Avatar of Nallore


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7 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds Iā€™m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad Iā€™m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Raymond had woken up early that day as he heard his alarm going off he walked over towards the window of his apartment seeing the sun slowly starting to rise, he had his plans on visiting his mother sometime that afternoon he got a text from a friend of his on a story and checked it for a moment. Ray was doing a story on corruption within the police, and he quickly got changed to head over towards the address and got into his car and drove towards it. It was a storage facility as Ray walked in he headed for the owner who contacted his friend he caught something on his security monitors and that's why he called.

"So what do you have to show me?" Raymond asked as he finally got there, and the owner smiled for a moment and showed him the video feed, though the quality wasn't the best Raymond was able to see what looked like drug dealers and some uniformed officers. "Found these the last several weeks." He said was the drug dealers were handing the officers a big bag of drugs. "Mind if I get a copy?" Ray asked, the owner smiled and nodded as he handed him the video tape. "Thank you." Raymond said as he turned around and headed out, his next order was to go and see his mother.

Raymond's mother had been in the hospital for the last several months, she had gotten very ill and was diagnosed with cancer which he was really upset about, he had since then been there for every treatment. When Ray was let in he smiled at her seeing that she was asleep he sat down next to her then she slowly woke up and smiled at him, Raymond gently ran a hand through her hair. He knew that the treatments weren't doing much for her and felt bad he couldn't do anything.

Raymond and her spent the next hour talking about how things were doing, then she was getting tired and then he said he would see her tomorrow. He decided to go to Flowers For You, a flower store that he hadn't been to before as he drove there he found it and got out of his car and headed into the store and started looking around.

Riley Walker

Location: Riley's BnB then Patricia's Home
Interacting With: @Zhaliora Patricia & @BeautifulSnow Vanessa (Via text)

Riley felt her phone vibrate and took it out and looked down at her phone and saw that it was a text from Vanessa to apologize for not helping and leaving so suddenly, Riley smiled softly it was alright seemed like everyone was busy doing something right now and quickly started to text up her response to her best friend.

Hey Nessa, it's okay we can do it later, i'll swing by your place later and then we can try and fix it up later?
Riley hit send and started to put her phone back into her pocket. Riley heard a motorcycle driving up and instantly picked up the scent that it was Patricia's and smiled softly seeing her coming towards her and gave her a bag. That contained all of her things that she had brought up the bloody trip up to her lake, and noticed a small slip of paper that held Patricia's address blushing deeply. "Thanks Patricia." Riley said with a bright smile and watched her drive off back home.

Riley then started to think of the offer, and blushed even more remembering all the kisses that they had shared the last week she knew their relationship was wrong but Riley didn't care. Riley look a moment and looked towards the RV that was parked there she would have to investigate it later. Riley headed inside to put her things away and then grabbed the keys to her car and drove out of the driveway and headed for Patricia's place. Riley knocked on the door once she was there and waited for her to answer the door.

Anastasia Beaumont

Location: Vanessa's Restaurant
Interacting With: @BeautifulSnow Vanessa

Anastasia had spent most of her morning at the hospital entertaining the sick there until she was tired and finished for the day, it was about midday now and Anastasia decided to head towards one of the small restaurants that were in town. As she walked along the sidewalk Anastasia wasn't paying any attention just as a door opened causing Anastasia to yelp in surprise and landed on her ass. Anastasia rubbed her nose gently and looked up to see who it was and instantly got the smell of a dog from her and remembered it was the werewolf from the week before.

"Your fine, I wasn't paying attention." Anastasia said softly as she stood up and dusted herself off her eyes looking back towards the werewolf in front of her. She truly didn't hold any ill will towards Vanessa because she was a werewolf, she smiled slightly at the offer and nodded. "I knew what you meant and thank you for the offer I wouldn't mind a drink." Anastasia said with a soft smile.

Kristina Smith

Location: Home, Newnan Meeting, Gate to Agriculture.

Kristina groaned slightly as she heard her alarm going off, she slowly opened her eyes as she looked up at the alarm it was very early in the morning and the sun was barely rising she shut it off as she rolled onto her back. She was still slowly adjusting to living behind walls again but she was happy to be behind walls. The first few days of being in Newnan were truly the hardest for her, without her sister or Lorna she felt alone and rarely spoke to anyone, but she slowly started to open up the people here treated her like family which made her happy, she slowly started to get used to working out in the fields like she used to when she was younger. Every evening after work Kris would spend sometime where they buried Maria and Lorna and just pay her respects to the two people that had been taken away from her.

Kristina slowly climbed out of bed and went to get changed into some clothes for the day and slipped on a pair of boots. She quietly walked out of the apartment she had been assigned to, and headed over towards the meeting where everyone was gathering to get assignments for the day and what needed to be done. Kristina would smile softly towards the people and nodded and said hi to them. Kristina stood in the crowd looking up at Zoie, she liked her though their jobs Kris hadn't had an actual bonding moment with her yet.

Once the meeting had been finished Kristina headed towards the Mess Hall to get some breakfast before meeting the rest of the agricultural staff. Once she had finished eating Kristina headed over towards the main gate that led to agriculture as she headed there Kristina stood there and waited for James to give her assignment to do for the day.

Sophia Harris

location: Newnan Infirmary

Sophia slowly opened her eyes as she looked towards the window as the sun started to shine through and sighed quietly as she used her right hand to pull herself up into a seated position, being cooped up in the infirmary for the last month wasn't all that fun for her. Sophia looked down at her stump that had healed up. Luckily she didn't lose her right hand instead of her left otherwise everything would have been harder getting used to using a non dominate hand. Froggy had kept her entertained so it wasn't that bad as she enjoyed his company when he wasn't busy and he would try and teach her some French. And of course their card games between Richard and him, which was entertaining to watch Richard lose every time.

Then Sophia had heard the door opening to the infirmary and smiled seeing Astrid coming in, she was really happy to hear the news that she was actually going to be let out today. "Is this little birdy happen to be named Froggy?" Sophia said jokingly as she accepted the peach that Astrid had given her. She took a bite out of the sweet juicy fruit and looked up towards Astrid as she chewed a little bit more before finally swallowing. "I've been waiting forever to leave my cell, and finally sleep in an actual comfortable bed for once." Sophia smiled as she took several more bites out of it and setting the pit on the table next to her, the medical beds weren't known to be completely comfortable to her at least.

Sophia was truly grateful for everything that Froggy and Astrid had done for her. "Hey, also thank you for everything that you;ve done for me.." Sophia said softly she was lucky that a complete stranger had helped her, most people outside of the safety of walls and communities like Newnan they either left you to die or they would have killed you regardless.
Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Hotel. (The next morning)

The night before was a rather interesting night for Riley as she spent it mostly watching horror movies with her sister and Cynthia who continued to do her crazy rants and mumbling to herself. Riley yawned softly as she stretched out on the futon which she opted to use rather then the bed, she wasn't expecting to have anyone else bunking with her in the hotel. Riley was the first to wake up she decided to grab her room keys and headed towards the small gym that had been set up. Riley would look up towards the tv screen as the news came up and it showed Timothy from yesterday giving a press conference on what had happened with the murders. She was glad that he didn't give out the details of murders. Though there had been three more murders since the night before Sanako Baim, Nesha Jackson, and Zack Brighton. Riley remembered them all in high school though non of them were her friends and they didn't cause her any issues or problems with her back then however they were good people.

Riley sighed loudly as she ignored the news and continued to do her workout as she started to run on the treadmill and did about an hour run on it before shutting it off, sweat ran down the side of her face. Riley grabbed herself a towel and started to leave the gym and head back towards the room she opened the door and reached for the phone to order room service for probably the seventh time within twelve hours ordering scrambled eggs, bacon and sausage for herself Cynthia and Tuesday. Riley was both excited and also nervous about the whole picnic thing mainly because of all the murders that had happened she didn't want to see any of her friends murdered at all.
Riley Ridgeway

Location: Outside of Boston Heights

Riley would smile towards the homeless man, she was glad to help make a person's day a little bit better, she looked up at her window and sighed seeing that the dirty rag smudged up her windows she pressed the windshield wiper fluid watching it shoot out onto the window, Riley started to use the wipers until the windows finally cleared up. Riley watched the bus that happened to be next to her during the traffic jam had moved towards the bus stop just outside of Boston Height's stop, she stopped for a moment seeing the lanky looking man getting off of the bus. Riley could see him tucking what looked like a handgun of some kind into the back of his shirt, and immediately got suspicious, Riley continued to drive until she was outside of the Classic Building.

Riley looked over seeing the same man just turning over onto the sidewalk, she remembered last night with what happened to Danica as Riley turned off her car and took out her car keys. Riley reached for her purse, she wasn't sure if he was just passing through or he was going to try and do something. Riley then got out of her car and closed it behind her she leaned up against her car while watching him, Riley didn't trust the man at all and looked like he was a heavy drug user.

Riley caught a glimpse of Mali walking down the sidewalk as well, she didn't know the woman very well but knew that she also lived in Boston Heights. When the druggie got closer Riley took a step forward and eyed him before finally speaking to him which was probably stupid. "Can I help you with something?" Riley had finally asked.
@Lady Amalthea Im fine with jumping to the next day. :)
I shall be posting tomorrow.
@Morose PM sent. :) Gonna go hit the sack then post after work. :)

@Morose Done now knew I forgot something lol. Gonna pop her over now.
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