Avatar of Mas Bagus


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Just your average Joe.
Bagus Surya is the name.
From Indonesia.

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@Vlad Tepes
I have sent the evaluation via PM
Sorry if I was being rather presumptuous with my earlier post.

If you look at the map, there is a ruined settlement in Westernant territory below the Leize River, I think that can fit your intended background. However, the scale might need to be reduced from a small nation to a major city of a dukedom that has turned into ruins and had its surroundings reclaimed by nature after ten years.

That however would require extensive writing about how the relationship between the nations went after that mysterious event. Did Varenheim have something to explain why it happened? Or why would your character think it has something to do with the land of twilight more than the fact that the cataclysmic land itself is located on the other side of the river?

If none of what I've suggested ends up working out, I think I can work with this, yeah.

All of my suggestions are just... suggestions. At the end of the day, the character is yours. If your character, for whatever reason believes it is in the Land of Twilight he will find answers, and you find that it fits aptly with him and are comfortable with that, then I have no reason to stop you.

Pick what you are most comfortable of. My part was simply to prevent my players from feeling disconnected from the world by offering hooks and a way to attach his character background more organically to the world.

Will have my character either late tonight or tomorrow <3

Looking forward to see them ^^
@Mas Bagus So about that vampire... Here he is! Let me know if there's anything I need to change. I tried my best to fine-tune his backstory a little so it would give him a purpose for joining the others in this adventure.

Greetings Vlad, currently looking at your CS in a gradual fashion because I am still at work. My timezone is GMT +7 so I think I can give an in depth review tonight. At the first glance your character's motivation seems promising, so that's already good start.

Personally I am leaning more towards the number 2 actually. But as far as his backstory is concerned, if my understanding is correct that his hometown is inside the land of Twilight, I realized that it will be a bit conflicted with the Land of Twilight's cataclysmic history that has already began since 1000 years ago.

No? Then is that means he is an adventurer looking for job and his background is not yet made for the RP setting?

I do have a suggestion that might fit perfectly with the setting and the proposed character's theme.
He, ten years ago was a Westernant knight in training specialized for clandestine ops. For their final training, they were tasked to delve into the land of Twilight and must return with a proof that they have reached Nuria. It ended with a disaster in which only your knight and some of his friends that made it out alive.

Fast forward to the present day, he joined the group not only because it pays handsomely, but also to honor his fallen comrades and finished the task they failed to accomplish ten years ago.

<Snipped quote by Mas Bagus>

Sure. I'm down for that. Thanks!

Glad to be of service.
Usually we do have a discord server where we can extensively discuss about this kind of balancing and how the magic system works. But I think I will be waiting for more interest before sending out the invitation link

<Snipped quote by Mas Bagus>

The character is based on Pathfinder's Magus, so I think I'll just switch that ability with another one. Probably the spell that elongates the weapon up to 6 meters as a whip-like weapon. But it's up to you.

Now I think about it, a character with specialized capabilities to dismantle magical constructs is more interesting than making her skillset fully combat-oriented.

Hmmm, tough choice.

I think I prefer to have her retain her fourth skill but with lowered effectiveness. Assuming that the monk taught her the art of forming a dismantling imbuement. So now, my offer to compromise will be as follows: The dispelling strike will not immediately undo magical constructs on a single hit but may require several slashes to completely tear down a reasonably complex magical object.

Additionally, this skill will also grant her an additional out-of-combat channeling spell that she can use to thoroughly dismantle magical enchantment.

What do you think?
All right. I think I know what I want to create, a recent RP I was interested in was cancelled, so I think I'll use the character here instead.

Feel free to tell me what needs changing.

Considering that she was from a country that regularly staged Hastilude, I assume she is from one of the regions in Westernant. That would do perfectly.

I have some things to tell you however about her fourth skill. Dispelling magic is hard. For example, a decent magical barrier has a lot of magical codes implanted by its caster and, in order to undo it, one must either studiously decode the magic and imbue her weapon with the counter-code, or brute force it using stronger magic.

She could have that skill with no problem if she is a prodigy or has been studying magic for decades, which I think is kinda impossible given her age.

I am currently thinking about a way to compensate this by introducing the artifact system. Along the journey, players may loot weapons or trinkets with effects that can grant similar effects to her fourth skill. That will also give the player a sense of progress and make every finished arc feel more rewarding.

Other than that, your character looks great, and I am looking forward to seeing her in the RP.
Hey. Looks interesting, what sort of spells/abilities are we talking about? Can you give some examples as a reference?


Magic in this world is pretty straightforward. You may conjure fire, bend water, and control the air around you. Or imbue the elements into your weapon. As a writer, I want to make the Arcane power in this world have a certain level of rationality in it, and not too intrusive.

For example, anything with a living soul can't be puppetted by a water-based mage just because they can control water from a certain range. Another example, is a wind mage can't just draw out air from someone's lung to choke his victim to death. All thanks to this soul theory, that prevents magical external intervention from the inside.

Ah, back to the question, the raw example of how the characters' spells/abilities would look like can be viewed here:

I may join, but before I do I must ask. What are your thoughts on vampire characters?

I'd say that depends on the flavor.

In my portfolio, I have had vampires twice in the RPs I hosted before. Our dear Co-GM @A5G also has a vampire necromancer in his collections of characters. So, yeah, no negative opinion about vampires so far.

Heyo! I'm interested! I'm curious the type of mythical people you can be!

Mythical creature is a bit of a loose term for people of mystical/unknown origin and oddities alike. Your character can be something like shapeshifting Kitsune, or nekomata, or a strange Centaur, satyr or orcs for example. Keep in mind that those mystical oddities don't usually mingle in human society using their true form. The exception may be orcs in several human nations and Varenheim.

In my world, they don't usually have godlike powers.
Into the Land of Twilight


Vesemir Barandir, one of the continent's most renowned archeologists and historians you probably never heard of (Of course you never, you plebians!) suddenly announced that he would be partaking in a journey to the forgotten land of twilight.
For that effort, his recruitment pamphlets have been distributed far and wide, to every Adventurer's guild branch; from Glenfalas up to the north to Lydeniew in Westernant. He is Looking for able-bodied brave people, who are trustworthy, and fair and yearn for an exciting yet perilous adventure, to aid him in his journey to the Ancient City of Nuria.

The reward shall be aplenty, and you will be treated as equal because your goal is my goal too.

Your characters will be the hired ones signing up for this journey. Whether they are just hired adventurers seeking thrill and fame, soldiers of fortune signing up for monetary gains, or a desperate brother seeking a curing artifact for his bedridden sibling, or etcetera and etcetera, that will be up to you.

The RP will be focused on the story aspect so it is encouraged to have a character with a clear background and goal. While I can't guarantee that the GM will cater to all motivations and goals, we shall try to be accommodating.


The Land of Twilight is located east of the capital city of Alkautsar. It is a heavily forested region that is part of and entirely under Varenheim's jurisdiction. The elves now called the region Rhovan ar-lúrëa, which metaphorically means the woodland that is under perpetual overcast.

1700 years ago, the region was the epicenter of the elves' civilization with the shining city of Núria as its capital, but the calamitous
war to end Queen Serensiel's tyrannical rule has left the land tainted and scarred. Following the aftermath of the war, what was once the radiant cities and gleaming spires had turned into ruins, abandoned, and eventually reclaimed by nature for over a millennia.

There wasn't much attempt to explore the land even after a thousand years. The enigmatic elves openly abhor the idea of settling inside the region, which is understandable considering how many foolhardy adventurers ended up joining those who died a long time ago or were rescued insane (If they are lucky). These days, they formally ban any entry into the region, unless specifically permitted. Still, they are not giving up any guarantee of rescue should the worst come to worst.

But behind the perils and horrors, it was rumored that the catastrophically ruined region was full of powerful artifacts and bountiful treasures waiting to be unearthed. As well as immense knowledge and history for those who are privy enough to discover all its secrets.

Character creation

This RP has your average fantasy races for your convenience.

1. Humans
Easiest to play and is versatile. The human nations in the continent are usually nurturing diplomatic cordiality with Varenheim, so you will not be getting a cold stare from the guards unless you are a wanted criminal. Varenheim is very strict with its laws and very competent at enforcing them. Please keep that in mind.

2. Elves.
Medium difficulty. Native to Varenheim. It is widely known that the elves were angels once, descended to the mortal realm for reasons they never disclose. Playing with an elven character means the player has to be interested in the story and the lore, because... well, this RP takes place in their homeland.

3. Djinn/Youkai/Humanoid Demons/Mystical creature
Medium difficulty. Dagorlad is the land where most demons hail from. Their appearance is rather similar to Sarkaz from Arknights. The catch with using any of these mystical creatures for your character is usually related to the fact that Dagorlad and Varenheim are not really on the friendliest terms diplomatically.

Skills and spells
Ideally, a character can have 4 active skills/spells and 2 passives at maximum. The passive effect can be a negative or a positive, depending on your liking. Active skills may have cooldowns, generally the more powerful, the longer its cooldown and will use more mana.
A character may also have mundane skills to define who they are. For example, an adventurer who can cook, a mercenary who knows the right medical procedure, a venerer who can track animals and people, to name a few.

Keep in mind that your character skills and capabilities will have to be evaluated in a case-by-case manner by the GM before they can be officially accepted.

The CS format, I prefer to make it simple, but feel free if you prefer something more elaborated, as long as it still has the following elements

The rules and expectations

Yes, wouldn't be fun without some~
  • The pacing of this RP is relatively fast. Generally, we are expecting 1 post for every 3 days. Also, we aim for completion, so if you can't commit, this is may not the RP for you.
  • Keep it Roleplayer Guild friendly. Any content that is not allowed to be posted on the forum should not be in this roleplay.
  • No godmodding/power-playing/auto-hitting/controlling other players' characters and stuff like that.
  • Kindly do not gamejack the campaign. While we do encourage unique backgrounds and motivations, trying to steer the game direction toward the plot or outcomes you personally want is unacceptable and may disrupt the other players' enjoyment.
  • Be friendly, tolerant, and tolerable. Respect everyone and don’t be afraid to communicate with them or the GM. If you have any problems or concerns about unfair rulings, please immediately reach out to the GMs.
  • If there is a dispute, the GM has the final say on that matter.

Have a discord server to cater most of the OOC needs and other madness, be sure to check it out

I think that should be all
"Khcak! Agh! Don't know!" answered the first thug immediately, and the second thug followed shortly after.

"We know shit about those things, ma'am!"

Pausing between his pained groans, he slowly he rose up. Though there were 'nice' conclusions being promised in the squire's inquiry, the thug's face went pale the moment he looked at Louise, and unconscious Jonas Delving not far from them.

"L-lovely miss, I am just a cook, and my pal there is--was a stablehand." he stammered. "We-we were running from our master's monster pet, that's all! We not know no easy path, no, would already use it otherwise."

"We only saw bears!" his friends interjected, shouting. "Three bears bickering! And some blue dude with knives for the ears stopping one of them bears. The captain's dead! Everyone else's dead. Maybe the missus is dead too. We ain't going back! That's all I know."
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