Avatar of Megatron


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8 days ago
Current I AM MEGATRON!!!!!!
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1 mo ago
1 mo ago
Deceptions! Seek and Destroy!
1 mo ago
"Deceptions! Begin our assault!"
1 mo ago
"The age of Primes has ended! NO MORE FALSE PROPHETS! Follow me, and you will never again be deceived! RISE UP! I will lead us all into the future! I... AM... MEGATRON!!!"



Danyel from Southeast Asia, pleased to meet those that're curiously unboxing this profile for eternal blessings awaits you.

You are hereby given heavenly rights to commune with me about your Roleplay plans and mine in an opportune time. Heavenly so godsent, just so you know all my Roleplays follow break schedules for I'm a firm believer of Work-Life-Hobby balance and mental health for I have a dream. My ambition is to promote this ideology in where everyone is in control of their own destiny, prospering in every aspect of your life regardless of hardships for we're Overcomers in the eyes of God.

Worry not about my Christian, Hebrewphile & Japanophile aesthetics, we all have quirksy tastes. I am in principle nondenominational as a Reborn Christian as one may humor to so label me, that is fine and as far as my dogma goes, I will never shove my beliefs downright to anyone's throats. I see myself as a Benevolent Gamemaster, content creator of RPs and one who fans the flames of progress, be subjective on what you share & I will do you right in the Lord.


If you're here and reached this far, that's good, the next one is about my dislikes, so I am telling you to backout if it's offensive to your principles, if not, keep reading.

My petpeeves are simple: I'm not fanatical about "Grammar Experts" because my rebuttal to them is simple; go find a job, get paid for being what you pose yourself as, don't waste time correcting people. In the same vein, I don't tolerate Elitist RPers, if you're an Elitist & reading this, do yourself a favor; find a job that gets you paid to be an Elitist, you have no business on forums, put me on your blacklists, don't bother me and I won't bother you, go forth and find a job that pays you to be an Elitist. Identity-disaccountability is another one that I don't accept, if you've messed up your reputation so bad, I don't have a big problem with shedding your skin to a new identity, however if your attitude comes to light, then all of this are for nothing!

Learn to take the Ls of your RP-times regardless of where you're from, I don't care where you're from. I'm willing to give you chances to change but if your old nature don't repent, then you're fooling yourself. These no-nos of mine is warranted to those who see oneself as some form of RPer-Police, and overall a total jerk, don't waste my time, go out there and touch some grass, get paid for your self-righteous etiquettes, woe to you.

For those who read up to this point, you're a gold fresh from the hearth, rejoice. I rather indulge in the harsh truths than beautiful lies. I see RP as a Business, a friend is earned but until then I'm civil enough to treat you right. I see RP as a Church, it's when different people learn to be diverse under a singular goal and I am your Pastor.

My likes are simple; I'm a Fantasy and Crime Fiction goer.

Indulgent Beloved
This section is for RPers who helped shape my life IRL, physically friends IRL, we met IRL, no homo.
· @Cu Chulainn · @Grey

Indulgent Nakama
If you're not on this list. Don't worry, we're amicable and friends, these friends of mine are the ones I typecast and trust when it comes to making rightfully overpowered characters, they're also frequent joiners, but not every time:
· @Gerlando · @Sho Minazuki · @BlackMaiden · @JrVader · @Polaris North · @Landaus Five-One
· @Digmata · @Iamme · @Rune_Alchemist · @The Jest · @Petulant · @The Man Emperor · @paingodsson · @Alfhedil · @Aku the Samurai · @Deide · @King Kindred

Indulging Fandoms
· Naruto
· Fairy Tail
· Jujutsu Kaisen

Indulging Worrks
I don't usually create my OG RPs but when I do, I will.
· Fenix Tear
· Just Another Hero

Most Recent Posts

Our Mages were sent on an S-Class Quest to Iceberg
Ethos/Deck means the influencing potential of your OC.

God means you're beloved by the Gods, this is usually for God Slayers, you use Ether.

Angel or Devil/Demon means you're beloved by Angels and likewise you're default highly bound to great Mana, Spiria and Curse potency, making your Deck as pure as possible, hence Ether.

Dragon means potency to use Dragon Slayer Magic, you may have the Dragon gene but not the ability to use DSM, hence Mana.

Celestial means you have high potency for Spiritual Arts and Deck is Spiria, you're also beloved by Yokai and the Celestials.

Man means you're normal, hence Mana.

Take Note: Yokai ain't Demons in Fairy Tail but conceptual spirits.

Revision of Ranks

How Magic Society views Ranks, NOT you nor us.
Zenith Rate Mage
God · The title of God only belongs to non-human entities like Ankhseram.

Saint · All powerful, continental buster/world ending guys, there's only 7 Saints in Elentir, they are mostly world leaders, they're so alien that they tend to be above the law, no IRL comparisons.

First Rate Mage
S-Class · Noteworthy of ascending to political positions of power and authority, unlike Canon, S is a promotion held an exam that's government based, it's like the equivalent of having a masteral/doctorate degree IRL.

A-Class · The equivalent of an employee having 5-years work experience in a company IRL. Your tenacity by default makes you an S-Class Candidate. In Magic Society, you're among the masses that does the hard carrying of work.

Second Rate Mage
B-Class · The equivalent of a College Graduate IRL and newbie on the job. In Magic Society, this is the highest standard to join a Guild.

C-Class · The equivalent of a College Student. Every damn magic school you see in Anime, and if you're weeb enough, I'm not gonna bother explaining, I don't make you drink my milk every damn time.

Third Rate Mage
D-Class · You're an HS graduate. You're still learning how magic works.

E-Class · Why the fuck you almost not have magic? Practice some more!

Fourth Rate Mage
F-Rank · Ewww Y u no magic!?

Power Levels, I prefer the term Glazing, every RP of mine used brainrot-esque writing and wording and y'all are gonna like it, ain't nobody in the RP world like me, uses such verbiose terms.

Power Scaling Levels
The "+" and even "-" signs talks about your OC actual power level, in the sheet, it'd be called Grade, this has nothing to do with rank.

More magic power means you dabble from B to S.

More supernatural physicals means you dabble from D to F.

The general idea of being an S-Class is being able to fight three days without fatigue and being a swiss knife one Man Army that's busting a city alone.

S++ means you're a borderline asshole Wizard Saint, this makes you a candidate in becoming a Saint, the best example of this would be Canon! Erza Scarlet progression tiers, if not, just look at how Ur was busting out casual city-sized Ice-Make against Deliora.

S+ means you're Letter Bee's slaves in his RPsalready blooming in the rank, an experienced S-Class.

S- means you're reading my sacred texts an A-Class that's an S-Class Candidate, those with this grade on their sheets are the only ones capable of taking the S-Class Exams.

The general idea of being an A-Class is busting out city-block level of feats.

A++ don't mean S-Class Candidate but why not? It's because of factors such as characterization mentality which affects power level, which is a major factor of becoming an S-Class prevents you from ascending, A++ means you ain't S Material.

A+ means you're already years into the rank itself.

A- means you're a B-Class that's got potential to be an A-Class.

The general idea of B-Class Mages = Street Level. You're for the streets in the sheets, dipshit

B++ means you ain't A Material, Grade-wise, but you stand at the peak of being a B-Class, you can take on the streets, gangster style, if you dunno gang fights IRL, I missed the part where that's my problem, so let us talk it in Discord.

B+ means you're already a 18-25 year old adult, you can fight 10 dude's at the same time.

B- means you're a school grad and you're getting into the job.

Nobody gives a fuck about C and D. Don't ask.

You just don't have magic, you're a force of physical nature, enough to decimate a low tier dragon with your bare hands.

@Rune_Alchemist@Gerlando@King Kindred@Sho Minazuki@Letter Bee@Polaris North@JrVader@BlackMaiden@Digmata@Deide@Aku the Samurai
@Rune_Alchemist@Gerlando@King Kindred@Sho Minazuki@Letter Bee@Polaris North@JrVader@BlackMaiden@Digmata@Deide@Aku the Samurai

I will be the one to personally copy pasta y'all sheet converted into this lit format.

Which I will PM to y'all.

The new part is the theme song and I will personally discuss some things via Discord.

As we know, I like coding and I like making things have rizz, even in sheet-wise.

Ain't no GM like me makes a cut to precise and concise sheet.

I thanks everyone for utmost participation.

RP Career Redeemed

@Iamme@Dragon Arts@Digmata@Gerlando@BlackMaiden
@Letter Bee@The Man Emperor@Aku the Samurai@JrVader@Paingodsson

I am here to thank you for your earnest participation in this RP, Just Another Hero for this past 3 months, we all had our ups and downs but regardless, I'm grateful for y'all sticking towards the end and for believing in each other, believing in us, including whatever RPs will Urizen Productions that you're partaking.

We are about to end this first arc and will head to the next, the upcoming posts y'all be making with me are going to be its contents.

I love y'all.

Keyaru brushed off whatever's left of Kaiga's supermove, unscathed.

He felt the mental tremor emitting from Kanako, whose mindbase was directed to one his Eight Bullets. Unless she's human, death was a one way ticket but far be it from humanity, despite the world-shattering pains, her nomu-bioengineered body maintained the integrity of her mind & body. Keyaru smiled and quickly eliminated Kanako by temporarily disabling her Quirk with his own Antiquirk Pistol, never was there a need to use his Quirks against children, his withdrawing of artillery was too fast for the naked eye to see. Gazing upon the remaining Heroes, he intends to kill all of them except Kanako & Matsuru.

Suddenly, black feathers prevented his quick-witted reflexes, knowing well not to react poorly against Ravens.

Keyaru remained calm & in-control of the situation, he proceeded blitzing Ravens, who could react to his fast-pacing movements. Against a winged hero, remaining on guard is something crucial, having fought not just Hawks but also his Agents to a standstill, Keyaru knew that at any given moment, underhanded tactics is his WP and that diversion on all sides was a given. Before he knew it so, Keyaru has fallen prey to the illusion of Ravens, who not only quickly evacuated the wounded at the level of Hawks speed.

Keyaru's impressed that there were still Heroes of that caliber.

It's clear to him that not only the wounded was evacuated to safety but also the civilians and Kanako herself, leaving him inclined to believe that Ravens knew of his plot to take Kanako from the Heroes, who Ravens flew away with Hebi in tow.

"As expected of the #2 Hero and successor of Hawks."

He saw that Matsuru's body has revived & slowly regaining his conscience, Keyaru deduced that Matsuru had Yusuke's Quirk, feeding off the recently copied Super Regeneration Quirk.

Ants after another, Rin arrived and froze him off of his tracks.

Both had eye contact, Rin wasn't showing any signs of fear but only hatred against Keyaru.

Unfortunately, she was knocked out by surprise by his redhead henchman, Rin was impaled by photokinetic light spears, who then shifted her attention towards Haru & Yusuke.

Yusuke once again served as a meatshield to Haru.

"You owe me two for this!"

"Lisara, do not entertain, go forth, I don't need you here." Keyaru reprimanded his henchman not to kill the students, Lisara disappeared.

Reality crumbled as space altered into a concised form.

The Heroes across the other locations got transported into the same place as Keyaru, his henchmen was also nowhere to be found, as his henchmen settled their scores with the Proheroes.

Keyaru glared at Akira, Mei, Yui, Amaya, Matsuru, Haru, Yusuke, Chinmoku, Hikari, Rin, Kazuki & Ria as he released an invisible field of force that threw off their gravity, they were being crushed by the weight of the gravity, they were also receiving images of death.

"Eirei Heroes, let this be a warning to never intervene with my business, Endeavor made a mistake, retiring without a proper successor." Within that confined domain space, there appeared a gigantic fireball, coming in fast like a meteor.

Within that confined domain space, we could see the buildings, crumbling and falling as debris, burning and melting.

Besides the crushing weight of gravity that was pulling them down, restraining them forcefully, along with the imagery of death, they could also feel their throat, burning from the intense scorching atmosphere as the fireball drew closer and closer...

The space domain is a sealed and contained area, only those inside will be obliterated into cinders while the outside world is unaffected.

You can't run because Keyaru is here.

Keyaru stood atop, whether this was a godly display of power or not, either they live or die.

What're his intentions?

Is it over for our Heroes or will there be someone to save them?
We all have that attention span deficit, asking what is even going on, as your beloved Gamemaster, Chairman of Brainrot, my Covenant of Comasters, moving forward will be doing what I do, post summary count, this is member retention quality and because I love y'all.

Always remember, we are all equals fighting for the same cause and when there's a break needed, we will commit Unlimited Break Works!

Being honestly upfront with each other helps, that's why I love y'all. To tell you honestly, my way of doing things though questionably fourth-wally, is a matter of care and love, I am the Honored One and y'all are the Chosen Ones.

This is a moment of sacred text and not a means to rush anyone.

Long story short, Fenix Tear had breakfast and discussed about the things to come, they had interactions like a daily morning routine. Each played their roles according to how they act, an example of it Jericho being the gallant, hanging out with just about everyone in the guild with his cutesy athlecism in the speed of darkness. Ceri being our moe-moe little etherious, Amaya being our resident wisewoman, Gwen doing Alchemy things with Ayuna & Zeire. Meanwhile, Azuria having private moments with her trusted set of S-Classes on a critical mission that's an S-Class, hoping that it may change the tide of the demonic fog raids.

Jaina, Shinra & Reina initially not told about the true nature of their Quest was then explained by Weisz, one of the Hitmen & members of Azuria's Blackops Squad. In the long run, it's revealed that their Quest is the same as what Team Eris will be partaking, and to standing still of twist, Amaya joins the Quest, making her a partner in crime with Reuel. Our lonesome Craftsman, being the best at his job as more than a craftsman, is the best Blackops Squad member, had connections, network of informants from the Icebergan vantage point. Reuel and Amaya then encountered a Thought Projection of Azuria, who gave them proper details of their Quest, shockingly, Fortuna being corrupted may soon meet its desolating fate.

There's also a meeting prior everyone's deployment.

Gwen & Lucas duke it out offscreen and will be seen in Digmata's post.
NTL: Filipino | FAC: Mafia | AGE: 19y.o

Noble Arms





Source Material

Iceberg | Fylkirlén | Main Capital | Castle Blüdenfort
As the air to the bird & sea to the fish, so is contempt to the contemptible.
Nothing but agonizing wailing from a seemingly innocent woman has cried within the confines of the fortress, the woman was devil-possessed as she was floating and speaking an alien language so gibberish.

She dressed in white, she was beautiful yet was eerie, three priests from the Holy Magic Council of White Creed were speaking in tongues yet couldn't exorcise the target. Switching to the scene, multiple priests were alarmed about the situation, the bells were erratic, ominously ringing, clanging & banging, its sound waves to & fro was seen, glistening reverberating. Footsteps to the exorcism chambers are heard, stomping, thumping, over & over, over & over, over & over again, hurriedly zooming to the direction of the fracturedly blended souls.

The next scene had the Priestly Choir with their homilies, chanting, chanting, chanting.

Im Namen An-ḫkseraam
Und zum Sohn, Zeref
Zum Heiligen Geist


(Repeated 7x)

Singing, chanting, mumbling, muttering and all sorts of deceleration to cast out the stinking malevolent soul inside the woman.

All for none, neither of it were working, if anything it barely did anything, it amounted to stalling the inevitable as the holy set began seeing creeping things of unholy objects. Heads were popping, blood was pulsating and maniacal cackling heard from the woman as if it's not her own voice.

"In the name of Allfather, and his sonful incarnation, Zeref and the Holy Ghost, we cast you out!" The Main Priest, Father Luke cannot do anything, he was on the receiving end of a laughing stock as he took the woman's green vomit with carpentry tools like nails.

But then the Devil Slayer arrived.

Fylkirlén Church's Divine Executioner

Hear me
Obey me
Revere me

For Allfather God Ankhseram ordained the heavenly hosts through his sonly incarnation, Zeref as the Holy Ghost dwelleth upon Elentir.

Throughout the Angelicals of the Aluhim, the Hajahim & the Gordohim, they have made their decision, the verdict of the Gods resent you, unforgiven, thou Dragon Gods lay their judgment upon this rock, you are unworthy to dwell upon the living, repent and be baptized — receive this mercy in Mount Zonia

Im Namen An-ḫkseraam
Und zum Sohn, Zeref
Zum Heiligen Geist


Pastor Vergil laid his hands upon the possessed woman, a flash of beaming light can be seen all the way from the sky and outside, it's as if his flames, fractured the structure of spacetime.

White flames can only be seen after the purification.
The man then reported to the next scene, it was the throne room of the Isenlord, the ruler of Iceberg.

"Lady Setsuka, I take it that this wailing is our actual prospect, God Zagrebal by the extension of God Rajabel, doesn't take kindly to traitors yet I see that this woman was brought by Moiselle Liv, Mortal Sinners either be exorcized or judged by hellfire for this was the traitor that leaked info to Fenix Tear."

Jester of Isenlord
Suddenly, crows made out of darkness emerged from the ground.

"Kekkakakakakajaja!" Brandon in his ghastly entrance, not just stripped the handmaidens of the Isenlord but also devoured then, eating and leaving them without a trace.

"Sinner? Ain't the world not perfect, Pastor? It's better to sin, in order to overcome sin! Darkness can only be overcome by those who knows darkness, like the starry skies in the cosmos, those shining stars of Mother Cosmos in the end will be devoured by darkness for that's their life cycle in space! Like a Dragon who eats in full."

KKK Member — White Mage

Sinners? There's no such thing as sin to the KKK, gentlemen. With her eye magic, candles begin to float and as their fuel was blood, and then the exploding blood, opened portals to eat the remaining corpses into the portal.
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