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It's not entirely irrelevant. My experience allows me to work around a lot of things. Joy, as a loner to you, is acting entirely within a plausible behavior with her outlook on the world. A fugitive on the run, wanted by the government, is offered food and a bath from someone she doesn't know nor has any right to trust the night after she killed some soldiers. This is a breeding ground for suspicion and paranoia, and with someone in her situation - one can never be too careful. Better to be safe, than sorry.

For me to have her just out and agree to go with Miro would be really inadequate storytelling and an asspull. I know you want to get the group together, and that's fine, but have faith in the handlers of these characters.
I've been RPing for about 5 years now.
I warned you, explicitly.

Ain't my fault.
Yes, he does. He also knows that Joy, while she's a girl, is not letting Miro see that she has breasts, her GMG dog tag, and has short, messy hair. She also tried to deepen her voice when yelling to keep the guise of her not being a girl.
Well, at least her efforts at disguise didn't go to waste. Still, joy merely looked the wad of cash over. What would she do with this? Nowhere could she really use this well. At least, that she knew of. She shut the door and flipped through the bills, checking intently to see if there was any sort of tracking device slipped in. She couldn't be too careful, after all. When she didn't find anything, she just stuff it into her pack and went back to sleep. She reeked, yes, but that was a price she paid for being on the run. Luxuries such as bathing weren't at the forefront of her mind nor at the top on the list of things she needed to survive. Right now, that was sleep, and she slowly tried to fall back asleep.
Did he just open the door? What. Okay, that was a line crossed. Joy had made the van into her home, and she didn't appreciate uninvited guests. Not to mention how he was so adamant to have her come with him. Aside from her being a GMG, this was all kinds of naive. Red flags and warning alarms were going off in her head like mad. No way this guy could know what she was, nor should he ever find out. Still, the promise of a shower and a better roof over her head was tempting. Tempting, but she knew better. One mistake could cost her deeply, and she had already killed a few soldiers last night at that. Slowly, Joy reached her hand under her rucksack and pulled out her M1911. The audible sound of the safety clicking off was followed by the rack of a slide.

She sat up a bit while being careful to keep the sleeping bag over her to hide her breasts as she aimed the handgun squarely at the offending young man. Few things in the world carry a message that breaches every language barrier. The rattling of a snake tail, a big red sign with white lettering; the business end of a gun was one of those as well. Joy didn't need to speak for him to understand that his presence and his disturbing of her sleep was one of the last things she wanted today. Her dull red eyes stared him down as she waited to see what his next move was going to be.
Just to clarify, I warned you what was going to happen. Explicitly.
It was...a peaceful afternoon. Birds weren't unnecessarily chirping about, no patrols came through here unless they had a reason to, and the local groundskeeper barely knew what was happening. Peaceful, until she heard a series of loud bangs, and yelling. Jesus, why. Who was doing that at this place.

"Hey! Shut up and fuck off!" She yelled.

Joy's voice was a bit deep for a girl her age, but she made her best effort despite being dead tired to make herself more likely to be mistaken for a man. It was one of the many things she practiced daily to come off more male-like, which was needed in this world. She had to be up on the new kind of deception warfare she was engaging in to hide her identity, or else she'd have a worse time trying to survive.
Does this mean we have a secret clubhouse now?
Just gonna put this here because at least three of us know its relevancy.

Yes, I have been watching these videos for the last two days. Yes, I will show them to my friends. Yes, I will watch them over and over. No, I will not quit.

As far as the parkour thing, I don't mind getting involved with the group but such a circumstance may not make Joy easily go "Okay, I'll go with you".
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