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8 mos ago
Current Forever alone.


Just your average Joe.
Bagus Surya is the name.
From Indonesia.

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It was 9:03 AM when the party departed. Jazdia took the frontmost position and began guiding the convoy out of that small valley and return to the main road.

The terrain was mostly flat, just like what she remembered four months ago, however, the route was significantly more curved than before, with several unfamiliar turns here and there. If one would spare a moment to look closer at the blocked road, there were some unnatural formations of barbed ivies conjoining themselves together to form a thorny blockade so thick and persistent government inspectors and travelers alike would rather open a new route to get around them.

And considering it was a newly beaten path, it was fortunate that they did't start this journey in a rainy season.

Besides the unexpected detour, there was nothing else happening. Fanghorn was ahead; soot and dried ivies were still tainting its decrepit walls, its great gate was closed, and although Jazdia could see activities inside, half of the city's population had been relocated to the field outside the wall. Sheltering in tents, or wooden hovels for those who can afford it.

The last four months hadn't been very kind to them. To say the disaster was happening at the worst moment possible was an understatement. Not only did they lose their lodging, holdings, and even loved ones in the fire, the hailstorm and hard rain that came after also damaged what was left of their food supply. Winter being just a short month after was the final nail in the coffin. If not because of Fredricus' quick response, the casualties might be more exponential.

They were welcomed by a cavalry soldier who seemed to have been informed about their arrival. He guided them to the left, through the road where the refugees erected their inadequate abodes.

"Anything happened?" he said, offering a small talk out of courtesy.


"Good then, some of our supply convoy was not so lucky."


"Brigands, bandits, or just hungry civilians seeking the opportunity," he said, shaking his head in disbelief. "We had the entire wagon raided three days ago just a few miles from Pesti, and it was the fourth accident this month. Couldn't believe it myself! How can people be so cruel as to steal food in the middle of a crisis like this? Many times me and my boys had to share our rations with the locals. We get hungry together with them, but that's the right thing to do, aye? I just hoped His Highness would assign more soldiers to secure our supply lines. But that seemed impossible eh? Day by day more soldiers are being recalled and sent either to Rascade or the Border these days."

Jazdia didn't answer, in front of them, three children and one adult woman blocked the way. One of the children, who seemed to be the eldest stepped forward and languidly reached out his hand. "Spare some gruel, Sir? Ma'am?"

The soldier rubbed his forehead before slowly walking his horse toward the children, intending to disperse them aside. "Come one Tomson, Brenda take your boys out the road!"

He then turned to the party, "Sorry you all have to see this."

Jazdia regarded Varya with a smile. "Good morning," and returned to the matters at hand.

"I still don't recommend it," she said to Thernous, squaring her shoulder and guiding her horse toward the group's frontmost position. "I have said all the things you need to consider, the choice is ultimately yours."

She then shifted to the two juvenile bears and sighed exasperatedly. "You two should stay inside. Fanghorn is just ten kilometers away, best not to attract too much attention from the locals."

"Same formation?" quipped Yvonne behind her. "We dont have all day, so let us depart."

"Indeed. The sooner we get on the road the better."
@Lewascan2Approved, you can move it to the character tab
Shifting from Athena to Thernous, she said, politely yet bluntly.

"I disagree. The last thing we need is an exhausted person riding in front. We are traveling fast, and having keen-eyed outriders is important. Not to mention, if something goes wrong, our wagon can't make a sudden stop. Sending him to outride further forward is equally inadvisable. He is tired and might lead himself astray from the convoy. Placing him at the rear is not an option either because entrusting our back to a fatigued rider is dangerous if something goes wrong and we might not be able to react in a timely manner.

Jazdia shifted to Erwin, who had mounted his steed, and he was looking at her disdainfully.

"I suggest you get down from your horse, Kid," she said in a monotone, uninterested in reciprocating the sentiment. "And don't give me that look. Yes, this is not your first rodeo, but this however is your first cross-country riding in a nation that is on the brink of war. Do not take this lightly."
Nothing happened for the rest of the night save the howling of the winds and the harrowing sounds of birds and night creatures alike. Athena and Erwin were on their boring and stiff watch. Hours upon hours passed, cold and quiet until the first ray of light came and filled the valley with its grey light. The day started slow and lazy, some were already awake, and some were still curling in their bedroll. It took the party quite some time until the sun was fully rising for everyone to fully awake from their slumber.

As soon as they had cleared their camp, completed their preparation, and had their breakfast the party was ready to set out again. Jazdia volunteered to be one of the outsiders this time, replacing Athena.

"You should rest some more," she said, grabbing the reins of her black stallion and patting the beast's nape. "You earned it, and that's... a strong recommendation."

Behind that chuckle, Jazdia simply didn't want to be in close proximity to Erwin, though the man was also one of their outriders yesterday, she figured Thhernous wouldn't be that merciless to let him ride after spending the night without sleep.
Jazdia couldn't say she was satisfied with Thernous' answer, but that was probably given. Erwin, after all, was his grandson, and he had to ensure everyone could tolerate him and understand his behavior one way or another. Jazdia only understood one thing, that was there were just two kinds of people in this kind of mission. Either they are an asset or a liability. And in her judgment, today Erwin acted like the latter.

Two uncontrollable factors had already shown up on the first day, she wondered how many more she had to deal with. Should have known this wouldn't be that easy.

Silently, Jazdia walked toward her own space; one spot in the shallow cave at the end of their camp. A campfire was already lit in front of it, but the hearth felt a bit too far.

Already had enough of unnecessary negativity, Jazdia decided to make peace with it and just find her most comfortable position and rest. Fortunately, she had brought her bedroll with her.
When Thernous said the attempt to kill was legal, Jazdia felt her face grow hot. What did the man say to his grandfather when she was not looking? Jazdia wondered. Did he know that the shot was not discharged out of self-defense nor to answer to a provocation or hostility? Or if he knows, did he just condone what is basically an execution without trial of a not-yet-armed civilian?

That Erwin, after a brief apology still tried to blather about his views about law. Like a cheap mantra. She wondered what he was trying to achieve with that. To debate her reasoning? To convince that his actions were sensible.

"Be quiet!" she said bluntly. "This is not a courtroom. While in my belief your method was unprocedural and disproportionate, I know better than to continue a futile endeavor to compare our understandings of the law of the land here, because the debate would continue for days."

Let those nobles believe whatever they want to believe.

"Lord Thenous, there is one one more thing I need to discuss with you too. Despite the dissenting opinions about the soundness of the procedure used by Erwin, I truly hope this will not happen again. Even if someone is suspicious, what would we do then? Interrogate them? It would take a full day. Kill them? That would earn us unnecessary attention and I wish not to sleep with a damaged conscience. We are on a very sensitive mission, and we only have seventeen days left to go there and back again. Minimizing our signature is important.

Pausing, Jazdia appeared to be more relaxed, though the fury in her eyes was still apparent.

"We are not here to do tentative law enforcement, we are here to bridge communication. Already four times your king's envoys failed with their task, we can't afford to be the fifth."
"First of all, being an eldritch abomination is his business and it is not illegal to be one. And second, if you are wondering, sir Erwin. Casdegar is not his name. It means Ancient One in Elvish."

Jazdia moved closer. Her face was devoid of any emotion, but one could see a banked fire of anger in her eyes. "Like the word 'she-elf' you used to address me. The difference is I know a common courtesy and picked my words better than you."

The restaurant owner's gaze darted to Thernous for a moment, then flickered back to Erwin. Ready to unleash her vexation. Deserving or not she will be sharp. If the words cut deeper than a knife, then she can afford to be brutal.

"Also don't act like I am under your command. Kid. I know the law of your nation better than you. I helped reform your constitution 20 years ago, and my organization oversaw all of its amendments. When you prattled about the law like the word was some cheap mantra, I couldn't help but laugh inwardly, but I did not say anything so you could preserve your dignity. It was wrong, indeed, clearly so now because I thought even if you have a brain about the size of your trigger-happy finger, I couldn't imagine, of all myriads of reasons to not shoot, you chose to shoot a man over some unfounded suspiciousness. How does it feel when your arrogance backfires on you? Suck it up! And don't bother me."

The transformed merchant stood there unmoving, listening to all the different reactions laid out in front of him. Admiration, anger, cautiousness, nervousness, fear, and indifference. The bears could not stop talking, the elf gave him a stern warning, and the fair lady moved toward him fearlessly. He raised his tentacled hands and warned her to stop.

Stop moving, stop talking. He was old, he didn't remember, he didn't have the urgency to remember. For him, all memories like messages written upon the sand, lasted only until the next high tide.

"I will remember thy Name. Louise Ironside." He said, with a voice that reverberated. He still sounded menacing, but if one could notice, everything he said was done with great difficulty.

"Now don't stray too close. Go back to those who call you his dearest,"

And toward the bears he said. "I am unfit... to conduct business right now. Apologise." he raised his oversized hand, having the fingers and tentacle gripped his lance and pulled it up before returning to his carriage, where the difference in size was apparent.

Before leaving, he exchanged a glance with Jazdia. "I will leave... in peace. Until next time."

Unhindered, Goodenough guided his transport back into his supposed direction. The four lamps in his carriage were extinguished, and nobody could tell where he was going when the darkness of the night swallowed his gargantuan silhouette.
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