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8 mos ago
Current Forever alone.


Just your average Joe.
Bagus Surya is the name.
From Indonesia.

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"Perform any necessary maintenance to return them to full functions, if needed, then give them to someone who can make the most use of each artifact; the brooch to-..." She paused briefly, her eyes looking to the side for a moment before returning to Gray Flame's eye slots, "-...a healer, the lamp to Sir Takumi, and the twin swords to Sir Tillius or you, Sir Gray."

The Gray Flame nodded. His expressionless masked face was directed at the elven-style falchion that lay unclaimed on the table. Carnatia seemed to be supporting the idea as well.

"I quite agree. The brooch in particular would be of tremendous help, halving the mana cost for healing spells. It would help us avoid situations where we have people in need of healing but our healer having no mana left to cast healing spells. If nothing else, I would say that the brooch would be a boon in ensuring the survival of our group in the worst-case scenario,"

"So we are already talking about distributing and utilizing those trinkets..."

He muttered, his words were less like a conclusion and sounded more like a question weighed with by misplaced morality consideration.

"I don't see that as a problem."

Came a bold, whimsical voice from the stairs. The Gray flame looked back and had his shoulder clapped by Vesemir.

"Why the tense atmosphere! Eh?" he cleared his throat and fixed his top hat before continuing. "Well. Tell ya, it's hard for me to disagree on these two young ladies' acute proposition. Why indeed *ahem* not claim them? If they are as powerful as Miss Evelyn concluded, then in my opinion, it is also a crime to leave them here in the dust while it can be used to illuminate one's way and help people."
Raising his both hands like some sort of arbiter, Vesemir shifted his gaze at everyone present. "To take or not take, it is an equally right proposition. Neither of us here may claim the authority to prevent any of us from claiming such items. And if morality is still holding you back..."
The archeologist took out a leather pouch from his bag and placed the clinking purse on top of the fireplace.

"Paid in full. The choice is all yours."

"Now we have finally seen eye to eye about that matter, I've something to announce to everyone," Vesemir spoke again, louder this time, not only to get everyone's attention but seemingly to deprive Gray Flame or Englebert a chance to discuss the looting kerfuffle again.

Between his speech, he pointed at the map at the table. Before gazing at Carnathia and Fia in particular.

"It is important, but I will be brief. So please stay a while and listen. It was decided that we are going to take a slightly longer detour first, toward the ruined town of Lassë and then to Ostianor slightly to the east. I think that's all for now. Any questions regarding those areas please consult with our expert, Mr. Gray Flame."

Respectfully, he beckoned at Gray Flame, who had been acting like a statue for the remainder of the exchange.

"As for now, please take a rest and don't hesitate to make good use of... well, the amenities we have."
“I am fine, Sir Vesemir. Thank you though, for your concern. If you need me later, I will be sleeping up here.”

'Didn't mean to pry but I overheard the argument earlier. But alright, lassie, since you said so, I will not press further. I will give the two an earful if that makes you feel better."

The aged elf smiled coyly under the shadow before lifting his top head and turning back. "It's dark here, I will ask Stepen to bring you a lantern."

And then he was gone, descending the stairs back to the first floor.


"Pardon me, sirs. But it would appear to my eyes that you two were discussing something regarding the photograph Roxas found? In normal circumstances, it would not be proper of me to inquire into what is clearly a private matter, however...I would like to ask if it is something that might affect us during the course of our stay here or beyond. If so, I think we are at least entitled to some details given that it would affect us. Of course, I wouldn't demand you reveal it to us now, but I do hope if it is relevant to our situation that the two of you would reveal it before the night ends."

"Gray, You can call me Gray Flame. Without the 'sir' if you feel so inclined. That's what my colleagues in the Adventurers' Guild called me." the masked elf said ruefully, glancing at the young noblewoman. "I've been to Nuria several times, so I think that's how I earned the honor to be here. As for your questions, miss Carnatia, and Madam Fia, It seems the youngsters in that photograph had quite a reputation in Varenheim's special forces. Yeah, I believe I myself had heard about him because it was not every day they casually transferred someone from a different branch to The Sentinel. It is similar to Royal Guards in Westernant, so you know how prestigious the position is."

He paused and glanced at both women. And apparently, Fia was already occupied with the idea of having a good soak in somebody else's bathroom. Still, he did not seem to mind it too much, and if he could show a smile through his mask, he would.

"As for what happened to the couple, I do not know." he continued again with a clear voice. As if the answer had been rehearsed many times. "I was transferred to Engelheim, and then to Draumurr before my untimely discharge from the branch. I think that's the story for another time if you don't mind."

While waiting for their next question (he hoped there would be none), The Gray Flame's attention turned to the young man named Razello, who had helped provide them with his signature fire spell. He was currently showcasing his ability to access a hyperspace arsenal, which itself looked extremely convenient.

But the Gray Flame thought the last thing that masked young man Rozello needed would be another shallow praise.

So he shifted to his long-time acquaintance's daughter, who seemed rather disappointed with the fact that the items she just appraised had been snatched away from her.

"Couldn't help but ask, what would you do to those trinkets if you managed to get your hands on them again?"

Beside him, the eastern foreigner was introducing himself. And he had an interesting tale about his elven adoptive mother who had just died recently. Not a topic The Gray Flame would want to entertain, neither when the man claimed that there was a guardian spirit in this house and that Guardian Spirit had permitted him to use this house and had made peace with him for breaking into it uninvited. In all honesty, it all sounded like phony excuses.

Then, there was another theory from Carnathia about the legality of seizing the item again. But Gray Flame did not jump into the discussion, as if letting his armored companion speak about it instead.
The Gray Flame could only shake his masked head. It wasn't like he dismissed her proposal, that frankly slightly out of place. He just wanted a good reason for it, and if she thinks the word investigate was an adequately good reason, it was only fair for him to ask for elaboration, right?

Her next reaction was still surprising, but not entirely uncalled for. Haphazardly crammed the item back into the chest and proclaimed her name and capability as a healer, Roxas then climbed back upstairs, leaving the Gray Flame rubbing his masked forehead in both embarrassment and amazement.

Vesemir, who for the entire exchange was talking with one of his porters seemed to be distracted by the bickering, and quickly catching up with the situation. Though his eyes glanced briefly at Gray Flame and Engelbert, he did not ask any question, and tactfully followed her up.

"What's the matter, darling?" he said calmly, emphatically. Holding his walking cane behind his back, he stopped right in the middle of the room, giving the disappointed elf some space.
The Gray Flame

The Gray Flame was still busy with the map he did not realize that his boss had moved on to greet the newest member. Strangely, he didn't remember someone named Fia on the list.
He was even more perplexed when watching the elven healer Roxas bringing am assortments of keepsakes from the upstairs. He was too occupied with Vesemir's whim, a carefulness to not show any sign of association with their current shelter, and observing the house itself. Which gave him a not-really-pleasant memory.

And now such sense of carefulness was challenged by the healer's action, who argued that her deeds were just. The gray flame stood dumbfounded for a good second, before Engelbert pulled him out to the corridor, out of the others for now.


As the two went for a talk, Vesemmir approached the group. A spark of interest twinkled on his monocle when his gaze fell to the items laid out on the table.

"Pretty things they are. Some are mundane, some are... well, I can say, quite valuable indeed."

He reached for the sword, holding it by the handle for a while before returning it. "Seems like a premium smithwork, and they put an enchantment in it too to make the steel durable."
Then his attention shifted toward the gold brooch with emerald on it. Despite not touching the jewelry, he concluded; "There doesn't see any curses in these items. So worry not. They were neither ancient nor very rare, though I wouldn't discount the possibility of a tragic story behind them. Anyway, I know what the combination of Gold and Emerald entails. The healers usually wore them, and they were, more often than not, blessed with magic to make casting restorative spells easier.

He adjusted his monocle when he finally picked up a tubular crystal with a socket for wires on it.

"And this.. just a mundane crystal lamp. Usually sold with its rechargeable battery or the crystal itself acts as the battery. But I think that's the former. If you can channel magic, you can hold the crystal real tight and channel your energy into it like you mean it."

Vesemir raised his hand and activated the crystal, temporally illuminating the room with a bright white light
"I think that's all."

He shrugged and retreated to talk with Fia again.



"I know what you are thinking." The Gray Flame said. Despite looking like he was experiencing a blow to an old scar, he was quick to regain his focus. "But my hands are tied. What a rotten luck this is. You know what, let's see how it plays out or whether she was being true to her words."

It was obvious that Gray Flame was not in an optimal condition to talk, but who knows, things might resolve quickly with to of them talking?

So, with Engelbert in tow, The Gray Flame returned to the living room. The items Roxas brought have already been laid on top of the table, like some sort of auctioned goods. He breathes heavily as if to prepare for a great confrontation.

"Roxas," he said, slowly, clearly, like an elder brother telling his sister that the playtime was over. By the time he initiated this conversation, she was speaking with a giant Fellow The Gray Flame who hadn't had a chance exchanging names and pleasantries yet.

"To be honest we already overstepped our boundaries simply by taking shelter here and using this very room like our own."

Maybe intentional, or coincidental, the Gray Flame's gaze briefly fell on the photo and the bloodstained quiver. His hand slowly reached to touch them, until something snapped him out of it and brought his attention back to Fia, Evelyn, Carnathia and Roxas again, the main perpetrator.

"But what is done is done. If you think you have a very good reason to remove these items from their initial places, then I am willing to hear it. Otherwise, this is not a decent thing to do, and we better return them back."
After some invasive tampering on the wooden frame and the lock mechanism itself, the door made a loud clacking sound and swung open with a small push. The room seems to be the master bedroom; it has a rather rage bed located at the south of the room, right in front of two identical windows adorned by the blue satin curtains that were tied to the side.

In the other corner of the room, there was a large closet, unlocked, with pillows stored in one of its compartments. In the wardrobe section, there was a satin gown, a summer dress, a shirt, and a tie hung.

There was a desk at another corner of the room. And on top of it, there was a laminated letter of appointment that stated the person under the name of Faldiar Alkreath to be transferred to the Sentinel Unit under Viceroy Adnand, starting on Monday, 12 October, 30 years ago.

Next to it, there was another photo of the couple again. The brown-haired young man was as energetic as ever, while this time, the blonde woman next to him was captured with a smile on her face. The background of the picture was this house, which seemed to be in its final stage of completion.

One of the drawers in that desk was opened, and inside it, there was a mithril pendant with the design of two elongated wings fitted with a diamond in the middle, its chains were made of silver, and the pendants glittered even at the smallest presence of light.

The door was locked, but when Roxas pushed it a bit to fiddle with its lock, the door budged just a tiny bit. The lock was still holding the door shut, but it was apparent that either the bolt had become loose by age, or the strike plates on the frame had had all the woods around it rotted away.

Like with the chest lock, it was entirely possible to just force open the thing.


After some forceful twisting, the padlock gave in. Despite being worn out by time, the chrome-plated shackle on it was still unbendable the dagger would suffer some blunt on its edge for the effort.

Inside the chest was a white book that seemed to be heavier than any other books on the shelf. It was a journal secured with a magnetic clasp that could actually be opened with small effort. Under it was a photo of two people, the first person in that photo was a young, energetic brown-haired elven man posing with two fingers making a V sign. Beside him was a fair-haired elven woman, standing with a deadpanned expression.

The other item inside the chest was a dagger, a jade bracelet with no ornaments whatsoever, and a punctured, bloodstained leather quiver that at some point seemed to have a spear being run through it. There was also a mithril hairpin with jasmine ornaments on it, secured inside a transparent box.


The books were all still in pristine condition. Like the flyer, they were printed 30 years ago. Some of them are titled "Bones for Beginners, Guide to Emergency Triage, The Discoveries of Bacteria, Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment, Magical Codes 101, and How to Diagnose and Self-Sorrect Misaligned Mana Flow.

When Roxas tapped her blade against the container's wooden exterior, all she could hear was a small thud as normal. There was nothing unusual about the chest. Just a wooden one decorated with rather lavish trimmings



As the scrying spell seeped through, a surge of information rushed out from it in response. The stains were from the blood of an elven man, approximately 28-31 years old when the blood was spilled. The sword was exquisitely made and blessed with strengthening enchantment, and that explained its pristine and sharp condition.


Apparently, nobody was hiding upstairs. It was devoid of any trace of living being.

The second floor consisted of a large room that seemed to be an office or some sort of it. On the west side of the room, there was a large desk with a wooden chair that seemed still sturdy. On top of the desk, there was a crystal lamp, a flyer that reads "Introducing: Varenheim's newest commuter service' dated 30 years ago, and a gold brooch fitted with an emerald gem.

Not far from the desk, leaning against the wall by the north side of the room was a bookshelf filled with an assortment of medical books and tomes for the novice magic caster.

Next to it was a large decorated wooden chest, locked with a combination padlock that didn't seem too sturdy.

At the south of the room. There was a door leading to another room. Both the chest and the door seemed to be the only things in this room that had locks on them.

Though breaking the camp was done hastily, Vesemir's caravan rolled forth without delay or difficulties. For now, the journey took them straight to the east, following the road parallel to one of Silmetirta's swift branches. To their left was a river and to their right were meadows and farmlands, marked by houses and barns that already sprung to live with activities. The journey continued on, and before the idyllic scenery could bore them, it all soon would be replaced by wooded grounds, and at last, Alkautsar's grand silhouette finally disappeared behind them.

The Gray Flame had guided them confidently among the many crossing paths. Vesemir was sitting next to him and seemed all too eager to pilot the leading wagon. Most of the companions and the archeologist's henchmen were in the first and the second wagons. Two of their transports had their canvas roof removed and transferred to the third and the fourth wagons for extra covering on their consumable supplies. Forbann and Engelbert occasionally disembark to walk alongside the convoy, either to enjoy the scenery on their own paces or just to lighten the horses' workload.

Meanwhile the only person with a horse, Carnatia was tasked by the Gray Flame to be their outrider.

"Carnatia, dear girl, may we trouble you for this part of the journey to check on our rear wagon every once in a while?" He had said.

It had been two hours since they left Alkautsar. The roads were well-paved, wide, and smooth, but the convoy had no reason to be hasty under this wonderful weather. It was a pleasant day worth enjoying; the sunshine was clear but not too hot. The sparse woodland around them was still leafy and full of color and seemed peaceful and wholesome.


But nature was always unpredictable, even in the land where its inhabitants were deemed more attuned to it. The sky that was clear thirty minutes ago had turned gray. The wind was picking up, bringing in a cold and moist breeze. A sound of thunder sounded distant, but the warning was fair.

It was pouring already. Reluctantly, but still resolute to the heart, the convoy trudged forth. They still hadn't escaped from the woodland route, and according to the Gray Flame, the nearest village was some 10 kilometers away from their position.

From there the situation was not improving. Like an ill omen, the rain fell hard, thunder and lightning cracked on the pale sky above them, and the wind whistled eerily, swaying the tall trees like a dozen hands ready to swat those who were brave enough to push through. The thunderous boom from the sky made the horses frantic, and as they kept neighing and prancing at every crack of thunder, the choice was obvious.

"We are not getting anywhere in this storm," exclaimed the masked elf, trying to speak clearly amids the rain and raging winds. Vesemir nodded, not after giving it a deep thought.

"I know, but to where?"

Both elves seemed to think about the very same thing. But Vesemir was the first to spell it out.

"We have to go back. That house near the river."

That house in in question was hard to miss indeed. The party strode past it some fifteen minutes ago before the storm picked up. Wordlessly the Gray Flame nodded as the middle-aged elf steered their wagon to backtrack their trail.

The effort to get back there was equally laborious, but now at least there was some semblance of hope to shelter themselves from this infernal downpour.

Surrounded by rotting red brick walls no taller than an average man's waist, it was a house with a clear sign of neglect. Located near the Silmetirta, the most distinguished feature of that building beside the giant saman tree that grew next to it, was a seemingly working water wheel built at the end of an intact wooden pier.

As the group rode closer, turned out the house had a proper stable behind it, connected with the house's extended roof. Though it seemed to have seen a better day and quite small, at least there would be a place for their horses to keep themselves.

Stepping on its wide roofed terrace, The Gray Glame was the first to approach the house, with Vesemir following behind him. Up close, it was a two-story traditional-style house with unremarkable architectural uniqueness. Yet typical to an elven building, was built with durable materials and quite large, as though to express that it once belonged to a profitable person.

Vesemir repeatedly knocked on the door, called out, and peaked through its blurry windows, but no soul seemed to dwell in that neglected building. The hard rain was still pouring, and the air started to get colder. Nodding to get an assurance that the house was indeed abandoned, the middle-aged elf finally reached for its knob and opened the door, which was unlocked, apparently.

The living room was spacious but sad, gloomy and arid. There was a fireplace at the end of the room, flanked by the stairs that lead to the second floor and a door that leads to an unknown corridor. Inside the living room was an assortment of common furniture; tables and cabinets on the corners, a large porcelain vase on a wooden base, and a couch, made of polished wood with paddings seemingly intact. Above the fireplace was an elven sword displayed on a plaque. It seemed to be one of a pair, but the other sword was found lying on top of a table in front of the couch. The sword, identical to that displayed on a plaque had a flawless blade, but its handle was stained with dried blood.

It didn't take long for Vesemir to get comfy. Nobody knows how long the house has been abandoned, but its ember-colored tiled floor was not as dusty as everyone thought it was, and the middle-aged elf quickly removed his muddy shoes and threw them outside like they were nothing.

"Stepen, get the lanterns," he said, stepping aside to let the others get in. After letting his clothes be drained as much as he could, Vesemir entered and immediately regarded Gray Flame, who since their arrival in this house had never uttered a single word.

"Well, this is a pretty nice house. A shame it was abandoned. Well, since we are here and the rain doesn't seem to be abating any time soon, we are going to spend a night here."

Pausing, Vesemir glanced at the room's high, washed-out ceiling before continuing. "I hope whoever owned this house wouldn't mind us intruding."

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