Avatar of Massasauga


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How the fuck do you ship someone with themselves.
Oh great, now we’re doing shipping.
"We're up against that girl? Oh, great."

Leadslinger mumbled to herself after she logged in and was put onto her team when she loaded the game up. Her character was immediately thrust into the tournament she had been unwittingly Shanghaied into at the last minute when some of KissShot's team members flaked out at the last second. She still had no idea how it happened, but here she was facing down the famous, or infamous depending on your perspective, Gudako. Well, she wasn't about to be another clip for her highlight reel, that was for damn sure.

She spawned in at The Mill. Perfect. Separated already. Not to mention being in an urban environment did not suit her at all. She lived to run through jungles, and get into ambushes at night. She checked her gear first and foremost. M16A1, M1911A1, M7 bayonet, grenades. All good. She knocked one of her 20-round magazines on her helmet a few times and then slammed it into the magwell. A quick pull of the charging bolt once she thumbed the selector to semi-automatic and she was locked and loaded.

But they'd be going up against a lot of people and right now, she needed to make her way to the rest of her team. Well, that was the price she paid for loading in late. Leadslinger took off and worked her way onto the radio chat with the translator.

"Leadslinger. I've been separated. Moving to nearest friendly."

She stepped off quick, but didn't run. She had to keep her ear out for any footsteps beyond her own. Last thing she wanted to do was run into one of those parkour spray-and-pray types alone. She periodically brought up her map every so often just to make sure that yes, she was in fact the only one in the Mill at this moment.

"Everyone from here on until I get out is gonna be hostile. Great. Guess I better be ready to ruin someone's day."
I’ll post tonight. Gotta get back into a midnight shift schedule but a random 4-man team seems good to me.
I leave for a party at the gunshop with my boss and holy cow.

At least there's teams now, I think.
I'm still here. Just not sure how to make my first post, really.
Yeesh. I leave to work on an M590 Shockwave and look what happens. At least we’re still getting people.
Did we establish teams beyond Gudako's? Also, is this going to be like an all out battle royale for us or is there set matches?
I feel like it can be both. It all depends on how you play.
I'm surprised no one went full Cheeki Breeki.
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