Sorry about my lack of activity. Work has ramped up the hours for a few weeks and I got a project and a book to do as well. I'll still be here when I can though.
Since the PM business wasn't working as well as planned, I went ahead and posted here.
Apologies for making you all wait for so long.
<Snipped quote by Massasauga>
Oh, are you leaving us then :(
<Snipped quote by Foster>
I'm pretty sure Virginia was targeting and took down a fighter since all four of the larger craft were already in flames. It wouldn't make any sense for her to waste one of her best missiles on something already on fire and going down. Coming in low, she would have had a good opportunity to get in the shot while the remaining fighters turned to focus on MiGfest.
An easy way to get in our new member quickly would just be to have our AWACs NPC vector him over to help out the squad. Let's just say there's more ground forces than expected and he happens to have some AGMs available to help out then he's in after Silver's next post.