Avatar of Nallore


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7 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds Iā€™m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad Iā€™m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

@Morose Do it! Riley like I said would be my next replacement in here just got to mod her for TWD.
@Lady Amalthea It was like what 3 times we thought Ed would get killed off? :P And I guess now Ray will never get an awesome robotic leg anymore.
@Lady Amalthea I notice every time there is a night before we do a timeskip here theres a slew of character deaths lol.
Well I guess now I can start working on my replacement for her. :P

Damn it I was getting so damn attached to Sophia. :( Since this is my second character death I wish for the plot armor given to Kristina.
Riley Ridgeway

Location: Classic Building 3D - Basement Level (Lawson's Apartment) -> Classic Building 3C (Riley & Cecily's Apartment)

Riley watched as Marc started putting the guns back into the duffle bag, she looked over towards Felix. "It was something my friend Ronnie found, his friend who we know Danica found it originally but shes dead now." She said towards Felix as she started to head back outside and towards the shed and opened the door to the large stash of weapons were in. Riley knelt down and made sure that they were zipped up tight and started to make her way back towards Lawson's. "Well I know for one thing the whole Expendables cast could be jizzing their pants with all of these guns." Riley said jokingly. When Marc said they were going to be putting them into her apartment she wasn't sure if that would be a good idea or not.

"You know I have a roommate right? I sort of don't want her to get involved in all of this, I can keep them locked in my bedroom but we either have to move them eventually again or we have to get a shit ton of locks on my closet for all of these guns." Riley said she had a feeling that they weren't getting the police involved in this yet, she didn't even trust that detective Roy who was in her apartment earlier, she didn't want to get her roommate involved into all of this she knew that Cecily had a lot of stuff on her mind as it was and she didn't need anymore problems. "Anyway are we going to this gun trade thing then or just hiding them?" Riley asked as she set down on of the bags and pulled out her apartment keys to open her apartment.

Riley started making her way back up the steps she looked around trying to make sure that no one would see the duffle bags that she was carrying. Once she was in her room Riley started making her way towards her bedroom and went towards the walk in closet and started moving some of her things around finding a hiding spot enough for all of the duffle bags and set the two she had down.

Sophia Harris

location: Outside of Building 6 (Armory) -> Building 1 (Infirmary)

Sophia nodded when Dick answered her question, she jumped suddenly when she heard a scream coming from within the armory she quickly followed Dick towards the entrance of the armory she stood just outside. Sophia then saw Richard carrying an injured Tom out of the building, seeing the flash burns all over the man's body. "I'll come help once Tom is settled in there." Sophia said towards Richard as she saw him running off towards the shop, she gently took Tom's arm over her shoulder feeling the man's body weight on her. "Just hold onto me alright?" Sophia said as she groaned slightly slowly making her way towards the armory she heard Richard yelling out for Meg to help her out. Even though she could easily handle carrying someone it would make things a bit faster, a few seconds later Sophia saw Meg coming over taking Tom's other arm feeling some of the weight off of her now they both started making their way towards the armory.

"Thank you." Sophia said with a soft smile towards Meg as they made it towards the armory, she turned her head towards Ashton asking for a report on what happened. She heard Black James' voice on the radio she didn't even know that he was in there until now, but he answered his question. She and Meg both walked into the infirmary seeing Tatiana and Kris there the two of them rushed Tom into the infirmary. "The water heater in the armory went off, that's what caused the explosion, Tom went back into the building for some reason and got burned." She told Froggy, Niesha, Tatiana and Kris.

Sophia and Meg got Tom onto one of the beds and went over towards Niesha and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'm fine I have to get back and help before anything else explodes." She told her before heading back out and started running back towards the armory she ran past Bazhooli and Jack.

Kristina Smith

Location: Building 1 (Infirmary)

Kristina looked at Tatiana seeing the confused look on the woman's face as Kris helped her she looked over towards Niesha and smiled at her friend as she introduced herself to Tatiana she stood just outside of the room to the infirmary letting Froggy and Niesha do their thing. Kris quickly turned her head as she saw Sophia and Meg coming into the infirmary with a badly burned Tom in tow, she shuddered slightly seeing the burns on Tom. She wasn't sure what she could do to help out but Kris was willing to help out if they did actually need her to help out.

Kris listened to Sophia as she explained what had happened to Tom as she walked into the room once Tom was in the infirmary bed Kristina watched Sophia kiss Niesha on the cheek and then heading out of the room. "Is there anyway I could help out?" Kristina asked looking over at Froggy she didn't have anything else to do she couldn't run over and help the others. And Kris couldn't help out in the fields for the next two days, she just really wanted to feel useful.

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building 1 (Outside)

Once Meg finished helping out Sophia carrying Tom to the armory she started to head back out she headed over towards Ashton she saw the slight flash of concern on his face before it quickly faded. "Will do." Meghna said as she started to head towards the motor pool as she walked around until she found a white sedan she was the most comfortable driving with. Meg went towards the building and grabbed the keys to the car and started her way towards the sedan. Meghna set her pack in the backseat of the car and closed the drivers side door and started up the sedan's engine. Meg stopped for a moment seeing her brother Sid nearby and waved him over, she didn't have any other partner at the moment. "Sid your joining me." Meg called to him. He nodded slightly as he made his way to the car and got inside.

Meg slowly started to drive down Lagrange Street she stopped the car at the main gate she shut off the engine and rolled down the window looking out the window as she waited for Ashton and whoever else had volunteered to go out and save their own people. She wasn't sure why she even wanted to go in the first place. But Meg knew she couldn't let their own people stay outside wherever they were.
Seraphina Adams

Location: The Church
Interacting With: The Church Crew

Once Amy had finished up patching her shoulder up Sera slowly adjusted her shirt so that it was covering her wound wincing slightly as she turned her attention towards Aloise as she asked her how she knew. "I guess, I've been hearing voices in my head since I was little. And not the crazy ones where they tell me to shoot up schools or anything." Seraphina answered as she gave Amy a slight nod as Sera stood up looking at Liam for a moment. "Her last words were to help protect him. Also Sariel was talking to someone else named Azrael to." Sera said gesturing towards the Prophet sighing slightly and ran a hand through her hair. "You guys probably think i'm crazy anyway." Seraphina turned her head as she saw the door opening her expression changed when she saw that crazy kid from earlier.

"Stay the hell away from that kid there really isn't something right about him, I saw him earlier on my way into the town.." Seraphina warned she got that weird vibe from the kid just like earlier something was off and she didn't know what but from earlier she got the feeling that the kid was evil she stumbled slightly as she looked at him. Then she heard him scream and looked around as she saw what little glass that didn't get shattered did, Sera thought about reaching for her gun but realized that she had dropped it earlier.
*Pokes @Vicier@Caits@BlackPanther* You guys havent posted in awhile. Please post when you can and we can continue. :)
@Morose Yep I know. :) Ill get it up when I'm home. :)
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