Avatar of Master Bruce


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Very well, where do I begin?

My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet.

My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament.

My childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds - pretty standard, really. At the age of twelve, I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles.

There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum... it's breathtaking. I highly suggest you try it.

Most Recent Posts

I have an idea for a Jedi Knight, so I'm interested aswell.
Got it. I've adjusted the list to reflect your guys' collab.
As always, if there are any discrepencies, let me know.
Monthly Post Check - 10/5/20 - 11/5/20

@Bounce - Billy Batson - 19 Days (11 Left)
@Natty - Changeling/Wiccan - 20 Days (10 Left)
@Zoey Boey - Harley Quinn - 20 Days (10 Left)
@Zoey Boey - Black Widow - 22 Days (8 Left)
@Mao Mao - Black Panther - 22 Days (8 Left)
@Cybermaxx - Wonder Woman - 22 Days (8 Left)
@Simple Unicycle - The Punisher - 23 Days (7 Left)
@HenryJonesJr - Superman - 25 Days (5 Left)
@Lord Wraith - Hawkman - 27 Days (3 Left)
@Hillan - Ghost Rider - 29 Days (1 Left)
@Roman - Eve Coffin - 29 Days (1 Left)

Deadline Passed - 7 Days To Post / Keep Your Spot

@AndyC - Spider-Man, Raven/Starfire
@webboysurf - Iron Man, The Outlaws
@Inkarnate - Moon Knight, Green Lantern
@DocTachyon - Batman
@The Man Emperor - Vibe
@GreenGrenade - The Flash
@Byrd Man - Sarge Steel, Howard The Duck
@Mao Mao - The Misfits
G E N 1 3


C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

“ If you want to test a man, give him power. “

Year 0 interpretation of Static that examines the political effects of having a massive metahuman diaspora in an urban city. Toss in corporate malfeasance, corrupt law enforcement and gang warfare for a cocktail that examines what it means to make true change in a world that doesn’t want to.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

I’m returning back to Virgil’s world once more because 1) I’m bored as fuck out of my mind and 2) I think his story resonates now with me more than ever. The story focuses more on exploring Dakota City rather than a character study of Virgil himself and his trials and tribulations as a hero. This story is different. This story explores Virgil attempting to solve the ever escalating problems of his hometown and realising that you can’t just punch away all the crime and expect everything to be perfect. Dakota City with all of its various parties of interest, nooks and crannies should be considered the secondary character of Virgil’s story.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:


S A M P L E P O S T:

He’s drowning yet rising, becoming something else. Water fills his lungs as his bones crack and reform. His nerves are on fire as the Dakota Bay grows murkier around him. His brain struggles for the last gasps of oxygen as he sees the world around him light up like a neon sign and he blacks out and and

“ Virgil? Virgil? Are you listening?”

Teenagers. Diane groused mentally. Ever since the Paris Island riots, she hadn’t slept for more than 2 hours a night. You couldn’t blame Dakota Union High’s superintendent for not taking into account a national bio-chemical incident but you could blame them for a lack of funding. Working 24 hours, 7 days a week with no overtime bonuses, in hindsight, seemed like less of a move of altruism on her part and more of a desire to fulfill some sort of hidden sado masochistic tendency within her.

Besides, she wasn’t here for self-pity. She was currently focused on the boy in front of her looking out at the snow in a daze. His frizzy black hair was like an overgrown bush with dandruff peppered throughout. An oversized Lululemon fleece jacket, navy blue, hangs around his slim figure. She can just make out the black and yellow symbol of a clenched fist with the words ‘JUSTICE FOR - “ raised sky high on his white t-shirt before it moves out of view. His bright brown eyes flicker out of whatever daydream he was in, flushing in embarrassment as he rubs the back of his head.

“ Yeah, sorry, miss Franklin.” Virgil’s fingers were tangled together in a knot. “ Just a lot of thoughts going through my head right now.”

“Well, part of my job is to help you sort through all those thoughts.” She tapped the end of her clipboard for a moment before sighing. “ Did you listen to my question just now?”

“ No. No. I remember. You asked….ummmmm….Do you think the Dakota Destroyers will win this weekend’s playoffs?”

“ No. I’m of the opinion that the Gotham Gargoyles have a better chance than our sorry sack of a team.” She chuckled. “ But I digress. How have you been feeling?”

“ Good. You know, fine.”

“ Better than the last time we met?”

“ Well, uh, like everyone says, it’s a process, right? Everyone’s different and I’m different and uh….well…..therapy’s not a quick fix unlike those shrinks you see on TV. Like, you know, I’ve been keeping active if that’s what you’re worried about. “

“ You seem a little tense.”

“ Tense?” He nervously chuckles. “ Nah, why would I be tense? I’m not trying to hide anything or….”

“ Virgil.” Her voice becomes suddenly sharper before taking on a more gentle This is not an interrogation. This is just a conversation.”

“ I don’t know if I can believe that.”

“Nothing leaves this room without your wish.”

The lights in the room dim for a moment, and then, flare back up. Odd. They just did renovations for this block a week ago. She’ll have to call maintenance tomorrow to take a look at lighting. Virgil exhales, rubbing his hands together to warm himself in the chill of silence.

“ All right, then.” He looks up, his face haunted. “ It all began with a Big Bang.“

P O S T C A T A L O G:

A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.

Quick Announcement: In lieu of pandemic hassles and real-life obligations all around, I've decided to extend the minimum posting requirement from two weeks to four. So you've all got an entire month from either your last post or application to get a post in and stay in it to win it, so to speak.

Don't abuse this. The key to a running game is still posting, so please try and participate to the best of your ability. It's just that we're in the midst of very strange times, and the need to have a fourteen day goal post looming over people seems less than nessescary right now.

K A L - E L/C L A R K K E N T R E P O R T E R M E T R O P O L I S J U S T I C E L E A G U E
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"There is a superhero in all of us, we just need the courage to put on the cape."

Clark Kent has always been a fascinating character. The power of a god but the soul of the kindest human possible, he has always been a ball of contradiction. While he is almost always portrayed as the best of the best, I think the fascinating thing about him is that he always has to both hold himself back and strive to be better than those he battles. I want to write a fairly standard version of Clark, one whose at the prime of his career and personal life, and all the struggles there are with balancing the life of Superman and Clark Kent.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

I've never really played Clark before. Sparingly in one of the older games we've tried, but never more than a few posts here or there. I'd like to try my hand at the character in a world full of challenges. SHIELD doesn't trust him, some heroes fear his power, and yet he never stops striving to do good. Our world is one that has far more problems than even he could solve, and I want to explore that, along with his growing family life.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

S A M P L E P O S T:

Evelyn knew she was late, and peered nervously over her shoulder at the crying baby in the back seat. She was super late. That's all that was running through her mind as she braved the downtown Metropolis traffic. She was late and her boss was definitely going to give the promotion to Phillips if she wasn't on time for the meeting. But she had to drop the baby off at day care before she went to work. There was no way she'd be able to get someone at the office to keep an eye on her all day.

From the back seat, another wail from baby Laura drew her attention, causing her to miss the fact that the light in front of her had gone from yellow to red with surprisingly little time in between. By the time Evelyn's head came around, there was a car in front of her ready to be t-boned. Its driver too focused on their coffee to notice Evelyn's crossover SUV plowing into the intersection.

There was no time for her to swerve. This was it. She closed her eyes and thought of her baby, prayinig that at least she would be spared.

She felt the world shift under her, and was surprised that there was no sudden jolt or the sound of sheering metal. Maybe she died instantly and was on her way to the afterlife. That would be nice.

Opening her eyes, she found her vehicle drifting slowly back down to the pavement. It was a miracle. In the back seat, baby Laura gaped in amazement as a figure soared upwards away from the car.

Jack's hand shook as he pointed it at the bodega clerk behind the counter, the empty bag he had thrown there still without any money in it. He didn't know if he or the small Korean teenager were more afraid. But he needed the money. If he didn't the Intergang thugs who threatened his pop's shop were gonna be mad, more mad than they'd ever been before. Might even burn the place down.

"I said put the money in the bag!" he screamed again, putting the gun even closer to the kid's head. He smelled the tell tale ammonia of the piss running down the clerk's leg.

Before anything could happen, a blur swept over his vision, just for an almost imperceptible second. He looked down, and the gun was gone, replaced by a still bubbling puddle of molten metal on the counter.

Still shaking, Jack turned and saw the tell tale blue and red. He was paralyzed with fear, "D-don't kill me man!"

"I don't do that," a calm, melodious, but powerful voice responded. Jack wasn't a religious man, but it was the kind of voice someone would have written a few things about if they heard it thousands of years ago. "Go home. Don't let me see you doing this again, or I won't be as nice."

"B-b-but Intergang is gonna-"

"You let me worry about that," the voice said, and Jack instantly knew it wasn't bluffing. He ran, never really getting a good look at the voice's owner.

Joseph had decided to end it all the night before. Sitting over his measly, frozen pizza, he saw that there was little use in continuing the charade of a normal life. He was thirty-four, had been single for longer than half a decade, was stuck in a dead-end job, and could count how many friends, real friends, he had on one hand. Continuing on in this state, this joke of a life, was too much. Better a quick death than a long, slow one alone.

That's why when he woke up this morning he took a big swig of the cheap bottle of whiskey from the cabinet above the sink and made his way to the rooftop of his apartment building. If he jumped into the alley, he'd be able to do it without risking hurting anyone else. That was the last thing he wanted. He wanted to be done with all this, but he didn't want to go out hurting someone else.

He stepped up to the edge of the building and took a deep breath.

Before he could jump, however, a voice, like the most calming voice from the most calming children's television programming Joseph could ever imagine, cautioned, "Watch your step there. Wouldn't want to fall."

Joseph turned and saw the most striking image he had ever seen. There, standing on the ledge along with him, was a tall, well built man in what, if Joe didn't know better, he would have called red and blue pajamas. The man's strong, pronounced chin was cocked towards him, his kind, blue eyes transfixed on Joseph's, and a single curl of hair fell down from the well manicured cut onto his forehead and bounced in the wind. Joseph had heard the stories, and seen the news, but they did the reality of Superman no justice.

"I came up here to fall," he admitted, unable to look away from the Man of Steel.

"Yea, I kinda figured," the superhero smiled. "Doesn't seem like a great idea now, does it?"

"Best idea I've had in a while," Joseph shrugged. "No one's gonna miss me."

"Oh I very much doubt that," Superman smiled radiantly. "Someone's always gonna miss someone."

"I only got like three friends," the depressed man shook his head. "Barely any family."

"And none of them count as people who will miss you, huh?" the Man of Tomorrow smirked. "Sounds like you've got a whole bunch of folks who will miss you, to me."

"I'm just...so alone," Joseph began to cry. "And it wears on me, ya know? I just want...someone to share my life with."

He felt a big, strong arm placed around his shoulders, and Superman said, "You ever talk to those friends or family about this? I bet they'd be able to help you. That's what they're there for."

He shook his head, "Nah. Don't want to bother them with my troubles."

"I think you'll find they'd prefer hearing your troubles than hearing you threw yourself off a roof," Superman smiled sadly. "But let's make a deal, if you step back off this ledge and don't feel comfortable talking to them, I'll swing back tomorrow and we can chat. You and me."

Joseph was flabbergasted, "D-don't you have more important places to be?"

"What would be more important than helping out my new pal?" Superman smiled at him with the warmth of the sun, and Joseph felt like, for the first time in a long time, everything was going to be alright.

P O S T C A T A L O G:

A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.

Superman is APPROVED!
So in a move that isn't entirely unprecedented, I've come to the conclusion that I'm probably not gonna churn out any IC posts anytime soon. Be it seasonal depression or lack of motivation (or both), nothing's really been coming to me - either for Superman or for an app of his potential replacement. As such, I'm dropping Superman entirely and am just going to forfeit being an IC participant anytime soon.

I'll still be around as GM and probably will participate in behind-the-scenes plotting, but until the writing bug bites again, I'd rather not force it. People have been doing great work with the game so far, and I want to eventually join in... now's just not the time, I guess.

Hopefully there's a willing player out there to step into The Man Of Steel's boots, because the game certainly needs Clark. And apart from anything established in the summary, there's no need to be beholden to anything in my app.

Francisco Ramon Hunter Other Earths/New York City Independent
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"I will hunt you down… and then we can go out for drinks, I guess."

What happens when two individuals with the power to cross space with a single step and a common goal of protecting the planet from extra-dimensional threats come together as a team? What if they’re allies, friends even? That would be one hell of a pair, it seems!

Vibe is a… well, a viber; a special kind of metahuman whose power is connected to the vibrations of the multiverse. Just as how speedsters are hooked to the Speed Force, the vibers in turn draw their power from the fabric of space and time itself.

One of the first of his kind, Cisco was born to a Puerto Rican family as the youngest of two brothers. His older brother, Dante, was never close to him, and they always fought. To this end, he preferred to stay and work alone, studying all sorts of things that have to do with biology and all that. He would quickly demonstrate to be a highly intelligent person, and would eventually study in Central City University, where Cisco would eventually gain a PhD in Engineering by the age of 24. However, the year after that, he began to have visions; visions of the present. Touching the belongings of others occasionally had this… effect, wherein he began to see current events, as well as the past. He was having… vibes.

Another year passed without anything happening, other than the visions of the past and present. Because of the subtle nature of his power, no one, not SHIELD, not HYDRA, thought of taking him… until that fateful night, when Vibe was truly born. New York City wasn't exactly the safest city, and after a late night out, Cisco and his friend were assaulted by a hostile metahuman criminal by the name of Top. With his companion disoriented by Top's powers, Cisco channeled the energy of the multiverse by pure instinct, striking Top with a blast of energy.

His unlocking of power was soon noticed by another Viber from Earth 19, Gypsy. Because of a dire need for Vibers to safeguard their locality of the multiverse from universe jumping criminals, Vibe was recruited by her in order to let him understand his abilities better and to control them with far greater precision, like herself and her father, Breacher. It wouldn't long before... hmm, feelings blossomed, and they were together, though their jobs would prevent them from being with each other for too long (plus Josh, I mean, Breacher, is rather scary oh wait nonono- *BLAM*)

As of this moment, Vibe serves as a hunter on Earth 1, hunting down extradimensional criminals and unlawful breachers. Officially, he isn't part of the Collection Agency, but he keeps doing what he does because of... her.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

For one, I have always wanted to play Vibe because, well, we vibe. Seeing him in his TV series incarnation is essentially seeing somewhat of a mirror of myself in terms of nerdy stuff.

As for Vibe himself, his current goals is to continue his efforts in catching criminals of both the mundane and temporal nature, ESPECIALLY the ones that screw with space and time. This version of Vibe is more in sync with his 2013 and small screen incarnations, leaning towards the latter. He is by far a rather upright young man that would seem to be unable to take things seriously at first, but would then switch to a no-nonsense attitude once a mission is at hand. Vibe is an absolute nerd, and it seems that nothing could ever change that.

Because of his powers, he would still be able to travel all over the globe without much effort and also interact with pretty much anyone in the RP, granted that there is a good reason for them to.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost: Vibe's friend and a doctor with cryokinesis and a dual personality along the way.
Gypsy: Another Viber from another Earth that is Vibe's girlfriend.
Breacher: Gypsy's scary father who is also a Viber.
The Flash: Just happens to be someone that Vibe idolizes.

S A M P L E P O S T:

"Hey, come out, you, no need to hide. I'll find you anywhere you go anyway, whether on this Earth or the next..."

Vibe looked around, searching for his prey... target. What was that guy's name again? Mirror Master? That's a rather descriptive name for him; that man used mirrors as portals, and when paired with his now imprisoned girlfriend Top, caused a very annoying rarefaction effect that was worse than vertigo or the ass kicking that they did individually. Fortunately, Top, or the Top of this universe anyway, had been captured a few days before after trying to rob a banks. Banks... why is it always banks?

Why was he doing this? Maybe to impress Gypsy, who has a stainless record of having absolutely no one escape her grasp, and maybe her dad too. Josh was very intimidating. Always has been. Breacher was getting old, though, and by the looks of it, he is going to lose his powers soon, just like every other Viber that got too advanced in the years. Maybe he'll get less scarier.

"Come on, just go out already, and maybe I'll rethink giving you to the Earth 19 people, those are really bad when it comes to your type, but yeah, you don't want to come out, so I'll give you to them, just because she told me to."

There seemed to be no activity whatsoever in that abandoned warehouse, save for Vibe's walking and the occasional scurrying of rats. Whatever happened to that... oh.

There was that man's dead body, lying on the dirty floor in a rather expansive pool of blood with several knives stuck on his back. It was strange, though, as it looked like they were flung at his behind all at once, what with the perfect positioning and the equal depth that they were embedded unto his flesh. Spooky.

"Oh my God, this was NOT what I expected..."

Yes, Vibe was a hunter. Yes, he sought for those that broke the laws of space and time and those that consorted with them, but not once has he killed anyone. Not on purpose.

And now, this man deserves a far more respectable resting place.

P O S T C A T A L O G:


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