Avatar of Mas Bagus


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8 mos ago
Current Forever alone.


Just your average Joe.
Bagus Surya is the name.
From Indonesia.

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Approved. You may move her into character tab, if possible with the small changes we agreed upon.
The Gray Flame

"Ah glad to hear that..."

Inevitably, the Gray Flame's somewhat casual response drowned in the sheer eagerness to prove oneself. Sword, thin and swift was drawn, stance guarded. While The Gray flame stood there unmoving. Listening, judging, and assessing. How long was the last time he met her? Ah, 3 years ago that felt like just yesterday. A bratty child she was with a lot of things to say and show off, with a father that ceaselessly fed that ambition of hers.

So he let her do her things. Swings here, and swish there, twirl one and pirouettes two, and all wrapped up nicely with a somewhat brazen sword-pointing against his neck.

Then it was over. She smiled, smugly proclaiming that this was but a small sample of what she could do. Of course, he didn't dispute that.

"Good job," he said that instead, adding a small amount of enthusiasm into his voice to let the girl savor her undisputed triumphant moment. Her big and round purplish eyes glanced at him and felt like angling for 'buts' and 'however' commentary. Sadly the Gray Flame has none.

But he will remember this. Like any other important things that might be useful for later.
The Gray Flame

True to his words, suddenly there were already several people made their way to their humble playground. And after warmly welcoming the elven lady into the fold (and getting a rather cold response in return), Veseimr had already in the middle of accepting another attaché. This time a strange-looking human male wearing a broken goblin mask.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but I take it you would be Vesemir,"

'In the flesh! The one and only!" said the aged elf while the man greeted him and bowed.

"Name's Rezello. I'm here for the journey to Nuria."

The archeologist opened his mouth in an unmistakable amazement. "Oh ho-ho. Now that's the spirit! I like a young man with a clear goal such as you. Let me introduce you to our Navigator, and fellow ruin enthusiast. This is Mr Gray Flame, and this one is Mr Engelbert"

Beaming as he guided Rozello toward the masked duo, The Gray Flame already felt that this journey would be amusing.

"Wassup!" he regarded the masked human and tapped his white mask, indicating their distinguishable characteristic. "Welcome to the club."

Because of the sudden influx of people signing up for the journey, Vesimir had left the trio to do his welcoming meet and greet. Next was a seemingly worn-out foreigner, who immediately explained to Vesemir that he was on a personal quest and would like to tag along. Another one came, riding a horse. A young lady with a certain degree of aristocratic air about her. Unsurprisingly, both she and Vesemir acted like they had known each other for quite a while.

Or maybe it was just the eccentric elf's usual antics? Who knows...

There were already some trivial conversations started between the trio until The Gray Flame's watchful eyes caught a glimpse of another redhead, and Vesemir himself doing a bow too deep for an elven standard. Their conversation could be faintly heard

"It is a great honor to have with us. Young Lady Evelyn. I hope both of us can benefit greatly from this journey to enlightenment."

Not sure how many moments passed after that. The petite young lady was already in front of him now after just a few blinks

"To think I almost missed you amongst this eccentric party we find ourselves in, Sir Gray Flame," "It's an honor, and considering we'll be relying on each other for the journey ahead, pleasure both."

The masked elf was left agape. So dumbfounded he couldn't form any sentence to respond. She? Here? And to *there*? Of all places?

"What the hell that fool Konstantin was thinking about? I thought he was sending one of his Aides! I swear those nobles, elves or humans are equally reckless!

Stuck between trying to force out a few harsh words that thankfully didn't manage to sound past his throat, and a strong feeling to add Konstantin after Adnan to his personal curse-list. The white mask managed to regard the young lady appropriately by saying:

"It is... err honor too. I will be in your care now."

That was the best he could muster. Hell, he might add a smile if he could show it. A teenager like her didn't know any better, it was us, the adults who should have practiced a wiser way of thinking.

"And the same sentiment goes to all of you as well, fellow adventurers."

Said Evelyn, but the Gray Flame had moved toward his boss. Whispering what sounded like a suppressed admonishment.

"Sir Barandir, are we really going to allow her into the group? Obviously there is a mistake or trickery at play here."

Glancing one second at the 12-year-old. The Gray Flame didn't rule out the possibility that this unfortunate and confusing situation was the result of 'her' own doing. Oh yes, he knows what she was capable of, and at some point was impressed by it.

"I must admit I was surprised myself. But what's the problem? It was commendable that a lady of such a young age is interested in this dream project of mine. Such enthusiasm is rare, Mr Gray Flame! Who are we thinking we deserve to snuff out such a noble passion?"

"But the journey is dangerous."

Politely excusing himself from the person he was currently talking to, the aged elf squared his shoulders to face Gray Flame. There were angry glints in his eyes as he spoke.

"I've been to many voyages I believe no less dangerous than this. Mr Gray, and this miscommunication will not be corrected. Because there is nothing to be corrected. She will go with us, and that's final."

Biting his lips-under-the-mask, The Gray flame nodded and retreated, one rule in this line of business was to not debate your client.
Besides, he had done his share to appear rather convincing.

Returning to Evelyn, the masked elven man sighed before initiating a casual conversation. "How was your dad?"

Vesemir Barandir

The aged elf leaned forth, holding his cane behind his back, and enthusiastically offered a handshake. "Well meet my Dear Roxas! I am Vesemir Barandir. An archeologist, historian, and like you, an adventurer."

He twirled and beckoned to the entire encampment with his gloved palm. There were some chairs and a table under a young elm tree east side of the encampment. Next to it was a horseless carriage with a pair of passenger benches fitted on both sides facing each other, and something or someone seemed to be sitting against that tree; an orcish male desperately trying to continue his nap by shielding himself against the inevitable sunrise.

"Please make yourself comfortable!" Said the elven man again, now indicating at the boiling kettle on the small campfire in front of the seats. "Would you like a tea? Coffee perhaps? Don't mind Young Tillius over there, he is catching up on some sleep."


Even this early in the morning, the place is already crowded.

The Gray Flame, at an assured pace, walked in. His blue eyes, peeking from the two slits on his white mask immediately affixed on one of the tables where a woman sat; a beautiful blue-haired elven woman with similarly blue emerald eyes that looked too stands out to be part of Cloudsong assets.

"Ah there you are, I've been waiting for you..." she regarded them.

"You look stunning, Miss Carina, as always,” The masked man said with uncanny smoothness, but the blue-haired beauty didn't look very amused.

"And you, Mr. Gray Flame, never change." said the woman politely, as if letting the words be interpreted as a compliment they definitely were not. "Please sit down."

"There is no need. We won't stay long." Between answering and letting himself be at ease, the masked man tilted his head to glance toward his armor-clad companion briefly.

"That's unfortunate. Their selections are to die for." the woman said, in a more relaxed tone. Her next words kinda explained why she looked slightly grumpy. "Look at the lines. They said it would be one hour until my pancake was ready. It's on me by the way if you changed your mind."

"No, we are good."

"Very well." The blue-haired lady sighed and handed him a brown envelope from her bag. "Your eyes only."

Though nobody could guess the content, it was a brief read. The Gray Flame nodded as he tucked the opened letter into his vest pocket.

"There is one thing," she said. "The intervention from the Council is inevitable on this one. They will send an emissary to aid you."

"The council? That council? It seems information distributes crazily fast these days. Is this one of those last-minute decisions as well?"

"Yes, fortunately after some lobbying, the emissary was hand-picked by Lord Adnan himself."

Behind that white mask of his, it was hard to discern his expression, but his posture clearly showed his perplexity. Clearly, what the woman called fortunate was not at all good news for him.

"Adnan, that sneaky civet. What the hell is he planning this time..." he murmured.

The elven woman merely shook her head, as if the gibe fazed her no more. "Is there a complaint or anything that I can relay? Who knows, this Chivet of ours is known to be a good listener."

"No... just let him do his work in peace --maybe there is some silver lining in this... I guess. Just send my regards to your boss. He still owes me that one and he did this to repay me... gee!"

"I will tell him that."

The very mask he wore looked as if it would show a grimacing expression. "Please don't. I want to keep my salary and paid leave intact..."

The blue-haired woman, despite her nonchalant expression, sounded like she was suppressing a triumphant giggle. "Hmm. You know, this establishment also has quite a colorful dinner menu. And since you declined my offer, I was hoping that you could make it up to me."

Looking at the restaurant, The Gray Flame couldn't help but be impressed as well. Though the food was the main reason why people lined up to spend their money here, the interior quality was also top-notch; it was well-designed with South Coast's warm decorative styling that felt fresh and novel, and at the evening, they also had an ensemble playing a snazzy classical piece.

The fare wouldn't be cheap for sure, but at least Adnan wouldn't be taking his bonus. Besides, he and Carina had been friends for a long time and they didn't meet each other every week.

"It seems I can't say no this time. Fine, since you have decided on the venue, I will decide on the menu."

"No deal, Mr Gray Flame." the woman finally smirked. "It is supposed to be a make-up occasion, and you don't have any say in that!"

"Fine... fine... ink me the date after I returned from this assignment."

"Then I wish you a safe journey, Mr Gray."

"And you, a good day, Miss Carina."

The knight-errant remained largely unmoving through the exchange, only the muted groan of well-oiled steel marking the slight turn of his helmet as his gaze fell upon the morning patrons of the eatery. His entire presence wasn't subtle and he never tried to pretend otherwise, making it a strange choice for this old acquaintance of his to specifically ask for his presence, but he refrained from questioning... at least until they were out of earshot.

"I believe she had defeated you quite soundly in that exchange, Ser Gray." The echoing baritone rumbled with amusement, barely muffled by the unreasonably thick full-face helmet. The masked elven man did little to hide his displeasure.

"Heh-- This is the third time she ransomed my pay, and likely won't be the last..."

The duo made their way through the city, that had been in its full swing even this early in the morning. As the Gray Flame's attempt to not appear standing out was foiled by Engelbert's full-armor display, he decided to not bother and lowered his hood, letting his long gray hair free. It was starting to feel sweltering on his nape anyway.

It was early summer, which meant the idyllic, lazy air that had been the trademark of the city had been transitioned into a more energetic tone.
Despite already having Silmetirta Waterfalls (which was the largest in the continent) and Runna village as the tourist hotspots, Alkautsar opens its door to those who still seek a livelier experience a bustling city can offer; for the entire summer, the capital city roads and plaza would be more enlivened by night markets and smaller festive. Every venue and corner would be adorned by lamps of all colors, with pleasant music playing in the background.

"So, pray tell. What is it that the council wants this time?" said the Knight-Errant finally as they took turns toward the main road.

"Well, my friend. It was indeed surprising that the Council was involved itself this quickly..." The masked elf paused to peak at the swift stream below. At daytime, the ever-clear and ever-flowing canals that run beside every main road in the city would serve as the temperature controller that kept even the scorching sun during the peak of the summer at bay. The white trees that adorn the sidewalks would be replaced every few decades, but the waterways had always been there since the first foundation of this city was built.

"And What do they want? Hard to say. But they always have this obsession with the status quo, keeping things balanced. That sort of thing. It is hard to say who is ahead of who is now in the race of information-gathering between them and Varenheim.

The armored titan shrugged, crossing his arms before the right rose to tap his helmet where his chin would normally be. "I believed they didn't have any concrete lead, else we wouldn't even be here in the first place. Or at least I wouldn't. You, my friend, will undoubtedly be entangled regardless."

"Oh well. In that regard then I think The Cloudsong is already one step ahead. Go ahead and read it yourself."

Upon receiving the letter, Big Engelbert scanned it for a few seconds. It was short and concise, quite to the point. "What a timing, eh? I suppose we shall see what the near future holds." He passed it back to the elf with a mighty shrug, no hint of worry in his voice. "We'll be fine, my friend. We have faced worse before, did we not? Now, let us return to our employer. About time we depart."


Unlike most major cities in the continent, and despite the generic icon used in the map to indicate a capital city. Alkautsar wasn't a walled city, it was more like an urban sprawl with its spatial layout carefully planned. Ensuring that the city could sustain its own growth over centuries. The result was the newly built houses would be where the city limit was drawn. Having no wall, also allowed the city to have no shortage of open green space. Though there was a concern that the unwalled suburban could result in a poorly arranged layout, the elves seemed to possess a collective understanding of how to be orderly without needing a written law to dictate them.

Out of the proper city limit, and away from any bricked building, there was an encampment located in a semi-open field. The master of that encampment was an eccentric-looking elven man who completely rejected the idea of settling inside the city. When asked why, his answer was as follows:

"Why not? I have been to many places. Buildings and fancy masonry are not where my heart finds its peace. But here outside. It is such a waste of moments to return to my homeland but not immerse myself in its pristine meadows and feel nature's embrace up close."

Sighing as if to prepare himself for more zany exchanges, the masked Gray Flame greeted the aged elven, who currently sat next to a small elm tree, sipping tea and reading the book he himself had written decades prior.

"Morning! Morning! Finished your little stroll I assume?!" The man jumped up from his seat and beckoned the two to follow. Vesemir Barandir looked like your everyday uncle with an unassuming appearance. White-haired and blue-eyed, his lanky features hid a sheer energy that even juvenile elf couldn't rival. Always jovial and enthusiastic, the aged elf pursued knowledge like a rabid hound that camouflaged itself with an approachable if not silly casing; like, what kind of scholar wears a silky suit, monocle, and a top hat?!

"While you were out... or in there, I have asked Stepen to procure me three carriages for our small little trip. One carriage full of provisions we need from the start until we are back. What do you think? I am thinking about getting the second. Clever plan uh?"

The Gray Flame was ready to just shrug it off and let the man do whatever he wanted with his coins, but since he was asking for his opinion...

"I don't think we need that much. The land of Twilight is not a barren wasteland with no game animal to hunt. I am afraid adding extra burden may slow us down."

The aged elf adjusted his monocle before raising his index finger, as well as his husky voice, but just only slightly.

"A-a-a! Better to be excessive with your preparation! That's what I learned during our trip to exploration to Nubia. We lost five good men in that desert... what a shame. Anyway, that's an important part of the plan. Don't you agree Mr Engelbert?"

"Very much so, Ser Vesemir! As they used to say in the army, 'proper preparation prevents poor performance'. It is better to overdo it a little than come up short, is it not?"

The aged elf turned at the Gray Flame smugly.

"See! Now that's what I call smart! Besides, we will have more people on this journey than we planned earlier!"

"So the pamphlet did the trick huh." The masked elf glanced at Engelbert. Like him, he also had no idea what to expect from Vesemir's newly recruited lackeys-- ahem, travel companions. Able-bodied people, trustworthy and fair... back then the sheer naivety was both laughable and pity-inducing the masked elf couldn't decide how he should express himself.

"So where are they," he said, trying to entertain his boss with a slightly forced enthusiasm.

The boss, Vesemir Barandir just stood straight, head facing the road in front of them with both hands resting on his cane.

"They will be here soon. You'll see."

Approved. Feel free to add him to the list
List of Approved Player Characters

1. Carnatia de Luson, by @Randomguy

2. Roxas, by @Visyn

3. Sten Rezello, by @Valkon

4. Tillius Battakka, by @Conscripts

5. Nanashi, by [@Louise Ironside]

6. Forbann Spiser, by@deide

7. Fia Blackfire, by @Randomness
Reserved for my other character

Into the Land of Twilight


Vesemir Barandir, one of the continent's most renowned archeologists and historians you probably never heard of suddenly announced that he would be partaking in a journey to the forgotten land of twilight.
For that effort, his recruitment pamphlets have been distributed far and wide, to every Adventurer's guild branch; from Glenfalas up to the north to Lydeniew in Westernant. He is Looking for able-bodied brave people, who are trustworthy, and fair and yearn for an exciting yet perilous adventure, to aid him in his journey to the Ancient City of Nuria.

It is such a shame that we have mapped the faraway lands and realms, but not our place of birth. It is such a disgrace that we record the history of all realms and place it on the highest shelf in our library, but let our own be left in the dust. It is unacceptable that we look back at our history with disdain on our faces.

Your characters will be the hired ones signing up for this journey. Whether they are just hired adventurers seeking thrill and fame, soldiers of fortune signing up for monetary gains, or a desperate brother seeking a curing artifact for his bedridden sibling, or etcetera and etcetera, that will be up to you.

The campaign will be focused on the story aspect, so it is encouraged to have a character with a clear background and goal. While I can't guarantee that the GM will cater to all motivations and goals, we shall try to be accommodating.


The Land of Twilight is located east of the capital city of Alkautsar. It is a heavily forested region that is part of and entirely under Varenheim's jurisdiction. The elves now called the region Rhovan ar-lúrëa, which metaphorically means the woodland that is under perpetual overcast.

1700 years ago, the region was the epicenter of the elves' civilization with the shining city of Núria as its capital, but the calamitous
war to end Queen Serensiel's tyrannical rule has left the land tainted and scarred. Following the aftermath of the war what was once the radiant cities and gleaming spires had turned into ruins, abandoned, and eventually reclaimed by nature for over a millennia.

There weren't many attempts to explore the land even after a thousand years. The enigmatic elves openly abhor the idea of settling inside the region, which in their tongue, they had dubbed itself the land where innumerable slaughters happened. No other nation would even think about reclaiming the land due to its challenging terrain and hostile environment.

But behind the perils and horrors, the other side of the story tells the tales of powerful artifacts and bountiful treasures waiting to be unearthed among the ruins. As well as immense knowledge and history for those who are privy enough to discover all its secrets.

Character creation

This RP has your average fantasy races for your convenience.

1. Humans
Easiest to play and is versatile. The human nations in the continent are usually nurturing diplomatic cordiality with Varenheim, so you will not be getting a cold stare from the guards unless you are a wanted criminal. Varenheim is very strict with its laws and very competent at enforcing them. Please keep that in mind.

2. Elves.
Medium difficulty. Native to Varenheim. It is widely known that the elves were angels once, descended to the mortal realm for reasons they never disclose. Playing with an elven character means the player has to be interested in the story and the lore, because... well, this RP takes place in their homeland.

3. Djinn/Youkai/Humanoid Demons/Mystical creature
Medium difficulty. Dagorlad is the land where most demons hail from. Their appearance is rather similar to Sarkaz from Arknights. The catch with using any of these mystical creatures for your character is usually related to the fact that Dagorlad and Varenheim are not really on the friendliest terms diplomatically.

Skills and spells
Ideally, a character can have 4 active skills/spells and 2 passives at maximum. The passive effect can be a negative or a positive, depending on your liking. Active skills may have cooldowns, generally the more powerful, the longer its cooldown and will use more mana.
A character may also have mundane skills to define who they are. For example, an adventurer who can cook, a mercenary who knows the right medical procedure, a venerer who can track animals and people, to name a few.

Keep in mind that your character skills and capabilities will have to be evaluated in a case-by-case manner by the GM before they can be officially accepted.

The CS format, I prefer to make it simple, but feel free if you prefer something more elaborated, as long as it still has the following elements

The rules and expectations

Yes, wouldn't be fun without some~

  • The pacing of this RP is relatively fast. Generally, we are expecting 1 post for every 3 days. Also, we aim for completion, so if you can't commit, this is may not the RP for you.
  • Keep it Roleplayer Guild friendly. Any content that is not allowed to be posted on the forum should not be in this roleplay.
  • No godmodding/power-playing/auto-hitting/featurecreeping/controlling other players' characters and stuff like that. Please participate in the game with the best of intentions.
  • Kindly do not gamejack the campaign. While we do encourage unique backgrounds and motivations, trying to steer the game direction toward the plot or outcomes you personally want is unacceptable and may disrupt the other player's enjoyment.
  • Be friendly, tolerant, and tolerable. Respect everyone and don’t be afraid to communicate with them or the GM. If you have any problems or concerns about unfair rulings, please immediately reach out to the GMs.
  • If there is a dispute, the GM has the final say on that matter.
  • Should you feel too burnt out and unable to continue, please make an exit post for your character.

We have a discord server to cater to most of the OOC needs and other madness, be sure to check it out

I think that should be all
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