Avatar of MrSkimobile


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Current A soothsayer bids you beware the ides of March.
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Sigma is overrated. Tau for the greater good!
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*where we're going we won't need eyes*
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I like putting words in my salad.
9 mos ago
Be the ride you want the amusement park to have


About me

Hi! MrSkimobile here. I've been RP'ing and occasionally GM'ing for close to a decade now.
I like RP's that are on the Casual+/Tabletop side, that are preferably original settings. No genre preferences.
This thread holds the full archive of my antics on this site.
Always feel free to contact me. See you around!


DELTΔ HYPER (Scifi F1 Slice of Life) - Kais Zenix, Supersoldier-turned-Racer


(currently not GMing any games)

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Fate: Accelerated (Play-By-Post) Edition

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Then I better start setting stuff up. Give me a week or so to write something up
@Red Wizard Agreed w/ Chrys. There's no rush, it's just a game :)
gg guys
Brorin Foul

The rumbling of hooves and feet came quickly. The war cries followed soon enough. Too quickly. The war shouldn't be this far advanced yet!

"No, not now. Of all times..." Brorin rummaged through his satchel, digging past his unrefined ingredients. Some beakers, mortar and pestle, there! Metal bomb-shells! ...empty. Of course they were. You wouldn't send people out on a suicide mission well stocked now, would you? That would be mad! Typical. Damned witch. What was he going to do now, throw his cane? Or maybe, what about if they were peaceful? Oh, who was he kidding. You should've heard the screams. His mind flashed to the reavers. Barbarian hordes. Horned knights. Drake riders. Blood. What a nightmar--

The shriek came out of nowhere. A cry louder than the loudest organ-register, but it came from their own! He saw the sound, rippling and bellowing out from the small blood-eyed girl, as if even the very air couldn't hold the sheer force of it. And as the shockwave blew past him, he was smashed to the side and straight into the ground. Through the ringing in his ears, he could barely hear the cracks, the shouts, the confusion, the metal helmets imploding in on themselves. Drawing a small 'X' over his heart with his right hand, he noted that his earlier comment appeared to be more prophetic than he meant it. Then, as he drifted off into unconsciousness, Brorin made a mental note to try and not piss these people off too much.
@Red Wizard That 'Thanks' was sarcastic btw :'/
Brorin Foul

Few had offered their names. Viktor. Ricon. Then silence. It was clear the others' trust would be more hard earned, and that was of the utmost importance. Few were known to trek with giants and live to tell the tale in one piece. And the living shadow surely was Devilry - would have to stay away from that one. But it was a start. Each introduction Brorin answered simply with the slightest bow and "A pleasure."

As they moved on, Brorin listened to the others debating about how to continue. He would rather not get caught-up with these reavers before having had a chance to stock up. As Brorin followed on he started lagging behind them, and not just because of his condition. He gathered his mutagenic reagents as inconspicuously as he could, stuffing them in his satchel as he went. Small insects, saplings, even a rat once. Come nightfall he would grind them, extract their essences. All had their uses, all had their purpose. Claws and armor from the beetles. Regenerating juices from the saplings. The rat, nutrition. Then, finally, he would be... better.

When the conversation shifted to the entry into Sulfrey, Brorin staggered forward once more. "There are ways into cities other than the front gate, friends." He looked at the garish nature of their compatriots. "I have seen many a travelling freak shows, we might not look too out of place if we play the part." He chuckled a soft saw-like laugh, and quickly followed up with "I also... happen to know the workings of sewers well. Could be another way in... and could aid us to not be noticed once inside."

[@all] @Red Wizard
Quick first draft.

Mr. Red Wizard, you spoil us! I'm in! Reserving a spot for a CS, thinking of creating an elven amnesiac wishing to find her missing memories.

Not so much a joke I'd say, more like carefree and spontaneous. like he literally has firepower enough that he hasn't fallen to manipulativeness or cynicism. So yeah not gonna lie I love the goofy-but-dangerous combo. Nice break from the edgyboys eh ;) #guilty
@BigPapaBelial Oh I didn't have a problem with it at all, I like the early lootboxes ;), I was just wondering how the freedom of the game would work on a logistical level, especially with so many players.
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