Avatar of Massasauga


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I'll need some time. Gotta get things in order but I'm still here.
allowing much of the raw-VTOL criticisms to be ignored.

Fite me
VTOL is overrated, my friend. You use so much fuel on take off alone. Trust me, you're better off avoiding that.
Just so we're clear, Virginia's not carry a standard bombload.

She has...JDAMs...
@Raven_Operative That's fine. I may be able to post after tonight.
I was just waiting because it was your idea.
@Raven_OperativeYeah that was more KoL's idea so I was kinda waiting on them.
@Pilatus Well you might as well make it a real post now since it's there. Get wheels up, man.
Virginia stepped back after the preflight was done and looked at Rose. She nodded back to her partner. Yep, everything was in order. Loaded with two AIM-9X Sidewinders, two AIM-120 AMRAAMs, and 4 GBU-38/B JDAMs on two attached racks to the hardpoints underneath the wings. With the new conformal fuel tanks of the F model, they could fly further out than the other F-16s the Air Force had. They also had the weapons integration that they did not, which mean there was no need to attach a targeting pod and take up one of the hardpoints to make sure the JDAM hit its mark. Virginia was up to the first rung when she heard a voice.

"I can't believe they stuck me with you again."

"I know that voice..." She said to herself.

Virginia looked over and couldn't stop herself from grinning at the blonde haired kid in his ABUs.

"You sunuvabitch!" She grabbed his hand and then put her other arm around him. "Who the hell'd you piss off to get this assignment?"

"Another time, my friend. You gotta go."

"Alright, see ya later!"

Without any other delays, she scrambled up the ladder and into the cockpit where Rose was waiting for her.

"Who's that, again?"

"That's Tibbs. Known him a while. Wherever I am, he just seems to show up."

"Isn't that called a stalker?"


The canopy closed as the engines warmed up. Soon enough, they were taxiing out to the runway. She stopped the Falcon on the hold short line just before the runway and called the tower.

"Tower, this is Ranger 2, requesting clearance for take off."

"Ranger 2, you are cleared for take off. Good hunting."

Virginia took the Falcon out to the runway and lined up. She and Rose looked out the sides of the aircraft to watch as Virginia wiggled the stick around, checking to make sure the ailerons, rudder, and elevators were all working properly. When they were satisfied with the visual check, she took the throttle up slowly to the notch and felt the aircraft respond. Once she was at the proper speed, she gently pulled the stick up and watched the ground below begin to leave her. Flying was such a joy, wasn't it? As the fighter reached a good enough altitude, she brought the throttle back and made like the MiG to overtake her CO.

The Desert Falcon responded nicely, and soon enough she was settling back into a formation. Virginia coaxed the aircraft to line up to the A-6 on it's right side.

"Ranger 2 holding formation." She radioed. "Looks like I'll be your wingman. What gives, Major? Don't you have enough pretty women chasing after you in your life already?" She teased, trying to suppress a snicker.

While not entirely proper radio etiquette, she wondered how it felt to have three girls with him on their minds in some way. Well, he could hardly complain in that situation unless he didn't care for their company, or had another woman in his life. Or maybe it was true what they said about the Navy. Heh, that one she'd keep to herself. She'd also keep the fact that the Marine Corps was a department of the Navy to herself too. She didn't want to tease the Major too much, lest he think she was interested in him.
I'll post soon as I wake up

But on a serious note, dirt airstrips are bad for jets. The Russians made a MiG specifically designed for that as a Fulcrum variant. Kind of a sense of locking the barn door after the horse got out since I didn't catch it quick enough but for future refernce, yeah you need some kind of paved runway or something like that.
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