“They told me the supersoldier programme was derived from a captured genetic mod-bank for survival scenarios. Even before the wars, with the world apparently going to hell at breakneck speeds, many genetic modifications were being drafted to -at least theoretically- help humans adapt to even the harshest environments. Some of these turned out to be very suitable for the battlefield. The exact details are still classified for obvious reasons. All I know is that most of the extreme augs got banned after the wars ended, or at least surrounded by massive amounts of red tape. But it wouldn’t surprise me if some of the folks working at the hyper-hazenv cleanup regions still have some.”
>>Data Drive Detected
[LOG] Mounting Drive On Neural Interface.
[INFO] Drive Mounted.
[LOG] Initiating Biometric Encryption Check...
[LOG] Response Prompts Active.
[INFO] Awaiting Responses…
|........................................................................................| 100%
[LOG] Cross-referencing Responses with Target Profile...
[INFO] Match Found: [ID: 0141K].
[LOG] All Checks Passed. Decryption Key Generated.
[INFO] Decrypting Data…
|........................................................................................| 100%
[INFO] Operation finished.
Files List:
GSP - Genetic Specification Files:
BDL - Biometric Data Log:CRISPRMod_Summary.gsf
AVF - AudioVisual File:BiometricAnalysis_Anomalous.bdl
PEL - Profile and Evaluation LogBirthTestimony_TeamLead.avf
FILE: ZNX_5_01/BDL - Biometric Data Log/BiometricAnalysis_Anomalous.bdl
FILTER: D2058_04_01, T21:54:33+176s
FILTER: D2058_04_01, T21:54:33+176s

The synth-womb’s sensor suite gathered absolute treasure troves worth of data. Temperature, environmental antiseptic measurements, amniotic fluid composition, prebirth-conditioning adrenaline levels, and -if you tuned your filtering just right- environmental vibrations could sometimes be extracted from the pressure sensor readings to make for a makeshift listening device. Vague and muffled, but there it was: a beating heart, the ambient whirrs of waste and nutrient pumps, the irregular flesh-on-elastomer squeak as coalescing muscles twitched and undulated. And, every now and again, from the outside: voices!
“ZNX model: nothing too specialized. Mods on NOS3, RYR1, MAO-A, FGFR3. Basically some extra organ growth potential, neuro-musculature, and hostile environment resistance of course. But we have a few models drafted specifically for nocturnals, sleeper agents, those kinds of things.”
“ZNX-5-01, these fifth gen?”
“Yessir, indeed. I’ve high hopes for these. You can never know for sure in our field, but most of the unintended defects should be taken care of by now. The joy of rapid, iterative prototyping, huh? Growth, as you can see, is similar to lab-grown meat products and bioprosthetics. And conditioning is… Well, it’s a bit unsubtle, but what can you expect for their line of work? Not like they’re going to last very long.”
Another plasticky squeak. “Did it just react to us?”
“Probably not. And even if it did, it doesn’t matter, they’re not going to remember any of this. Just the stimulated reflexes, the commands, the adrenaline-endorphin rush, the battle sims. It’ll all be like a warm bath to them soon enough.”
“Impressive, very impressive. But with your credentials I’m sure you’ve already figured out I’m not here just to get a progress report. I have another request. New directives from higher up. We need to up the birthing schedule. We want this batch ready for deployment several months ahead of plan.”
“Months? That… That’s untenable. I... We might be able to accelerate the physical growth, but even then the mental conditioning wouldn’t be finished, and I’m not sure how controllable they’d be in that scenario!”
“Control is subjective. What you see as risk, my clients see as opportunity. You’d be surprised how often chaos yields results... So let us worry about that, and you stick to your end of the contract. Now then, will you make the adjustments, or should I speak to someone higher up your chain of command?”
“No, I-- I’ll start the process tonight, but, sir… I can’t predict what might happen.”
“Whatever happens, happens… And Ayman? If word gets out about this... Well, I’m sure you’ve figured that one out also. We’ll be watching.”
Date: May 11, 2064
Location: Barracks C, Masdar al-Nuba Rebel Camp near Barramiya, Red Sea Region, Egypt
Objective: “Okay, so, the point of the game is to checkmate your opponent’s king, right?”
Location: Barracks C, Masdar al-Nuba Rebel Camp near Barramiya, Red Sea Region, Egypt
Objective: “Okay, so, the point of the game is to checkmate your opponent’s king, right?”
White’s Forces: | Black’s Forces: |
“This is possibly the craziest thing I’ve seen in all my time here, and I’ve seen a lot.” Khaled said as 5-01 stared at the board with intense focus. “I’m still not sure if you’re smarter than you look, or dumber…” he continued. Rami was stuck deciding on which of the two of them he was talking about, shrugged, and turned back to the game as 5-01 shoved one of his pawns forward. “Good start, good start.” he said as he put another pawn forward himself, sucking on some of his moisture-grass rations.
The sandstorm had been raging for two days already. Extreme weather wasn’t an uncommon occurrence by any stretch these days. It made for a great cover for moving camp, intercepting Union convoys and striking at their new building sites. It also meant that, now they were outside of the shielded urban centers, certain day-to-day operations and training had to be suspended for its duration. Shame that they could only enjoy the semi-free time inside their dug-down barracks.
“You heard the news about the Masdar Tahir?” Khaled asked. “More cells falling apart… Some of them didn’t even get to fight back. Found brain lesions amongst their supers, last I heard. Went insane, entire camps slaughtered.”
“Damn.” Rami sat back, then glanced at 5-01 with not a small measure of worry. “You all good there, buddy?”
“Good enough.” The young man replied. Rami and Khaled glanced at each other, and then decided that he had made a joke. “Man,” Rami laughed. “the world really is ending, huh?”
“Yeah…” Khaled paused a little, letting the moment sink, then continued. “It’s not just Egypt, though, Rami. Jordan’s feeling the vice. I think the UAE and the Saudi splinter regions are fully under Union control now, and now they’re moving into Yemen. You joined us at a bad time, not gonna lie. It’s not like the early days when we were still somewhat united. Now it feels like we’re just waiting for judgment day to come.”
“The only one who’s ever been united was the Union. Easy to be when you’ve got nearly a tenth of the world’s money working for you,” Rami replied, “and they’ve let us fight for the scraps, hiding in the desert like a bunch of criminals as they vacuum up even more.” He sat back, and the game paused. “I used to believe in it, you know. Unity, Arab pride and all that. And then they went after every community that had managed to claw their way out of misery… They made the best assets for the cause. Seems like unity can only happen when everyone’s under the boot.” He sighed. “I just don’t get it. How can they be so high and mighty when all they do is just take? And it’s not like they’re going to stop, Khaled. Not unless we go after every single one of them.”
“Careful, kid. Don’t fall prey to anger. It’ll end up wrecking you. Eyes on the goal.”
“What goal? The Union’s everywhere. Everywhere we go, they follow. Every base we build, they bomb. Every inch of land we cede, they sell off to their corpos. The Nile’s our only hope for some balance of power, and they’ve taken that from us as well. What goal’s even left, save for...?” The wind howled hard outside as a tense silence filled the tent. Knight to fucking d4. “What’re your plans, then, for, you know, after?”
Khaled chuckled a little. A fool’s hope, indeed. “Might go back up to the farm near Helwah. Rebuild the house. Plant some coffee, heard it grows well there now.”
“Sounds nice, man.” Rami replied, with some hestitation. “I might join you. I don’t have much to come back to myself. Remember that massive solar plant we drove past once? Used to be a village there. Were offered one of the first relocations. Parents never made it.” Then, before he allowed the hurt to take, he turned to 5-01. “What about you? You ever think about what comes after?”
Queen to h8. “Check.”
Rami chuckled, then sighed. “Yeah. Guess I was a bit distracted…”
“Hey you!” An officer appeared in the flaps of the tent, and the trio sprung to attention. “Cut that out! You know I have to report unauthorized handling to Command! Now back to your duties!”
“Yes sir!" "Sorry sir!”
“And you! Come with me!”
Files List (cont.):
XX - Unknown Filetype (Corrupted / Encrypted):
>>Data Transfer Complete
[LOG] Data Integrity Check: 100% Match.
[LOG] Beginning Data Card Auto-Scrub.
|........................................................................................| 100%
[INFO] All Memory Regions Cleared. No Residual Data Detected.
[LOG] Drive Self-Destruct Deactivated - Data Scrub Sufficient.
[INFO] Drive Ready for Reuse - Safely Removable.
[INFO] Good luck, Kais.

Kais Zenix @ASZenix:
"Layla quoted Gundam again today, something with brilliant lights. No kidding, this track’s lit. See you at the race tomorrow!"
#AlSaqrRacing #DeltaHyper #TokyoAGP #Toasty
"Layla quoted Gundam again today, something with brilliant lights. No kidding, this track’s lit. See you at the race tomorrow!"
#AlSaqrRacing #DeltaHyper #TokyoAGP #Toasty
Japanese AGP, Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan
April 1 2094, 1800 JST, Qualifying
April 1 2094, 1800 JST, Qualifying
Soundtrack: Sniff 'n' the Tears - Driver's Seat
The pulse drive roared as the ship numbered 48 zoomed off into the crazy chroma-scape that was the Tokyo AGP, with neon displays so dizzying almost every turn had flashed up epilepsy warnings in Kais’ neural link during practice - ones he had immediately switched off. Still, the lights weren’t the only things you had to be careful of here.
“Good start, Kais, good start. Keep going. Next sector: Shibuya. You practiced this!”
There it was. Couldn’t even see the track beyond the first corner. But he had practiced this, indeed. Decrease the thrust. Rotate the nose around, straight towards the corner exit. Rotate power distribution around the pulse drive in the opposite direction to keep momentum as long as possible. Then full blast dead-ahead as soon as the other side of the corner came into view. Kais’ jaw clenched shut and he felt his organs push into his back as the sudden blast of the pulse engines made it feel this close to hitting a wall. And so it went. Five times. What absolute madman dreamt up this track?
Shuto highway next. Tokyo tower zipped past. Next up: Rainbow bridge. And that it was indeed. The holograms mirroring off its glass skyscrapers and water created a mind-bending infinity mirror in every color imaginable before the track shot over Tokyo Bay. Luckily the turn leading up to the bridge itself was constant and predictable. If you got your entry right, it made for smooth sailing, assuming the other ships didn’t get in the way and you could keep your stomach from turning. Then came Robot Corner, where Layla would undoubtedly gawk for a few milliseconds.
Almost there now. The tunnel under Shinbamba roared as Kais sent full power into the engines. Then dialed it back for the final turns through the urban streets of route 305. One last zig zag. Flash finish. And he gasped as all tension left his body with the deceleration.
"Wow, what a lap that was, Kais! You and Layla must be on top of the world- you both seem to be in a position to put some pressure on Amy?"
“Yeah, it went pretty well.” Kais told Rory and the crew as he wiped his face barely clear of sweat once again, with still some lingering reddish irritation around his neural link. “Layla and I have been running some solid sims on our energy management together.” He continued. “And like I’ve said before: I don’t cap mine at just 100%, and it paid off. But the race is not done, and we have stiff opposition.” He turned to the camera. “That said…” And you’d swear he was speaking to more than just Amy on this one. “We are coming for you.”