Avatar of Nallore


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds Iā€™m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad Iā€™m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

@Damo021 Yeah that's fine. :)
@BilboTheGreat I'd be interested in this. :)
Bump and with a glammed up look! :)
Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Block Party, then Classic Building 3-C

"I'll be sure to let you know DJ, and if you ever want to go to a bar sometime rounds are on me." Riley said with a soft smile as she watched him walking over towards his smoker. She glanced towards the paramedics as they moved Danica's body once more and watched the ambulance drive off her attention back towards her roommate she understood that Cecily quickly went to work mode after that. She smiled when Cecily asked if she was alright Riley nodded to Cecily. "Aside from being harassed by paparazzi and my pride slightly taking a hit i'm fine." Riley answered. She knew that she would most likely be on every news site and local news of her getting hurt at the block party. Riley then grabbed her keys to their apartment just as one of the cops approached her to get her statement which caused her to groan slightly.

Riley answered all of their questions truthfully and as best as she could, she didn't know Danica all that well or why it had actually happened she did feel bad for the girl. Once they had finished Riley looked towards Cecily and smiled wrapping an arm over her friend's shoulder and started to head back towards The Classic Building. "So i'm guessing that you are going to have to head into work again or something?" Riley asked as she unlocked the door to their apartment and headed inside.

Once she was inside Riley tossed her keys onto the counter in the kitchen and made her way towards the fridge grabbing herself a bottle of beer, she then used the edge of the counter and pried off the bottle cap taking a sip from the beer. "Do you want one?" Riley asked looking at Cecily.
@Icepick Id totally be up for this. :)
I'll be posting later today.

Kristina Smith

Location: Newnan Infirmary

Kristina rested her head up against the brick wall letting out a rather low sigh as she wiped away some of her tears out of her face as well as her nose with her arm. She looked back at Meg and Sid as they comforted one another, she wished to have someone there for her she slowly reached over towards the bottle of water that she had smacked out of the woman who tried to give it to her earlier. She twisted the lid and took a drink of it before closing the cap shut. She still was trying to cope with everything that had happened, Kristina knew that Lorna and Maria were both in a better place now Kristina felt abandoned by the people she cared for they were all dead now.

Kristina looked down at the picture once more slowly running her fingers along the faces of her father, mother, Maria and her twin sister remembering the last time they were all together was years ago during a family gathering. Kristina folded up the picture she needed to get up and do something, she stuffed the jerky that was given to her into her pocket as well as the picture. Kristina watched Meg and Sid getting up as well she got up shortly after they did.

Kristina decided to find Ashton, and tell him what had happened to Maria Kristina quietly walked past the entrance to the courthouse and made her way towards the front gates. Kristina walked past some of the other Newnans, she froze for a moment as Kris watched some of them moving Lorna's body she felt some more tears sliding down her face she didn't want to see her friend like that. Kristina continued walking until she climbed up to the gate post Kristina over heard Zoie talking about some supplies. "I can help.." Kristina said looking between Zoie and Ashton, she needed to do something to try and keep her mind off of the recent events.

as she looked towards the entrance and saw five women, two of them cosplaying as Vikings while another was on a motorcycle while two others were in the wagon one looked like she was injured but couldn't see exactly what it was. "So who are the cosplaying Vikings?"

Sophia Harris

location: Sophia's Dream.

Sophia quickly woke up gasping loudly as she sat up from her bed, looking out the window she could see Colorado Springs in the distance she looked towards her left hand and lifted it out of the covers seeing that it was still actually attached to her hand she moved her fingers and wiggled them around. "That's was a fucking weird nightmare.." Sophia said as she flopped back down onto the bed feeling the nice warm morning sun shining down on her face. Her husband Anthony opened his eyes looking towards his wife and smiled at her running a hand along Sophia's arm, Sophia jolted at the sudden touch and turned to look at the man she thought was dead.

"Did you have another nightmare?" He asked Sophia still with a confused look nodded slowly as she ran her left hand through her hair, she thought that it was real the past few nights have been all but nightmares for her. "How about I get you some breakfast sound good?" Sophia smiled softly and gave Anthony a nod. "Sounds good to me thank you Tony." Sophia said as she watched him get up and head into the kitchen to make some breakfast for her.

Sophia turned to look out the window slowly getting up out of her bed, and quickly covered her mouth watching as the city was on fire watching as helicopters flew overhead towards the city. Then Sophia felt a hand on her shoulder and turned quickly to see that it was her husband bloodied as he tried to grab onto her.
Riley Ridgeway

Location: Grimm High School Gym.

"Thank god, please if you can just keep it between all of us if word gets out i'm pretty much fucked and my music career would pretty much be down the shitter with my fans thinking I killed someone." Riley said as she gulped down her drink looking towards Cynthia as she started to approach Jacob like getting uncomfortably close to his face, she couldn't help but let out a soft laugh at the situation that Jacob was in though she felt bad she wouldn't want anyone right up in her face either. Riley took another drink before setting her cup down as Tim started to pry Cynthia from poor Jacob.

"So yeah Cynthia and I guess will be bunking together, not sure who else would be going with us either or if we are going to be bunking with anyone else." Riley answered Tim as she turned her attention towards Jacob she felt bad for her greeting and that happened years ago even though they had gotten into physical fights with one another. Back then Riley was at least willing to try and burry the hatchet with him she had done it with Cynthia already. "So whats been new with you Jacob what have you been doing since graduation?" Riley asked trying to be friendly with him she could get a hint of an English accent from him.

Riley still however thought that it was really suspicious of him coming into the gym just after she had found out another murder happened to be Valencia in her own prom dress. But she wasn't going to start pointing fingers at him, she was trying to be genuinely friendly with the guy who one of many tried to make her life hell in high school ten years ago.
"It's fine, its the first time I've heard her voice in about a month." Maria said as she sighed slightly running a hand through her hair she always would do that when she was nervous, worried or scared she didn't want to think the worse of it but she needed to know what was going on exactly up there. "I've worked on the computers there for awhile I know how to get into them and know which ones aren't connected to the UAC's mainframe or any other form that the UAC could track us." Maria told Jack, she was pretty good with computers and technology in general which she enjoyed doing.

Maria looked out of the small view power and started to see Mars in the distance she knew that they would be landing very soon, she shifted slightly in her seat the first thing she knew was going straight to medical to see if her sister was there or not. She hoped that whatever was happening up there wasn't that bad, she looked over towards the crates that Jack had been carrying around with him and raised an eyebrow slightly and wondered what it was exactly. "So what is in the crates?" Maria finally asked him as she got up from where she had been sitting to find out what it was exactly.
@Charnobylisk Thats a good idea thanks! :)
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