"The age of Primes has ended! NO MORE FALSE PROPHETS! Follow me, and you will never again be deceived! RISE UP! I will lead us all into the future! I... AM... MEGATRON!!!"
Danyel from Southeast Asia, pleased to meet those that're curiously unboxing this profile for eternal blessings awaits you.
You are hereby given heavenly rights to commune with me about your Roleplay plans and mine in an opportune time. Heavenly so godsent, just so you know all my Roleplays follow break schedules for I'm a firm believer of Work-Life-Hobby balance and mental health for I have a dream. My ambition is to promote this ideology in where everyone is in control of their own destiny, prospering in every aspect of your life regardless of hardships for we're Overcomers in the eyes of God.
Worry not about my Christian, Hebrewphile & Japanophile aesthetics, we all have quirksy tastes. I am in principle nondenominational as a Reborn Christian as one may humor to so label me, that is fine and as far as my dogma goes, I will never shove my beliefs downright to anyone's throats. I see myself as a Benevolent Gamemaster, content creator of RPs and one who fans the flames of progress, be subjective on what you share & I will do you right in the Lord.
If you're here and reached this far, that's good, the next one is about my dislikes, so I am telling you to backout if it's offensive to your principles, if not, keep reading.
My petpeeves are simple: I'm not fanatical about "Grammar Experts" because my rebuttal to them is simple; go find a job, get paid for being what you pose yourself as, don't waste time correcting people. In the same vein, I don't tolerate Elitist RPers, if you're an Elitist & reading this, do yourself a favor; find a job that gets you paid to be an Elitist, you have no business on forums, put me on your blacklists, don't bother me and I won't bother you, go forth and find a job that pays you to be an Elitist. Identity-disaccountability is another one that I don't accept, if you've messed up your reputation so bad, I don't have a big problem with shedding your skin to a new identity, however if your attitude comes to light, then all of this are for nothing!
Learn to take the Ls of your RP-times regardless of where you're from, I don't care where you're from. I'm willing to give you chances to change but if your old nature don't repent, then you're fooling yourself. These no-nos of mine is warranted to those who see oneself as some form of RPer-Police, and overall a total jerk, don't waste my time, go out there and touch some grass, get paid for your self-righteous etiquettes, woe to you.
For those who read up to this point, you're a gold fresh from the hearth, rejoice. I rather indulge in the harsh truths than beautiful lies. I see RP as a Business, a friend is earned but until then I'm civil enough to treat you right. I see RP as a Church, it's when different people learn to be diverse under a singular goal and I am your Pastor.
My likes are simple; I'm a Fantasy and Crime Fiction goer.
Indulgent Beloved This section is for RPers who helped shape my life IRL, physically friends IRL, we met IRL, no homo. · @Cu Chulainn · @Grey
Specialty Peculiar Pedigree Tsukina thanks to her Yuki Bloodline holds an above-average chakra capacity, excels at staying in cold places, and notices people around her using sudden drops and increases in the temperature, this means that any Jutsu she has, increases one rank higher and reduces its original cost to 50%.
Shinobi Art: Ninjutsu Specialist Tsukina boasts raw power and finesse for a Kiri Refugee and without formal training in the Yuki Clan Techniques, she invokes far reaching and destructive ice.
Buteijutsu is about the use of armed martial arts, Taijutsu is the utilization of unarmed martial arts, and Kagakuni is the utilization of ninja technology in fighting, in this case, Tsukina sticks to tradition and don't use Scientific Ninja Tools.
Chohojutsu is a Skilltree that deals with espionage and subterfuge arts, Shinobi must be versed with academic techniques for survival, the base of Chohojutsu are stealth techniques as it's about concealing ones chakra/presence, escape arts and convincing disguises, including the basic sensing of energies. • Concealment is Tsukina's Specialty ° Mujin Meisai
As Tsukina has no formal training in Ice Release, she's more adept to controlling pre-existing ice and snow in the right terrain than her rightful genetics.
Affinity 陽Clan Affinity: Yang 水 Personal Affinity: Water
Specialty Trait: Compound Pedigree By virtue of being a Pureblooded Uzumaki, Ren has the markings of a High Chakra Amount, reducing the original cost of a Jutsu into 50%, high-end quality of Chakra Control, making him naturally adept to Fūinjutsu and higher resistance to anything intruding his mind and body.
Shinobi Art: Barrier Ninjutsu Ren is arguably peerless when it comes to erection of barriers, one would say because he's an Uzumaki but what sets him apart is that there's no handseals involved when it comes to protruding barriers.
Smarts: Empathic Resolution While naturally a pacifistic individual, Ren does his best to settle things diplomatically to avoid bloodshed, he hears out both sides of the coin and tries his best to find middle grounds, he understands the emotional spectrum better than most.
Buteijutsu is about armed and unarmed martial arts, Taijutsu and Bukijutsu under this Skilltree, meaning the ability to "throw hands"/"catch these hands" and wack someone with a weapon including your greatest Scientific Ninja Tool invention.
Scientific Ninja Tool Fūin no Kote: A Condenser Type of Scientific Ninja Tool that allows Ren to keep his Fūinjutsu related scrolls, condensed in cartridge form, in this case, Ren's geared to Barrier-related scrolls.
Chohojutsu is a Skilltree that deals with espionage and subterfuge arts, Shinobi must be versed with academic techniques for survival, the base of Chohojutsu are stealth techniques as it's about concealing ones chakra/presence, escape arts and convincing disguises, including the basic sensing of energies.
Bloodline: Uzumaki Vitality | Type: Kekkei Mōra | Requirement: Yang Affinity Bloodline Level: S | Skill Level: B Heal Bite | Self Healing | Kagura Shingan
The Uzumaki are hardy people of arguably peerless physicality, possessing a powerful lifeforce that fills them with strength and energy, their bodies swell in peak physical condition and can bounce from near fatal wounds and recover from fatigue at an absurd rate, where others can't, this has historically made them ideal jinchuriki candidates, successfully containing the 9-Tailed Fox.
The Adamantine Sealing Chains are among the highest form of yang conjuration jutsu, it involves compact and unified use of Fūinjutsu and Barrier Ninjutsu as the chains are malleable and the user wills it to protrude from thin air or parts of their body, Ren can erect grappling hooks, platforms and tendrils/tentacle functioning chains.
@Gerlando@Digmata Gwen didn't let her feelings fumble on this one, she's not gonna let one childhood memory, the be all and end all.
GUNGNIR!!! Gwen encased Lucas in an ice cage made of a giant spear, cancelling whatever attacks, he had prior.
Gwen didn't take Lucas kindly for what's happening, what she's experiencing right now are raw emotions, her traumatic childhood came rushing back at her, Gwen's way of dealing with it, was pushing everyone away, she recalled a spell that Ayuna was attempting the other day.
"Aqua Aera!" said attempt alongside the rush of adrenaline, allowed Gwen to perform Aqua Aera by mere muscle memory, she looked at Ceri and Ayuna, urging them to back to the Guild since she successfully managed to connect the Guild's portal to the Holy Forest, which was oozing abundance of magic power.
With Ceri and Ayuna out of the way.
Gwen attacked Liv without remorse, she knew well enough that it's Fenix Tear's duty to exterminate Devils, not negotiate with them.
"Liv is dead, stop desecrating her body like that...TAKE OVER: DRY ICE BOMBER, GODHAND CRUSHER!!!!! " Gwen rushed towards Liv with multiple consecutive punches and kicks of assault, Spiria-induced with nitrogen.
@The Jest@JrVader@Iamme@Polaris North Setsuka amused of the way things are took a blunder as soon as Kaiga said that he'd put more magic and go faster, he did as he said he would and crashed her thick hide through the castle walls.
Forcing Setsuka outside as they both fell into the ground.
Whatever Kaiga experienced was nothing more than a delusion, thinking that he caught up to Setsuka who just stood up.
"Kitsune. That magic power essence, I never thought I'd taste it once more, it's been 400 years since I fought Tai. How pathetic, yet another mere human is his successor? How disappointing, oh well, as Queen of Iceberg, all enmity against you is severed, you may take your leave, this instance. Had I known sooner, that Hizuru arranged an appointment, then, by all means have an intelligent discussion."
Setsuka's appalled to know that her domain was broken, not just by Fenix Tear but also Hizuru, she had made it clear, 400 years ago that Iceberg wouldn't be open to any deals unless it's of dire need, still, of all the nations concerned, Hizuru is one of those with Yuki-Onna.
The only country she'd allow to visit.
"So let mask you lad, you're free to go or do you have business with Iceberg because we haven't been accepting foreigners since then, though I made it as gesture of goodwill against my rival to not touch what is his."
At the castle's throne room doors, came Ifrit and Elektra.
"I have heard your King, Jellal's summons, Chancellor Elechanel, you have also brought more company than I expected. That orderly man must be Fenix Tear's Messenger, no...I'd rather find it hard to believe that a former White Creed, White Mage would succumb to barbarity and mediocrity of Azuria Rutines. I can see your history in your eyes, young man."
Elektra sighed at the sight to behold.
"Iceberg and their demonic festives, an offering to Zagrebal, I heard." Elektra smirked at the sight of she saw, it's rather a welcoming mixture of emotions, moreso of fascination.
Setsuka bear her vampiric fangs against Elektra.
"Don't you dare say our Lord's name so nonchalantly, mere mortal." Setsuka reassured her composure once more.
"To put it frankly, Milady, there's nothing casual but do take ear, when I say this, not everyone who calls upon the Lord, will answer thee, similar to how I won't inquire further what's being avoided. Lightning never strikes twice."
Setsuka felt Elechanel's words struck her mind open, it's as if she had a sudden raise of bioelectricity, surging unusually, unable to think of what just happened vaguely.
Ifrit was never a stranger to the higher ups that the White Creed do, he knew that not all Demonic Nations are evil, but clearly he doesn't trust Iceberg.
"Supposed Iceberg refuse your alliance?"
"Then consider that Ankhseram sends his Angels to rein fire upon Iceberg, Ifrit, I can see that the Queen seemed undecided on an alliance, won't you be so kind to enlighten her that with Iceberg's military night, we can stand up better against the Demonic Fogs? But before you do that, please get Kaiga out of here."
Something was definitely off, Elektra hasn't shown the single slightest of care about the other party members, furthermore, it appears that the entire place was coated under the fabric of layered llusion.
Setsuka silently reinforced the illusion to mask the fight between Yaorin and Jericho.
Whatever maybe, things aren't what it seems but the arrival of Ifrit and Elektra was real.
Meanwhile, somewhere down the Bifrost's Holy Forest, was Eris, who just woke up from the crash.
Long story short, by order of Setsuka, Liv attacked their ship and got them separated, now she wandered.
Hyakkaryōran, an oriental idiomatic phrase that roughly reflects the state of one's society. A double-edged sword that mirrors the dichotomy between misfortunes and fortunes, redefined by multiple meanings to ones make believe reality, which is equivocal. Depending on your perception, whose to say that Konohagakure has reached an 'all time high'?
Rikudo Sennin, the Sage of Six Paths...Pein
Six years flew since Konoha was blown into smithereens, to the everyman, this was merely an insubordination from Amegakure, a failed uprising by a political idealist, Nagato of Ame. Many saw him for the terrorist he is, leader of a cultcriminal group, the Akatsuki, claiming to illuminate the world through arms race, destabilization of governments and bring about anew from the ashes, remolding the Shinobi System into the New World Order. The divided majority, however, especially those worship sects of religious groups like the Ninshu Church, believed that Nagato, was correct & that the Hyūga saw it as sign from Kaguya, to rekindle Ninshu back to the Lands of Fire.
Opinions were massively divided even today
The Lands of Fire, Konohagakure, Yumegakure, Otogakure and even Amegakure, which was pardoned for its crimes & reinstated back to the United Fire Republic, gathered at this very day of reckoning, to mourn for those who died at the center & pray that their souls may pass into the afterlife. Furthermore, it's not just people from said village territorial denominations like the four villages, specific groups of people like the Kiri Refugees, pay respects, Iron Mediators were among them but from afar, ensuring that this day go well. Whereas, the Kumo Volunteers loomed in the corner, one of them, sending a report regarding the situation to their Raikage & the rest, mourned. The ceremony was solemn, people wore all black, this was an event that's commemorated every year, people still haven't moved on and would last six days.
If God is powerful, he cannot be all good If he's all good, he cannot be all powerful Neither can you
Affinity 陽Clan Affinity: Yang 水 Personal Affinity: Water
Specialty Trait: Compound Pedigree By virtue of being a Pureblooded Uzumaki, Ren has the markings of a High Chakra Amount, reducing the original cost of a Jutsu into 50%, high-end quality of Chakra Control, making him naturally adept to Fūinjutsu and higher resistance to anything intruding his mind and body. By having said compound traits, the dichotomy in all of them, exhibits the Uzumaki's incredibly strong vigor, bright red hair, a profound Fūinjutsu and being the ideal vessels to host Kurama with an assured survival from said fatal extraction. Since Ren is a Pureblooded Uzumaki, he's won the luxurious, generic lottery of having innate healing abilities such as Heal Bite, Self Healing and the inherently rare sensory trait of Kagura Shingan.
Buteijutsu is about armed and unarmed martial arts, Taijutsu and Bukijutsu under this Skilltree, meaning the ability to "throw hands"/"catch these hands" and wack someone with a weapon including your greatest Scientific Ninja Tool invention. <Snipped quote> <Snipped quote> <Snipped quote>
Chohojutsu is a Skilltree that deals with espionage and subterfuge arts, Shinobi must be versed with academic techniques for survival, the base of Chohojutsu are stealth techniques as it's about concealing ones chakra/presence, escape arts and convincing disguises, including the basic sensing of energies. <Snipped quote>
The Adamantine Sealing Chains belongs to fully realized Uzumaki kinsfolk, making them a Kekkan aka Bloodvessel, people who aren't considered human because of bloodline discrimination. Adamantine Sealing Chains is a Kekkei Mōra that boasts the conjuration powers of Yang Release, likening it as Truthseeker Chains due to a strikingly similar property of the Truthseeking Ball, in terms of affecting all of the 7 Elemental Chakra Natures. The chains are malleable and reactive to the Kekkan's willpower, Ren can use these as a makeshift medium for Barrier Ninjutsu and even Fūinjutsu, it nullifies Ninjutsu that's based on his Skilltree Level but not against the unique Chakra Types of Senjutsu, Reijutsu, Shinjutsu and Taijutsu. <Snipped quote>
[color=deepskyblue]Danyel[/color] from Southeast Asia, pleased to meet those that're curiously unboxing this profile for eternal blessings awaits you.
You are hereby given heavenly rights to commune with me about your Roleplay plans and mine in an opportune time. Heavenly so godsent, just so you know all my Roleplays follow break schedules for I'm a firm believer of Work-Life-Hobby balance and mental health for I have a dream. My ambition is to promote this ideology in where everyone is in control of their own destiny, prospering in every aspect of your life regardless of hardships for we're Overcomers in the eyes of God.
Worry not about my Christian, Hebrewphile & Japanophile aesthetics, we all have quirksy tastes. I am in principle nondenominational as a Reborn Christian as one may humor to so label me, that is fine and as far as my dogma goes, I will never shove my beliefs downright to anyone's throats. I see myself as a Benevolent Gamemaster, content creator of RPs and one who fans the flames of progress, be subjective on what you share & I will do you right in the Lord.
If you're here and reached this far, that's good, the next one is about my dislikes, so I am telling you to backout if it's offensive to your principles, if not, keep reading.
My petpeeves are simple: I'm not fanatical about "Grammar Experts" because my rebuttal to them is simple; go find a job, get paid for being what you pose yourself as, don't waste time correcting people. In the same vein, I don't tolerate Elitist RPers, if you're an Elitist & reading this, do yourself a favor; find a job that gets you paid to be an Elitist, you have no business on forums, put me on your blacklists, don't bother me and I won't bother you, go forth and find a job that pays you to be an Elitist. Identity-disaccountability is another one that I don't accept, if you've messed up your reputation so bad, I don't have a big problem with shedding your skin to a new identity, however if your attitude comes to light, then all of this are for nothing!
Learn to take the Ls of your RP-times regardless of where you're from, I don't care where you're from. I'm willing to give you chances to change but if your old nature don't repent, then you're fooling yourself. These no-nos of mine is warranted to those who see oneself as some form of RPer-Police, and overall a total jerk, don't waste my time, go out there and touch some grass, get paid for your self-righteous etiquettes, woe to you.
For those who read up to this point, you're a gold fresh from the hearth, rejoice. I rather indulge in the harsh truths than beautiful lies. I see RP as a Business, a friend is earned but until then I'm civil enough to treat you right. I see RP as a Church, it's when different people learn to be diverse under a singular goal and I am your Pastor.
My likes are simple; I'm a Fantasy and Crime Fiction goer.
[color=deepskyblue]Indulgent Beloved[/color]
This section is for RPers who helped shape my life IRL, physically friends IRL, we met IRL, no homo.
[sup] · [@Cu Chulainn] · [@Grey][/sup]
[color=deepskyblue]Indulgent Nakama[/color]
If you're not on this list. Don't worry, we're amicable and friends, these friends of mine are the ones I typecast and trust when it comes to making rightfully overpowered characters, they're also frequent joiners, but not every time:
[sup]· [@Gerlando] · [@Sho Minazuki] · [@BlackMaiden] · [@JrVader] · [@Polaris North] · [@Landaus Five-One]
· [@Digmata] · [@Iamme] · [@Rune_Alchemist] · [@The Jest] · [@Petulant] · [@The Man Emperor] · [@paingodsson] · [@Alfhedil] · [@Aku the Samurai] · [@Deide] · [@King Kindred][/sup]
[color=deepskyblue]Indulging Fandoms[/color]
· Naruto
· Fairy Tail
· Jujutsu Kaisen
[color=deepskyblue]Indulging Worrks[/color]
I don't usually create my OG RPs but when I do, I will.
[url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/192886-fenix-tear-invite-ask-only/ooc]· Fenix Tear[/url]
· [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/192563-just-another-hero-invite-only/ooc]Just Another Hero[/url]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><font color="gainsboro"><font color="deepskyblue">Shalom!</font><br><br><font color="deepskyblue">Danyel</font> from Southeast Asia, pleased to meet those that're curiously unboxing this profile for eternal blessings awaits you.<br><br>You are hereby given heavenly rights to commune with me about your Roleplay plans and mine in an opportune time. Heavenly so godsent, just so you know all my Roleplays follow break schedules for I'm a firm believer of Work-Life-Hobby balance and mental health for I have a dream. My ambition is to promote this ideology in where everyone is in control of their own destiny, prospering in every aspect of your life regardless of hardships for we're Overcomers in the eyes of God.<br><br>Worry not about my Christian, Hebrewphile & Japanophile aesthetics, we all have quirksy tastes. I am in principle nondenominational as a Reborn Christian as one may humor to so label me, that is fine and as far as my dogma goes, I will never shove my beliefs downright to anyone's throats. I see myself as a Benevolent Gamemaster, content creator of RPs and one who fans the flames of progress, be subjective on what you share & I will do you right in the Lord.<br><br>Amen.<br><br>If you're here and reached this far, that's good, the next one is about my dislikes, so I am telling you to backout if it's offensive to your principles, if not, keep reading.<br><br>My petpeeves are simple: I'm not fanatical about "Grammar Experts" because my rebuttal to them is simple; go find a job, get paid for being what you pose yourself as, don't waste time correcting people. In the same vein, I don't tolerate Elitist RPers, if you're an Elitist & reading this, do yourself a favor; find a job that gets you paid to be an Elitist, you have no business on forums, put me on your blacklists, don't bother me and I won't bother you, go forth and find a job that pays you to be an Elitist. Identity-disaccountability is another one that I don't accept, if you've messed up your reputation so bad, I don't have a big problem with shedding your skin to a new identity, however if your attitude comes to light, then all of this are for nothing!<br><br>Learn to take the Ls of your RP-times regardless of where you're from, I don't care where you're from. I'm willing to give you chances to change but if your old nature don't repent, then you're fooling yourself. These no-nos of mine is warranted to those who see oneself as some form of RPer-Police, and overall a total jerk, don't waste my time, go out there and touch some grass, get paid for your self-righteous etiquettes, woe to you.<br><br>For those who read up to this point, you're a gold fresh from the hearth, rejoice. I rather indulge in the harsh truths than beautiful lies. I see RP as a Business, a friend is earned but until then I'm civil enough to treat you right. I see RP as a Church, it's when different people learn to be diverse under a singular goal and I am your Pastor.<br><br>My likes are simple; I'm a Fantasy and Crime Fiction goer.<br><br><font color="deepskyblue">Indulgent Beloved</font><br>This section is for RPers who helped shape my life IRL, physically friends IRL, we met IRL, no homo.<br><sup> · <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/cu-chulainn">@Cu Chulainn</a> · <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/grey">@Grey</a></sup><br><br><font color="deepskyblue">Indulgent Nakama</font><br>If you're not on this list. Don't worry, we're amicable and friends, these friends of mine are the ones I typecast and trust when it comes to making rightfully overpowered characters, they're also frequent joiners, but not every time:<br><sup>· <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/gerlando">@Gerlando</a> · <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/sho-minazuki">@Sho Minazuki</a> · <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/blackmaiden">@BlackMaiden</a> · <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/jrvader">@JrVader</a> · <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/polaris-north">@Polaris North</a> · <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/landaus-five-one">@Landaus Five-One</a> <br>· <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/digmata">@Digmata</a> · <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/iamme">@Iamme</a> · <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/rune_alchemist">@Rune_Alchemist</a> · <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/the-jest">@The Jest</a> · <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/petulant">@Petulant</a> · <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/the-man-emperor">@The Man Emperor</a> · <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/paingodsson">@paingodsson</a> · <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/alfhedil">@Alfhedil</a> · <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/aku-the-samurai">@Aku the Samurai</a> · <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/deide">@Deide</a> · <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/king-kindred">@King Kindred</a></sup><br><br><font color="deepskyblue">Indulging Fandoms</font><br>· Naruto<br>· Fairy Tail<br>· Jujutsu Kaisen<br><br><font color="deepskyblue">Indulging Worrks</font><br>I don't usually create my OG RPs but when I do, I will.<br><a href="https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/192886-fenix-tear-invite-ask-only/ooc">· Fenix Tear</a><br>· <a href="https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/192563-just-another-hero-invite-only/ooc">Just Another Hero</a></font></div>