average Joe.
Bagus Surya is the name.
From Indonesia.

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When the bear walked in, Jorry was no longer frightened, though her heart beating unpleasantly fast. Instinctively she remembered one of those so-called fateful days when she and a few othe girls on her age were herded onto a platform, exhibited in front of many eyes.

At that time she tried to not think about anything, not even when the potential buyer stepped in and gripped her chin. Then another, who touched him in many places. She did not dare, or rather care to see their faces, though, at that time her eyes and ears were okay. Her buyers were lucid figures with power over her, and they are buying meat, and she should just act like one. Best to get this over with quickly so she could see what fate had prepared for her.

Turned out, it wasn't so bad at all.

And today, strangely, her new master was no longer a lucid figurine. Though obedience had robbed her sight and hearing, it was sharper in a different sense. A bear with soft words and gentle steps. The vibrations he made were clumsy and innocent, and his words were intelligible for now, partly because her sense was not used to the throaty vibe of his and it did not demand an answer.

Jorry... Jorry wanted to trust him.

Simply because that was just how it is.

I don't think they are bad people.

Nina said that. The word of a servant often weighed less, but somehow it resonated in her mind. She touched her chest, savoring the memory of pain, strangely the last part of it was warm and fuzzy. Though her power was exhusted and her sight blurred, she could still identify talent, and it belonged to the hulking, more gentle version of Teddy in front of her. With a bit of a hand sign, she pointed at herself, then to whoever was in front of her.

"Why help?"

Silly question, of course, they wanted to keep her alive so she could be theirs, and---

The elf she remembered had no desire to dominate. Her aura and vibe told nothing but a sliver of rage and pity. And now when her grief for her master's demise had been suspended, it was understandable why. It was like an arena fight. She hurt her and in return, she hurt her too. So why she was alive?

"Are you the elf's friend?"

"It's okay! You are our guests! Just don't startle her, OK?" She said, a bit startled herself after seeing a man with a bit of beastly features next to The Talking Bear. She shook her head again and sighed, wondering if these bizarre visitors would bring some kind of omen.

That will be a rouble for Father to sort out, I guess...

"I will take my leave then." The innkeeper winked before going downstairs.


Jazdia nodded. At least they have reached an understanding. A bit gravitated on her side, actually, and she had prepared to deal with Matilda's lengthy argument. Turned out the orc captain was not as confrontative as her looks suggested-- or maybe that side of her was well hidden and only be shown through action?

"There is another thing," said Jazdia, now in a more relaxed tone. "I enlisted one of my field operators into our party. His intel on Rascade's underworld had proven valuable and helped us immensely during yesterday's operation. His mastery of illusion magic and hypnotism also can be put to good use in a clandestine type of mission. He was the guy who carried the sack full of evidence onto our table."

Jazdia leaned forward. "By looking at your reaction, I assume you just realize his existence just now, don't you?"
Nina managed to have the strange girl seated. That was quite easy, considering how the girl would react earlier.

She disrobed her gently and quickly noticing the bandages and trail of blood. Some were on her temple and right ear too, but luckily the wound on that part had been healed.

"I will clean you up, all right?"

Her answer was a somber nod. Nina twisted the washrag and wiped the girl starting on her bloodied temple and upper torso. But soon, the young Nina was startled when her towel scrubbed a burn mark on the back of Jor's shoulder. So it was true, she was branded.
But Nina did not ask further, she wanted to sympathize with her but was unsure of the correct way to do it. The silence stretched
uncomfortably. Finally, she blurted. "I don't think they are bad people."

Nina felt Jorry's posture arched for a moment. The girl winced and turned away, "They are killers..."

Her voice was strained, weary with a hint of resignation. The innkeeper didn't try to argue with it, and instead, she turned to face her, scrubbing the remaining dust on her collarbone. Her feature was unnaturally composed, pale, and inarticulate. Only her eyes, bloodshot and brown and filled with pain, seemed alive.

Impulsively Nina smiled. "Would you like something warm after this? I hope you will like my clothes, they are plain, but at least clean and ironed." It sounded inane and nonsequitor, but it was the first thing that sprang to her mind and she always spoke earnestly. A moment passed, and Nina kept talking while now working on Jorry's arms,

And gradually, emotions flitted across her face— offense, disbelief, gratitude, yearning, understanding. Nina helped the girl to sit on the bed and helped her to wear one of her hand-me-dows; a simple blue dress with a smiley patch sewn on its bodice. It looked old and the color had faded, but certainly much more better than the ragged skirts she was wearing. Now finished tying Jorry's long, brown hair in a simple ponytail, she looked like a real ordinary country girl.

Satisfied with her work, Nina chirped. "Done and done! Would you like to go downstairs?"

Jorry shook her head.

"Would you like me to keep the door open?"

There was a long pause until Jorry gave her a simple nod. Nina shrugged and lugged the bucket with her. "Suit yourself then."

The innkeeper hummed as she walked past Kaito and Mr. Bear "Your princess' freshen up now. I will send up some food and hot tea."

"Moving after dark is hazardous. Explain why you think it's a good idea."

Jazdia raised an eyebrow. "If not for sufficient rest and preparation, then to maintain confidentiality. The urgency for it has been emphasized repeatedly and despite the misgivings felt due to a certain slip of the tongue, I assume you would still want to keep this operation in low profile. Traveling with the cover of the night would be your best bet. Not to mention the advantage of the element of surprise. Humans generally take more time to be prepared during the last third of the night."

Jazdia turned to Solomon, who asked about the girl she brought with her. She assumes matilda would want to hear about that too.
"She was sedated with a medicine that suppresses one's magical capability as the intended side effect. A very strong painkiller reserved for the most grievous wound." What Jazdia didn't explain was the medicine and its side effect was also intended to keep herself in check so she wouldn't overexert herself when her ancient rage kicked in. One could guess that fire mages had a lot of things in common.

"And with her mana reserves completely exhausted, I predicted that it would take a full twenty-four hours for her to be ready to cast a single spell, and that too would be a painful and strenuous endeavor for her body to bear. What is uncertain for me is if she would risk breaking that limit for whatever reason. The blindness she suffered was the result of her breaking that limit and reckless use of her magic."

"I will not speak about compassion as a means to tame her right now. Your concern is understandable. After this, I will check on her, and then we will see. For a few days to a week to come, her wound would prevent her from doing anything significant. Chest wound is extremely stifling to u-- magic users who rely on disciplined breathing."

Jazdia activated her eyes and observed upstairs, she saw that cute innkeeper putting on a fresh set of clothes on Jormungand. Contemplating for a moment, Jazdia wondered how such a thing could happen. And both girls seemed to be enjoying each other's company too! Perhaps compassion could work?
Besides the heartwarming juncture, Jazdia saw the blue aura in the girl's body was barely visible and it still remained that way since their escape from the tunnels.

"She is still within manageable parameters and rest assured, I intend to keep it that way."

Jazdia eyed the black-haired woman, sighing to imply that she was unsatisfied with the answer. If the answer was 'We simply don't know', such elucidations were redundant at best.

Even then, she tried her best to smile. "The only thing that prevents Fred from mobilizing the whole army is his desire to maintain political stability, and certainly not because of tactical reasons. No, unlike us who dabbles extensively on elaborated plans to ensure surgical action, field affairs are a mere trivial matter to him. Miss Veronica, you said it wouldn't be wrong to plan for the worst-case scenario, and indeed, it wouldn't be wrong. But it is one of many plans and possibilities we can put our bets on--"

Jazdia grimaced, the pain on her hand throbbed again to protest her decision to move away from the source of heat. The elf, slightly irritated by the notion that those people would force her to fight despite her injury, the elf dropped all the formality.

"So far, your preparation for this worst-case scenario is go there, as soon as possible and be prepared to assault their strongholds. Considering my condition right now. I don't think I can agree to this plan." Jazdia leaned to her chair, her expression was stern. "I am not here to risk limbs-- no, not even a finger to entertain a farfetched possibility, even if it turned out to be true. Your Prince's life is precious, and so are my life and the people under my command. If Fred wants me to help finding his son, he has to be patient."

There was an eerie silence. Matilda was clearly not amused with Jazdia's lack of gentility and the elf was stubborn as ever. Finally, under that iron helmet, came an affable yet restrained interjection, offering a compromise.

"There's no need to commit to an extreme. We can depart in a few hours after taking care of the preparations, we do lack the horses to make the trip. Spend the night elsewhere, or simply camp out. Come to the morrow we'll be much closer to our objective, wherever it may be. Hell, it'll probably afford us enough time to check both in the worst case. Is this agreeable?"

Though there was an apology from Veronica's side, and the compromise was intended to accommodate her situation, Jazdia remained immovable.

"It will have to do," said the black haired woman diplomaticially.

"We will depart tonight..." said Jazdia sharply. "Half hours before midnight and not a minute too early or too soon."
Jazdia waved, a bit too much she had to grip the backrest of a chair to keep her balance. Noticing her less-than-ideal posture, the elf mentally corrected her bearing and steadily pulled the same chair and sit there

"Thank you. I am Jazdia Crystalspark, I assume we know each other already." there was a brief pause for nods and affirmation. "Miss, your assessment intrigues me, you vehemently recommended us to depart immediately with consideration for the Prince's survival. I must say I doubt it. If the information is as crucial as you suggested so much it would force the capturers to take drastic action, then how can we know the prince is not already dead now as we speak? Why don't we hear about it already? What could be gained from killing the monarch silently and dumping his body on a river hoping his vengeful father would lose interest in hounding the killer's trails?"

Jazdia exhaled a breath. Sadly there was no tea on the table in front of her.

"The perpetrators are not stupid. The prince is a valuable political tool. I don't think they would waste their bargaining chip just because they heard some group of people are commissioned to search for the crown prince. Hell, even if Fredricus mobilize his entire army to the perpetrators' stronghold they would know it better to keep The Prince alive to be used for parlay."

Jazdia glanced at Matilda with veiled disappointment. Lack of general initiative was likely the main reason. She should had been the one who speaks the loudest in this matter.

"The well-prepared trap is unavoidable, it's still a few hours ride without stopping and if the news were relayed yesterday, they had the entire night to prepare their welcome mats. I'd say departing now and tomorrow morning would not make any difference, except we will be less ready the sooner we get there."
"I jus' wan' her ta has a shot a' a normal life, ya know?"

The encouraging words were kinda nice to hear, though rather redundant. Pretty sure Nina herself can pull that off a way better than that. If she herself was the one hiding under the bed, the last thing she wanted to see, or hear was a talking bear persuading her to come out.

Nina was not too thrilled to hear the Bearman's plea. Not every day she got a chance to listen to such tragic story and be a living witness to its aftermath. Not that she wanted it anyway, her daily routine was already troublesome as is, and thrills and frills should be off the menu.

Who are these people anyway?

"Well then! The first step to a normal life coming right up!" Nina shifted away from Cedar and brought in her water. "So, Mr. Bear! Please leave and let the girls do their things!"

Nina gestured Cedar to leave, and he left, though in a rather awkward manner, The innkeeper could still see him peeking at the door before having it closed shut.

Satisfied, Nina kneeled and peered at the frightened girl. "It's alright, he is gone..." she said, smiling. "You can come out now, it's only me!"

Like trying to lure and pet a puny animal, Nina extended her hand. Jorry the cornered girl looked at her cautiously, but a moment later, she realized that Nina was not lying, and she wanted to trust her.

Inched for a bit, her cold hand reached the innkeeper's. As she crawled out of that, Jorry glanced for the door and felt an impulse to run, she thought that she could make it, running out of here, hiding, and making tunnels if needed until she returned home. And then what?

"Are you okay?" Nina's cheerful tone, though filtered by her partial deafness was well received, and it felt like warm sunshine. "If you feel parched I can get you water. Do you have a name? My name is Nina."

Name. Jorry froze, trying to remember. Her master gave her one. Jormungand. Yes, that was what she was called. Though she never quite grasp the importance of having one, at least it was not trash, not bastard child, not disaster or other hateful sobriquets that makes her bones ache.

"Jorr..." Jormungand was her name, and her master used to call that name with sheer pride.

"well met then, Jor." Said Nina, resting a hand gently and assuringly on her shoulder, surprisingly Jorry did not feel frightened by this stranger's touch.


Downstairs, Jazdia Crystalspark listened patiently to the very important meeting being held at the neighboring table. Accompanied by a rather plain blonde boy, a beautiful pale woman opened a map and started to convey a message from Fred himself. There was some suggestion too after a lengthy update about what happened inside the King's court when they were gone.

"Hello there," she chimed in, glancing at the newcomers with genuine mirth. "I don't know we have such an important meeting here. What gives with my invitation?"

Several Hours Ago, in Rascade Royal Palace

Fredricus was not in a good mood. Barely a few hours after the investigation team departed and he already got the first bout of ill news involving them, and it seemingly only grew worse as the clock ticked. Some of them caused a ruckus at the mausoleum. The monarch understood that it was highly likely for the two incidents to be involved, and investigating both ends may yield results. That much was within an acceptable bound. But then his men had caught wind on a particular message that was spreading quickly among the nobles currently present in the capital, the content which brought him to the brink of cursing and breaking things. The royal tutor, one of the more trusted member of the team, had leaked its purpose toward the Delving. The loudest proponent to the war, given the best ammunition they could've possibly hoped for. It took all his self control not to tear his hair out and scream in frustration.

Just which part of discreet was so difficult to understand?

The nobles would've crowded into his court by the next morning. That much was predictable, and Fredricus had already drafted the right set of excuses to buy some time. It wouldn't be all; yet another incident resurfaced. And then another one, soon after.

The king barely got a few hours of sleep when he was woken up to be informed of terrorist attacks in the capital. As if there's not enough unrest already.

Just which part of discreet was SO DIFFICULT to understand?

The morning court went... better than expected, surprisingly. Fredricus managed to appease them by claiming that he had the prince sent to a secret safe house. The nobles weren't satisfied with just that, of course. They demand to see the prince to truly dispel the rumor. But Fredricus insisted that recalling his heir was possible, but it'll take time to be done in secret. He wouldn't want to give any chance for an assassination attempt to happen after all. That pretext bought him... three, four days. Maybe five, if he truly stretches it.

That fool Henri had just brought the timetable down by weeks, and all he could hope was Matilda and Jazdia pulling through on their joint effort to recover his son.

Shortly after he retreated to his chamber, Fredricus threw himself to his chair and waved at his chamberlain.

"Summon him now."

Admiral Silas Delving walked in. A war hero and always been, Champion of the Delving clan and the shining herald of the Kindeance navy. However, for a knight in shining armor like him, his bearing was surprisingly languid today, and he didn’t look particularly happy to have this exclusive audience with the King himself. In fact, he looked like he desperately would like to
slink away unnoticed.

And Fredricus knew damn well why.

No, it was completely unrelated to the secret Henri had leaked. Though Fredricus knew that Delvings were the one who relayed the news, he knew a baseless accusation would only serve him so much, and being a prominent clan they were, Delving could evade the allegation and use it against him. No, that can wait, now Silas was here to explain the blunder made by his brother, Aaron Delving, Rascade's own constable. The second heir of the clan got into some bad raid against the local crime element and got the entire squad decimated. The man was spirited away by his family way too quickly, leaving behind only a very one-sided report that... of course implicated part of the investigation team.

Of course, Fredricus was not amused with that report alone and summoned the constable to explain himself. The emissary he sent returned to inform him that Aaron Delving was badly injured and Silas would explain it in his stead, both as a brother, and the second-in-command of that ill-fated raid. It was surprising, but not entirely unexpected.

"It was bad enough that your brother thought it a good idea to conduct a raid without coordinating with other Generals... with me,” Fredricus began. "But to criminalize people bearing my seal and threaten to kill them? I must ask, Admiral, what in the God’s name were both of you thinking?"

"It is indeed an unfortunate turn of events My lord. But rest assured that we have everything under control."

"Under control? Seven guards were killed, and a few more injured!" The King blared. "Whatever your definition of under control is irreversible damage now. I was expected better of you."

A frown appeared on Silas' handsome visage. The admiral rallied somehow, but still remain knelt. "I am sure of that, Your Highness, and we too expected some trust for His Majesty toward his own men, as he demonstrates toward the Royal Guards even after that fateful day."

It was a hit on Silas' part. Fredricus still smarted from the fact that the assassins were escaped under the nose of his trusted guards. But it wasn’t a particularly wise hit. The King frowned and continued.

"Admiral. I hope your pathetic attempt to compare isn't a part of some disturbing trend. Their failure to capture the traitors was regrettable, but they did exceptionally well as my shield. I still couldn't say the same to your brother and his men, especially after the utter incompetence the whole constabulary had shown. You and your brother would do well to remember that.

Silas raised his head. There was a deviant glint in his eyes when he spoke."We do remember. And I’m sure His Majesty understands how I must feel. But, Mercy, lord! I know time is precious and Your Highness wanted the result to come swiftly, but to think he would appoint foreign investigators and put aside those who have served and are ever at his service is lamentable... and no wise man will deem it wise."

Fredricus stared at him in utter astonishment. He was perfectly aware of what this Delving had implied. But to do anything about was too late now, his kingdom grew, and so did his allies, and he did not need a stuffy Admiral to remind him that every decision he made would bring political consequences.

Brushed aside the implied threat like it was nothing, Fredricus rumbled. "So you think you're smarter than me, huh?"

"No... Your Highness, no, I was simply trying to voice my concern that His Majesty was too quick to judge carefulness as incompetency."

"Then what the hell would you call it then?!" Snapped Fredricus, he glared at the Admiral who now seemed to physically diminish right in front of his eyes. That old suspicion resurfaced, but now for no particular reason other than he was exhausted and easily agitated.

Only after a full minute regaining his composure, Fred continued, his eyes were bloodshot when he spoke with deceptive mildness "Admiral, you shall not speak about this anymore. I know Aaron is your brother, but I do hope your ties will not cloud your judgment. Your brother was lucky his revocation was solely based on sheer incompetency alone, and not something else that I deem based on the lack of loyalty. Now I want to hear your plan for the aftermath of that botched raid, so we can conclude this meeting."

"Very well, your highness. On behalf of my family I offer an apology for my younger brother's behavior. We shall spare no effort to investigate on what exactly happened in that raid, and the families of the victims shall be well-compensated. This I guarantee under the name of Delving."

Sighed, Fredricus leaned on his chair, he still had a lot to say, but again, it best not to press it now. "Very well, Admiral. You are dismissed."

'Your Highness." bowing obsequiously the whole way out, Silas left the room. His face was calm yet seemed to contemplate. If it was because of fear, Fredricus thought it would be a good sign, if not, well, The King had no shortage of ways to make his point.


The meetings were not over yet. One left, other came in. Soon He was joined by Matilda's squire, who was present to listen in on that mess of a circus earlier.

"And that's the gist of it, squire Anderson. I believe you understand how tight our timeline have become?" Fredricus looked closely on the squire's kneeling figure, unable to fully hide the weariness in his voice. He was trying his best, he truly was. It was just so, so, tiring to do what's right.

"Yes, your majesty. I shall depart to deliver this news at once. I'm sure Dame Matilda had found some progress since we last met."

"I hope so too, young man. There is much at stake here. Go, and may that vampire lord guide you to the straightest path."

"Your will be done."

As the squire left him alone with his demons, Fredricus couldn't quite hold back from letting out a deep sigh. When will this ordeal end? He hope it's soon. Fredricus wasn't sure how much longer can he last. The pressure's mounting, and any time now it might well break his back and that'll be it.

"I really could use some drinks right now..."
When Matilda left the table, Jazdia leaned on her chair and rolled her eyes. That woman really had no patience in her it was downright ridiculous. She waved at the guard sympathetically. "Did her threat scares you? Well, at least you will not be executed."

Munching her croissant, Jazdia felt much better now, although she could use a nice, warm bath right now, she preferred to wait for matilda. Obviously, the orc paladin still had something to say and it would be in her best interest too to hear a full story.


Upstairs, Jormungand "Jorry" crawled out from her gloomy hideout after hearing the door had been closed shut. The first thing that came to her mind was the advice from the fellow slave she befriended: to run away.

Ignoring the pain in her chest, she walked for the door, but before she could reach the knob, her knees gave up. Years under Gerrald's shadow had conditioned her mentality to never comprehend what courage and freedom mean. Trembling, she returned to her bed and lay there. Her master was dead and now she will be under a new one. For better or worse, she didn't care, she had resigned to her fate and waited, just like what happened before, and before, and long before that...

The girl was still laying flat on the floor. Like a cornered snake, she remained still, unmoved by the lurings of food or water. there was a crimson tint glowing on her brown eyes and they showed absolute tenacity and determination.
She remained in that position for quite a while until Cedar noticed her breath becoming more ragged.

"Cruel elf with cat eyes!" finally she talked again, now in a hissy fit. "Murderer! She's your friend! Her talent--everywhere, fire that extinguishes quickly! She killed my master. Why--"

As her chest contracted from that sudden outburst, she gasped. "Why this pain hasn't gone? Is torment what you wished? Please leave me be! I beg you!"

Despite the impression it gave on initial interaction, the girl didn't as autistic or childish as one might think. Over the years, even before her blindness and deafness became gradual, the girl had picked up words and phrases uttered by her master's usual patrons. Then again, her speech was not impaired.

That being said, perhaps giving her a sense of security would work better than the 'raw' form of compassion.

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