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In Ju-V 11 mos ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
<Snipped quote by Mintz>

Yep, you can consider the sheet approved, and move it over to the character tab. But if you can hold off on posting in the IC for a bit, I'm still trying to iron out a plausible entry point for prospective new characters.

Depending on what we come up with as far as that plausible entry point goes, I might ask around for seconds among accepted players or even temporarily re-open the interest check. Still working things out.

Awesome! I'll see about doing that, and I'm more than happy to wait for you to figure out the specifics for newcomers :)
In Ju-V 11 mos ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

Goodness, yeah, I'd nearly forgotten about all this. But hey, if my sheet seems all good, I'm happy to be involved :D
It's close to Halloween... Does that mean we're starting soon?

Yup! As I've mentioned prior, the end of October is the 'deadline' of sorts...Or at the very least, it's when the RP proper will begin lol
Alright, time for me to work my way through the backlog!


While it still says WIP, reading over things, it looks pretty complete xD. So on the presumption that it actually is as done as it looks, I'm more than happy accepting Elias. :D


This is overdue, but after having reread through the whole sheet, the most I could find to complain about is how short her History is, but I find many other parts to the sheet help fill that out anyhow, so without further ado....Mazie is a go!


Jeez, who picked out their hero names? I sure hope it wasn't themselves...Jokes aside though, Johan and Valentine both seem good! Most I could harp on is a pretty short test-post, but it does the important thing those're meant to do, which is get the feel of the characters across (even if the feel for one of them is never talking once lmao). I'll consider them accepted!

@Crusader Lord

Okay, yeah, no surprise, Jason is accepted. I've been seein' ya work through him for the better half of a month with stellar results, and it definitely pays to see him for real now. Welcome to the team!
@Mintz Hmm. I'm interested. I don't have a favorite Marvel character (favorites are hard! How do you choose just one?) and I'm only passingly familiar with the Marvel Universe (I've watched most of the movies and a few of the tv shows, but that's the limit of my experience) but I think I'd like to join.

Is there a limit on the number of characters you can have? I have a few ideas, one being a brother-sister pair, one controlling electricity with machine empathy, the other with a water affinity.

EDIT: I think they might have been Hydra-trained as children, in a German facility, but their dad broken them out with help from some buddies and powered individuals... Is that okay?

EDIT AGAIN: What's your stance on AIs?

There's no technical limit, though ofc make sure to only do as much as you're comfortable with. As for the sibby pair, it sounds neat! I'd have to see more to give thoughts beyond that, but that's how it goes xD. Though, heads-up, we do have an electricity-based character around already, but as long as you differentiate yourself from them, I'm certain it'll be fine. :) And as for their origins, that's totally fine!

Although, I have to ask...What exactly do you mean by my stance on AIs?
Hey, anything's cool! :D

Updates are looking good! Especially the history addition. Only thing I'd ask is....Maybe don't make him sound like that big of a deal, joining in to face the villains of New York? As-is it makes it sound like he single-handedly changed the tides of things like some legendary hero, which he simply isn't, and if he felt like that, he'd overshadow a lot of the other students in the academy. In other words, you don't need to sell him so hard; the fact he stepped in at all is respectable and inspiring, he hardly needs to be the sole reason the Big Apple got order restored prior to The Snap being undone xD

Also, while not necessary, I'll bring it up since it involves his History; it might be nice to have a bit explaining how things went for him after The Snap was undone and things were brought back to 'relative' normalcy, and how he might've ended up being roped into the Academy situation. Might involve his parents, or it might just involve some heroes who saw what he'd done for people in that five-year gap. Up to you!
<Snipped quote by Ezekiel>

Sample post is done, sorry for the delay, haven't done a relations section yet as she's only really had contact with Logan, but I can add that in if need be, otherwise I was simply going to add things in as they occurred IC as I presume those would be the majority of her first meetings anyway.

Passing by a few code-related flubs, this all looks great! Feel free to shoot her on into the Characters tab once you've got a hider on her again. :)
WIP (This is long overdue from me, but yes, I will have my own primary character in this RP lol)

Sounds good to me; I'm excited to see about accepting a lot of the WIPs here soon :D
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