Avatar of Master Bruce


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Very well, where do I begin?

My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet.

My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament.

My childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds - pretty standard, really. At the age of twelve, I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles.

There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum... it's breathtaking. I highly suggest you try it.

Most Recent Posts

By most respects, the Age of Heroes began during one of Earth's darkest periods. In the days of World War II when the Allies were most desperate, a becon of hope was born. Steve Rogers became Captain America, and helped to turn the tide. Along with the Howling Commandos and the superpowered agents known as The Invaders, Rogers helped to cripple the Nazi deep science division HYDRA, and turn the tide of the war, even if he was lost in the process.

Following the war, costumed adventurers inspired by Rogers popped up in the homeland, and banded together to form the Justice Society of America. They fought corruption, crime, and saboteurs during the cold war, and were generally supported by the public at large. Though, good things were not meant to last. The good will began to fade as super powered individuals began to increase in the 60s and 70s, and along with them the rise in metahuman collateral damage. In response to "mutant" bigotry, as the humans saw the metahumans, the JSA disbanded and costumed heroes went into the shadows.

Things were quiet, with anti-mutant bigotry festering in the background, for decades. In order to track the movement and growth in the metahuman population, the United Nations formed SHIELD. Using the brightest minds in science and industry, the organization prepared for the day that metahumans would once again act out in the open.

That day came when a man with an "S" on his chest flew and caught a prototype LexCorp space shuttle out of the sky with his bare hands, saving countless innocent lives in the process. While the appearance of the so-called Superman was largely seen as a celebratory moment, some, including Lex Luthor, saw nothing but a potential threat. In response to the appearance of Superman, costumed heroes once again began to appear across the world ready to fight for good, and the public responded with approval.

But for every action, there was an equal and opposite one. As awe inspiring as the arrival of Superman was, the same could not be said for the appearance of a creature known only as The Hulk. The green goliath rampaged through a small town in New Mexico until he was driven off by a reemergent Captain America and SHIELD. The raw destructive power of the creature struck fears into the hearts of humanity, and made world governments question whether metahumans should be tolerated.

So things went, with heroes and the villains they fought appearing and clashing across the globe.

Then, the creature known as Starro rose from the sea and began to enslave the people of Earth. Before its job could be completed, however, a team of heroes that called themselves The Justice League rose to oppose it. The League stopped the creature and became beloved for it, though the joining of such powerful entities drew the eyes of power bases throughout the universe. It also drew the eyes of SHIELD, who started to put together a team of their own.

The first challenge to that new power came when the Chitauri, a hive-mind conquering race, appeared in Earth's orbit. When the Justice League moved to intercept the invaders in space, the Chitauri opened a portal above New York and launched their forces behind the superhuman team. In response, SHIELD's team, dubbed The Avengers, deployed into the city and ended up ending the Chitauri threat. The two teams stood in an awkward stance of existing in their own spaces, though clearly on course for a clash.

Now the world stood, seemingly protected by the world's mightiest and greatest heroes. But forces beyond comprehension have moved into position, and the World of Heroes will be tested as it has never been tested before.

One history. This RPG allows you to assume the role of any superhero character originating out of DC Comics or Marvel Comics, five years after the re-emergence of the superhuman phenomena caused by Superman's first appearance. How long they've been active, what they've been doing in that time, and how their personal histories align with characters from the corresponding imprint are up to the players.

One goal. Your job, as one of these costumed heroes, is to ensure the protection of Earth and the universe beyond it. While not all parties will agree on what method that will take, and indeed, some factions of superhumans will rise against one another to achieve peace, your character stands on a principle in which the world will forever change. With The Justice League and The Avengers at opposite sides of the neverending battle for justice, heroes caught in the middle of the two super-groups will be forced to either choose a side or find their own brand of justice.

One outcome. Though the clash of heroes is an inevitability, there can only be one logical conclusion to the battle that will define this part of the multiverse. What that outcome will be completely depends on player interaction, coordination, and in-character philosophies being tested against one another. Will Superman's mantra of truth, justice, and the American way sit as well with Captain America, a true-blue soldier who lived through a much different time? Can The Mighty Thor reconcile with the method in which Wonder Woman bestows Amazonian peace, in the name of Gods who clash directly with the existence of those he calls friend and foe on the plane of Asgard? Can a grizzled vigilante like The Batman ever come to trust the likes of Nick Fury or Tony Stark, knowing that they have to answer to a higher authority? And where does that leave characters like Spider-Man, The Teen Titans, The Fantastic Four, and Shazam? It's your job to find out.

Welcome to One Universe, where the fate of all that exists rests with those brave enough to use their abilities for the good of mankind... no matter what shape that singular mission takes.

Disclaimer: Characters from other imprints, such as Image and Dark Horse, will not be permitted. Nor will original characters. There are plenty of canon characters to choose from, and plenty of differing canons with those characters to put your own spin on. Similarly, villains are off-limits. With so many characters already to choose from, adding a third faction after the hero and anti-hero lines unnecessarily complicates things.

Interest List / Character Call-Outs

Superman/Clark Kent/Kal-El - Master Bruce
Dick Grayson, Agent Of SHIELD - Lord Wraith
Billy Batson/Captain Marvel/Shazam - Bounce
Spider-Man/Peter Parker - AndyC, DocTachyon (?), Retired
The Mighty Thor - Sep
Batman/Bruce Wayne - DocTachyon, Roman
Ghost Rider/Johnny Blaze - Hillan
Hawkeye/Clint Barton - Lord Wraith
Black Panther/T'Challa - Mao Mao
Misfits (Holly Fields/Lonnie Machin/Roshanna Chatterji/Miguel Barragan) - Mao Mao
Daredevil/Matt Murdock - Master Bruce
Wolverine/Logan - DClassified
Captain America/Steve Rogers - HenryJonesJr
Moon Knight/Marc Spector - Inkarnate
None Of Your Damn Business - Byrd Man
Wonder Woman/Diana Prince - Cybermaxx
The Outlaws (Red Hood/Arsenal) - webboysurf
Iron Man/Tony Stark - webboysurf
Cyborg/Victor Stone - Kaggs
Punisher/Frank Castle - role model
Blue Beetle/Ted Kord - Hound55
The Flash/Barry Allen - GreenGrenade
Static Shock/Virgil Hawkins - DClassified
Black Widow/Natasha Romanov - Zoey Boey
Blade/Eric Brooks - Afro Samurai
Alright, big announcement time.

After talking it over with a few people and getting their feedback, I've come to a major decision regarding the game: we're pulling the plug and starting something else in it's place. This particular game has been limping along for the past few months, and I attribute the fact that it even survived that long to the players who stuck with it. You're good people, which is why I want to also say that the news ain't all bad for you. Here's why.

Long and short of it is, we're taking another crack at One Universe. While it won't be set in a Year One, like this game - it'll be set five years after Superman's debut - you all have the option of transferring your applications/posts over there and getting automatic approval if you've made a post in DCUG within the last month. You can continue where you left off if you want, if feasible, or adjust some minor things to accommodate the setting. You can also reboot your character. If you want to try someone else, that's fine, too.

But there'll be a secondary factor to consider. Since I don't feel as though we'll be raking in higher-than-normal numbers in the midst of the pandemic, I'm throwing in an added incentive: everyone gets the option of one DC and one Marvel character. Yes, two characters, as long as they're from the opposite imprint.

The *restriction* on this is that we'd be treating each character individually. So if you really want two, you gotta put in at least one post of both characters every two weeks. Not nessescarily reinventing the wheel there, but it is something to consider nonetheless.

Lastly, Batman will be available to contest from the start. I've ran out of steam with him and am looking into other avenues. I also realize that I've spent way too long hogging up the cowl and want to take a step back, regardless, so I doubt I'll be taking it back up anytime soon.

I'll allow a few days for this announcement to sit, since I realize it's a drastic departure and a bit out of left field. But I felt it was for the best. RPs focused on one of the major comic imprints are still neat in theory, but times and tastes have changed.
@Hillan is APPROVED for Superman.

Apologies for being MIA as of late. Been in a funk. Hope to shake it.

C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"I'm not much of a 'people person'. But when you need a hand... and you will, call me."

Over a decade ago, billionaire industrialist and heir to one of the wealthiest fortunes in America, Bruce Wayne, launched a secret war against crime by creating a masked alter-ego designed to strike terror into the hearts of his enemies: The Batman. And as The Batman's status as an urban myth shifted and his reputation grew for getting results where the Gotham City Police Department couldn't, the self-styled 'Dark Knight' began to realize that he couldn't fight a war alone. The first, aside from his faithful butler Alfred, was Lieutenant - and eventually, Commissioner - James Gordon. Then came Richard "Dick" Grayson, similarly orphaned to Wayne by criminals and in need of guidance. Grayson would become the first Robin, The Boy Wonder, before maturing and taking up his own mantle as Nightwing. Barbara Gordon would become the first Batgirl, before a fateful tragedy would turn her into the wheelchair bound hacker known as Oracle. And so the list of Batman's closest allies grew, from the doomed Jason Todd to the damaged Cassandra Cain, the brilliant Timothy Drake and even his own son, Damian.

But Wayne's most heroic undertaking was undoubtedly his decision to embark on a mission of a much greater scope with The Man Of Steel, Superman, and the Amazonian warrior known as Wonder Woman. Their unequalled alliance forced the trinity to consider an idea: what if, by combining their forces with other 'super-humans', they could form a united defense against all enemies of peace and justice? What if they could build a team that stood an entire league above Earth's greatest champions? And thus, The Justice League of America - with it's founding seven, including Batman - were born.

Unlike the vast majority of his peers, Wayne is completely without superhuman powers and relies on decades of training, both physical and mental, to master his way through even the most gruelling battles. With nearly unlimited financial resources, Batman also brings an impressive arsenal of self-styled weapons, vehicles, and even the orbiting 'Watchtower' satellite that The League sometimes calls their base of operations.

While The Caped Crusader remains at The League's disposal for the right crisis, he can often be found terrorizing the criminal fraternity of Gotham City by the shadow of night, battling alongside Robin, Batgirl, and other members of The Gotham Knights against a collection of diabolical rogues such as The Joker, Two-Face, The Scarecrow, The Penguin, Ra's Al Ghul, and other denizens of Arkham Asylum.

It's a war he'll never win. But it's a battle he'll fight until his dying breath.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

Maybe I'm taking the title of the game too literally, but an angle that's always interested me with Batman is the idea of putting him through a mid-life crisis. He's amassed all of this insanity that invades his life on a daily (and especially nightly) basis, whether it's trading blows with Bane or trying to prevent Poison Ivy from rendering the city her own personal garden of mindless drones, all while maintaining a double life that requires him to serve the city beneath a facade that only continues to make even his closest allies question his sanity. What if, in a moment of extreme personal crisis, he starts to doubt himself? Not only in his ability to be Batman, but in his ability to simply remain sane? And what would that look like in the face of a story that involves his direct workings with The Justice League, the seemingly infallible team of super-beings he's always tried to live up to despite his human frailties? I hope to take Bruce on a journey of self-discovery that, through his work alongside Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, and the rest will lead him to a place of reassurance that he belongs alongside them - that it's not only Gotham that needs Batman, but the world.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

As I'm trying to go with the 'Crisis' motif in Batman's personal life, I'm portraying him as a little older than usual. I'm not going to go too specific with it, as that throws alot of unnecessary questions up in the air, but this is gonna be a Batman with a little gray in his hair and alot of scars, both on his body and in his mind, that have yet to fully heal - if they ever will.

S A M P L E P O S T:

P O S T C A T A L O G:

A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.

Might as well get this one in......


Clark Joseph Kent/Kal-El of Krypton ♦ Reporter, Daily Planet ♦ Metropolis, Delaware, USA ♦ Justice League
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"By myself, sure, I can do a lot. Together, though? We can do anything."

By now, most people in the world know the basic story of the Man of Steel and where he came from. On the doomed planet of Krypton, the brilliant scientists Jor-El and Lara Lor-Van placed their infant son Kal into an experimental life-pod, and with him went the last desperate hopes of their world. The pod would land somewhere on the planet Earth-- most likely somewhere in the Midwestern United States-- where a kindly couple (who has remained safely anonymous) raised him to do right by others and use his phenomenal gifts responsibly. Kal would grow up to become Superman, champion of the oppressed and fighter for Truth, Justice, and the American Way.

In the years that he has patrolled the skies over Metropolis, Superman has toppled crime lords, foiled invasions from beyond the stars, outwitted malevolent tricksters from higher dimensions, even died and returned to life. He has grown a small family of proteges, including his cousin Kara who once protected National City as Supergirl, his half-human clone who fights crime as Superboy, the genius inventor John Henry Irons who defends against high-tech threats as Steel, and even a super-powered dog he affectionately calls Krypto. Superman has experienced soaring triumphs and heartbreaking tragedies, and he has never faltered in the line of duty, cementing his place as the standard by which all other heroes are measured.

That is the story the world knows, and it happens to be the truth, but not the whole truth. Only a scant handful know that Clark Kent spent most of his childhood and teenage years struggling to fit in, that the idyllic rural town of Smallville, Kansas, never seemed to have a place for him. Or that Clark was very nearly married right out of high school, or that he spent the better part of a decade wandering the world under dozens of aliases, or that he would spend most of his professional career fighting tooth-and-claw for bylines with a rival reporter who would in time become the great love of his life. Even fewer know how hard he took the death of his adopted father, how the loss of his cousin haunts him, how many nights he has woken in a cold sweat thinking of his own demise at the hands of the monster Doomsday. While the whole world watched his funeral, only the closest of his friends and family were there for his wedding to Lois Lane, and only two other members of the Justice League know about Lois and Clark's son Jon, who has begun to develop abilities of his own.

As a new chapter in the life of the Man of Tomorrow begins, Clark faces not just the threats of disasters and super-powered criminals, but the pressures of leadership, the challenges of fatherhood, and the simple strain of getting older. In a world now full of costumed heroes and villains, it gets more and more difficult for him to keep up, and it may be impossible for Superman to stay on top for much longer. Still, Clark has determined to do what he was always done: clench his teeth, ball up his fists, and make the impossible happen.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

I want this to be a very straightforward, back-to-basics approach to Superman. While putting him later in life will hopefully make for some interesting character moments in down-time scenes and when bantering with other heroes, the goal in action is to get back to the core of the character and what he does best: action-adventure heroics. Save the day, fight bad guys, and make people feel better as you do it.

I want to show Clark at the top of his game, with action that is intense and exciting to read, clever uses of his considerable powers, and interactions with the other heroes that are fun to play out. He may not have the exuberance of youth anymore, but with age has come experience, discipline, and wisdom learned the hard way. This is as close to a quintessential Superman as I believe I'm capable of writing.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Clark has been active long enough that he has encountered most if not all of his more notorious villains multiple times, and while his secret identity is hardly common knowledge, there are a relative handful who have sussed it out-- including Lex Luthor.

Kryptonite was successfully synthesized a few years ago in LexCorp labs and then distributed among criminal syndicates and rogue nations by the Legion of Doom, though the synthetic "K-2" is significantly less potent than pure Kryptonite, which is still exceedingly rare.

Kara Zor-El was Supergirl for about three years, before she died heroically in a "Crisis" event that threatened the universe. Her death haunts Clark in much the same way that the loss of Jason Todd haunts Bruce, and is why he is not only uncomfortable with Conner's career as Superboy, but reluctant to let anyone know about Jon's existence, let alone his powers.

S A M P L E P O S T:

P O S T C A T A L O G:

A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.

Plastic Man

Patrick “Eel” O’Brian ♦ Flex Armstrong Quality Inspector ♦ Mammoth, Montana
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

”I've got nothin“

Pat’s life has been a hard but manageable one. With a nasty but ever present family life and an almost non-existent social life, Eel’s life took a morally dubious turn early on in life which consisted largely of being a juvenile delinquent and barely turning his life around a little later in life. The main claim to fame that the town of Mammoth had was it’s Stretch Armstrong factory, one that had been the cornerstone of the local economy since the 90s. Naturally Eel found himself employed there after trying to turn a straighter edge.

He found no amount of satisfaction with his new career but it was a lot less stressful for the would-be criminal. As time went on Pat’s dissatisfaction grew up to the point that he’d heard rumours floating around from some of his old buddies that they were planning a robbery of the plant and skipping town. With the intoxicating allure of his old life calling, Pat offered to help out which brings us to the beginning of our story…

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

Honestly the main reason I’m applying with Plastic is because a certain someone said it’d be a good fit for me. I’ve been a HUGELY passive fan of Plastic Man ever since I first discovered him watch Brave and the Bold when I was little and subsequently read up on him in my DC encyclopedia. I’ve had quite a few characters that I’ve wanted to write for a while but just haven’t because I felt I couldn’t do them justice. Now I’m coming to realize that sounds stupid and I should just go for it and give it a shot.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Wolfgang “Woozy” Winks - Eel’s best (and only) friend. The two have known each other for most of their lives. Hates his nickname but puts up with Pat calling him it since they’ve known each other so long.

S A M P L E P O S T:

P O S T C A T A L O G:

ISSUE NO.1 coming soon!

The last time I looked at this app, it didn't have a sample. That was quite a few days ago, clearly, so it's my fault for not re-checking. @rocketrobie2 is APPROVED for Plastic Man.

C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"I'm not much of a 'people person'. But when you need a hand... and you will, call me."

Over a decade ago, billionaire industrialist and heir to one of the wealthiest fortunes in America, Bruce Wayne, launched a secret war against crime by creating a masked alter-ego designed to strike terror into the hearts of his enemies: The Batman. And as The Batman's status as an urban myth shifted and his reputation grew for getting results where the Gotham City Police Department couldn't, the self-styled 'Dark Knight' began to realize that he couldn't fight a war alone. The first, aside from his faithful butler Alfred, was Lieutenant - and eventually, Commissioner - James Gordon. Then came Richard "Dick" Grayson, similarly orphaned to Wayne by criminals and in need of guidance. Grayson would become the first Robin, The Boy Wonder, before maturing and taking up his own mantle as Nightwing. Barbara Gordon would become the first Batgirl, before a fateful tragedy would turn her into the wheelchair bound hacker known as Oracle. And so the list of Batman's closest allies grew, from the doomed Jason Todd to the damaged Cassandra Cain, the brilliant Timothy Drake and even his own son, Damian.

But Wayne's most heroic undertaking was undoubtedly his decision to embark on a mission of a much greater scope with The Man Of Steel, Superman, and the Amazonian warrior known as Wonder Woman. Their unequalled alliance forced the trinity to consider an idea: what if, by combining their forces with other 'super-humans', they could form a united defense against all enemies of peace and justice? What if they could build a team that stood an entire league above Earth's greatest champions? And thus, The Justice League of America - with it's founding seven, including Batman - were born.

Unlike the vast majority of his peers, Wayne is completely without superhuman powers and relies on decades of training, both physical and mental, to master his way through even the most gruelling battles. With nearly unlimited financial resources, Batman also brings an impressive arsenal of self-styled weapons, vehicles, and even the orbiting 'Watchtower' satellite that The League sometimes calls their base of operations.

While The Caped Crusader remains at The League's disposal for the right crisis, he can often be found terrorizing the criminal fraternity of Gotham City by the shadow of night, battling alongside Robin, Batgirl, and other members of The Gotham Knights against a collection of diabolical rogues such as The Joker, Two-Face, The Scarecrow, The Penguin, Ra's Al Ghul, and other denizens of Arkham Asylum.

It's a war he'll never win. But it's a battle he'll fight until his dying breath.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

Maybe I'm taking the title of the game too literally, but an angle that's always interested me with Batman is the idea of putting him through a mid-life crisis. He's amassed all of this insanity that invades his life on a daily (and especially nightly) basis, whether it's trading blows with Bane or trying to prevent Poison Ivy from rendering the city her own personal garden of mindless drones, all while maintaining a double life that requires him to serve the city beneath a facade that only continues to make even his closest allies question his sanity. What if, in a moment of extreme personal crisis, he starts to doubt himself? Not only in his ability to be Batman, but in his ability to simply remain sane? And what would that look like in the face of a story that involves his direct workings with The Justice League, the seemingly infallible team of super-beings he's always tried to live up to despite his human frailties? I hope to take Bruce on a journey of self-discovery that, through his work alongside Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, and the rest will lead him to a place of reassurance that he belongs alongside them - that it's not only Gotham that needs Batman, but the world.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

As I'm trying to go with the 'Crisis' motif in Batman's personal life, I'm portraying him as a little older than usual. I'm not going to go too specific with it, as that throws alot of unnecessary questions up in the air, but this is gonna be a Batman with a little gray in his hair and alot of scars, both on his body and in his mind, that have yet to fully heal - if they ever will.

S A M P L E P O S T:

P O S T C A T A L O G:

A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.

5:04 PM

"Arkham Asylum is a cancer on Gotham."

My mother's maiden name was Arkham.

Perhaps as a means of exorcising some degree of shame over the stigma surrounding her family, going all the way back to Amadeus Arkham's committal to his own lunatic's asylum in 1929, Martha "Marty" Arkham had her name legally changed to Martha Kane when she was twenty-one. In the past, I had liked to speculate on the reason for this. My prevailing theory was that she was trying to earn her way in a city that she was very much still devoted to - despite, I should say, all it had taken from her. And in order to do that on her own terms, she found it necessary to forge a new identity to become the spark of change that the Arkham legacy prevented her from achieving. This theory has guided me through many key decisions of my own life. An emulation, I suppose, by a son who found himself desperately clinging to a memory of who she was as the real ones began to fade with time.

But I've been forced to confront some ugly truths ever since returning to Gotham. The Asylum, for all of the goodwill that it's intended purpose has managed to conjure up in the intervening years, has suffered a critical hit in it's ability to shield the city from the lunatics that it houses. I've tried to correct this at every point, of course. Donating hundreds of thousands towards it's restructural efforts. Personally overseeing preparations to overhaul it's security staff from afar. Diverting the time and effort of the research and development team at Wayne Enterprises towards paving over the cracks that appear with every new escape. But it's become increasingly clear that it isn't enough. I've avoided taking any real action for as long as possible, in a bid to leave the running of it's day-to-day operations in more capable hands.

After former director Hugo Strange's descent into madness, I realized the unfortunate reality. There aren't any more capable hands willing to help. And waiting on that to change is only going to result in more deaths. More destruction and madness than the GCPD can ever hope to be capable of handling themselves. The hands-off approach was a necessity that I needed in order to cast the appearance of ambivalence. If Bruce Wayne left every part of his public empire to be handled by third parties, it would make it seem all the more plausible that he did nothing more with his time than receive speeding tickets, play golf with the other members of Gotham's elite, and bed actresses and supermodels. However, there comes a point when a false ambivalence crosses the threshold into apathy. For all that I've worked and trained for to avenge my parents' murder, apathetic was the last thing I ever needed to become.

"Sorry to open with a touch of the dramatic, ladies and gentlemen, but I felt it necessary to highlight the most recent headline regarding the Asylum's standing with the city. That was from the Gotham Globe's most recent column. Needless to say, I could cite many other publications that have written a spotlight piece, but their headlines are worded with considerably less... kindness."

So beginning today, I'm course-correcting. Even though the worldwide epidemic opened the doors to the remote participation model of business becoming an accepted form of conduct, it had never occurred to me to simply address the Arkham Asylum board of directors via video conference. It was an oversight that I attribute to the work I've been doing to keep Gotham's streets safe in a more direct manner, but an oversight nonetheless.

"So I say we cut that cancer out. Now, I'm aware of my own standing within the company. Which is what I've made the mistake of seeing Arkham as in the past. A company. And to my detriment, the way I saw many of you was as employees tasked with a job. Many of you whom I'm meeting for the first time today. I wasn't aware of some of your names until recently, when my assistant gave me the notes for today's conference. For that egregiousness, I sincerely apologize."

Giving them a smile, despite their clear discomfort in my "honesty" - the reality being that I not only know all of their names, but have routinely looked into their backgrounds every single year since they were hired in the event of preventing any unwanted surprises - I strike a few keys on my ultrasonic keyboard to open a chart to the left of the screen. It shows that despite Arkham's rate of committals and hirings, public favor has been dipping for the last couple of years. More crucially, even though I didn't think it wise to place the statistic on a graph, Arkham's number of inmates that have been certified to re-enter society has been dipping even lower.

"That being said, I'm here now, and I'm going to remain here for the foreseeable future."

One of the senior board members, Simon Ecks, clears his throat at that in order to speak up.

"With all due respect, Mr. Wayne, I think I speak for the entire board here when I ask this. Are you planning to physically be here, or is this the extent in which we can expect your participation in all future decisions pertaining to Arkham's daily business? Because while your renewed interest in the Asylum is certainly welcome, we have concerns of our own."

Forcing a light chuckle, I pretend to be intimidated by this by adjusting my tie and slicking back my hair. The former Dr. Ecks has been a longtime proponent of having me removed from the board, and he might have succeeded in his efforts to file an injunction had it not been for the unanimous loyalty to my mother's standing as one of the board's founding members. It bothers him that I'm allowed to meddle in these affairs out of sheer nepotism, and on one hand, I understand his frustrations. But I wouldn't be here if the board had taken more swift measures to establish the security protocols that Lucius Fox had offered to provide for them - offered under my direction, no less.

"By all means, mister..."

"Ecks. Simon Ecks."

Feigning a look of realization, I apologetically nod as if I've half been paying attention.

"Ah, yes. Mr. Ecks. By all means, you and the board have every right to express these concerns."

Another prominent member of the board, Regina Zellerbach, is quick to usurp the conversation.

"I think it'd be best to start with your own public reputation, Mr. Wayne."

"I have to agree with Mrs. Zellerbach. While I've no doubt that you intended no harm to the brand, any participation in these matters on your part could be misconstrued as a mere PR opportunity based on your level of celebrity."

"My level of celebrity?", I reiterate, with a laugh. "Mr. Ecks, please. I think you've both overestimated how much sway my personal life has on the public's opinion of Arkham's market value. My name has appeared in the tabloids a couple of times. And yes, I've been caught in a few... compromising positions. But it's a matter of public record that I'm merely a financial backer, not a businessman. I'm hardly a candidate to make the cover of Time Magazine anytime soon, so you can rest assured that this is not some sort of publicity stunt."

"Then forgive us for being blunt. What is this, then? Because as far as the rest of us are concerned, you've never had much of a reason to personally call into any board meetings for little more than to approve certain measures on a yes or no basis. As you yourself admitted, you saw Arkham as another company to micromanage in order to boost your portfolio. I think if we're going to trust you to look after the Asylum's best interest, we need to be more clear about your intentions."

I place my hands together and lean forward.

"Fair. Then I'll cut to the chase. Arkham needs to be taken into a new direction if we're to regain the public's trust. For too many years, the name - not my name, to be clear, but the one plastered above the gates infront of the building - has been synonymous with an increased disillusionment with the country's mental healthcare. We've been given access to some of the leading professionals in their field, state of the art medicines and equipment to house the individuals these doctors and nurses have been forced to try and control, and the result has been continually proven to be ineffectual. Arkham is as much a safe haven for the criminally insane as social media is a safe haven for basic human decency."

Some of the faces turn curious, hearing the passion in my voice begin to rise up from behind the usual easygoing tone I tend to put on in the public eye. I had hesitated to let my own thoughts bleed into the conversation, but lately, Alfred's been encouraging me to act more like a leader and less like a passive idiot who has more money than he knows what to do with. It's certainly not the rhetoric they expected from me, and it's clear that my sentiments strike a chord. But ultimately, these people need to open their eyes. If I have to bring a taste of the other side of my personality into the fold for that to be possible, so be it.

"I... see. And do you have any suggestions as to what this new direction should be?"

"As a matter of fact, I do. And it starts with a rebranding."

To the right of my screen, a redesign of the Arkham Asylum logo appears, as provided to me by Waynetech's design department. The font is notably friendlier and less stoic, and the 'A' is prominently more streamlined with a stylistic approach - all in all it's alot trendier, is what the market research has told me.

"Asylums are said to bring about negative connotations. You think Asylum, and the next thing you're picturing is some old castle in the Victorian era, with men in rubber gloves hosing down a group of lobotomized degenerates. The Arkham Rehabilitation Institute, or ARI, is the first step in a long road for us to get with the times."

There are confused expressions given. Some exchange glances that are telling. They aren't entirely sold on the idea. That's fine with me, as I had come up with this strategy to be disarming in the first place. I'm more than aware that a simple rebranding isn't going to change anything regarding the Asylum's effectiveness at housing the insane. But it is going to get the conversation started amongst them, whether they want to hear out any further ideas or attempt to vote to throw me out of the board altogether. All I needed was a foot in the door to get things started, either ---

"We interrupt GNN Business's llive coverage of the Gotham Stock Exchange to bring you this emergency broadcast bulletin."

My eyes quickly dart towards the feed on a screen to my right, where a wildly unexpected scene begins to play out within Gotham proper - looks to be trouble. Something's happening at what appears to be Gotham Central Station, already cordoned off by a fleet of GCPD and ambulances stretching a few blocks wide. Summer Gleason, one of the nightly correspondents, has her left hand against an earpiece while her right hand is clutching a microphone.

"If you're just joining us, we're currently attempting to see if the attackers have sent for a list of demands, but GNN has thus far remained in the dark as to what the masked terrorists want. The incident started only ten minutes ago, when authorities say that security cameras alerted Central Station staff to a group of what can only be described as 'armored terrorists', who proceeded to open fire on a public crowd. While no casualties have been confirmed, police have thus far been unable to find an entrance that isn't blocked off, leading some to speculate..."

"Mr. Wayne? You were saying something about this... proposal of your's?"

Terrorists? In Gotham?

These words echo through my mind with a resoundingly thunderous call to action. Were I under the spell of police propaganda, I'd remain reserved to let Gordon's men handle it. The sun's still up - and this is all so public, anyway. There's no need to...

I stop myself. Whatever you were about to begin telling yourself, Bruce, you know it's a lie. Public or not, time of day be damned, there's no reason not to intervene. If there are no demands yet, there could be something more insidious at play than a simple hostage exchange. This is the exact type of situation I trained for. Meaning that I need to act before this escalates. Should only take me minutes to reach the city if I utilize the plane...

"I, ah... I realize that this is quite a drastic departure, superficial as it is. But I urge the board to consider my proposal for an Arkham that doesn't rely on a reputation of patient notoriety."

Ecks stands up from his seat, clearly annoyed at the lack of any real follow-through on the issues that I began to address at the start of the conference. But that was also the intent. To get them talking about these issues so that when I call in the next time, they'll have somewhat of an organized rebuttal. I just need to give them someone who appears to want to do their job for them in order to inspire such action. And the less sound my ideas appear, the more they'll want to come up with better alternatives.

"Mr. Wayne, you can't possibly expect us to..."

"Sorry, Mr. Ecks, but that's as much time as I can devote to the issue today. I'll check back in a week to see what everyone's thoughts are on ARI. Personally, I'm looking forward to getting to know the Asylum on a personal level. Be sure to give me your feedback!"

"Is he serious..."
"Mr. Wayne, you can't just---!"

"Have a good evening."

With that, the feed is cut off. Leaving me to dwell in the relative silence of the Batcave's central computer terminal, where I've been stationed this entire time. A holographic background, artificial lighting, and a digital interface that alters my appearance with the use of advanced imaging A.I. - giving me a clean-shaven, Armani-suited look that seems more suitable for an appearance at a country club than a business conference - make it appear as if I'm on a private plane just exiting the skies over Costa Rica. Given that no one appeared to pick up on the artificiality of my presentation, I can consider the Waynescan - as Lucius called it - a successful alternative to the usual makeup and shower routine when it comes to hiding my injuries from a previous night's work.

But no time to dwell on that now. As soon as I set the Batcomputer on standby, I rise up from the terminal and turn to find Alfred waiting. He's already gathered my equipment for me. Giving him a solemn nod, as we both listen to the GNN broadcast continue in an effort to discern anything of use, I grab the leathery looking garb from the aging butler's hands. Without another word, he rushes forth to assume his position in my place at the terminal. Ever the eyes and ears.


"I witnessed the story unfolding on the upstairs television. I had thought to make the necessary preparations."

From within the armory, I quickly lay everything out in the private changing station. Pre-loading the grapple, the batarangs, and smoke pellets, I load them into the belt's pouches while simultaneously beginning to shed the dishevelled, barely awakened visage of Bruce Wayne in exchange for a more comfortable set of attire. First, the graphene infused undersuit, triple-weaved through a cold-cast titanium mesh that's strong enough to hold together the armor plating - made of thick, malleable and shock-absorbent kevlar. Lucius improved the weight of it recently to be more forgiving, and the speed in which I can get suited up speaks to that.

Then the outersuit. Then the boots. The belt. The gloves. The cape.

And finally, the cowl that slips over my face.

"I'll need the plane."

"Naturally, sir. One doesn't test a mere prototype with safety precautions alone. One should always need to risk imminent death in order to properly see if it'll withstand any of it's owner's future mishandling through unnecessary daredevil antics."

The voice modulator is activated with a tingle tap to the side of my throat.

"My thoughts exactly."

Alfred's brow furrows as I emerge, making a beeline for the plane's elevated platform that lies just beyond The Batmobile's stationary position ahead of the tunnels leading out to Miller Road. Technically speaking, if I took the car, I'd be more in my element and able to get there in as quickly an amount of time. But the need for discretion and the potential for a rooftop entry where there are none make the plane the more suitable choice for such a task.

"I do hope you realize that was sarcasm, Master Bruce..."

I grunt, ascending up the metal steps.

"I'll be careful, Alfred."

"...one can be forgiven for wondering..."

To his dismay, I nevertheless climb into the cockpit of the pla... the Batwing, as it were, and begin switching the necessary dials. A series of lights illuminate my path as I type in coordinates for a mapping A.I. to summarize. Gives me a precious few more seconds to prepare, but sometimes that's all that's needed to stand between several lives taken and no lives taken at all. And in Gotham City, anyone that attempts to commence bloodshed will have to answer to me. These "terrorists" are about to learn that lesson the hard way.

Gotham Central Station. Thirty-six miles, northeast.

Within seconds, everything begins rumbling and I grab a firm hold of the yoke. Throttle pushes me out of The Batcave and into the open skies just beyond the city. I pull back, hard, and send the boosters into overdrive. A flurry of clouds and a thick, golden smaug break through the front of the plane's nose and give me a direct view of the skyscrapers that make up Gotham's Financial District. Central Station bridges the gap between the West and East Ends, symbolically standing between those in power and those shamefully left without. In some ways, it's existence harmonizes the opposing classes to the outside world.

Which is likely the terrorists' intent. To break such a harmonization and show that no one is safe from their reach. My eyes narrow as the small, barely noticeable scene below becomes visible from beneath my position. I was sure to keep my trajectory out of sight, to prevent any curious onlookers. Usually I'd employ the EMP to turn off any recording devices, but I'm going to need the media's eyes and the police's ears if I'm going to navigate this situation properly.

"Autopilot. Hover."

Command engaged.

One way or another, I'm bringing this insanity to an end. Grabbing the pull-levers from atop the pilot's seat, I brace myself and take a moment's breath. When I pull them down, the bottom hatch opens and I let go, leading directly into freefall. Reaching into the back of the utility belt, I grab the end of a Bat-line and scan my descent for a proper anchor point.

Can't be too careful. Intervening in a public crisis isn't The Batman's usual modus operandi. Doing so as the sun is still setting, considerably less so.

But today, he'll be making an exception on both accounts.

Working on a post as we speak. @Polyphemus, @Tackytaff (If you're in for the event?), @HenryJonesJr, sorry to keep you all waiting. Batman is most definitely making an appearance soon.
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