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"And there may not be a future for the panthers if this job isn't taken. It may be too good to be true, but it's also too good to pass up. If there's one thing you learn in the military, it's how to adapt to the situation. And so, that's what we must do here."

Sabrina understood the reason the girl spoke up, but her usual military experience made her check her in her mind. Back in the military, speaking up without permission was grounds for extra PT, depending on if you were wasting your team leader's time with whatever you wanted to say. Still, she had to remind herself that this was a PMC and they conducted themselves differently. She didn't want to come off as high and mighty, but she still conducted herself as if she was still a soldier. For now, she hoped the others would understand the situation a little better. She stood at parade rest and looked to the Director.

@Aristo The "sex license" made me lose my shit. Meiya is definitely better than Sumika.
Sabrina had hung back for most of the fight. She watched on to observe how her comrades fought, but it wasn't like she didn't do anything. The rear guard position fit a rifleman like her, and though it wasn't a glamorous job, it was necessary. She had their backs against flanking enemies and the like. It was leftover from her days in the military. Standard Operating Procedure. SOP was everything. It was how you went in. How you fought. And if you went home after it was over. While she didn't expect any of the other gangers to try to pull a fast one over on them, she was there just in case. Her lack of various weapon systems were made up for by the different types of ammunition she carried for them. Tungsten carbide APFSDS, HEDP, HEIT, and the Raufoss rounds for her 50 cal. With her 35mm Large Caliber Automatic Rifle, there wasn't much she couldn't face down.

"I didn't see anyone come around our six o' clock. Looks like this went quick." She commented, still scanning and keeping her guard up.
Okay seriously, I'm getting a post up today if it kills me.

Also, @Aristo, she's fucking perfect
<Snipped quote by Massasauga>

I finished Extra and Unlimited forever ago, but left off Alternative somewhere in the middle. If the lunches get to you, wait till the lacrosse arc.... I ought to get around to finishing Alt. I have the files for volumes 1 and 2 of Chronicles in a folder but haven't touched them yet.

I try to tell myself to go for one side and then Yuuko says I shouldn't ignore Sumika and I just can't deal with it.
I'd just noticed your avatar; you're a Muv-Luv fan too, I take it?

Yeah I've been watching Schwarzesmarken since it started airing. I've been trying to get the English patch to work on the Chronicles but it won't let me put it on there. And I'm still trying to get through the first parts of Extra but the lunches don't...fucking...stop...
If you get the bar settled up, maybe I can work up something to post.
I'll see if I can't crank a post out over the weekend.
Joy is nocturnal.
Yes, fire can disable modern military vehicles. Fire can disable pretty much everything else in the world too. That still requires a lot of fire to get it that far. I also imagine that the heat from your flamethrower isn't going to be entirely effective right away. It'll take time to get that reactor into meltdown (which, I honestly don't think you can do that since Gundams use reactors but they're like 17 meters tall but for the sake of the RP it's fine) which means you need to keep the flames going as long as you can. If the enemy starts skating away, you're going to be in deep shit since the speed of both of you moving is going to make the flames behave a bit weirdly. But the whole thing about it here is that heating something up takes a lot longer than to be deemed necessary or effective. You will be slow-cooking these FRAMEs instead of BBQing them like you want, and that's considering they stand still and don't shoot back at all.
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