Avatar of Nallore


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds Iā€™m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad Iā€™m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

@Core Hi there and welcome back to RPG! :D If you ever want to RP or just chat feel free to ask I also prefer fxf RPs as well. :)
@Morose Sammy's skill has been added. :)
@Andromedai I'm interested. :)

Kristina Smith

Location: Infirmary -> LaGrange St -> Parking Lot between 10 (Medical Garden) and Gilbert Street, -> LaGrange Street -> Infrimary

Kristina looked over her shoulder she would occasionally try and find some cover, making sure that she wasn't out in the open for to long she heard James giving orders for everyone of the teens to head for the Main Office and Infirmary. So far there hadn't been any shots that came out from wherever the shooter was, it was really scary since she didn't know where the shooter was. Kristina would watch closely as other kids made their way quickly and carefully across the street, some of them helping the younger kids make their way towards the infirmary. Kris sighed to herself as she adjusted the crutches she quietly stuck her head out of the alleyway she took cover in, eyeing the nearby trees and anything that would hide the shooter.

When Kristina thought it was good enough she started to quickly make her was as best as she could across the street towards the Infirmary, luckily it wasn't that far from where James had his smoker. She was nervous there was to much silence she looked over her shoulder and around as Kris watched the adults making their way towards the Armory. When she finally got towards the door Kristina held the door open from the inside so that she wouldn't get shot at for the others that were making their way into the Infirmary she tried looking around to see where her friend Niesha was as well.

Sophia Harris

location: LaGrange St (Outer Wall/Main Newnan Gate) -> LaGrange Street (Outside of the gate to the inner Newnan Gate) -> Inside Newnan Innerwall LaGrange St.

Sophia continued to keep her head down low as she looked up at Jack asking who were the people who started to open fire on them, she had one guess who they were. "I think it could be Eden, they attacked a month ago killed several people. But I wasn't there and came in moments after the attack, but I was out like a light when we got to the walls with three others." Sophia answered as she felt Tatiana grabbing onto her wheel chair once more and pushed her through the opening gate as the gate keeper opened it for anyone who were in the fields and anyone who was in the outer wall. "They spent the last month fixing up the outerwalls that were damaged before the attack as well."

Sophia watched Tatiana speak in Russian towards the newcomer she didn't even know who he was it was kind of an odd coincidence that he was let into the walls just as the shooter opened up on them. But Sophia wasn't sure if this new Russian man was with the group or not, but she remained quiet and didn't want to judge him just yet. Sophia looked towards Jack and Tatiana, they were also new people and they were probably thinking that they wanted to leave the city now. "Take me to the Infirmary or the Mess Hall that should be the safest place right now." Sophia said looking at the giant Russian man with the orange cat once more.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: The Woods Around Arnco Mills

Raymond continued to hobble on one leg as best he could trying to help Tiffany as best as he could since his weight was most likely weighing her down. Raymond looked before him as he saw the horde of Walkers approaching them he sighed and knew that it was a really bad idea to even suggest to double back the way that they had come. Ray quickly drew out his 1911 and held it out in front of him when he heard a few motorcycles and a truck coming through the woods. Then several gunshot rang out Raymond continued to have his gun trained on the newcomers sure they may have killed the small herd of walkers but still it didn't mean that they would end up killing the two of them.

That's when the car door opened as Raymond watched a man hopping out of the front passenger side door, still aimed and slightly untrusting when the man held his hands up Raymond started to lower his gun seeing the medic patch stitched into the man's leather jacket. Raymond would let the medic take hold of him, Raymond started to groan loudly as he was slowly escorted towards the truck. He was to weak and in so much pain to even put up a fight. Once Ray was in the truck he laid down breathing heavily and still groaning in pain he wasn't sure if these people were good or bad either yet.
@rocketrobie2 Will do i'll let you know. :) And sure i'll have a post up tomorrow.
@Morose Time for Ray to bleed all over Ed now. :P

I'll be posting tomorrow afternoon after I wake up.
*Starts poking over and over again just cuz @Lady Amalthea* I have written up the relations for Lauren for ya bosslady and as the rules say to let ya know I did so. :)

Samantha Hunter

Location: Her Car Outside Of Aunt Sue's Inn ->Room One ->Jake's
Interacting With:

Samantha groaned rather loudly as she opened up her eyes and looked up at the sky the sun beating down on her face, she slowly got and cracked her neck. She certainly didn't have a good nights sleep, sleeping in a small cramped car wasn't really the most comfortable thing you could sleep in. Sam reached over for her car keys as well as her room keys and sighed rather loudly, she remembered that she still had her camera still in her room. Remembering the day before it was a rather weird hearing that voice after going through the footage as well as seeing that demonic face in her computer screen.

Sam opened the door of her car and stretched slightly letting out a loud yawn as she closed the car door behind her and locked it up. She started to make her way back into the building of Aunt Sue's and made her way towards her room. Sam sighed and groaned again she was nervous of going back in. "It's just in and out.." Samantha said to herself as she quickly opened the door and made her way towards the bedroom where she had her camera and quickly got out and closed the door behind her. She didn't hear the voice at least for now, as Samantha turned around and made her way back out of the building.

She looked down at her stomach and could feel it grumbling and decided to get herself some breakfast, as Samantha made her way across the street she noticed what appeared to be a crime scene of some kind. Samantha quickly opened up the camera and started to try and get some shots of what was going on. Then she looked over seeing the woman Scarlett from the day before and decided to approach the woman. "Heya, remember me from yesterday?" Samantha asked looking at the woman and her dog. "Whats going on here?"
Riley Ridgeway

Location: Roller Derby Rink

Riley nodded slightly towards Ronnie and gave the man a slight smile, though she did feel bad for him losing someone who was close to him he and Danica did look really happy and cute together in some of the pictures that he had shown her. "I'm really sorry, I couldn't imagine losing someone that you'd care about.." Riley said quietly as she looked out towards the rink once more as things seem to start up finally as the players started to get ready and prep and got into their respective parts of the rink. "I'll make sure that we find out what happened, from the pictures she seemed to happy to do that." Riley said as she looked towards Ronnie once more and gave him a slight smile.

She watched as Ronnie handed her his phone yet again and pulled up that email, then she leaned forward looking at one of the members of Juno and noticed the tattoo on the woman's left shoulder. She then looked at the picture on the screen and instantly picked up on the similarities on the picture and the Juno member's tattoo. "Seems like the dead girl did find something out." Rile said towards Ronnie and handed him back his phone.

Then the game started up finally as Riley leaned forward as the announcer started to introduce everyone of the members to Team Juno, which was the same information that Ronnie had given her already. She remembered Cantus from the night before at the block party, Riley watched intently at the game seeing Proserpine and Vesta or whoever you wanted to call her starting to kick ass on the rink. That's when the lights were shut off, and Riley could hear loud screams of panic as well as gunshots going off. Riley felt the wind getting knocked out of her she didn't know and couldn't see who had tackled her.

Riley reached for the knife that Ronnie had given her, and was about to press the switch blade but before she could the nights were back on. Riley sighed loudly as she looked up at him for a moment then she was helped back up onto her feet and followed behind Ronnie as he helped her out of the Roller Derby arena. "Thank you." Riley said softly as she followed Ronnie's lead and looked back towards the bleachers and the rink itself wondering what was actually going on. She was certainly grateful for Ronnie helping her getting out of the building.

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