(FC: Virginia Gardner; Dialogue: F29CA3)
"Beneath the makeup and behind the smile, I am just a girl who wishes for the world."
Alex or Lexi, any other nickname is a big no from her.
Age and Birthday
17, July 2nd
Animal Identity
Cottontail Rabbit
Alexis is not someone you would describe as smart. Sure, she has very basic street smarts, but in terms of general intelligence, she doesn't rank high. Think Karen Smith from that really old movie Mean Girls from 30 years ago, but just a slightly larger vocabulary. The blonde coasts by on her good looks and her sweet nature alone and rarely employs her personal resources in order to succeed. Alexis is well aware that she's attractive and because of this, she knows that if she smiles in just the right way or bats her eyelashes, she can get the nerd in class to do her homework for her or easily bend others to her will.
In terms of demeanor, she is kind and compassionate and enjoys the company of others. You might describe her as popular since she gets along with most people on campus and tends to surround herself with a posse of friends at all times. If you scratch her back, she'll scratch yours, and after spending time with Alexis, you'd understand that the girl means well and doesn't have a malicious bone in her body. She shys away from confrontation if she's ever put in a situation that is anything less than positive, and is vulnerable in times of conflict.
Habits/Quirks/Fun Facts
✸ She absolutely loves flowers (especially if they're given to her by someone else) and almost always keeps a vase of fresh cut ones in her room.
✸ Always into the newest fad diet, Alexis is currently vegan, but that changes day to day. Last week she tried Paleo.
✸ Her grades are quite low, but her highest grade is in Social Science with Mr. Kennedy...
✸ Alexis loves wearing sundresses, skirts, and florals. Her fashion sense is very girly, and she never leaves her dorm room without a full face of makeup.
✸ Her guilty pleasure is chocolate- if you ever want to bribe her, that's the easy way to do so.
Alexis doesn't have any true aspirations and is a bit of a hopeless romantic, so her dream is quite simple: she wants to find a person whom she admires and fall in love.
✔ Sunflowers
✔ Hanging out with friends
✔ Makeup
✔ Group projects
✘ The color Orange
✘ Exams
✘ Conflict
✘ Athletics
The blonde usually has others fight her battles for her, which has forced her to depend on others. She doesn't have many ways of protecting herself (she isn't strong, both physically and mentally), so she's afraid of the day when she finds herself on her own and has to fend for herself.
History Pre-Memory Loss
Alexis was born into a family of overachievers. Her mother was a lawyer- she skipped two years of secondary school to become the youngest attorney at her firm. Her father was a doctor- the Head of Neurosurgery at an acclaimed Hospital in California. Her older brothers were both in college studying to be scientists and doctors. And Alexis tried her best to live up to the Levinthal family name.
Academically, she was always the top of her class. Straight A’s, multiple AP’s, student council president; she was a college’s dream student. A lottery win in terms of scholastic intelligence and drive. But socially, she struggled. Her weekends were spent at home studying or reading and not out with friends because she didn’t have many. She focused so much on her future that she forgot how to live in the present and enjoy her younger years.
Wayman and Hagerty only dreamed of having someone of her caliber join their experiment. What a mind they could study if she joined; her IQ was off the charts for someone her age and everyone knew it. So they did what they had to: they masqueraded the boarding school as a prestigious college prep program and promised that if Alexis’ attended, she would have her pick of what Ivy league she wanted to go to. This was music to the girl’s ears, as well as her parent’s, and so she willingly packed her bags and moved to New Mexico. But she didn’t get what she signed up for, not to her knowledge at least. What better way for Wayman and Hagerty to test their technology and perfect their research than by turning Alexis into a unintelligent and skin deep socialite. Her academic prowess was discarded and exchanged for the exact opposite that she was.
Extra Information
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