Avatar of Master EffeX


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18 days ago
Current Me today: *writes action sequence* ". . .actually that doesn't work." *rewrites action sequence* *pauses* *has a good leisurely think* "Actually, if I just change it like that, the first way works."
1 like
1 mo ago
Writer's famous last words: "Oh it shouldn't take long." -3 hours later, it's constructed to satisfaction.
1 mo ago
Mutant Monday is back, X-Fans! Get caught up before the new releases start comin'! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
2 mos ago
Those times in every writer's life, when they read over something they'd written in time's past and go: "What was I *saying*?!"
2 mos ago
Anyone else who uses Wix: If you ever duplicate a post then start editing the copy but don't finish, make sure you publish it *before* reverting to draft. Don't let what happened to me, happen to you.


It all never happened ~ but in your mind!
It all never happened ~ but in your mind!

Aspiring Screenwriter. Imagination whiz jumping between many 🌎s.
Self-taught Pic/🎶 Editor, VFX Coordinator & Mixer.
Independent student of 🎞; ever learning.

'The Reality Is: X-Men woke something up in me.
'The Reality Is: X-Men woke something up in me.

The Reality Is: It's getting me through.'
The Reality Is: It's getting me through.'

The comic book world is such a rich sandbox! Perhaps none richer than the X-Men -mutations to mix, slice-of-life elements to turn into anything but ordinary -the lines are drawn but the colours exceed them ~care to embark on the eXploration with me?

*cue 🎶X-Men Animated Series theme🎼swelling into Fox Movies theme🎵*

Interest Checks:
Interest Checks:

DeoXys: A next gen X-Men/Comic Superhero RP

Cache of other X-Men concepts.

X-Men Envisionings: one passionate fan's riff on the FOX X-Men franchise.
Call it a fanfiction, call it what you will, but don't miss out!!

Part 2 of 2nd Edition Now Released!
Part 3 of 2nd Edition Now Released!

Back and better than ever!
Back and better than ever!

Consider becoming an X-Envisioner yourself:
Consider becoming an X-Envisioner yourself:


The X-Men continues to be this excellent odyssey
The X-Men continues to be this excellent odyssey

Where ever it takes me.
Where ever it takes me.

X-Men Envisionings, a sector of



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Xavier was curious indeed about the "unconstructive actions" of this girl and the "affirming changes" being applied to her, not to mention why a security team was trained for this type of incident when Xavier wasn't under the impression the rest of the charges had powerful mutations. Just what "type of incident" was Director Becker meaning? Runaway "residents"? This particular one? Or volatile mutants in general?

As Xavier was about to speak, the radio crackled. He listened and, along with everyone else near them, was rewarded with an assault to his ears. "Let us hope that is only an indication of your technology's serviceability after that glitch. I am aware the surrounding area is not so accommodating to mutants. It is admirable for you to have constructed a facility for them to reside apart from that." Director Becker wasn't the only one who could say "all the right things". "I'm not sure if Jean has mentioned my own experience with gifted youngsters," -Becker's previous statement of "as I'm sure you understand" could've been acknowleding Xavier's status as a mutant himself- "and I would like to offer my help with your charge. If you will excuse me now, however, I would like to check on my friend."

Not that he needed to since two familiar minds were headed there right now -and there were likely maps, besides- Xavier played the part of the proper guest and asked of the doctor: "Would you direct me to your medical facility?" He didn't say so, but he felt the doctor might be needed there shortly, anyway.

Besides seeing how Scott was, Jean wanted to be able to speak with him non-telepathically; still getting over feeling off psychically.

When she met him he was holding his wounds underneath his now unzipped jacket, trying to apply pressure as well as he could. There were more than she'd expected. "The medical centre isn't far." She took him, helping to apply pressure. Blood mixed with the water from the sprinklers as it cascaded to the floor.

Xavier's voice came through their minds just then: 'I'm not liking what I just heard from the Director. It's imperative we find this girl again, preferably ahead of Umbra's security who I believe just had an encounter to the same result as yours, Scott. Hopefully only in terms of success. How are you?


'I'm just about to treat him.'

The water had ceased before the two arrived at the med centre. The chaos left the lightning to be desired, but it would have to do.

Jean helped him off with his trench coat -worn to look less conspicuous- before he got up on the med table. His jacket and undershirt were next before she had him lie down; keeping pressure on his wounds while she used her telekinesis to bring over the supplies needed.

Scott read something in her face. "Is that sensation still hitting you hard?" He continued to breathe through the pain.

"It's subsiding."

That was good to hear. "The kid said she'd been planning this too long to be stopped now. I'm sure the gate was still functional when I first got out there.

"You think she used powers?" Off his pained nod, Jean mused out loud, "yet she used a gun to defend herself," as she continued the treating of the damage that gun had caused.

"She must only be able to manipulate electronics. Has anything..like this, ever happened before?"

Jean shook her head. "Nothing. I had no indication she was here."

Scott could tell how that unsettled her; a young mind, clearly troubled, that Jean had missed picking up on entirely.

Jean spoke another concern: "It's sounding likely she'll shoot again once you find her."

"Well if this place has an entire armoury, I'm betting there's a supply of tactical gear. I'll grab a vest. The map on the wall of security...indicated it was by 'Function Room D'."

"I know where that is, but there are no other doors there."

"Sounds like something else they've made a point to hide," he breathed.

Xavier's voice sounded again: 'I'll see what I can find. I have a feeling I should apply myself more directly to this matter, so I will require one as well. Jean, if you could learn anything further and pass it along to us. We don't even know her name.'

Jean gave a mental confirmation.

Xavier "disconnected" then and, not wanting the doctor to question why suddenly his interest went from the medical centre to "function room D", used his powers to make just a minor modification to her mind; making the doctor think she had already shown him the full way and was now of the mind to grab more medical supplies from a stock room. She would also think nothing of Scott not staying in medical a while.
After an additional, hurried exchange, Director Becker turned from the two scientists with whom he'd been speaking, to answer Xavier: "Yes, let's get out of this-" glancing up, he seemed to realize for the first time how Jean was blocking any sparks and water from raining down on them. The director made a waving-away gesture to his scientists behind his back, who proceeded where ever as the director lead the way to the fire door. "Sorry for all this during your visit. Technology can be so unreli-"

"Where is it your two personnel are headed?" Xavier queried.

"Just coordinating with security. Making sure everyone is out who should be. Checking valuable research hasn't been lost to all this-" he blinked, feeling the water as Jean had now let down the forcefield; the main lights having all blown out.

The time for pretense was over. "Every child I know to be here is already outside. Who is it that's--?" abruptly she paused as a disturbing sense entered her mind.

It had happened. The potential for Cyclops' initial error to turn critical became reality as the kid unloaded on him. What had he been waiting for? He should have blasted the gun right out of her hands as soon as he got his own hand up. That's a bullet for each of your mistakes, Scott Summers.

With what he and Xavier had been anticipating in coming here, Cyclops had suited up. Being designed for other sorts of impacts, however, not bullets, his jacket had merely mitigated the penetration, didn't prevent it. He fell as he heard the teen's footsteps hurrying away.

'Scott! What just happened?' her voice sounded in his mind through the searing pain.

'She shot me and ran,' he answered mentally as he drew short, pained breaths; trying to collect his bearings. He could still catch her off guard. She wouldn't be expecting to get tripped up by an optic blast.

'Shot with what?' In a world where people could shoot force beams from their eyes, ice or pyrotechnics from their hands, a mental energy bolt from their mind, just to name a few, the answer wasn't an obvious one.

'A gun from the armoury.' A loud, metallic sound almost drowned out his own thought in his head as Cyclops rolled onto his side as well as he could without exacerbating the pain radiating around his shoulder, seeing only the aftermath of Ryder's effect on the high security gate; not her doing it. 'She got through the gate...' The kid's mention of having planned this was causing something to click.

The terrain sloped beyond the gate and he could no longer take a shot. 'I'm coming back.'

Gradually getting himself up, Cyclops noticed Umbra's security now headed this way.
They radioed back to Security Main to get the doctor for him, but otherwise left him to his own devices having made a quick assessment of his injuries as non-critical.

Cyclops couldn't tell what they might've been concealing; what they were going after the kid with. He had to get patched up fast so he could get back out there himself.

Jean, meanwhile, reverted attention to where she was, catching up with the director just outside the front fire door. "Why do we have an armoury here?"

He stared at her like 'how do you know?' but had a ready answer: "For the same reason we have the high security fencing."

"I was told that was for the illusion of high security, so no trespassers would discover the young mutants here."

"Exactly. And heaven forbid they do, we want to be ready just to scare them off."

Jean transmitted to Xavier what had just occurred; this was most unsettling.
He gave a nod to something else, and Jean went back into the building after first stepping over to where another guard had just come to relay the message to the doctor. "He's one of my guests. I'll take care of him."

Before Becker could take a turn asking where someone was going, Xavier caught his attention again: "It would seem one of those weapons was just used against my friend," he stated seriously, glancing towards where the guard had met with the doctor as though Xavier had overheard things from there.

"So now, director," he looked upon him steadily, "what can you tell me about this charge of yours who has run?"

The bursting lights coupled with the spray from the sprinklers caused confused milling about to gave way -more or less- to panic amidst the charges and a few of the less level-minded of the staff. Those who did keep their senses began directing everyone outside -at least the nearest fire door was free from requiring a card reader; free from the jerky behaviour of all other doors. "Follow your carers," Xavier encouraged a couple of the more scared youngsters, offering a smile. "It'll be fine out there."

Jean had managed to erect a forcefield following the first light burst in their immediate area, shortly into the sprinklers, her trained-mind acting almost on reflex. She'd extended it beyond herself, but was relieved to see everyone exiting; using her powers even this much in tandem with this degree of "psychic nausea" was a dizzying experience. Even still, she concentrated on everyone leaving, her eyes landing on each young mutant, almost like she were counting.

Xavier's attention reverted her way, but shifted to the side where the administrator and researchers had still been talking amongst themselves, but now seemed on the cusp of moving. But not towards the fire door; to somewhere else within the facility. "Excuse me, Director Becker." He wheeled back over, projecting his authoritative voice only as much as necessary above the din. "Perhaps we could go outside as well and you can tell me what has happened here?" He knew what he'd overheard, he could dip into their minds to find out more, but it could be beneficial to see first what a person would or wouldn't divulge themselves.

Out by a far end of the building, Cyclops was realizing he'd made an error. Nearly a critical one; still with that potential.

He should've observed and sized up this kid a little while before engaging. He might've then noticed the gun before it was pointed at him. His body tensed readily.

"I'm not in the habit of letting someone go off with a gun," he stated calmly, though he didn't like what he saw in her face. The self-preservation was to be expected, and made things dangerous enough. But this kid gave off a vibe more of intent than panic. "You look smart," he stated, slowly raising his arm about mid-way up, gesturing to her with an open hand, "how about we think this through?" He raised his hand, still slow, the rest of the way to the side of his head.

He actually had the ability to release his blast without touching his visor, thanks to pressure pads within his gloves. However, he couldn't adjust the intensity that way and wasn't about to shoot a kid at the level it was currently set on.
X-Fans! Pleased to see you here for this -- our next Volume!

If you're only just joining me and our Mutant heroes -and villains!- without having read Vol. #1, I'm here to tell you Vol. #2 can be enjoyed regardless!

So go ahead and make it your first -- you won't want to miss the eXciting "eXperiement": telkjplang.wixsite.com/xmenenvisionin…

Master EffeX - The X-Men ; Magneto ; NPCs

Blizz - Ryder ; NPCs

At the facility of Umbra Biogenetics, in Western Europe.

Dinner time. Dr. Jean Grey makes partial use of it to place a phone call back home.

Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, Westchester, New York.

Lunch hour. Scott Summers answers.

It was only a short while since Jean took on a temporary position at the facility: keen to see how young mutants were being treated in another part of the world, and see both what she could learn, and what she could contribute.

"... but I've been picking up on something strange."

"In what way?"

"At different times throughout a day I experience. . the only way I can describe it is psychic nausea."

"And you don't think the timing is coincidence and it's a symptom of the pregnancy?"

"No, this is definitely something external."

"Then, is it safe that you're there?"

"I don't feel it's dangerous. But I'd like if Xavier could look into the area through Cerebro."

"I'll let you know what he finds."

Later, Scott stands by while Xavier works Cerebro.

Xavier: "Hmmm...I'm detecting nothing peculiar. Perhaps there's something in the vicinity inorganic, akin to a radio tower, which is causing Jean's symptoms." He removes the helmet. "What do you think? Should we pay Jean a visit in her new environment?"

Heading for the hanger and the smaller of the X-Jets the following morning, Xavier cautions: "Best to be on our guard. What I did perceive through Cerebro is that the nearest city is unnaturally devoid of mutant signatures. The ones in the facility, which sits outside city limits, are the only ones present. We could be going where we're less welcome than usual."

When Xavier had said "best to be on our guard", Cyclops hadn't expected this:
getting shot by a standard firearm at the hands of a teenager, not even a couple hours in.

It had started out just fine.

He and Xavier were received at reception. He noticed Jean down the hall, looking as well as when he'd seen her last, which was good to see; it confirmed what was affecting her wasn't doing so too much.

With a sudden, knowing look, she'd looked up, casting him an affectionate smile.
He'd returned it.

Then all hell broke lose.

Every bit of technology going off the rails at once--alarms blaring, machines beeping, automated security doors closing and opening, lights flashing on and off. The works. In a minute Cyclops was joining the Director at the Security Room to see if any light could be shed on things there; Cyclops not sparing a thought for making free with the place (intel took precedence), and the director too harassed by the insanity to notice a guest following him into a Staff Only area.

The card reader, of course, was on the fritz, but a well-timed try of the door granted them access all the same.
Unsurprisingly the monitors were going haywire -- blipping, pixilating, static. When they displayed anything.

On one wall Cyclops noticed a board listing the different areas of the facility, with lights to indicate which might be having a security breech. They all, of course, were flashing. One word in particular caught his eye: armoury.

Seeing the uselessness of being here, the director turned: "Hey- you shouldn't be in here!" He lead the way back out. Cyclops following after another look by the board.

Back at reception, he found Jean with one hand on the counter in a steadying manner, the other to her head, looking sick. "It's that sensation again," she explained once he came to her side, "only much worse." Beyond the disturbance, her eyes had a searching look to them: what was this?

Other personnel and their charges had gathered as though responding to a drill.

Another minute and the attentions of Cyclops, Xavier, and Jean -collecting herself with slow, deep breaths- shifted to a couple personnel who just arrived on scene, coming straight to the director. With a furtive glance back, he ushered them aside to have their discussion.

Something else was off here.

Xavier exchanged a look with the other two, then seemed to be "listening".
Wordlessly, he shared what he "overheard".

Somehow in the mess it had been determined one of the charges had just made a break for it.
But the way the small group was talking about it was strange, indeed.

'I think we should look into this, ourselves,' Xavier thought, with a telling look to Cyclops.

Command received, Cyclops cast a checking-in look to Jean before slipping away.

Outside Cyclops looked around and what luck, didn't have to look long or far to find a young individual standing as though paused by something in front of them. The wide world?

Cyclops stood some yards behind them. How to approach this?

"Hi. Do you want to tell me why you're running from this place?"

"Illuminating technology. Enlightening staff. Paving the way for radiant futures.
Umbra Biogenetics: We shine a Light on the Shadows of Life."

Mutation: Technokinesis (by experimentation), Telekinesis and Telepathy (by nature)
Skills: Tech-Knowledge, MacGyvering, Planning.
Occupation: Test-subject of Umbra Biogenetics (former)

Professor X
Professor X

Name: Charles Xavier
Mutation: Telepathy
Skills: Potential-Seeing, Patience, Persistence.
Occupation: Head of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngers; Professor of Social Studies.

Jean Grey
Jean Grey

Mutation: Telekinesis and Telepathy
Skills: Perception, Clear-Sightedness, Scientific Knowledge - Genetics based.
Relationship Status: Married to Scott Summers in her heart; not in the eyes of the law.
Expecting their first child -- challenged by this, though aided by Scott's perspective.

Occupation: Temporary Lab Tech at Umbra Biogenetics.
Regular Lab Tech and Professor of Life Sciences and Mechanics at the X-Mansion;
currently Inactive Member of the X-Men -- challenged by this.


Name: Scott Summers
Mutation: Optic Blasts
Skills: Spatial Awareness, Trigonometry, Strategy.
Relationship Status: Married to Jean Grey in his heart; not in the eyes of the law.
Expecting their first child -- pragmatically optimistic about this.

Occupation: Leader of the X-Men; Professor of Danger Class, Mechanics and Trigonometry.


Name: Henry "Hank" McCoy
Mutation: Enhanced Strength, Agility and Coordination (by nature); Beastly-blue Appearance (by self-experimentation)
Skills: Acrobatics, Emotional Calm, Scientific Knowledge - Tech and Chemistry based.
Occupation: Eloquent Member of the X-Men; Lab Tech and Professor of Classic Literature and Chemical Sciences.


Name: Ororo Munroe
Mutation: Weather Manipulation
Skills: Composure, Power-Control, Resilience.
Occupation: Second-in-Command of the X-Men; Professor of History and Environmental Sciences.


Name: James Howlett A.K.A. Logan
Mutation: Healing, Enhanced Senses, Claws (by nature); Adamantium Skeleton (by experimentation)
Skills: Hand-to-Hand Combat, Tracking, Durability.
Occupation: Member of the X-Men; Reluctant Professor of Danger Class.


Name: Erik Lehnsherr
Mutation: Ferrokinesis
Skills: Leadership, Cunning, Persistence.
Occupation: Founder and Governor of Genosha; Leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants.
Jaclyn "OfAll" Chreyz

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Power Mimicry - Active Power: Chaos Magic

OfAll let Guin's sharp answer more or less roll off her back, even though she hadn't been meaning it in a back-seat driver sort of way, more in a game-plan, mind distribution kind of way. Like "have you got this covered?"

Which Guin did, apparently going for brawn over any of her mutant powers, so far as OfAll could tell. She really didn't find Guin's following attitude at all becoming of an X-Man, but thought could be spared for decorum another time. Exodus seemed down, not out, and a tricky thing happened then...in her mind, OfAll was still just thinking of her plan, yet she suddenly felt a kind of fizz as the magical powers started manifesting.

She wasn't prepared for how this felt. She wasn't prepared for it feeling like a car she had to drive or something, and found wielding it was beyond her -- when Max had said his powers were practically unbridled chaos, OfAll had taken it...differently.

She wasn't expecting anything even in the realm of this.

She wasn't expecting an explosion. Burns. Pain; to herself and to her new teammates. Hull breech, oxygen deprivation.
In fact a hull breech was something she had very specifically been trying to avoid -- why she had landed on portalling magic. Instead of fire. Instead of transmutation to possibly change part of the wall into a material they could get through and then transmutate it back so Exodus couldn't -- she didn't know what was on the other side of any wall.

Well now she did, in absolutely the worst way.

She felt terrible. Physically and emotionally - everything. She felt tears in her eyes from the pain, from the impending doom of being sucked out into space -- had she just killed them all?! She blinked, trying to clear her eyes of some tears, noticing a kind of film or shield in front of the opening. Then she looked around.

She could see Lance saying something but the ringing in her ears hadn't subsided. She made out the words "hold" and "not die" on his lips. The expression on his face conveyed what else she needed to know -- he had bought them only time.

Then suddenly that time was gone. The patch job was gone -- Exodus had done something. Could he breathe just fine in outer space and was showing them this?

Apparently not, for in the next instant OfAll saw him encased in a bubble, while they, they became covered by their own. Looking around again, OfAll could tell Lance had made it. So they weren't getting sucked out into space. And they could still breathe.

Partial relief -- for how long would this oxygen last? OfAll wasn't sure how this light-effect-bubble worked, only that injured people would be breathing harder than non.

And now what could she do...for some amount of time she had locked in a power that caused all this. But maybe...maybe she could still use it. To heal. Max had said his magic was one thing. She had thought of a particular use, but what she manifested was the magic.

But OfAll couldn't bring herself to try.
As bad as this went, she was likely to sever limbs and remove skin more than she was to repair any of it.

She wanted to, if not for her own pain to at least start making up for this mess. But she could recognize when trying to help might only make things worse.

She resisted. Or she let fear win out. It was hard to process anything in the immediate aftermath beyond the pain in her arms, and in her hands.

And she'd dropped the staff.

Never feeling so useless, she tried to at least push past the emotional and physical and stay a useful participant mentally. If nothing else, right now, she was watching. Closely watching; Exodus, and the hallway beyond. Watching and thinking...

Those alarms were going off and that explosion certainly wasn't soundless. Somebody would be coming.

The further unfortunate thing is, likely it would be more adversaries.
But maybe...

..maybe there would be someone else.
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