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9 yrs ago
Current You shall fetch me your universes ultimate cup of!


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You're at peace with Iran after commiting attrocities against the shia people? Thats realistic.

Absolutely. They lost the war and opted for peace^^

But if we're going down the path of realism, how realistic is a union of India and Pakistan after they nuked eachother :D

<Snipped quote by Mihndar>

No problem! Could I then advance to Tehran,under the pretext of protecting the citizens of the shia majority from the caliphate, which in its history has commited atrocities against shiites in their domains?

You are aware that the war ended 15 years ago and the middle-east has been at peace for 15 years?
Good job, you just invaded a neutral country :D
Suleymaniye mosque Istanbul

Thousands of Muslims have gathered in the Suleymaniye mosque to participate in the traditional Friday prayers of Islam. This Friday Caliph Mohammed Salah Ibn Al-Arabi would lead the prayers. Mohammed Salah had been chosen by the Shura as Caliph of the Istanbul Caliphate 10 years ago after the dead of the previous Caliph. Mohammed Salah stroke his long black beard once and started to speak.

“ Brothers, today the fragile peace of this world has been broken. 15 years ago the third world war came to an end. Reshaping the world, redrawing borders. The nations that are here today have been born through blood and fire. We all remember the horrors, we all honor the fallen martyrs and we all wish to see our sons and daughters grow up in peace. We have worked hard to reestablish peaceful relationships with our neighbors and bring stability to the Arabic world. Under our leadership the Middle-east has known a period of unprecedented peace and prosperity. For 15 years our women could go to the markets without having to fear to be blown up. For 15 years the people of Palestine could walk the streets of Gaza city without the fear of being bombed. This fear is now back.

The Mexican Empire and their United South Asian Empire friends have declared war on the Caliphate unprovoked. Destroying the fragile after world war 3 peace and returning the flames of war once again to the world Allah has given us, staining its soil with the blood of the innocent. USAE troops have violated the sovereignty of Iran and are marching towards our borders. Once again my brothers The Caliphate must ask his sons to take up the sword in order to defend our children from brutal imperialism from beyond the seas. Once again our sons will become martyrs to perserve our way of live and to defend the children of Islam. Long live the Caliphate!”

The crowd cheered “ Allahu Akbar!”

Meanwhile full scale mobilization of the Caliphate's armed forces went underway. Units of the great Caliphs army take on defensive positions all across the border with the Caliphate and Iran in order to deal with the invaders. The Caliphate's navy started to extensively patrol the Gulf of Aden and the Straight of Gibraltar. Effectively closing entry to the Mediterranean Sea for Mexican and USAE ships.

A proposition to all the nations of the world

Greetings my brothers,

Our world has been shaped by fire and blood. Our fields have been stained with the violence of world war. Our mothers still weep over their lost sons on the battlefield of 15 years ago. Only time can heal can heal the scars of war. The Caliphate does not wish to rip open these wounds that have just barely been closed. We do not seek conflict nor expansion of our borders. We seek to preserve our way of life and to give the Muslims of this world a home where they can practice their religion without interference and oppression.

The Istanbul Caliphate does not believe that the world should be cast once again into the horrors of war. The Caliphate greatly condemns the USAE violation of the Iranian sovereignty. A neutral country that we have been at peace with for 15 years. In order to resolve this crisis the great Caliph proposes to hold a peace conference in a neutral country between all the major powers. Only through working together we can maintain this fragile peace and prevent that this world will be once again engulfed in the flames of war.

May the world prosper in peace.

Caliph Mohammed Salah Ibn Al-Arabi
Nation App
Legal Nation Name (Such As United Soviet Socialist States of America):
The Caliphate of Instanbul

What Areas Do You Control (Territories):
Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Isreal, Sinai, Egypt, Iraq

Flag or Banner (National and Political):

Political Party (What Party leads the Nation):
Sunni Brotherhood

Type of Government (Easy Pz):
A Caliphate. A type of theocratic autocracy where the highest religious leader (Caliph) is also the highest political leader. The Caliph is the Chosen representative of Allah in the mortal world. The Shura, a gathering of community leaders elects the Caliph for life. Upon the Caliphs death, all the community leaders gather to choose the next Caliph. It is the Sunni Brotherhood party who presents the possible candidates to the Shura.

Head of State:
Caliph Mohammed Salah Ibn Al-Arabi
Minister of foreign affairs:
Ali Burnguz
Minister of defense:
Ahmed Marcaguz

Military (How many People and Military and Main Generals):

The caliphate's regular military is divided into 3 branches. Army, Air-force and Navy. The navy includes the marine corps. The Caliphate conscripts every able bodied man aged 17 into a 5 year service. After their initial service the conscripts can join the military as a career soldier. The higher ranking officers and special forces units consists of career soldiers. Next to the official military forces the Caliphate has a paramilitary wing of radical islamists recruited from all over the world known as the Martyr Brigade.

Martyr Brigades
The martyr brigades is a multinational fundamentalist paramilitary organization with the aim of adding other territories to the Caliphate. It consists of radical Islamic insurgents who are trained in the Caliphate to conduct a-symmetric warfare and terrorism against the infidels. Recruits from all across the world join this organization and setup local cells to further the spread of the true Islam within their own country. Its idiology teaches its members that it is the duty to wage jihad upon all the infidels until the entire world is united under one Caliphate.

Productions (What your nation Produces):
Oil, gas, agricultural products, industrial manufactured goods, Iron. Another great source of income to the Caliphate is the exploitation of the Suez Canal and the Bosphorus strait. Countries and companies have to pay special tributes to the Caliphate in order to make use of the sea lanes.

Due to the extremely fundamentalist interpretation of the Quran, sharia and other Islamic works the capitalist banking system has been replaced by Islamic banking which does not charge interest on their loans. Also the country is closed to all international companies that are not run by the Islamic banking principles. This has a negative impact on the countries economy.

History of the Nation (Easy Pz):

Main Race (What is your State Race + Racial Demographics):
Turks: 48 %
Arabs: 42%
Other: 10%

Main Religion (What is your State Religion + Religious Demographics):
Radical Sunni Islam. The Caliphate endorses a very radical version of the Sunni Islam. It forces everyone within the state to convert to this form of Islam. Religious minorities have been subjugated to extreme violence and genocide. Any other form of religion is prohibited by the state. People who refuse to convert can be punished by death of sold into slavery. Most people who identify with other religions than the Sunni Islam are slaves owned by religious fighters and leaders.


Milkman - the dead Lebanese Christians shall be avenged...

My country will be the most hated of all XD

<Snipped quote by Mihndar>

I was indeed aware of that legend. I somewhat doubt, however, that I would be allowed to implement such a myth into the RP :3

But as you suggested, a good (?) cassus belli :)

That is a cool legend. You could definitely put it in the rp as part of your countries ideology :)
Wow, this kind of has exploded since I posted in the int check. Anyway, here's my WIP nation sheet. It contains some more updates since initially posted in the int check.


Nation App
Legal Nation Name (Such As United Soviet Socialist States of America):
The Caliphate of Instanbul

What Areas Do You Control (Territories):
Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Isreal, Sinai, Egypt, Iraq

Flag or Banner (National and Political):

Political Party (What Party leads the Nation):
Sunni Brotherhood

Type of Government (Easy Pz):
A Caliphate. A type of theocratic autocracy where the highest religious leader (Caliph) is also the highest political leader. The Caliph is the Chosen representative of Allah in the mortal world. The Shura, a gathering of community leaders elects the Caliph for life. Upon the Caliphs death, all the community leaders gather to choose the next Caliph. It is the Sunni Brotherhood party who presents the possible candidates to the Shura.

Military (How many People and Military and Main Generals):

The caliphate's regular military is divided into 3 branches. Army, Air-force and Navy. The navy includes the marine corps. The Caliphate conscripts every able bodied man aged 17 into a 5 year service. After their initial service the conscripts can join the military as a career soldier. The higher ranking officers and special forces units consists of career soldiers. Next to the official military forces the Caliphate has a paramilitary wing of radical islamists recruited from all over the world known as the Martyr Brigade.

Martyr Brigades
The martyr brigades is a multinational fundamentalist paramilitary organization with the aim of adding other territories to the Caliphate. It consists of radical Islamic insurgents who are trained in the Caliphate to conduct a-symmetric warfare and terrorism against the infidels. Recruits from all across the world join this organization and setup local cells to further the spread of the true Islam within their own country. Its idiology teaches its members that it is the duty to wage jihad upon all the infidels until the entire world is united under one Caliphate.

Productions (What your nation Produces):
Oil, gas, agricultural products, industrial manufactured goods, Iron. Another great source of income to the Caliphate is the exploitation of the Suez Canal and the Bosphorus strait. Countries and companies have to pay special tributes to the Caliphate in order to make use of the sea lanes.

Due to the extremely fundamentalist interpretation of the Quran, sharia and other Islamic works the capitalist banking system has been replaced by Islamic banking which does not charge interest on their loans. Also the country is closed to all international companies that are not run by the Islamic banking principles. This has a negative impact on the countries economy.

History of the Nation (Easy Pz):

Main Race (What is your State Race + Racial Demographics):
Turks: 48 %
Arabs: 42%
Other: 10%

Main Religion (What is your State Religion + Religious Demographics):
Radical Sunni Islam. The Caliphate endorses a very radical version of the Sunni Islam. It forces everyone within the state to convert to this form of Islam. Religious minorities have been subjugated to extreme violence and genocide. Any other form of religion is prohibited by the state. People who refuse to convert can be punished by death of sold into slavery. Most people who identify with other religions than the Sunni Islam are slaves owned by religious fighters and leaders.

Has anyone claimed Iran?
Would like to know if I have any next door neighbors.

I think no one has claimed Iran...yet ;)

<Snipped quote by Willy Vereb>

I have comparatively little interest in Europe. If I do expand in Europe through the course of the roleplay, it would only be to take back Moldova/the Baltic countries.

The Caliphate and the post-American countries probably have the most to fear.

Which countries would still have nuclear arsenals?

With over 51 million muslims in your country, it might be wise to avoid the torn of Allah. That are 51 million potential terrorists waging Jihad on the oppressive infidels of the Sovjet Empire :D
Max was a bit surprised by the sudden appearance of this young lady. Judging on her accent and attitude she was decently from south-American decent. Such temperament. Even before he could respond to her appearance meltdown started to rage around about cellphones and started to glow brightly. Almost instantly Max could feel the heat rising. He counted himself lucky that he was wearing sunglasses and his body was covered in clothing. If not, he would have gotten an unwanted color change to red.

As Meltdown started to run towards the forest the sound of machine-gun fire filled the air. It came much to Phenomenon's surprise. The first shots missed him and as he turned around he raised his hand. Like a policeman that orders a car to stop. As the next salvo was launched towards him the bullets simply stopped about two feet away from max. Hanging completely silent in mid-air. He turned towards the men at the edge of the forest and shouted. “Guys, shooting at me is not going to work. Better surrender now before that lady kicks you into the hospital”

With the motion of his finger Max made the bullets turn towards the man in the back next to the Faraday cage. Suddenly one of the bullets accelerated towards one of the men in the hazmat suits who stood next to the cage. It passed the person in the hazmat suit head only by a few inch before it dug itself into one of the trees. “ It seems like I missed” Shouted phenomenon into their direction. “I am pretty sure the next one will hit your head. And even if I miss again. All your shooting gave me plenty of ammunition. Not to mention I am in the mood for a little target practise. But I'll cut you a deal. Why don't you guys start explaining what the hell this mess is and you just might live to see another day!”
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