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*where we're going we won't need eyes*
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Be the ride you want the amusement park to have


About me

Hi! MrSkimobile here. I've been RP'ing and occasionally GM'ing for close to a decade now.
I like RP's that are on the Casual+/Tabletop side, that are preferably original settings. No genre preferences.
This thread holds the full archive of my antics on this site.
Always feel free to contact me. See you around!


DELTΔ HYPER (Scifi F1 Slice of Life) - Kais Zenix, Supersoldier-turned-Racer


(currently not GMing any games)

Contributed Articles

Fate: Accelerated (Play-By-Post) Edition

Most Recent Posts

@Red Wizard Yes definitely, thanks!
(posted once more this 'round' just to get the pleasantries out of the way so to say, and to bounce something off to those who haven't posted yet, fwiw)

I'm enjoying this one :).

also @Red Wizard I changed my CS a bit as you said to make the char a bit more dangerous, but tried to make him not too OP. Also, you said in the initial post we have a lot of control over the game. I was wondering to what degree we are in charge of, e.g. timeskips, loot, etc. like in the current situation (Ricon leading us to some caches), as I can imagine keeping everyone on the same 'line' would become a bit more difficult then.
Brorin Foul

"We're actually I'd say maybe 2 days away from Sulfrey if we stick to the Lower Roads and the Forest Paths. I know my way around here if you can trust me."

Trust. The word rung out to Brorin like a church bell. The ember-eyed man liked to blab, that much was clear. Apparently he liked talking almost as much as he liked his arson and lootings, and he liked those a whole lot. Brorin mused they wouldn't even have to go out of their way to find trouble in Sulfrey at this rate. Trouble would find them before long, or find this one at least. A wild man, capable and dangerous, yet strangely childlike. Unfeigned and unsuspecting, he could've been a fellow Brother in another life if he weren't a slave to his burning passions. That would surely become his own undoing... But it could serve them for now... 'Trust'? There's one thing you could be sure of when it came to trust: it gets broken, eventually. Everything nice dies, in the end.

The two largest members of their party had walked after the flaming bandit with little delay. One, because she followed. The other, with purpose. The ghost-girl still seemed skeptical about the whole ordeal, sighing and rolling her eyes. But she was a silent enough counterpart to the loudmouthed and hulking ground-shakers to be almost pleasant. She seemed sad, though. Strange... Sadness wouldn't get you into the Warden's Maw. Nor should it get to you once back outside of it. Brorin tried studying his new companions the way he used to do his priests and choirboys back in his parish. But they were a different breed of people. Or were they...? He decided to break the ice.

"What would you have me call you, friends? Foul's my name, or so they called me at my parish, before I..." He paused. "...came to the Maw. Brorin Foul."

@Drifting Pollen @Chrys @Lurking Shadow @Eviledd1984 @Abstract Proxy @Thunder999999 @BigPapaBelial @Vertigo @Red Wizard
Brorin Foul

Brorin's voice stuck in his throat as the images and words flooded his mind. Sulfrey. Barbarians. The God-King sitting in his dead hall. That knowing smile. Red hair. A scar. Hordes of horned knights pouring over the kingdom. Blood. Then silence.

Then noise. The walls crumbling down. The world slipping away from him. Darkness closing in on him. Heart pounding, eye flitting, but nothing. Nothing but noise! And through the haze... That smile...

"Why do we keep him, father?" - "You will find out in the end, son." Echoes carry far in a church...
"I've got a treat for you, a right Foul task today." Those smiles...
"You still not dead yet?"
"You...? Why...?" Now it was his turn to smile...

Brorin's knees buckled as he fell into... Softness. A wheat field? He felt a cool breeze run through his eye socket. And there were birds! His heart calmed at a steady pace, only to flare up again as he noticed his mask had slipped. With trembling hands, he picked it up and put it back where it belonged, over his fair, unblemished half-face. You could dress up a monster, but why cover up the truth?

Grabbing his cane - his equipment all seemed to be there, alchemy satchel and all - he pushed himself up through what dizziness still lingered. Finally he could get a good look at these "chosen ones". There was a huge, brutish woman, not one to mince words that one, not even with the Warden, what few words she knew. A pale giantess surveying the scene with a stone-cold detachment, or was it dejection? An elf with a high and haughty posture, but hiding something in a sleeve of her dress. A ghostly girl, shy and red-eyed. A man who seemed too pridefully robed to have been a mere criminal, a psychopath, perhaps? A dark beast, its armor bloodied already. A lanky, silver-haired, ember-eyed man. And a halfling hidden in all their shadows. And then there was him... Blackguards, all.

What a joke. What a cruel joke. For a moment Brorin turned away, toying with the idea of leaving them in the dust of this soon-to-be destroyed land. Plagueborn were despised everywhere equally anyway, it wouldn't make much of a difference wherever he went. But he quickly remembered that he will do what She has said. That is all. He snickered, nodded, then he went silent. He truly wasn't getting out of this one, was he? They truly would have to kill a God-King, weren't they? And no one would truly lose a night of sleep for them if they died... would they? He muttered a verse from under his rasping breath. "Even the fools will find out they fit in the end, huh? Damned witch..."

Brorin turned back to the ones nearest to him. "Which way's east, friends?"

Are you still in? Yeah, why? Meet me at the usual spot. Be in good shape. What's the rush? We've got a new job. Details? Encrypted. Meet me. Fine. Give me 30.

Took you long enough. Traffic's a nightmare. What's so urgent? We're hitting a [D̡̗͍̘̬̜̎̕A̦̲̤̩̓́̅̇T̛͖̠̄͊̃̂A̰͑͒̎ ̢̜͔̎ͅC̪̅̇́͒Ò͔̫̙̺͇̍̒͝ͅR͍̎͐́̆͝R̘̘̺̩͍̀̇̉͗͊Ù͈̦̻̒̌̽͝P͕͇̼̈̀T̻̘̓͋̽̐͊̈́I̛̗̺̣̠͛̚͜͝ͅO̮̮̼͕̥͛̆͊̓̐͆N̪̥͍̩̄͑͊]. Again? This one's different. They're up to something big. What kind of something? Not sure. But someone's willing to pay a fortune for it. Sounds risky. That's why they hired us. Any backup? Just us. Great. What's the plan? Infiltrate, retrieve, get out. Simple enough. Don't underestimate it. We move in five.

You good? Yeah. You? Got what we came for. What about security? Dealt with, permanently. So now what? Lay low. Wait for our next move. Should we be worried? Always.

Welcome to Neon-York! The year is 2177, human cybernetic augmentation and robots are commonplace, and recently, a series of crimes have reverberated the Pyramid-City of Neon and Chrome across all of its three city layers. From the lower-city districts to the upper-city penthouses, no one seems safe, as a clear connection between them is missing save for one: a complete wipe of the victim's brain. As private investigators, fembot fatales, slumdog mentalists, and possibly mental cases too, you will deep-dive into crime scenes, computer systems and cybernetic minds across the city to uncover the madness behind the mystery.

(Image source: Rolly Rocket by Valenberg on DeviantArt

About the Game

Neon-Noir is a comfy-dystopian cyber-sleuthing RPG inspired by the settings and the feel of Cyberpunk 2077, L.A. Noire, and Eclipse Phase.

Player count has currently 0 free spots. So please check back later. Happy to have you!

The code of conduct:
  • Standard board rules apply.
  • Don’t be a d*ck (but don't be too easily slighted either).
  • We play a minimum of once-weekly updates.
  • Though roleplay may involve mature themes, there will be no explicit 18+ roleplay.
  • Anything else can be discussed and determined by the group in OOC.
  • The GM decides on matters that can’t be resolved by the group, and can always be consulted.
  • Keep real-life politics, religion, and drama 'off the table'.
  • Most importantly: Have fun!

The Fate Accelerated PBP system (thread): in this game we will use the Fate Accelerated system adapted to play-by-post. It is a minimal system of rules for collaborative storytelling games (see the thread if you want a thorough explanation with many examples, or here for a one-pager quick-reference). As it is a narrative-first system, play will not be very different from your usual RPG on this site. The changes will mostly be in how challenge and conflicts are resolved (elements of randomness), in that players are rewarded for acting in-character (even when that means getting into trouble, or failing sometimes), and in how players can add to the setting. If you have any questions about it, please don't hesitate to ask me. I will remind players of the rules as they become relevant, and will check-up with you, and update these as we learn what does and doesn't work.

Submit your Character Sheet for approval in OOC, using the template in the Resources below. Notice how it is quite minimal. This is on purpose: this lets other players quickly understand your character and how to interact with them, it gives you a lot of freedom in how to apply and develop your character in-game, and through the Fate system, these aspects can come back to help you (without your character becoming overpowered), or bite you in the ass. In my experience, it works best to focus on a few meaningful aspects you’d find interesting to play rather than choosing what you think is ‘optimal’, or very rigidly pre-defining the entirety of the character. Also consider if it fits the established setting (see the Glossary below).



Brorin Foul

You have woken.

Brorin's eye flickered open. His breath, stuck in his throat. His heart, aflutter, yet heavy, weighed down by a magic ancient and terrible, waiting for him. Disorientation. A mere whisper never stirred him from his sleep here in the Maw. No, here he was safe, watched by friends, as he watched them. But this whisper? This one did. He felt the familiar streaks of cold tracing his body. All of it. And it was damp, like it was after a night filled with delirious dreams. and through the haze...

That voice –

That voice –

"Here to gloat at me once more, she-devil?" Brorin gasped, barely managing to push the words from his throat, stiffened by her invisible chains. It could well have been a death rattle, unless...

Patience, the Warden says, her voice like breaking glass.

Yes, he remembered the first time she revealed herself to him. Appeared in all her vainglory. Made a mockery of him. Beauty. A woman. The only one who never flinched when she saw his half-decayed form. Who gave him a second chance, or whatever this was. How dare she. Brorin gritted his teeth. Was it anger, fear?

All in due time. They are waking.

He heard the stirring forms around him. Who were they? Hearing their bodies move it was clear he wasn't with his own kind anymore. No, no dragging limbs, they were too controlled. Their breaths too... perfect. So then... What was he doing here? Why was he chosen?

All in due time.
Took a bit longer as my original idea was too similar to another posted character. So here's the draft of my char. If you have changes you'd like me to make, please let me know and I'll be happy to.

@Red Wizard Working on it. Will post the CS this Sunday.

@Skwint Every good crew needs some fresh meat. ;) Seriously, though, that just means the character will have more options for character development during play.
I'd like to join, and am thinking of making a victim/harbinger of bad luck, think a Harvey Dent-esque cleric of Beshaba.
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