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@Massasauga For the sake of starting to group together is it alright if Miro goes to practice parkour (and screw up a landing and hit a van) in the junkyard Joy is as a coincidence?

Boy, that sounds like a hostage situation waiting to happen.
>trigger warning for trigger warnings

I can't wait to see Lyn meet Lyn.
Sort of a double-edged blade. Since she looks pretty boyish, she keeps the dog tag to show other girls and the other factions like POLTAVA that she's telling the truth. On the flip side, SWAT has all the reason they need to persecute her right then and there.

I wonder if anyone found the theme song I snuck into my character sheet yet.
Night in the city that never sleeps was a lot quieter these years. With the world gone to shit around them, it was a trial just to survive to the next day. Some had even more to worry about, though. Joy was an escapee from that god awful facility where they did who knows what to girls like her. She was lucky, but only for the first two weeks. After that, she was barely making by with what she had. Nights spent creeping outside to look for food and supplies were painstakingly long to avoid nighttime patrols. At least they were sparse and she was less likely to be found out than in the day time. Still, she had grown into a nocturnal sleeping habit and often missed a lot during the day. She had to be vigilant and on the move, knowing full well that no place was entirely safe, just not searched yet.

The last night had been a wreck. She had to off one of the patrols to get ammunition. That would bring more trouble than it was worth, but she couldn't walk around without bullets in her guns. Nor without food in her stomach, and she just barely managed to get a hold on some protein bars. They were a godsend. She'd had to resort to hunting and cooking rats, hoping that she didn't get any sort of diseases from them, but it was either that or die of starvation. Or worse. She hadn't bathed since she left the facility, and a year's worth of grime and dirt clung to her skin along with the smell. She hated how she smelled, but she could barely do anything beyond using precious water to dab at her face and pick at her teeth. For now, she tried to not let it bother her too much seeing as how there was nothing she could do about it substantially.

As Joy trudged on through the junkyard she called home, she was careful to look and see if she was being followed. No doubt government units would be out for blood for the next week or so. Damn, but she didn't have much of a choice. She took a last glance before opening the back of one of the vans, broken down and missing more than just a few tires, and shut the door. She pulled her pack off and grabbed one of the power bars. Yes, she'd be able to sleep without an empty stomach tonight. A win for her, but getting by day to day was a battle in it's own right. She chowed down, washing it down with some water from her canteen, before packing up and drawing the makeshift curtains she put in behind the front seats to keep the sun out. After that, she took her boots and jacket off, put her pack down as a pillow, and crawled into her sleeping bag.

She ran a hand through her unkempt hair. She had wanted it cut short to try and pass off as a male, but the dog tag she wore around her neck that had her name, serial number, blood type, and birth date on it was pure proof she was a GMG. At least that needed to be read first and the hair was a quick glance. She yawned and pulled the jacket over her eyes to simulate darkness before silently praying that she would be able to sleep safely this day.
Oh jesus, here we go.
I'm having a time and a half thinking about where to start off, but I'll get it eventually if I just listen to enough music.
Name: Joy Knox
Sex: Female
Age: 17
Experiment Tier: Leaf
Enhanced Trait 1: Enhanced muscle tissue
Enhanced Trait 1 Downside: "Enhanced" is being generous. She's just stronger than she would be normally for a girl her age.
Enhanced Trait 2: Pain receptor suppressant
Enhanced Trait 2 Downside: While the pain is ignored, the rest of the trouble that comes with the wound is not.
Faction: N/A (Nomadic)

Clothing: As pictured with a few odds and ends around. Mainly military-surplus grade clothing.
Personality: Quiet but not totally antisocial. Curious, but also cautious. Still prefers to be distanced rather than at the center of attention
Weapons: McMillan CS5 with suppressor, Rock Island Armory M1911, OKC FF6 Freedom Fighter
Equipment: Rucksack, TAC belt, side holster, ammunition pouches on both legs, knee pads, elbow pads, shoulder pad, sleeping bag, flashlight, bandages, tourniquet, pack of cigarettes, mini multi-fuel stove, canteen, multi-tool
Bio: Joy had the rough life like the other test subjects. She was an alternate, though. The government mainly kept her around just in cases they needed one more test subject to experiment on in the event they ran out. However, with the help of the Three Kings, she ran out first before they could get to her. Being older than the others, she had the luxury of getting some extra free time in which was usually spent reading old Tom Clancy novels and bugging security guards to show her tricks they learned. While most never bothered to give her the time of day, she managed to get some one-on-one time at the range during the off hours with a few. Marksmanship was an essential skill that needed to be honed, along with how to determine and eliminate priority targets. These were hard lessons that she needed to learn.

After the escape, Joy hung around with some of the other girls. Two injections gave her a muscle mass boost and a sort of regulatory strain that deactivated her pain receptors. Though not exactly on board with the idea of the last one, she figured that since she was being hunted now like the others that it would be better to go with what she could than not. After two weeks of being on the run, she became separated from the other girls. Lacking much in the sense of a personal arsenal at the moment, she snuck out and made her way to a junkyard. She now lives out of one of the vans, trying to keep her spirits up, her stomach full, and her head on her shoulders.
I think first character post is for the GM's characters.
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