Avatar of Nakushita


Recent Statuses

2 days ago
Current A horse goes into a restaurant. The host says, “Hey!” The horse replies, “You read my mind.”
9 days ago
Someone glued my deck of cards together. I don't know how to deal with it
13 days ago
A kid started a business tying shoelaces on the playground, It was a knot-for-profit
14 days ago
Why did the roofer go to the doctor? He had shingles.
16 days ago
If money doesn’t grow on trees, how come banks have branches?




Did you know that Dante's inferno is video game that the main protagonist is also named Dante? Back in the day, the only two games were Devil May Cry and Devil May. The only difference was that in Devil May Cry, the protagonist is better off at the end, and in Devil May Cry 2 it is the opposite. So that's why a story about going through hell can still be considered a comedy, even if it's not funny.
Nakushita, Naku The Shitta, Number 1 Ranked Bucket Fighter, Kept Promises.

Old enough to not remember, young enough to function (30 something?)

Preferred RPs:
I Prefer to join others, I'm willing to give most genres and ideas a go as long as they have some tidbit that I find interesting, whether group or 1x1.

Preferred Roles:
I tend to play adorable characters everyone wants to strangle after realizing that they are either a complete idiot, a walking disaster waiting to happen, or some combination of both.

RP Conquests:
I've completed quite a few RP's off site, but most of them are on private forums or have simply been lost to the ravages of server crashes. As for stuff here, I'm sure everyone who sees me post in the status bar my many idiotic jokes is well aware that I'm highly incapable of conquesting an RP and thus my sole attempt on the guild exploded and is nothing to be proud of.

There was also a Isekai RP I was a part of for over a year, which was quite entertaining.

RP's in progress:

RP Graveyard:
I've been pretty fortunate on this forum. I think I joined one when I first came on the site that didn't really do anything, and there are many 1x1 things that didn't go anywhere. It's disappointing when an RP ends before it can be finished, but I've come to look at them as learning experiences and happy little accidents.

Other interests:
I watch a lot of educational and stupid videos on youtube. Usually as research for something I’m writing or purely because a topic interests me, especially history. I like channels like Kings and Generals and The Mighty Jingles, and I’ll also watch things like Stimpee or Trick2G to deepen my understanding of degeneracy. Though I also like memes and jokes, to which I’ll find myself watching basically anything that is even remotely funny, but usually find myself surfing through meme videos. I don't gotta work on that.

I have a rather long history of playing virtually every platformer to come into existence during the indie boom, as well as quite a few other indie games. I’ve played Meatboy, Binding of Issac, Gunvolt, Cuphead, Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt, Classic Metroid, Warcraft 3, Final Fantasy 7,8, and 14, Left 4 Dead, Shantae, Celeste, Danganronpa, God Eater, the list goes on. What I’ve played is kind of all over the place. I don’t play many games these days, I tend to pick things that look interesting and go on a decent steam sale.

I can't draw. I haven’t done a lot of it recently and certainly don’t feel confident enough to show anything I make to the general public. Perhaps never. I fear that it may blind the public. Unless you really like poorly shaped stick figures.

I listen to everything, and I mean everything. I have too many favorites to name.

Not one to take life or the internet too seriously. Is only serious about having a good time and avenging my grandfather who was murdered by a bucket.

People to Insult:
Dalton is a Dingus.

Most Recent Posts


@FamishedPants@BrokenPromise@Nyahahameha@The World@TaintedMushroom

Himiko’s golden gaze shifted towards the newcomer as she heard her question upon arriving. Her eyes scanned Marrie from head to toe as she sized her up. Not finding her to be the most imposing, but she seemed experienced from a quick glance “Nice bike, how much did it cost you? Name is Sovereign, I assume you are also here for some water, it can be quite sparse around these parts” Picking up that Marrie was a Freelancer by her question. Even if she found the approach unusual, Himiko couldn’t blame Marrie for treading carefully. Taking the extra effort to ensure that who she was speaking to was here for the mission and not by some random chance a cultist, or a vagrant.

Their brief conversation soon interrupted by the voice of what likely was the leader of the cultist. At least based on him being the primary speaker and seeming to be the guiding voice. Some of what was said, Himiko could understand the reasoning. But parts of it didn’t make much sense to her. His remark about the dragon catching her attention the most. As did the great response and support that the cultists showed the speaker. It was clear had the the admiration and the belief of his group firmly behind him.

Quickly ruling out this operation going by easily or without some form of violence. It was quite clear that the cultists were fully behind their leader. The chance of them handing over the water willingly at this point seeming rather remote. “I have no clue what the dragon is but it looks like we will have quite the scrap on our hands wouldn’t you say bike gal? They seem really into what that man had to say, I have a feeling that they won’t be happy to see us…” Himiko remarked to Marrie as she turned her golden gaze towards the sound of the semi’s loud engine rumbling to life and the shuffle of footsteps pushing out from behind the MicroMart.

As the Semi and the mob that followed came into their view, Himiko quickly scanned the group with her eyes. Taking in all the information she could as quickly as she could. Observing the poorly armed and dressed mob, she looked for anyone that appeared to be the leader, or a more immediate threat. The ragtag bunch being a sorry sight, but still a threat regardless of appearance. Spotting a man reclined on the hood of the semi. Though he wore less then many of his followers rags, the red cloth around his elbow and his demeanor led Himiko to quickly assume that he was the leader of this group. His left hand and the red bones drawing her attention almost immediately. It was unusual, and gave her reason to tread more carefully as she figured there was much more to that left hand.

Gesturing towards the man with her right hand “You see muscles there on the hood? If I had to make a bet, he is the leader of this rag tag group, the red cloth, the necklace and the silver bracelet, not to mention that left hand, he is likely the one we will have to watch out for.” Himiko quickly remarked to Marrie her opinion. Pointing him out too Marrie if she had not yet spotted the man herself.

But before she could come up with a plan of what to do, she spotted a figure on a rooftop a short distance away. Shouting and dancing as they appeared to be trying to get the attention of the mob. Himiko glanced over at Marrie in slight disbelief “That wouldn’t happen to be a friend of yours? Either way they seem to have quite the death wish, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t take advantage of the distraction” Crossing her arms over in front of herself as she reaches into her long flowing white coat. Pulling free her two golden revolvers “Then again…I’m not one to speak about being the most stealth oriented” Letting out a small hushed laugh before crouching down, she slowly inched her way along what remained of the MicroMarts front wall.

“So, you want to go in guns blazing, or would you prefer a more calculated approach?” Himiko questioned as she brought up one of her revolvers to ready it. “If shit hits the fan, I think I’ll be able to take out a few of the tires, or in the worst case scenario the engine itself…” She figured a few slugs would be more then enough to either cripple the semi or stop it entirely if push came to shove.

Normally Himiko would have already started firing, but with Marrie here, and the figure out on the roof, it changed how she wanted to approach it. With the help, it would make the operation a lot easier and less work, making that money much more sweet. Plus it was free help and nothing could beat free help.



Looking into the sky as unnatural rain poured down upon her, Oros spread her arms out to either side, leaning her head back as she laughed. “Oh, what a mess, what a mess, Pack-A-Punch Shun really went overboard this time….oh my, oh my….who will ever clean this up….” Oro’s soaked it all in. Letting the downpour finish before shifting her gaze towards where Shun had fallen. Staring with great intrigue in her sapphire gaze, a smile plastered across her face.

Slowly and with great purpose, Oros began to make her way through the carnage around her towards the bottom of the tree that Shun resided. Stepping over chunks of flesh and the remains of the great beasts that Shun had torn to shreds. Oros was quite impressed with all that Shun had done all by her lonesome. Grabbing a few chunks of meat from the remains of one of the beasts as she took a hearty bite from it to fill her own belly. Feasting on this free meal as she tried to sate her hunger.

Coming to a stop a short distance away as she began to clear a few broken branches out of the way, standing over the prone and injured Shun. Oros smiled down at her pathetic form. She crouched down, her inverted face inches from Shun’s own as she reached a hand out to caress her cheek. Wiping away some of the blood from her face, whether it was from the beast or Shuns own at this point would be impossible to determine. “Look at you, what a fine job you have done, but what a terrible mess you have created, both around you and with what you have done to yourself…..was it worth it?” Oros remarked after getting her first full view of Shun. Her devastated body and severe injuries quite obvious to even someone with no medical background like Ayana.

“It was destiny that we have crossed paths once more, wouldn’t you say? After all you have something that belongs to me…it is a shame that you didn’t make use of it, but….” Pausing briefly as she took a look around them before her gaze slowly drifted back to Shun. “Perhaps you aren’t an honored one….one meant to accept and see the truth…though fate is a fickle thing…wouldn’t you say…” Her voice lowered to a quiet murmur. Her eyes shifted away from Shuns face and towards her broken body.

Her hand on Shuns cheek slowly began to trail down towards her neck coming to a rest against her throat. “It is time for me to do what must be done…and to obtain what is rightfully mine….but first we have to take care of you….” A wide beaming grin across her face as she laughed. It had become clear to Ayana, no to Oros, that Shun was in no shape to fight or resist.

Taking a hand full of meat that she had picked up while approaching Shun, she lowered it towards Shun’s mouth. “Oh, you thought I meant something else didn’t you?, even if you took something valuable from me, I have no intentions of killing you…now eat up Shun, your destiny isn’t to end here….no you still have a role to play…” Laughing as she moved her right hand away from Shun’s throat.

Leaning her forehead into Shuns “after all, even if you aren’t honored, you still have seen a bit of the truth…I can see it in your eyes…and there is no way I would let one of my very first friends die if I have a choice…I need you nice and healed, there should be enough meat here for the both of us for as long as we need it…” Closing her eyes as she remained where she was at. Keeping a steady supply of meat nearby, knowing that Shun would need a lot of it to recover from the kinds of injuries she had suffered. At least long enough until she was able to make it back to Duncan and Asahi.

Oros felt relief to be reunited with Shun, even under these circumstances. Shun had treated her with respect and kindness, things that Ayana valued dearly. Even holding on to Endless Eclipse while Ayana was out of commission and not just tossing it away gave Ayana a reason to respect her. After all, since she had remembered her true identity, the others had all mostly seen her as insane. Looking at her with eyes of concern, contempt, and distrust, even as Oros had tried to make them understand. To make them see the truth that was right in front of them.

Much work still had to be done before her mission was accomplished. A mission that Shun still had a part to play in, as far as Oros was concerned. Fate and destiny brought them together for a reason, the future always shifting. Oros and her Endless Eclipse would be ready to tackle this challenge, until her classmates finally opened their eyes.


Securing bottled water wasn’t normally something that Himiko considered worth her time or effort. But she would make an exception, the pay was surprisingly good for what seemed to be a straightforward operation. Handling a bunch of cultists appeared to be easy money, far easier than most other jobs that had been offered as of late with shit having hit the fan.

The semi had been easy enough to find and locate, as was the MicroMart. Making the first part of the mission fairly easy, with not much else being around the area. It didn’t seem like she would have to worry about any innocent bystanders. Anyone she would come across being a Freelancer or a cultist which simplified everything nicely. Friend and foe being easily distinguishable with very little need to care about the infrastructure of the MircoMart.

Arriving at the front of the MicroMart in her esper form as planned, Himiko glanced down to check the time on her fake golden Golex. It was a primitive means of keeping time in this day and age, but she liked how flashy it was. There was still some time before others would arrive if they decided to show up at all. Though if some did not show, perhaps she could bargain herself a bigger cut of the money.

She may as well bid her time until the planned start of the operation. If no one else showed up by then, she would just have to handle the cultists on her own.

Leaning her back against the front wall of the MicroMart, she opened up her long white jacket. Reaching in across her body to pull free one of her hefty fake gold plated revolvers from her cross chest holsters. Spinning the cylinder around with the index finger of her left hand, she checked each chamber to ensure it had a round within it. The clicking sound as it spun was always a joy to her ears. Satisfied that it was loaded and ready to go, she spun it in her right hand as she smoothly rammed it back into its holster underneath her white jacket. Repeating the process this time with her second revolver, before resealing her jacket once she knew she was well prepared.

It would be foolish not to double check her weapons before she went into action. She didn’t want to end up as that idiot who got killed because they forgot to load their weapons. Making use of the time she had before the others arrived to ensure everything was ship-shape.

Pulling out her smartphone to scroll through Shimir, it was clear that three other Freelancers seemed like they had interest in showing up. She wasn’t too familiar with any of them, at least through Shimir so she didn’t know who or what to quite expect. Bringing a hand up to the side of her hand as she brushed away some of her golden locks.

“Well, this should be interesting…I doubt those cultists will even know what hit them with this many Freelancers on the job, seems a bit overkill if you ask me…” Muttering to herself, her lips and mouth hidden away by her mask. Sliding her smartphone back into a secure pocket of her jacket, she crossed her arms and kept her golden gaze searching the general area around her. Both as a means of self-defense and to spot the arrival of any Freelancer that had come for the operation.



Taking a moment to get her bearings back, she took a quick hard look around her surrounding area. Her stomach growled as she felt an intense hunger in the pit of her stomach. It had been quite a while since she had gotten the chance to eat anything. What food she had in the morning, having only held her over for the short time she hadn’t had to exert all of her energy. It was clear that she would need to find food, and find food soon if she was going to be able to make her way back to camp in a reasonable amount of time.

She found herself alone, without a single soul in sight. Wherever Masato ended up, it clearly wasn’t here. Doubting that he would even bother to try to search for her at this point. It would make for a convenient excuse for ditching her in the middle of nowhere. She knew that for most of those remaining in camp, if Ayana didn’t return, they wouldn’t see that as such a bad thing. But, even so, she would return, her mission was not complete, no one had truly opened their hearts and minds to the truth of which she held.

Though she at least had the benefit of the wasps having given up their chase and allowing her time to recoup before deciding on her next move. She wasn’t the most equipped to be a survivalist, despite living out in the middle of nowhere. In fact she only had gotten by before in the past by sheer luck and clumsiness. Even so, she had watched enough shows and had heard enough words of wisdom during her lifetime to know some basic things.

Water was the most important thing if she was going to make it back, followed secondly by food. You could go a lot longer without food then you could water. Even Ayana knew that much, but how to find water and locate it was an entirely different challenge. The moist soul did give her some bit of an idea at the very least. There had to be water present, even if it was beneath the soil.

Taking a moment she got on her knees digging both hands into the moist soil as she began to scoop big clumps of dirt with her hands. Taking advantage of the moistness of the soil to bury her hands as deep as she could get them. She knew eventually if she dug deep enough, water would start to form in the hole she had dug, even if it was dirty, it was still better than nothing.

Once she had a deep enough hole, and the first little bit of water began to pool itself, she planted her hands on either side of the hole. Leaning forward and burying her face down low to sip away at what water she could muster from her self made pit. Taking occasional breaks to further deepen her hole to try to get a bit more water from it until she felt satisfied for the time being.

Her cheeks and mouth were dirty from the muddy earth as she tried to wipe it away. Only for a new but now familiar scent to drift in and hit her nostrils. Slowly turning her head to the side as her sapphire eyes stared off into the distant greenery of the forest. Blood, and fresh at that. It could only be a few possibilities, she doubted it had anything to do with Masato. Crossing off that quickly from her mind, plus she knew everyone else had stayed back at camp. Meaning that the most likely explanation for it was Shun had to be nearby.

Whether she was the source of the blood herself, or it came from the monsters themselves. Ayana wouldn’t be sure until she laid her own eyes on the source. Her eyes brightened, her focus and mind quickly honing in on what needed to be done. Getting back up to her feet as she placed her hands on her hips as a smile spread across her dirty face. “It seems I’ve been blessed once again…if it is Shun nearby, then that means…it is also near…my Endless Eclipse….”

With that she bounded off in the direction of the scent of fresh blood. No hesitation, or fear within her clumsy body about what she might find or stumble upon. She began her journey to the source of the fresh blood, hoping to discover the cause. “It’s time for what is rightfully mine to return to me….Pack-A-Punch Shun….I’m on my way….” her laughter now filled the empty air of the forest around her as she made her way through it.

After some time, she burst forth into the den and quickly found herself stepping into a pool of blood, beasts flesh and bodies nearby torn to shreds from the carnage of battle. Ayana could only smile, feeling thrilled and overjoyed by her arrival at such a grisly scene. Her gaze shifting towards the chaos, as the adrenaline was kicking in. She had arrived at the source of the blood, at the source of what she desired. "My, My....what a mess....what a mess...it seems I have a little bit of clean up to perform...." A little laugh escaping from her lips. The end of what looked like a titanic battle, its results still undecided, the fates still undetermined. Though Oros knew, she knew deep down how all of this would end, even without Endless Eclipse. The one truth of Oros still persisted, it still held true in the eyes of Oros The Clumsy.
@BrokenPromiseI may come up with something, if I find a image that I feel like it is similar enough but different enough to be a alias, but I had not seen anything that sort of fit that yet when I was initially making the CS, which is why I decide to go without it for the time being. But I'll keep on the lookout for something in the mean time.

As for a last name, I'll make sure to add one here relatively shortly.



Oros hadn’t even gotten time to hear how Masato responded. A strange but familiar buzzing vibrated in her ears as she glanced around for a moment until looking down at the turtle beast she had just axe kicked. Realizing that the source of the noise was coming from the chalk-turtle she tilted her head aside in curiosity, leaning in to get a better view as it left her dumbfounded initially.

It was then and only then she began to see the elongated wasps, wriggling free from the shell of the chalk-turtle. Their ugly hook like stingers, their multi-lensed eyes, the four buzzing wings. It was the kind of stuff that churned even Ayana’s stomach. She hated regular wasps, but these were so much more ugly and unappealing to the eye. She was just happy they weren’t some kind of spider, as those were what Ayana hated the most. But a murderous swarm of wasps wasn’t much better in reality. "That's not good....unless you like crunchy food Ma-Sa-To....." her voice trailing off at the end as she started to feel a bit of tension in the air.

“So…..I hope you thought of packing the wasp spray or the insect repellent of some kind Ma-Sa-To…..because I believe I may have pissed them off, but…I’m sure you came prepared right?.....” Oro’s gaze drifting towards Masato’s location expectantly. But they wasps didn’t give her time to hear his likely response of having no such thing.

The murderous swarm dove straight for Ayana as she knew this was bad news. “It's time for my ultimate secret technique! RUN AWAY!!!!!!” Yelling at the top of her lungs as she tried to book it the hell out of there. Trying to twist and turn, slide and dive around every bit of shrubbery, forestry and rocks that she could find. She remembered a trick she had seen before on television, to try to hide under water until the swarm had left the area and given up its hunt.

“Find water!!!!”
Ayana was able to muster shouting out to Masato between breaths, as she knew there just had to be a water source nearby, after all the lake surely had to have some kind of minor streams or rivers that fed into it, or led from it. She just had to find some sort of dip in the terrain,that usually meant water could be located.

Why she knew this, she didn’t actually know. Maybe it was from too many nights of watching anime until she dozed off. Or maybe it had something to do with recovering her lost identity. All of that aside, that didn’t really matter right now as long as it worked. After all she didn’t feel like ending up full of hooked stingers any time soon.

It was then her foot got snagged by a root sticking out of the ground. Blue eyes widened, feeling her balance shift too far forward as she began to tumble head over heels “Crap!!!” Was all she could muster before she went tumbling down a hill, crashing and clipping every tree, branch and thorny bush in the world it felt like. Leaving a dust trail of destruction behind her until after what felt like forever she hit the bottom of the hill laying there in a heap for a moment.

Her body felt bruised and battered as she plucked a few pieces of greenery from her clothing, her hair an utter tangled mess of sticks and twigs as she let out a painful groan “Sometimes I hate being so clumsy….” Lifting her head ever so slightly to try to get a grasp of her surroundings, hoping that she wouldn’t be hearing any buzzing sounds nearby. Not feeling like getting up too quickly and having to run again if the wasps had stuck on her trail after her tumble.

What's worse was she didn’t know what Masato had done, or if he was even nearby at this point. Though she was sure he would be just fine on his own, it made her plans a bit more murky. The wasps had interrupted her right before she had the chance to hear his answer, to get a better glimpse into his thoughts. Now she would have to do it all over again, hopefully wasp free.

Taking this brief time to recover as much energy as she could and regain her senses from the tumble, and her breath after her full on sprint.

The deed has been done, now if only she can win a EVO title to live up to her lofty expectations.


It has been done, I switched it over to Handgun, Handgun.

Oros you say? well, you aren't far off the mark perhaps, maybe the answer is already within sight but just needs to be discovered. I'm just a bundle of mystery and intrigue when I start going.
Here is my later then expected submission.

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