Avatar of Nallore


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds Iā€™m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad Iā€™m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Aluressa Felstrike

Aluressa sat on her felbat's back overlooking the sea she held the letter in her hand and looked it over, she was at the Felhammer when one of her fellow Demon Hunters came over and handed the letter over to her. She read over the letter and was asked to aid the Wardens, Aluressa really disliked the Wardens even after she had been freed by them. She still hated the fact she had been imprisoned for years by them, she was still loyal to Illidan and defeating the Legion of course. As she flew closer Aluressa could see the island of the wardens coming closer, she took the reigns of her felbat and put it down into a dive. The demon hunter then spread out her demonic wings and slowly started to glide herself down to the ground.

While gliding down the blood elf could see movement on the ground as she gracefully landed on the ground in the courtyard, she adjusted the tabard bearing the illidari symbol over her chest as well as her armor. Her warglavies rested against her back both of them emitting a bright green glow over them as well as her armor. Aluressa's eye scanning the courtyard at the various wardens and then the others that she assumed that were apart of the group that were all given letters. She remained very quiet as her wings adjusted themselves she made her way over towards one of the walls and leaned herself up against it.

Location: Alf Leyla Salah at Opera Square

Lauren looked back towards Harry and gave the man a quick smile as she went over towards a customer asking her for a drink which she did and started to pour the man a drink. She would listen in on their conversation a little bit as Lauren tended to some of the customers before making her way over towards Aziza and Thomas. "Aziza is certainly a great dancer, why not ask her out on a date?" Lauren laughed slightly as she ran a hand through her hair, she leaned slightly against the counter. She extend her hand over towards Thomas, she hadn't worked here that long and only started a few days ago. "I'm Lauren Ridgeway by the way its nice to meet you." Lauren said with a soft smile.

She then turned to look over at Aziza. "So, what are you doing tomorrow?" Lauren asked Aziza, being her only friend in Cairo she wanted to see if she wanted to do some shopping, or just to hangout at least. Lauren then heard for another person asking for a drink, she looked at Aziza and Thomas. "Give me a second." Lauren said as she quickly turned around and made her way towards the other end of the bar, the customer asking for some whiskey which she reached over and grabbed it, then started pouring the man a glass. Lauren quickly went back over towards Aziza and Thomas once more. "Also would either one of you like something else to drink?"

Samantha Hunter

Location: Her Car Outside Of Aunt Sue's Inn ->Room One ->Jake's
Interacting With:

Samantha looked towards Rex as the cute and friendly dog came up to her she reached over and gently rubbed the dog's head her attention went back towards Scarlett the owner of the dog, the woman seemed to be pretty pissed about her being a reporter. Sam backed up slowly seeing the security starting to approach her, she didn't have any plans on being slapped into cuffs but she really wanted to know what actually happened in there. "Alright, alright i'll leave it to you officers to do your thing." Samantha said as she slowly backed away, it wasn't going to stop her just yet.

Sam started to head back towards the way she had come, then she went through an alleyway and then doubled back making her way towards the closest building near the back of Jake's though she kept her distance and tried to look and watch very closely for any officers that were there. Sam remained very still and just tried to make herself look like she was minding her own business, all she wanted was some breakfast and she was hungry she didn't get anything to eat last night after the weird incident with the weird demonic voice.
I'll have a post up in two hours.
I'll have a post up in two hours.
Riley Ridgeway

Location: Classic Building 3C - Top Floor

Riley slowly opened her eyes as she looked out the window of her bedroom seeing the clouds rolling in, she slowly sat up and yawned she then winced and held her side letting out a loud groan in pain. She grabbed her phone and saw that it was 11AM, Riley started to slowly stumble into the bathroom looking at herself in the mirror she was still covered in a lot of bruises from the car crash. She remembered leaving the next day after the roller derby. Riley was glad that Ronnie had decided to stay the night after what had happened, when she woke up Ronnie had gone to do his own thing. Riley received a text from her producer and manager to come into the studio to do some recordings which she did.

On her way there Riley was on the freeway, that's when her car was rear ended hitting her head against her steering wheel pretty bad. She lost control of her car as it hit something else, Riley didn't remember anything after that only waking up several hours later at the hospital. Riley saw Ronnie there and was glad to see him by her side, and then to her surprise Tuesday was there as well Riley didn't talk to much about her sister. Then three days spent in the hospital were pretty boring until she was finally released, and her car was totaled luckily Cecily was able to give her a ride back to her apartment. And they had a small dinner together at their place, Riley since then was taking it easy.

After Riley finished fixing up her hair, she didn't bother trying to cover up the bruises on her face since she just planned on staying home for the day. She headed into the living room and grabbed the remote she turned on the tv, she had her laptop on the coffee table Riley heard her phone going off. It was her producer, she grumbled slightly she didn't mind him he sometimes did get on her nerves. "Riley baby! How are you today?" Riley rolled her eyes slightly and sighed slightly causing her to wince again. "I'm fine, whats up?" Riley asked, she had a feeling that it was her about trying to find a body guard. He started going on about her personally going to get her one since the roller derby incident. "I already have someone in mind, listen i'll call you later." Riley said and before he could say anything else Riley hung up on him.

Riley's attention went up towards the news, the bombing of the U.N. was the main highlight of the news, she felt bad for whoever was there when it happened. Then the stories of Lawson's death came up, to her he seemed like a good man and didn't expect him to go out the way that he did. Then the news of Alicia and Lorna came up as well Riley wanted to get to know her neighbors more better but seemed like that wont happen now. Then Riley started to grumble to herself as she started to feel very itchy and uncomfortable in her cast as an itch started, Riley had a wire coat hangar on hand and started to get at the spot that was itching she sighed quietly once it stopped.
Riley Ridgeway

Location: Alleyway near the store.

Riley looked towards Roxanne and gave her friend a soft smile it had been a really long time since she had seen her friend. "It has been such a long time.." Riley said softly as she looked over her shoulder and watched as Jasmine got up and took Lawson's truck and followed the ambulance. "Of course I can make some time to come and visit you Roxxie." Riley said as she heard a squad car coming up and saw that it was Tim. Riley looked back at Tuesday as she walked over and sat down on a nearby bench and then Cynthia started to do her random mutterings, she still couldn't understand a word that was coming from the crazy woman's mouth.

As Tim came up to them Riley turned to face time using her arm to brush away some sweat that was on her forehead making sure she didn't smear any of Lawson's blood on herself. "It started sometime yesterday It started with Jessica Flagstaff.." Riley answered Roxane's question. Riley then turned to look up at Tim as he started to ask what happened and if she had seen anything, she shook her head. "After I called about the body, we did what you said and stayed put in my car. Then Lawson came up and saw something moving around in the store and went into the alley to check it out, then we heard shots go off, and Lawson was on the ground." Riley said as she moved over and leaned up against the brick wall.

"Lawson shot whoever it was, but said he was wearing some kind of protection and he ended up getting hit instead. That's all that I know, I didn't see the face or anything. Lawson I think is the one who saw the person's face."

Kristina Smith

Location: Building 1 (Lobby --> Infirmary)

As Kristina sat down she listened very closely to the reports that were all coming through the radio, if she wasn't hurt from the damn horse earlier she wanted to go out and help defend her home if she was able to that was. Kristina looked at Niesha as she started to sing and try to calm down the kids, she didn't feel like joining in there were way to many things that were going through her mind. Then she started to hear the loud sound of a heart monitor flat lining, it started to bring up some thoughts of her sister before she died Kris wanted to get in and see if Zoie was alright or not. Then Kristina shook her head when she heard Niesha if she knew any stories growing up, she honestly didn't remember much of her younger years anymore.

Kristina shrugged slightly towards Niesha as she groaned slightly and moved towards the window but still making sure that she wouldn't be seen if the shooter was aiming into the buildings now. "I really don't remember any stories growing up." Kristina said looking at the kids around her age and then the younger ones. Kris didn't go to school that was set up, it was more of a waste of time to her and preferred to be out helping around the fields and livestock. Kris looked back at Niesha asking what she could do to help, she sighed slightly as she went back to sitting down.

"We try and make sure that the kids remain safe, Astrid and Viktor have things covered I think. Just give them space if they need our help then we can. That's the only thing we can do right now." Kristina told Niesha she hated sitting around and doing nothing but she needed to make sure the kids were safe.

Sophia Harris

location: Building 2 (Mess Hall).

Sophia looked towards Bazhooli as he asked her if this happened often, though she had been in Newnan for only a month she had just been released today from the Infirmary. "I've been in the infirmary for the last month." Sophia said lifting up her stumped arm. "But from what I've seen it hasn't happened since." Sophia answered the Russian and then she turned to look at Tatiana as she asked her what happened the last month. "From what I was told, first we had a tornado come through tossing walkers everywhere. Then the Eden people came through and started attacking, but they were killed off. I wasn't there when the attack happened, me and a friend were in a church safest place from the storm that came through. Then I met two others, and there was a huge hoard of walkers coming behind." Sophia paused for a moment the memory of her getting bitten came back and then the sudden amputation. "Well I got bit."

"Anyway I was out cold, but Zoie made a crazy plan she made some interesting little explosives. She and a few others slowly lured the herd away from Newnan and led them to where the Eden people were living at." Sophia told Tatiana, she looked up towards Bazhooli and then Jack as he asked the Russian man if he was a performer. She actually never gone to a circus before when she was growing up, and didn't think much about it at the time. "But yeah that's basically what happened last month."

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Heading South-west

Raymond turned his head to look over at Tiffany and smiled tiredly at her, the morphine was starting to kick in now and he started to feel very tired. "Nice to meet you Tiff." Raymond said quietly as he groaned again as the truck hit another little bump through the woods, then he turned his head towards the French speaker. He didn't understand any of what he was saying, but he knew one word mexicain which he wasn't though his father was. "Besame el culo." Raymond muttered towards Ed. Raymond got the feeling that if he was going to survive he was going to hate him so much already.

Raymond looked towards the other two women in the truck, he wasn't sure about the other two, the ginger seemed to be nice enough and she seemed to hate Ed as well. The other girl seemed to be quiet, as the truck finally made it back onto the main road he started to slowly close his eyes and his head leaned over and laid it onto Tiffany's shoulder his hand still holding onto Tiffany's.

@SouffleGirl123 Feel free to bunny Riley if you need to in your post Soufy.
@Lady Amalthea I'll try and get all of my posts done tomorrow or on Tuesday at the latest but i'm aiming for tomorrow afternoon after work.
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