Avatar of Nallore


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds Iā€™m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad Iā€™m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

@heylissaaaaa Hi there and welcome to RPG! :D If you ever want to RP or chat feel free to ask! :)
Will have a post up later tonight. At least no one died or lost a limb yet lol. :P
@Zynros Interesting ability but if you could expand on his bio and personality give out more details like where he was born, childhood life how he discovered his abilities and things like that. Deepen the personality a bit like what makes him happy, sad, angry ect. Also add a picture either real or drawn to go with the description.
@ParagonX Hey my old friend I'm in. :)
Bumps. Added MCU to the list of fandoms.
@BeautifulSnow Pictures don't work, but other than that everything looks good. :)

Location: Her Home -> School Hallway
Interacting With: No one

Sophia groaned loudly when she felt a lot of weight flop down on top of her and then a wet tongue licking at her face causing her to groan loudly, looking up face to face with Gatsby. Her grandparents golden retriever, she awkwardly shifted around as she reached for her phone to see what time it was and that she was already starting to run really late for class. "Sorry about this buddy." Sophia said as she shoved the large dog off of her, he looked up at her wagging his tail thinking that it was play. She started searching through her clothes pulling out a pair of shorts and a tshirt as well, a few seconds later Sophia got fully changed into her regular clothes.

She headed down the stairs looking around she saw a note on the fridge seeing a note from her grandmother she had gone to do some shopping. "At least I wont have to deal with a lecture for over sleeping." Sophia said to herself as she grabbed her books and just shoved them down into her backpack and then reached into the cabinet and grabbed a power bar as well as a slice of cheese. Gatsby looked up at her and barked loudly, she smiled slightly as she went and grabbed his dog food and started to fill his water bowl she set them down onto the floor. "Eat up big boy, I just hope that I didn't miss anything good." Sophia said to herself as she rushed out the backdoor, she grabbed her bike and her helmet slipping her backpack over onto her back.

Sophia started to push her bike forward and opened the back gate and made sure that it was closed, once she was there she pulled out her phone she pulled out a pair of ear buds from her backpack putting on somemusic started to play. Sophia started riding her bike down the side of the road going pas some parked cars she would smile and nod towards some of the neighbors as Sophia made her way through the center of town.

It wasn't that far of a ride and she preferred to use her bike over the bus just to save time, she rarely ever slept in late on a school day. Sophia sighed once she saw the school in the distance she quickly got off of her bike setting her bike down on one of the bike racks outside. Making sure that it was locked and secure Sophia started to make her way into the school and to her locker setting her backpack inside as well as some of her books she pulled out one that she needed. Sophia wrapped the cheese around the power bar and started to eat it, then she tossed it into the trash can.

Kristina Smith

Location: Building 1 (Infirmary)

Kristina nodded slightly as she limped over and sat down next to Tatiana just to make sure that the girl had company and if something did happen she would be there right away. "So where are you from?" Kristina asked looking over towards Niesha it had been a bit of a crazy day for everyone with the shooting. And then now all of these explosions she closed her eyes for a moment and sighed quietly missing her older sister and wondered what she would have done in a situation like this. She always was the person to go to for planning things and always did her best to help out others.

As Kris opened her eyes again she heard the bed shaking that Tom was in and quickly got up and moved over she didn't even know what she could do to help. She remembered watching TV when someone was convulsing they went to hold their head still which was what she was doing, Kristina could see the pain in Tom's eyes. Then just as quickly as it started Tom's body went limp and his eyes closed, at first she thought he had lost consciousness. She waited for a minute to see if Tom was breathing, but when she didn't see any Kristina moved her head towards Tom's chest.

When she didn't hear a heartbeat Kristina sighed loudly to herself looking towards Tatiana gasping, there was nothing else anyone could do as far as she knew. Kristina took out her knife looking towards Niesha for a moment, it would be a matter of time before Tom would come back as a Walker. Kris tilted Tom's head to the side and quickly thrusted her knife into the base of Tom's skull, she hated doing that to the people she knew or cared for. She had done it to her sister a month pervious Kristina then slowly pulled the knife out of the back of Tom's skull. "He was going to turn." Kris said as she moved away and looked down for a moment she wasn't sure if Niesha would scold her or not.

Riley Ridgeway

Loctation: Outside of Franklin, GA

As Riley continued to travel on foot stopping every now and then to make sure that no one or a walker would get the jump on her, she could still hear the gunshots out in the distance. "Hope they don't draw any attention to walkers.." Riley said to herself as she remained low hiding behind the husks of cars. She would occasionally look into some of them or even open a few doors here and there to see if there was anything of use for her. When she couldn't find anything of use Riley sighed to herself, she really hated traveling alone with no one she could trust. Some days Riley did truly miss the days she was with her group, and her sister Chloe, even though when they were younger they truly never saw eye to eye on things. Chloe was the prodigy child and she was just the street rat of the family, running a hand through her hair she wished she didn't leave Chloe behind. She didn't know at the time if she was living or not, the group told her to leave her and she didn't want to.

Then Riley started to hear the gunfire slowing and eventually it stopped, she moved her head up as she started to hear a vehicle driving she quickly lowered herself down hiding behind a sedan. Riley looked through a shattered window as she saw a red ford pickup truck driving past along with several other trucks and cars. Riley remained as still as she could closing her eyes as she reached for her M9 in case they stopped. There were several there she couldn't fight all of them, so she decided to wait until they all left maybe investigate the area where the trucks and cars had come from. Riley knew that they would take awhile for all the vehicles to pass since the roads were littered with abandoned cars.

Meghna Kumar

Location: The Main Gates -> On the Road

Meghna nodded once the gates were open Meg started to drive off through the main inner gate and then shortly after the outer gate as well and outside of Newnan. Meg wasn't sure where exactly they were going just yet as Meg brought her radio up to speak to Ash in the Buster who was just behind her. "Where would Astrid say she would be at again?" Meghna asked as she continued to drive ahead looking out the window as she rolled it down letting some air go through her hair. It had been a month since she had left Newnan she made sure that she drove carefully to avoid anything in the road.

She would drive past a few walkers and some cars that had been abandoned Meg was worried about Astrid and Bridgette since they had left to go to this other settlement. And leaving Newnan behind with those explosions from earlier, it would have bound to attract attention of several walkers as well.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Road to Newnan and a herd of walkers.

Raymond slowly started to open his eyes again all the voices around him were muffled it felt like as he slowly moved his head to the side, Ray's vision was extremely blurry as he tried to get himself reoriented. Ray's vision started to finally clear up seeing Astrid handing Tiffany her sword. Telling Tiffany if she blacked out to make sure she didn't turn, Ray was surprised still Astrid didn't seem to be scared about dying like he was. Though Ray got out lucky he had just lost his leg when he got bit, he actually should have died by now but so far he was still alive.

Ray groaned slightly he remained still as he listened around him, he heard an unfamiliar voice to him as Astrid spoke to the newcomer. If she was there to help he would have to trust her anyway, Ray reached over towards Tiffany's hand to let her know he was still alive and hanging in there. "Are we there yet?" Raymond finally asked remembering as a child he always asked that to his parents whenever they were in a really long car ride to some relatives.
@BlackPanther It's all good just giving ya the greenlight to just bunny whoevers with you to the lake if you need it take your time. :)
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