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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


location: infirmary/courthouse building one

Niesha nodded, although part of her knew she would always wonder if maybe there would have been a chance...clapping her hands to get the kids attention, she looked to Kristina, "I know. I will" at least Sophie was safe. She chose a song, not expecting the kids to know it, but at least hoping to get their attention. When she sang, it was clear she had some talent, and with refining, she might have made a career out of it. As it was, her voice was raw, rough, but she felt there was some purity to it.

"This world will never be
What I expected
And if I don't belong
Who would have guessed it
I will not leave alone
Everything that I own
To make you feel like it's not too late
It's never too late"

She didn't know why she cause that song. She didn't know if it truly had any right to be there, but...it seemed to her that it was never too late to keep going. To live. In this world, maybe it would give the children hope. Or maybe it was just because it was the only song she could remember. Maybe it would have been better to choose a song the kids would know, but she didn't remember any children's songs. And it wasn't like she could sing sponge bob. Or if you're happy and you know it.

As the song finished, she looked over at the children. Right then, they were the future and everything they did, had to be for them. Which only made the fact that she had had to stop one from turning that much worse. She wanted to hunt down whoever had done it. Giving a soft sigh, she looked over to Kristina and said "Do you know any stories from when you were a kid? Foster homes weren't really big on that"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 26 min ago

Amelia Payne

Location: In the truck.

“Actually… I didn’t know his personality…” Amelia replied to Lyon, throwing a mildly angry and embarrassed look at Ed, before turning away her gaze, not wanting to look at him anymore.” I just heard a car crash and went to try and help if there were survivors… thus I met them, we saved HIM… A thing that appears to have been a mistake.”

Amelia then threw a curious glance at the man whose leg was just cut off. He appeared to be in decent enough condition judging by the way the medic seemed to treat him. Also the fact they took him with them. Taking a deadman wouldn’t really be worth it, especially if he can become a walker while they traveled so all logic stated he most likely should survive by the medic’s opinion.

“Where are we headed to actually?” Amelia finally decided to ask Lyon. She was quite curious about that. Sure they were told they would be safe going with the group or at least relatively safe, but that only made her even more curious and suspicious about it. Were those people from some settlement or something?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 days ago

Jack Hudson

Location: Inner Wall (Lagrange St) ---> LaGrange Street, headed North to Building 2 (Mess Hall) ---> Mess Hall

Sophia's explanation of events had been troubling, to say the least. The more Jack thought about it, the more he wished they could get the hell out of dodge. It seemed that every time he found something akin to normalcy, the world ripped it away from him. Thankful to see the now familiar sight of Miss Sally, Jack wrapped Tatiana into a tight embrace as soon as they entered the Mess Hall.

"We'll be fine, solovey," Jack promised. "Cops got a sixth sense and all, you know? We know when things are gonna get bad."

Of course, that wasn't entirely true. He'd seen his fair deal of horrors, including the death of his partner. He grimaced slightly, remembering the days when a deranged acrobat obsessed with happiness had been the biggest problem on his plate. Well, it was more the bullets she kept firing, but that was besides the point.

"We'll play Monopoly when this is all ovah, okay?" Jack asked, kissing Tatiana's forehead, as he refused to let her go.

Édouard Riviere

Location: The Truck

Édouard watched as Amelia shuddered, and he grinned sickeningly. If there was one thing he had in common with his sisters, it was knowing when someone was terrified. It was how he managed to enjoy the lifestyle he had become accustomed to, throwing around his family name in order to bring faces of terror upon others. It was how they should be, in awe of him and the fact that it was by his grace they remained alive. "Je t'en prie," Édouard mouthed to Amelia.

He laughed a bit at her attempt at a joke. She could be a bit funny, the mouse! His tongue ran over his lips slightly, them having cracked a bit from the heat. "Et je suis un dieu, mon amie," Édouard added. "Je ne suis pas esclave."

His smile vanished at the man from Lyon's words. His nostrils flared, and Édouard almost moved to stand up, before remembering the soreness and tenderness of his leg. "Je suis un Riviere," Édouard hissed, his words hardly audible. Already, Édouard wanted to shove the man at a hoard of walkers, but perhaps that would be too kind...They'd finish him off quickly. The man deserved a slow death, for showing such disrespect!

"Bonjour, mexicain! Ça va?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Bridgette Vinters

Location: Building 6 (Armory)

The fact that Newnan seemed to be under attack notwithstanding, Bridgette did get a tiny endorphin jolt as she recovered her personal gear from the Armory. "Ooh yeah, come to mama..." she whispered with just a touch of excitement as she retrieved her broadaxe. She had crafted the intimidating chopper some years ago; it was strong and balanced, not exactly a "period accurate" piece, but it was infinitely reliable, easily portable, and heavy on the strike. She gave it a lingering gaze, almost loving to view, before setting it aside to pull on her armor.

Again, her mail was a personally crafted item. It hung about her like a closely linked net of titanium rings; a matte, metal, hooded greatcoat that gave almost total coverage. A lifesaving device against Biters and people who wanted to take a stab at her, giving full movement and excellent air circulation. Bridgette gave consideration to expanding upon the piece, if she ever got the time. Add plate to vital areas, maybe, to give herself better protection against small arms fire. But for now it was a passing thought. The more pressing issue of a town under fire came to mind.

If there was continued difficulty with people taking shots at the townsfolk, then there wasn't a whole lot she could do from inside. Bridgette was primarily a melee expert, some evidence to that assertion being the spear and shield she hefted next. Again, marvelous armaments. The shield, she slung across her back, but kept her spear in hand. It just seemed to belong there. Though the angry woman did possess a more modern weapon: a double-barreled Remington shotgun, which she hastily loaded and holstered (as one might a backup weapon) on her horse, Cadence. Continuing on, she traded out her knife for her seax, gladly, slipping the smaller blade into her boot.

By the time she was done, Bridgette had loaded up herself and her horse with enough armament to assault a small fiefdom, including a couple extra spears of familiar design and history. Though she couldn't take out people located in high or hidden sniping positions, Bridgette would be a force of blood and iron standing solidly against an incursion of bodies, living or dead, if part of the wall came down again. By the time one of the Leads entered the building, Bridgette was pulling her chain hood over blonde braids, looking every inch a breathtaking, but utterly frightening Valkyrie.

"About time someone who makes decisions fucking showed up." she began, her eyes a bright, seawater blue, noticeably excited now. She located a rather large Barret .50 and tossed it to the target of her monologue. "This hulking bastard's yours, right BJ?"

Black James!

Location: Building 6 (Armory)

"You a presumptuous bitch, ya know that, Bree?" answered James, grabbing the weapon out of the air and giving it a quick inspection. "Bad news is, we gettin' shot at. Good news, that deer'll be good and smoked in about another hour." He risked a smile. It was obvious that he was trying to use humor to diffuse tension, to get the people inside the Armory to feel a touch less scared. It worked, marginally. Everyone else knew what he was attempting, but the very real thought of smoked venison, even fleeting, helped. In times like this, giving people something, anything to look forward to could work miracles. A couple more smiles answered his own, quickly fading as weapons were readied.

James leaned in closer to Bridgette, whispering to her, "They killed a kid, right in front of us. Shot a hungry boy in the street, just 'cause they could."

Bridgette nodded to him, tears forming in her eyes. She blinked them away and responded with a muted, "I... I know. Little girl, just north of the School. Fuckstain shot a little girl playing with a ball."

James shook his head. He continued gathering the choicest bits of his own armament that, while not as classically impressive as Bridgette's, promised to get the job done. Especially his Barret. That was a scary piece of hardware, especially to anyone who had seen it take down a tree or turn a torso into fine mist. It was a lucky find, very lucky. And still too much gun for most situations. James looked down to his weapon and opened his mouth, intent on changing the subject again, when his walkie burst to life. Simultaneously, so did the Armory's. It was the people on sentry duty, checking in as per Ash's orders.

"We can't see anything boss."

"We have at least 3 fatalities."

"Zoie was hit."

"We have the Russians, the couple and Sophia safely within the Mess Hall."

"Damn." was all James felt the need to say. He needed to get out there, man the Wall. Find out what was and was not happening. If he fortunate, maybe aerate some hostiles. He looked to Bridgette, they both nodded, and started for the door.

Ash Holloway

Location: Building 6 (Armory)

Ashton entered the Armory dramatically, radio and .45 in hand. He was all business, and looked positively livid. No one could fault him this. After all, his people were being shot. He kept tight lipped as he rushed over to the rack of assault rifles and carbines, selecting an M4 Carbine. It had served his country well over the years, and was a standard, reliable weapon. He set it onto a nearby table and began pulling on the flak jacket from a set of military riot gear. The full armor would overheat and slow him down - more useful against the Dead than the living. They were being attacked by guns.

He looked over to Bridgette, a vision of resplendent glory in her armor. Her tactic looked to be the opposite of his. Ash internally reasoned that She and James had halted dead in their tracks when he entered the building. Maybe they were waiting for orders. Maybe they saw something about him that he had missed. Whatever. He had to get equipped and back out there. While he had their attention, he briefed them with what little information he had. To hammer the point to as many people, he spoke into his walkie, too.

"Unknown number of hostiles, targeting non-combatants. Victims are in different parts of Newnan, so remember to keep an eye up while you're looking around. Zoie has been hit. I don't know her status, but those that can help her, are. Focus on what you can do to help. For casualties: make sure you get their brains. We've all got jobs right now. See to them."

Ash clipped his walkie back to his belt, addressing James and Bridgette directly. "Bridgette, you're a fast mover on that horse. Give a ride around, help any injured or stragglers inside the Inner Wall. James, we've got enough people on the Wall. Take that cannon of yours up the Tower, see what your scope can tell us. I'm going to see to our new arrivals. When we hit an All Clear, we're going to sit down and discuss how to solve this problem permanently."

The Great Bazhooli

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

The Great Bazhooli felt the sudden blast of chill air from the building's AC unit, suddenly struck the concept that this place had working electricity. Wow. This Newnan was a paradise. Except for the gunfire and sudden death. You build something worthwhile, people want to take or destroy it. Part of him immediately wished that he simply passed the place by, or picked a different track to follow down. Another part was glad that he did, grimly curious about what would have happened were he found by those people while he was alone.

He gave a broad (if somewhat nervous) smile to Sally, and gave a listen to Sophia's summary of events. Noting Jack's response, he held up a finger, as to ask permission to speak. Addressing everyone present, but looking from Sophia to Jack, The Great Bazhooli posed a quick question, "This, ah... This happen lot here?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tiffany Lyle

The Truck

Tiffany looked around at her new companions. They seemed to be a varying bunch. She didn't understand what one of them was saying but based on how he acted, she instantly disliked him. The girl seemed better, though. She looked over at Raymond and watched the Medics take care of him. She felt instant regret at having put him in this situation, but she knew if she didn't he would be a dead man literally walking. She didn't know if he was any better off really, but he was alive. She reached for his hand and squeezed it to let him know she was with him, hoping that would set him at ease.

Tiffany looked over at the Medic again, and before she could ask the same question, the girl asked where they were heading. She looked over at the man and waited for a response. She hoped it was some safe haven for survivors and that they weren't on their way to the slaughter, but she assumed that since they were doing their best to help Raymond that they weren't about to kill him.

She looked back at Raymond and smiled, "It's Tiffany, also. We're going to be ok now." She still gripped the man's hand.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Nallore @FantasyChic @rivaan @Morose @Charnobylisk - Okies, things are going to take a bit for you all to get to where they are headed. The other bikers, with everything going on, are off making sure the path is clear so they won't be around for translations. Ray is as stable as he can be for now. They eventually get through the woods and are back on the streets, heading south west.

@Caits @Nallore - As stated in the last update, the sound of the flaline could be heard coming through the doors until they closed. (Neither reacted to this, so I am restating it.) - Once the door closes, Ashes orders come through the walkie on the wall so they are heard clearly.

@Morose @Nallore @Sigil - Tatiana kept her head pressed against Jack's chest as her arms wrapped around his waist. Taking a few deep calming breath she nodded at his words. "Da, monopoly." She trusted he was right, the whole situation was just a little, well a lot unnerving. Looking over at Sophia she chirped out a quiet question. "Vhat happened last month?" she asked curiously.

@Charnobylisk - Things are not going well for Zoie. Froggy does manage to restart her heart after some very vigorous CPR and then a defibrillator shock or three. Astrid has set up the blood transfusions and Zoie's eyes open as she whimpers in pain as she looks around. "Ryan..." she says as her hand reached out to Astrid and clings to it before she passes back out. Astrid takes a deep breath and nods. She had heard Zoie bringing the man in earlier and them talking before he was put into the holding cell. Seemed she needed to go have a chat with the man but right then she stayed where she was to hep Froggy and make sure Dick didn't... pull a Dick.

@Sigil - Tom is whipping stuff out left and right for folks. Reports are flooding in from check points within the walls and on the wall. Everything looks clear for now, but there is no report coming in from the sniper tower. No alarm has been rung. Then a report finally comes in. "Boss, we got a problem. Out sighter is dead, single bullet to the head but that makes no sense. We only heard four shots and all are accounted for. Think they used a silencer?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Location: Infirmary/courthouse building one

There seemed to be so many things going on, and yet Niesha's world had shrunk to the children, the courthouse, and the sounds coming from the infirmary. The flatline hadn't taken her attention straight off, but she soon realised something was wrong. It wasn't a sound you wanted to hear, when in a life or death situation. She looked over, hesitating. Do they have adrenaline? Probably not. Maybe...Atropine she thought to herself. She could have gone in, could have asked them herself, but she suspected even now she wouldn't be welcome to offer help. And it wasn't a time to just go in anyway, not if Zoie was losing the battle.

The sound of the flat-lining stopped, but that didn't mean it wouldn't happen again. Atropine could be very useful now...but adrenaline would still be better. But what could she do? It wouldn't be like she could actually get into the pharmacy-everything was eithe rguarded, or required a key, at least that sort of thing. Frustrated, Niesha looked over the children, to the infirmary. They would have thought of adrenaline, right? Unless there's a low supply...but...Epi-pens have adrenaline in them...could they have them, and just not think about them? It sounds like they got her back, but... the orders from the walkie had her looking over.

Do what you can do to help...

"I don't know what to do!" She said frustrated, "Do I go in and ask if they've thought of adrenaline? Or is that insulting? Will I just cause more trouble, and be considered annoying and crazy again?"

It doesn't matter what I do, I'll still be seen as that person I was that first night...When I'd been alone so long...I hadn't expected to fall so hard or fast for someone, not after everything She gave a frustrated sound, looking to Kristina as if she could save her from her dilema.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Charnobylisk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Svetlana Volkov

Location: In the truck moving South West on the Roads

Svetlana remained silent after putting her gun on safety and slipping it into the back of her pants. As she listened to the translations of the leader's words she perked a brow but then shrugged once she saw the tiny dog running up onto the leader's lap. No truly evil man was ever kind to an animal, especially one so adorable and sweet to look at in a world that had gone to shit. Pulling herself up and into the back of the truck, she found a corner and made herself comfortable, sitting with her arms wrapped around her knees as she watched everyone around her with curiosity and distrust.

She tuned out the nonsense that was going on between the new people, Amelia and Ed. She needed to turn her head off for a moment and take the opportunity to rest. She probably would have been able to shut her eyes were it not for the constant talking that was taking place around her. Instead she listened, listened to everything and everyone and took in what she could understand even if she wasn't willing to admit that she could understand them. That's when they started to slow and stopped then suddenly there were two newcomers to the Proklyataya Gruzovik. Oh look, one of them was missing a leg, how quaint. The other probably had to cut off his leg and was most likely traumatised from the event if it was their first time doing it.

She was fairly pleased when the new woman didn't notice her and watched her from her corner. She seemed to be familiar with the man that was missing his leg and Svetlana instantly assumed that they were a couple. She was glad that Ed's interested had been so invested in the new arrivals and she almost laughed when she heard Amelia's tone when speaking to him. The French translator was much the same boat as Amelia as was made clear not only by his tone and facial expressions but by his words in English. She had to work so hard not to react to them and instead kept her curious look on her face with the lower half of her face hiding behind her knees.

It also appeared that the injured man was going to live? Well wasn't he just the luckiest bastard in the land. Svetlana only tore her gaze from Raymond's stump when Amelia asked where they were headed. That was a very smart question, one that Svetlana would have asked but her translator was MIA as he cleared off the road ahead for their journey with the others. Svetlana found herself wishing she were out there riding a motorcycle too. It was one of the things that she missed most from before the apocalypse, well that and her make-up and wigs. She found herself going into a little daydream about her old set up at home and sighed to herself.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 26 min ago

Amelia Payne

Location: In the truck.

“Je reçois le sentiment, vous aide était une erreur” Amelia replied to him with grim face, looking at Ed with rather mixed expression of feelings. Her instincts were screaming at her that Ed was way more trouble than he was worth. Sadly her moral part of her brain still was alive and kicking, demanding Amelia acted like a good human being. Not to mention the only reason she wasn’t hiding her face in a corner somewhere out of shyness right now was the fact they could be attacked, if what the man said about a hostile group nearby was true.” Ed, maintenant, il n'a pas d'importance qui vous étiez plus. “

Finally she decided to lock Ed away from her mind and not pay him any more attention really. He was obviously too self centric for any negative words to drill through his thick skull. Better simply ignore him for now and shatter his knee later if the need called for it. She now turned her attention towards the newcomers in the truck. The man missing a leg… that appeared rather painful. He was lucky that this group happened to be around. Without their aid, he would probably have been dead by now.

Thinking about that, Amelia realized something. It was rather strange how things been playing out. Two men, barely surviving with injuries to their legs. A group finding them and the other two later. Almost like a great force was pulling the strings behind all these coincidences. She then shook her head. ‘NO!’ She though and shook her head, looking about the place and then up.’ No… I don’ believe in gods or their likes…'

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 days ago

Jack Hudson

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Jack continued to hold Tatiana close to him, enjoying the juxtaposition of the warmth of her skin and the chill of the AC unit. As Bazhooli started glancing between Sophia and himself, he couldn't help but feel a bit awkward. They'd just arrived in Newnan that day, after all. It wasn't the time or place for people to be looking at him--not yet. He hadn't earned that. All he really wanted, after all, was to keep Tatiana safe. The entire world could burn, as long as Tatiana would make it out alive.

"Not too often, I hope," Jack said, glancing at Sophia. "You a pefohmah?" Jack asked Bazhooli, stating the obvious. "I grew up in Boylston, the theatah district of Boston...Got a few circuses go through there evehynow and then."

Édouard Riviere

Location: The Truck

Édouard groaned a bit, tugging on his ears in a fit of desperation. If he had to listen to Amelia butcher the French language one more time, he'd lose it. Glancing around him, he considered which was worse: throwing himself from the truck or listening to her use the grammar of an English pig high on cocaine. The ground looked even more tempting, and he forced himself to breath, remembering the anger management exercises his middle sister, Darcey, had been recommended to use by her tutors.

"Si tu déformes le français encore, je te tuerai. Tu me comprends?" Édouard hissed, noticing that the translator was far off, dealing with the walkers as they passed. There'd be no one to tell him off aside from Amelia, and he couldn't help but fantasize about throwing her off of the truck. Perhaps she'd learn to use proper grammar then. It was a kindness on his part, really. He'd be doing her a favor.

Throwing a glance over at Svetlana, Édouard couldn't help but ponder why she continued to pretend to not speak English. Still, each time he began to seriously consider it, those awful bangs seemed to flip the bird at him. Not that it was a hand gesture he wasn't used to receiving in America, of course. His fantasy about brutally murdering Amelia changed, with Svetlana cutting her bangs off at the same time. It'd improve the dimensions of her face and everything. Letting out a content sigh, Édouard closed his eyes, hoping desperately that Amelia would try to say something in French, so he could follow through on his threat.

No one could say he didn't warn her, after all.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Kristina Smith

Location: Building 1 (Lobby --> Infirmary)

As Kristina sat down she listened very closely to the reports that were all coming through the radio, if she wasn't hurt from the damn horse earlier she wanted to go out and help defend her home if she was able to that was. Kristina looked at Niesha as she started to sing and try to calm down the kids, she didn't feel like joining in there were way to many things that were going through her mind. Then she started to hear the loud sound of a heart monitor flat lining, it started to bring up some thoughts of her sister before she died Kris wanted to get in and see if Zoie was alright or not. Then Kristina shook her head when she heard Niesha if she knew any stories growing up, she honestly didn't remember much of her younger years anymore.

Kristina shrugged slightly towards Niesha as she groaned slightly and moved towards the window but still making sure that she wouldn't be seen if the shooter was aiming into the buildings now. "I really don't remember any stories growing up." Kristina said looking at the kids around her age and then the younger ones. Kris didn't go to school that was set up, it was more of a waste of time to her and preferred to be out helping around the fields and livestock. Kris looked back at Niesha asking what she could do to help, she sighed slightly as she went back to sitting down.

"We try and make sure that the kids remain safe, Astrid and Viktor have things covered I think. Just give them space if they need our help then we can. That's the only thing we can do right now." Kristina told Niesha she hated sitting around and doing nothing but she needed to make sure the kids were safe.

Sophia Harris

location: Building 2 (Mess Hall).

Sophia looked towards Bazhooli as he asked her if this happened often, though she had been in Newnan for only a month she had just been released today from the Infirmary. "I've been in the infirmary for the last month." Sophia said lifting up her stumped arm. "But from what I've seen it hasn't happened since." Sophia answered the Russian and then she turned to look at Tatiana as she asked her what happened the last month. "From what I was told, first we had a tornado come through tossing walkers everywhere. Then the Eden people came through and started attacking, but they were killed off. I wasn't there when the attack happened, me and a friend were in a church safest place from the storm that came through. Then I met two others, and there was a huge hoard of walkers coming behind." Sophia paused for a moment the memory of her getting bitten came back and then the sudden amputation. "Well I got bit."

"Anyway I was out cold, but Zoie made a crazy plan she made some interesting little explosives. She and a few others slowly lured the herd away from Newnan and led them to where the Eden people were living at." Sophia told Tatiana, she looked up towards Bazhooli and then Jack as he asked the Russian man if he was a performer. She actually never gone to a circus before when she was growing up, and didn't think much about it at the time. "But yeah that's basically what happened last month."

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Heading South-west

Raymond turned his head to look over at Tiffany and smiled tiredly at her, the morphine was starting to kick in now and he started to feel very tired. "Nice to meet you Tiff." Raymond said quietly as he groaned again as the truck hit another little bump through the woods, then he turned his head towards the French speaker. He didn't understand any of what he was saying, but he knew one word mexicain which he wasn't though his father was. "Besame el culo." Raymond muttered towards Ed. Raymond got the feeling that if he was going to survive he was going to hate him so much already.

Raymond looked towards the other two women in the truck, he wasn't sure about the other two, the ginger seemed to be nice enough and she seemed to hate Ed as well. The other girl seemed to be quiet, as the truck finally made it back onto the main road he started to slowly close his eyes and his head leaned over and laid it onto Tiffany's shoulder his hand still holding onto Tiffany's.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Location: Building one, (Infirmary/courthouse)

Make sure the kids are safe She looked over the kids, and nodded. She could do that. She just wished they weren't close to the infirmary, where she could hear the monitor. Sighing softly and rubbing her eyes, she realised just how weary she was. It had been a long day so far, and all she had wanted to do after the racoon incident, was find Sophie, and go back to their apartment.

Rolling her shoulders, she shifted on the balls of her feet, glancing to the door. She knew they should be safe in here, at least from the dead if there was stiil one walking about, but she still felt like at any moment something could happen. And all she had to defend herself, and the kids was a knife. She knew some of the children had knives to, the older ones at least-she had seen them with them as they hurried to the courthouse, but how many of them would be able to use them for defense? Particularly if it was agaisnt a living person? Or against a walker they had known? How many of them already had faced that?

Those thoughts made Niesha fell like there was a heavy burden on these children's shoulders. We can get society back on track, even if it is living behind walls, but these kids will be the ones to live it, to make it something great, to get back even a little bit of what we lost. Everything we do now has to be for their future... She thought, and I'm standing here trying to think how to occupy them. She thought on how many of them would even have both parents now. She would think some of them would consider themselves lucky to just have one. And she thought on the sweet little girl, scared of the racoon with a tincan on its head. She only had her uncle. How many of them were orphans?

"Well, if worse comes to worse, I could probably quote the first Harry Potter pretty well. I read that book cover to cover so many times as a kid" She said to Kristina with amusement after a moment. "If this goes on much longer, I might run across to the mess hall and get some sandwiches or something for them, what do you think?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Nallore @FantasyChic @rivaan @Morose @Charnobylisk - "Welcome to Franklin," Beni tells you after a decent drive. As you are coming in from the north on the main road, there are various what is looking like blocks but they are maneuvered through easy enough by the men you are traveling with. A shove here, a push back in place there. It looks like it is more set up to deter people from coming through than actually keeping people out. Short term solutions. Eventually making your way through the small down you come to what used to be known as Heard County High School. There is a simple but high chain link fence around the building and the small front parking lot. The gates opened and the "gang" drives in, the gate closed quickly behind them. Pulling up to the front, "Medic" hops out and with the aid of a couple of more that rush out of the front of the building get Raymond inside. At this point, Ray is really going to basically pass out. Losing a limb and all, it's been a long day and he honestly doesn't want to be awake for the next part. Setting his dog down Beni gets off his bike as his two translators come up next to him. "Let's get you folks inside and fed while your friend is being tended to. You may keep your weapons but draw them on anyone here and we won't put a bullet in your head, we'll tie you up as bait for the Munchers," he said sternly before heading towards the building.

Astrid Hansen

Location: Building 1(The OR)

Astrid pressed a small stack of gauze to Froggy's forehead as he worked, dabbing away the sweat before tossing it into the bin and taking the needle from him. Taking a long breath she tossed it into the alcohol with the rest of the instruments that had been used. "Amazing work Victor. I can clean her up from here, you go rest," she said in a calm voice before changing out her gloves just so she wasn't in one caked with Zoie's blood.

Zoie still lay there unmoving but at least her heart was beating now and the wound was stitched up. Glancing out of the corner of her eye she wished Richard would take a step back but she wasn't about to tell the man to back off. Instead she stepped around the other side of the table and did what she could to clean up the mess left over from the gun shot wound, the bullet that had ripped through her flesh sitting in a stainless steel cup on the instrument tray; a reminder of what had for several long moments taken Zoie from them.

The viking woman was beyond grateful that they had a heart surgeon as their doctor. Victors experience was second to none and she wouldn't have trusted anyone else with such a delicate procedure. The man knew far more than some would give him credit for; he was a wealth of knowledge and experience that far out shined the combined knowledge of the entire rest of the people in Newnan when it came to medicine. The man knew the workings of the human body like some people knew the back of their hand. Between his schooling, his years in residency, his years in his profession; he knew things only others dreamt of.

Stepping away from Zoie for a moment Astrid picked up Zoie's radio and sent out a message quickly. "Captain, Zoie is stable." Setting it back down she rolled her shoulders back and sighed slightly. She was stable for now, she just hoped the woman would wake up soon.

Tatiana Korvo

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall: Kitchen)

Tatiana looked up at Jack slowly as she listened to what the town had been through over the last month. It explained a lot but it made her wonder just what this whole Eden thing was. Was it an actual place or just a group or people that called themselves that? And why would they do something like that, attack this town, twice? She understood during this day and age trying to survive but the way it was being told it that they were after the location but to take out the people; which of course did not sit right with her. This place seemed very open and welcoming to people, willing to give everyone a chance. Why go through all that? Was there something more to it or were these just bad people? It wasn't out of the realm of possibility; she had seen horrible things since the outbreak, she had admittedly seen even worse on some levels when she was younger at the tail end of the cold war before she left Russia. Some of those things still haunted her at night.

Turning she looked over towards Miss Sally. "Is anything ve can do?" she asked in a small voice. Miss Sally took a look around and then nodded.

"Actually yes, can you cook?" she asked Tatiana.

"Can follow direction," she said as her fingers curled against Jack. It wasn't that Tatiana didn't know how to cook, she could you know boil water. She knew enough about surviving out there to know how to cook things so they weren't raw; but in the end she didn't know much. She could however follow directions well and she wanted to help; plus if she could help in there it meant she wasn't out there.

"That is good enough for me. Everyone will be busy taking care of this, least we can do is make sure that everyone has food come dinner," Miss Sally said as she motioned for Tatiana to follow her. Nodding nervously she looked back up to Jack and gave him a small kiss on the cheek.

"I just be vith Miz Sally," she said before walking in tiny quick steps to catch up with the older woman. Miss Sally wrapped an arm around the nervous ballerina's shoulder and lead her into the back where to the kitchen was. There was an opening between the kitchen and the mess hall where the food could be laid out and moved to the front easier. It was a simple way to keep an eye on things and would allow Jack to keep an eye on Tatiana while she was back there without too much worry.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tiffany Lyle

Heard County High School

As the group neared their supposed destination, Tiffany looked out to see it was a High School they were driving too. Vivid memories came flashing back to her of her life before she traveled. The old high school she was a part of, the forced labor, the danger, her fiance. She closed her eyes as they continued to drive, trying not to stir too much as Raymond was now resting on her shoulder.

Finally, they stopped. Raymond was quickly gathered before she could say anything. However, the man sternly warned them about their weapons. She was grateful she was allowed to keep them, not only because she felt safer with them on her, but it also reassured her that these people were not about to force them into a situation like she was in before. She wanted to go see Raymond but decided that it would be better if the professionals looked after him, she would hopefully see him later.

Unsure of what to do now, Tiffany followed the man inside the building, assuming he was either the leader or a higher up of this community and may have more info for her.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Bridgette Vinters

Location: Building 6 (Armory) --> Building 1 (Lobby, Office)

Ash didn't have to tell her twice. The feeling of being useless or helpless was maddening. She knew full well that she was useless in a ranged gun battle, her sawed-off notwithstanding. It was a fine weapon for house-to-house combat, and especially useful if an opponent figured that she, like her dearest friend and Battle Sister, stuck to archaic weapons. A shotgun hidden behind a shield played a nasty game of peekaboo, if the occasion called for it. But returning fire against an opponent attacking from a sniping position? Nah. Not within her zone of competence. Yet.

"Yeah, I gotcha. Sweep the Inner Wall, make sure we're all tucked away." said Bridgette, mounting her horse. "Before I forget, there are a group of kids taking shelter in the Schoolhouse and that building across the lot from it. I'm going to check in with them while I'm out there, k?"

"Good." answered Ash with approval. "Check in with the Courthouse first, grab yourself a walkie. Regular updates, okay?"

"Yessir, Cap'n Walldick." Bridgette affirmed, effecting a salute with her shield arm.

"We're going to have to have a talk about that, Bridgette."

"Talk all you like, Bossman. Soon as everyone's safe."

The lack of pithy response indicated the sudden termination of the conversation. With an odd feeling of self-awareness, Bridgette came to the realization that, while James had demonstrated an often peculiar sense of humor to help himself and others through stressful situations, the Neo-Valkyrie herself used sarcasm and playful antagonization to attempt the same effect. It was a coping mechanism, as well as an attempt to comfort. The difficulty in this pertinent psychological puzzle piece was that she used the same method (plus aggravated profanity) for nearly everything else.

She nudged Cadence through the doors from which they had both entered earlier, leaning far down on the saddle so as not to be scraped off the top of her noble steed by the upper reaches of the door frame. As soon as they cleared the building, Bridgette spurred her equine partner into action, exploding across the way in tiny seconds.

Nearing the Courthouse doors, the unladylike lady executed a low speed dismount and led Cadence inside. Yup, this was a day for her horse to see were the two-legged folk live, whether they like it or not. She lightly lashed the reins to a nearby fixture, and turned to the group of kids. Ok, the older students were fine. She noted that they had adult supervision. "...kinda...", she mused internally. Niesha and Kristina were still pushing air past her teeth, she noticed.

Seemingly pressed for time, Bridgette spoke in a single, flowing run-on sentence as she walked. "Good to see you're still alive touch my fucking horse and I'll impale you where are the walkies?" Her eyes darted back and forth for a moment, as if trying to remember something. "Nevermind..."

Bridgette twirled her spear into an underhanded grip and strode to a nearby office. She wasn't sure where she'd clip the thing, but that was Step Two.

Black James!

Location: Building 6 (Armory) --> Building 1 (Lobby)

James watched the choppy conversation between Ash and Bridgette, followed by the tall woman's equestrian exit. For a moment, he imagined what life would be like if he could drive his truck everywhere. Like, literally everywhere. Of course, a newer model Silverado isn't as nimble as a trained mount, but he amused himself nonetheless with mental images of him behind the wheel of Chocolate Thunder (yes, it was a Dick-ism, thank you very much), making like the Kool-Aid Man - slamming through plate glass and mortared brick for such mundane tasks as grocery shopping or accessing a public restroom.

About the time his brain was playing the possible scene of slamming through the wall of a hospital room, screaming, "Remember yo breathin, hon! Now, let's BIRTH THIS MOMMA! WHOOO!", Bridgette and Horse had already disappeared out of the Armory, the muffled sound of retreating hoofbeats the only evidence that she was even there to begin with. James gave a quick smile to Ash, and moved to carry out his orders. Jogging out of the building (and careful to keep a watchful eye out for unexpected movement around him), he saw the tail end of Cadence disappear around the corner of the Courthouse. "Thanks for offerin' a lift!" he drawled out in his atypical South Georgian accent. "I just can't believe this. Hot damn Apocalypse, anna Brother still can't get a cab. Aw, hell..." James wasn't a fan of running, unless he absolutely had to.

About a minute later, Black James(!) found himself entering the front doors of the Courthouse. The first thing he noticed was that the kids from earlier had made it in. Well, all except for the one that had his heart ripped out by gunfire. (Damn, he just made himself sad.) The second thing he noticed was the great warhorse standing to the side of the Lobby. It threw him off for just a second, a horse in the Courthouse Lobby. Any other day, that would be weird. Back to the task at hand - he had a job to do. But he could spare a second or two to see to his people.

"Kris, Niesha, y'all and the young'uns alright?"

Ash Holloway

Location: Building 6 (Armory) --> Parking Lot between Building 6 (Armory) and Building E (Apartments), heading South to the Mess Hall

The reports kept coming in, passing along information as requested. It was a little maddening, however. Though the network of information was flowing as expected, very little of it was useful. All clear, all quiet, no one noticed whatsoever. People dead, zero trace of the ones responsible. He wanted answers. More than that, he wanted the people who had dared to fire on his people on their knees in front of him, offering up any reason why they shouldn't get the Red-Handled Machete treatment. His own rage was buried just underneath a veneer of responsibility; duty to his people was still more important than chasing down his own bloodlust.

But you want to, don't you, Captain?

It was his primary duty, at that time, to process incoming information and belt out the best course of action, to his judgement. Formulate a plan, give orders, maybe even shoot a few people if he could line it up. It was more difficult than it looked.

Then one message came through his radio, lending a more suspicious aspect to the attack. "Boss, we got a problem. Our sighter is dead, single bullet to the head but that makes no sense. We only heard four shots and all are accounted for. Think they used a silencer?"

A silenced shot? If that were the case, and the others were loud and dirty, then this was a message. Psychological, maybe, or a distraction. But a distraction would have already been followed up by the exploitation of their actual target. Well, he couldn't know enough to make a decision without more and accurate information. Ash spoke into his radio, "I've got Mr. Grady headed up to the Tower to take over. Until he gets there, I want you to look around for the bullet, if there's an exit wound. Get a trajectory if you can. I want to know where that shot was fired from."

Ashton shook his head. There were vulnerabilities to the Newnan Safe Zone. He knew this going in, but it represented the best chance for survival at that time for himself and his people. Now the debate raged in his head: Does he order the all out assault on Eden? Or does he have the town bolster their defensive measures? A thing that can be exploited now is a thing that can be exploited later, and there will always be people who want what they have.

Priority dictated that he see to the town first, so that's what he intended on doing. The other question could wait for a little bit. He had to gather more information before settling on a decision like that. Luckily, there was a guy in the Courthouse holding cells that might be persuaded to give up some of that information. Ash was a little fuzzy on what form or persuasion he wanted to use, but it likely wouldn't involve flowers.

Suddenly, his choppy train of thought was interrupted by the first piece of good news he had gotten since this thing began. It was Astrid, imparting a sweet, three-word chunk of relief: Zoie is stable. Good. Damned good. "THAT is excellent news, Astrid. If she's awake, you make sure she stays resting. If she isn't, don't wake her. I've got this for a while."

Ashton nodded to himself, glad to get the message. Most everyone was doing exactly what they needed to, the cogs of the great machine that was Newnan were fixed to each other and turning, at least as well as can be expected. It was time for him to do what he said he was going to, when he was passing out assignments. Stepping back out into the sunlight, Ash began jogging back down to the Mess Hall, to see to the new arrivals.

The Great Bazhooli

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

From what the girl in the wheelchair said, it appeared that a hostile group took advantage of the damage from a storm, rolling into Newnan and causing general mayhem. But it did not explain why an armed group would be waiting for such an opportunity. This was something to discuss with the guys in charge, certainly. Now a month later the same people were back, taking pot shots at whomever they pleased. Yeah, this warranted a talk.

It was the mention of the word "performer", such as it was, that caused his face to brighten somewhat. The other man in the room had said it, with an accent almost as uncommon to the area as his own. "Da, da. I am Performer, yes. Family for generations, going back to Old Country; I am last survivor of Russian Bazhooli Family! We have done fantastic feats of Cutlery Prestidigitation; exhibitions of Impalement Arts which dazzle and amaze. I am, last and only, The Great Bazhooli."

The showy, moustachioed man gave a sweeping bow in Jack's direction. "Now," he began, looking to those present, "...who are the all of you, and vhat did you before... vell, Before?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 26 min ago

Amelia Payne

Location: In the truck then Heard County High School.

‘Must resist urge to hit him with the bat over the head…!’ Amelia thought, getting more and more angry at Ed. That man was clearly not trustworthy! Leaving him free to do as he pleased would cause whomever he met great pains later. She still wasn’t sure if he wouldn’t do something really stupid soon, he did seem the type. An idea of regret snuck itself into her head, wondering if it wouldn’t have been better to just leave him to die back in the car wreck… ‘I’m not such a person!’ She tried to convince herself she did the right thing, trying to now ignore him as best as she could. Maybe not giving him any attention would hurt him more actually.

“Alright…” Amelia finally said when Beni came to tell them the simple rules for the moment of not causing any troubles… given Ed’s persona that would bite him in the ass pretty much right away. He seemed to attract trouble like magnet. In her case she was at least kind of lucky her gun didn’t even have bullets! Or was that really lucky? That was more unlucky than anything. Having loaded gun could safe her in the future, but she was out of ammo and didn’t really find any more while traveling. Thus she simply followed the rules given to her by Beni and towards where they needed to go now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Kristina Smith

Location: Building 1 (Lobby --> Infirmary)

"I remember I used to read those books growing up, they were pretty good." Kristina said as she heard Astrid's voice over the radio and sighed softly to herself hearing that Zoie was stable now. She then turned her attention back towards Niesha and shook her head she didn't think going out to the Mess Hall right now would be a good idea when she didn't even know if the shooter was still there or not. "I think Miss Sally has the food making under control, we just need to stay put until we are given the all clear." Kristina suggested she was slightly antsy herself and having to stay still until the all clear was announced.

Kris then heard the door open and the familiar sound of hooves as she saw Bridgette the resident foul mouth already clad in her armor she rolled her eyes slightly at Bridgette's comment about touching Cadence. "Don't worry i'm not going to touch him, not going to get anywhere near a horse anytime soon." Kristina said as she gestured her head towards the office where some of the radios were being held. Then a few seconds later Black James came rolling in she gave him a smile and then looked towards Niesha and then the children that were gathered up in the lobby. "Shaken up a bit, but we are doing alright." Kristina answered as she brushed some hair out of her face. "Is there anything else we can do to help out?"

Sophia Harris

location: Building 2 (Mess Hall).

Sophia looked towards Tatiana as she asked if there was anything that she could do to help, she wanted to help as well but she was still trying to adjust doing things one handed which would take sometime for her to adjust. She turned her attention back towards Bazhooli and then Jack. "I've actually never been to a circus before growing up." Sophia said and then smiled slightly at his next question as she thought about her past work. "I'm Sophia Harris, before the shit happened I worked as a construction foreman. I used to also operate heavy machinery and the like." Sophia answered.

She didn't mind getting to know the new comers they seemed pretty nice to her so far though Sophia didn't trust them yet completely the timing was a little bit off with the shooting that had just happened. "So uhm where were you guys when things started to happen?" Sophia asked, shuddering slightly at her first encounter with a walker after waking up in the plane wreckage.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Charnobylisk
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Richard Johnson

Location: Building 1 (Main - OR)

Richard had watched Froggy work so many times but this was a whole other level. He felt like he was intruding on something almost god damn fucking magical. He couldn't remember the last time that he had breathed as he watched his closest friend and Astrid working on his Daisy. He was so grateful then for both of them and what they did, it gave him an appreciation that he had not felt in a long, long time. He felt the beads of sweat forming on his skin and sliding down into areas of great discomfort but he didn't move an inch. His grip on Zoie's hand was most likely painful to her had she been conscious but he had to hold on tight, so that she would be able to feel it. He didn't let go. He was never going to let go.

A gasp of air when Astrid gave the all clear and Froggy moved off to clean up caused him to begin to sob. He felt Astrid moving around him to clean up the mess that was Zoie's blood all over the place. It had got onto his clothing but he didn't care. It was the least of his worries. He stood there, Zoie's hand in his own as he sobbed, struggling for breath as he let it all out. His straggled breaths shifted his sobs into full blown tears and the salted droplets poured forth. There was no stopping them now.

Richard couldn't bear to look at Astrid as he tried to wipe his face with the sleeves and his shoulders. He shifted his other hand up to Zoie's head where he began to stroke her hair down and leaned his face into hers and rested his forehead against his Daisy's head. He was a damn fool.

Svetlana Volkov

Location: In the truck >> Heard County High School

Having kept to herself the entire journey here, Svetlana was actually feeling a little more relieved at their situation. She still didn't trust these fuckers as far as she could throw them (and that really wasn't fucking far) but she was willing to give them a slight benefit of the doubt for now. When they didn't ask her to give up her weapons she realised that they must be way more secure here than she had anticipated but that caused her to worry even more.

She didn't plan on attacking anyone that didn't attack her first. Well, except maybe Ed but he'd probably think that was her idea of foreplay and he'd assume she was hitting on him. He just had that sex mad maniac look about him. If the world hadn't gone to shit she'd probably have mounted him like a gymnastics bar. Another conquest to put under her belt to piss off her father even if he would never know. It was the principle of the matter. But with the world the way that it was now she didn't let people into her circle of trust easily. Hyde had been the first and last.

She decided she'd give the translator a laugh and smirked before speaking out for the first time since they'd all met on the road. "Znachit li eto vklyuchat' mudak zdes'?" Her fingers pointed directly at Ed and she gave an innocent look before she grinned as she watched the reaction of the translator and waited for him to pass her message on to his leader.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 days ago

Jack Hudson

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Jack positioned himself so that he could interact with the rest of the group, as well as watch Tatiana as she helped Miss Sally. At any sign of trouble, he'd rush in there as quick as he could, and get her to safety. It didn't matter if it was a grease fire or a walker: he'd be there. Bazhooli's show brought a smile to his face, reminding him more and more of his childhood.

"I was a cop," Jack explained, instinctively holding out his hand. Old habits die hard--especially in the apocalypse. "Things went south in Chicago and..."

His voice trailed off, breaking slightly. Tears filled his eyes, recalling his last memory of his mother. Despite trying to convince himself that it hadn't been her he'd seen, he knew that it was. His mother had been the first walker he'd ever seen, and he had run. He ran when Sutton was surrounded, when she sacrificed herself for him. The guilt was a lot to deal with, even though none of it had been his fault. Everyone had choices to make, it was simple, but Jack wanted to save the world. He'd be happy with just saving Tatiana, however.

"You do not wanna be a cop in Chicago, trust me," Jack chuckled, attempting to think of happier moments. "Almost got sent to Detroit once...That would've been a hell of a transfah."

Édouard Riviere

Location: The Truck ---> Heard County High School (Franklin)

Édouard snickered a bit, catching the tail end of Ray's sentence. The word sounded awfully similar to the French cut, sometimes translated as ass. The only problem, of course, was that it was the way little kids would refer to butts and the like. It would've fit in well with French equivalents for "the no no zone" "bathing suit parts" "wennie." Raising his finger slightly, Édouard pointed at Ray, about to motion for Svetlana, but it was far too funny. He kept laughing, slapping his (sore) leg and wincing a bit from the pain, but all too amused at the fact that a grown ass man had talked like a five year old.

"Tu parles comme un bébé!" Édouard exclaimed in explanation. Realizing that his translator still hadn't returned, Édouard obnoxiously mimed rocking a baby back and forth, and then rubbed his balled up hands by his eyes to mimic crying. All of this in order to make fun of the recently amputated man. And when Ray dropped his head onto Tiffany's shoulder, Édouard feigned kissie faces, motioning for Svetlana to join in. "Regarde! Il a une petite amie!"

He hardly stowed his teasing for the rest of the ride. He observed the various obstacles and chain fences without even pausing to consider what they signified. From the few occasions his family had to go into a safe house, they were a bit commonplace. It didn't phase him in the slightest, and he wouldn't have been shocked if his sister, Darcey, came and decked him. It had been her usual method of greeting, for some strange reason.

Listening intently to his translator's explanations as they entered the high school, Édouard did let his gaze stray to Tiffany, looking more south than was appropriate. Licking his lips slightly, Édouard then shook his head a bit. Svetlana might have been a horrible driver, and those bangs were slowly but surely killing him, but she had somehow endeared herself to him. Resolving to invite Svetlana to his room (because, of course, they'd have to give him a private room), Édouard let out a contented sigh. At her pointing at him, Édouard grinned widely.

Of course she wanted him, it was only natural.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Location: Building one, (Infirmary/courthouse)

Giving a soft, relieved sigh, Niesha decided to leave the kids to themselves. They could surely find a way to pass the time, better then they could. She nodded to Kristina, She suspected that if the shooter was still around, then there would have been more shots, especially in the confusion of getting the kids to safety. Still, she didn't want to worry Kristina, so she'd stay. Hopefully it wouldn't take long.

At the arrival of Bridgette, and her horse, Niesha had the kids move back, and tried her best to keep the kids away from the animal, especially after Bridgette told them not to touch Candance. Niesha had had enough of horse, for now. She still thought if Sophie had been on the horse, she wouldn't have gotten bitten. And then there was the craziness today.

She gave a soft sigh, and decided not to say anything.

When James entered, it was a relief. She doubted he was there for long, but it was nice to be checked up on, and not yelled at to not touch a horse. "No troubles so far" She said, "The kids seem okay, and that's all that matters" And wasn't that just a little bit sad, that they were okay with all this, after some of them had seen one of them killed. She ran a hand through her hair, wearily. "Do you know if all the people shot are accounted for?"
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